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In this article, the multivariate normal distribution with a Kronecker product structured covariance matrix is studied. Particularly focused is the estimation of a Kronecker structured covariance matrix of order three, the so called double separable covariance matrix. The suggested estimation generalizes the procedure proposed by Srivastava et al. (2008 Srivastava , M. , von Rosen , T. , von Rosen , D. ( 2008 ). Models with a Kronecker product covariance structure: Estimation and testing Mathemat. Meth. Statist. 17 : 357370 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) for a separable covariance matrix. The restrictions imposed by separability and double separability are also discussed.  相似文献   

For two or more populations of which the covariance matrices have a common set of eigenvectors, but different sets of eigenvalues, the common principal components (CPC) model is appropriate. Pepler et al. (2015 Pepler, P. T., Uys, D. W. and Nel, D. G. (2015). Regularised covariance matrix estimation under the common principal components model. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. (In press). [Google Scholar]) proposed a regularized CPC covariance matrix estimator and showed that this estimator outperforms the unbiased and pooled estimators in situations, where the CPC model is applicable. This article extends their work to the context of discriminant analysis for two groups, by plugging the regularized CPC estimator into the ordinary quadratic discriminant function. Monte Carlo simulation results show that CPC discriminant analysis offers significant improvements in misclassification error rates in certain situations, and at worst performs similar to ordinary quadratic and linear discriminant analysis. Based on these results, CPC discriminant analysis is recommended for situations, where the sample size is small compared to the number of variables, in particular for cases where there is uncertainty about the population covariance matrix structures.  相似文献   

This article presents procedures for testing hypothesis and interval estimation of the common mean vector in MANOVA models when the covariance matrices are unknown and unequal. The methods are based on the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval. Some important statistical properties of the exact test and confidence region are given. For two multivariate normal populations, a minor modification to the combined tests given by Zhou and Mathew (1994a Zhou , L. P. , Mathew , T. ( 1994a ). Combining independent tests in multivariate linear models . J. Multivariate Anal. 51 : 265276 . [Google Scholar]) is proposed. Some simulation results to compare the performance of the proposed tests with others are reported. The simulation results indicate that new tests have significant gain in the power.  相似文献   

Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are unknown, arbitrary positive definite and unequal are considered. This problem of testing has been studied to some extent, for example, by Kulatunga and Sasabuchi (1984 Kulatunga, D. D. S., Sasabuchi, S. (1984). A test of homogeneity of mean vectors against multivariate isotonic alternatives. Mem Fac Sci, Kyushu Univ Ser A Mathemat 38:151161. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are known and also Sasabuchi et al. (2003 Sasabuchi, S., Tanaka, K., Tsukamodo, T. (2003). Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are common but unknown. Annals of Statistics. 31(5):15171536.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Sasabuchi (2007 Sasabuchi, S. (2007). More powerful tests for homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction. Sankhya 69(4):700716. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are unknown but common. In this paper, a test statistic is proposed and because of the main advantage of the bootstrap test is that it avoids the derivation of the complex null distribution analytically, a bootstrap test statistic is derived and since the proposed test statistic is location invariance the bootstrap p-value defined logical and some steps are presented to estimate it. Our numerical studies via Monte Carlo simulation show that the proposed bootstrap test can correctly control the type I error rates. The power of the test for some of the p-dimensional normal distributions is computed by Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the null distribution of test statistic is estimated using kernel density. Finally, the bootstrap test is illustrated using a real data.  相似文献   

The Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM; Tusher et al., 2001 Tusher , V. G. , Tibshirani , R. , Chu , G. ( 2001 ). Significance analysis of microarrys applied to the ionizing radiation response . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 : 51165121 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) method is widely used in analyzing gene expression data while controlling the FDR by using resampling-based procedure in the microarray setting. One of the main components of the SAM procedure is the adjustment of the test statistic. The introduction of the fudge factor to the test statistic aims at deflating the large value of test statistics due to the small standard error of gene-expression. Lin et al. (2008 Lin , D. , Shkedy , Z. , Burzykowski , T. , Göhlmann , H. W. H. , De Bondt , A. , Perera , T. , Geerts , T. , Bijnens , L. ( 2008 ). Significance analysis of microarray (SAM) for comparisons of several treatments with one control . Biometric Journal, MCP 50 ( 5 ): 801823 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) pointed out that the fudge factor does not effectively improve the power and the control of the FDR as compared to the SAM procedure without the fudge factor in the presence of small variance genes. Motivated by the simulation results presented in Lin et al. (2008 Lin , D. , Shkedy , Z. , Burzykowski , T. , Göhlmann , H. W. H. , De Bondt , A. , Perera , T. , Geerts , T. , Bijnens , L. ( 2008 ). Significance analysis of microarray (SAM) for comparisons of several treatments with one control . Biometric Journal, MCP 50 ( 5 ): 801823 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), in this article, we extend our study to compare several methods for choosing the fudge factor in the modified t-type test statistics and use simulation studies to investigate the power and the control of the FDR of the considered methods.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the economic benefit of methods that have been suggested to optimally sample (in an MSE sense) high-frequency return data for the purpose of realized variance/covariance estimation in the presence of market microstructure noise (Bandi and Russell, 2005a Bandi , F. M. , Russell , J. R. ( 2005a ). Realized covariation, realized beta, and microstructure noise . Working paper . [Google Scholar], 2008 Bandi , F. M. , Russell , J. R. ( 2008 ). Microstructure noise, realized variance, and optimal sampling . Review of Economic Studies , forthcoming . [Google Scholar]). We compare certainty equivalents derived from volatility-timing trading strategies relying on optimally-sampled realized variances and covariances, on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 5 minutes, and on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 15 minutes. In our sample, we show that a risk-averse investor who is given the option of choosing variance/covariance forecasts derived from MSE-based optimal sampling methods versus forecasts obtained from 5- and 15-minute intervals (as generally proposed in the literature) would be willing to pay up to about 80 basis points per year to achieve the level of utility that is guaranteed by optimal sampling. We find that the gains yielded by optimal sampling are economically large, statistically significant, and robust to realistic transaction costs.  相似文献   

We adopt boosting for classification and selection of high-dimensional binary variables for which classical methods based on normality and non singular sample dispersion are inapplicable. Boosting seems particularly well suited for binary variables. We present three methods of which two combine boosting with the relatively classical variable selection methods developed in Wilbur et al. (2002 Wilbur , J. D. , Ghosh , J. K. , Nakatsu , C. H. , Brouder , S. M. , Doerge , R. W. ( 2002 ). Variable selection in high-dimensional multivariate binary data with application to the analysis of microbial community DNA fingerprints . Biometrics 58 : 378386 . [Google Scholar]). Our primary interest is variable selection in classification with small misclassification error being used as validation of proposed method for variable selection. Two of the new methods perform uniformly better than Wilbur et al. (2002 Wilbur , J. D. , Ghosh , J. K. , Nakatsu , C. H. , Brouder , S. M. , Doerge , R. W. ( 2002 ). Variable selection in high-dimensional multivariate binary data with application to the analysis of microbial community DNA fingerprints . Biometrics 58 : 378386 . [Google Scholar]) in one set of simulated and three real life examples.  相似文献   

In this article, we obtained a dependence measure for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) family in view of Kochar and Gupta (1987 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1987 ). Competitors of Kendall-tau test for testing independence against PQD . Biometrika 74 ( 3 ): 664669 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and then compared this measure with Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau in FGM family. Moreover, we evaluated the empirical power of the class of distribution-free tests proposed by Kochar and Gupta (1987 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1987 ). Competitors of Kendall-tau test for testing independence against PQD . Biometrika 74 ( 3 ): 664669 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1990 Kochar , S. G. , Gupta , R. P. ( 1990 ). Distribution-free tests based on sub-sample extrema for testing against positive dependence . Australian Journal of Statistics 32 : 4551 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) based on exact distribution of a U-statistics. This is derived via a simulation study for sample of sizes n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20. Also, we compared our simulation results with those achieved by Amini et al. (2010 Amini , M. , Jabbari , H. , Mohtashami Borzadaran , G. R. , Azadbakhsh , M. ( 2010 ). Power comparison of independence test for the Farlie-Gumbel-Moregenstern family . Communications of the Korean Statistical Society 17 ( 4 ): 493505 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Güven and Kotz (2008 Güven , B. , Kotz , S. ( 2008 ). Test of independence for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions . Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 212 : 102111 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In this article, we consider two different shared frailty regression models under the assumption of Gompertz as baseline distribution. Mostly assumption of gamma distribution is considered for frailty distribution. To compare the results with gamma frailty model, we consider the inverse Gaussian shared frailty model also. We compare these two models to a real life bivariate survival data set of acute leukemia remission times (Freireich et al., 1963 Freireich, E.J., Gehan, E., Frei, E., Schroeder, L.R., Wolman, I.J., Anbari, R., Burgert, E.O., Mills, S.D., Pinkel, D., Selawry, O.S., Moon, J.H., Gendel, B.R., Spurr, C.L., Storrs, R., Haurani, F., Hoogstraten, B., Lee, S. (1963). The effect of 6-mercaptopurine on the duration of steroid-induced remissions in acute leukemia: a model for evaluation of other potentially useful therapy. Blood 21:699716.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Analysis is performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Model comparison is made using Bayesian model selection criterion and a well-fitted model is suggested for the acute leukemia data.  相似文献   

In many genetic analyses of dichotomous twin data, odds ratios have been used to test hypotheses on heritability and shared common environment effects of a given disease (Lichtenstein et al., 2000 Lichtenstein , P. , Holm , N. , Verkasalo , P. , Iliadou , A. , Kaprio , J. , Koskenvuo , M. , Pukkala , E. , Skytthe , A. , Hemminki , K. ( 2000 ). Environmental and heritable factors in the causation of cancer . New England Journal of Medicine 343 : 7885 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Ahlbom et al., 1997 Ahlbom , A. , Lichtenstein , P. , Malmström , H. , Feychting , M. , Hemminki , K. , Pedersen , N. L. ( 1997 ). Cancer in twins: genetic and nongenetic familial risk factors . Journal of the National Cancer Institute 89 : 28793 . [Google Scholar]; Ramakrishnan et al., 1992 Ramakrishnan , V. , Goldberg , J. , Henderson , W. , Elsen , S. , True , W. , Lyons , M. , Tsuang , M. ( 1992 ). Elementary methods for the analysis of dichotomous outcomes in unselected samples of twins . Genetic Epidemiology 9 : 273287 . [Google Scholar], 4). However, estimates of these two effects have not been dealt with in the literature. In epidemiology, the attributable fraction (AF), a function of the odds ratio and the prevalence of the risk factor has been used to describe the contribution of a risk factor to a disease in a given population (Leviton, 1973 Leviton , A. ( 1973 ). Definitions of attributable risk . American Journal of Epidemiology 98 : 231 . [Google Scholar]). In this article, we adapt the AF to quantify the heritability and the shared common environment. Twin data on cancer, gallstone disease and phobia are used to illustrate the applicability of the AF estimate as a measure of heritability.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new distribution-free Shewhart-type control chart that takes into account the location of a single order statistic of the test sample (such as the median) as well as the number of observations in that test sample that lie between the control limits. Exact formulae for the alarm rate, the run length distribution, and the average run length (ARL) are all derived. A key advantage of the chart is that, due to its nonparametric nature, the false alarm rate and in-control run length distribution are the same for all continuous process distributions, and so will be naturally robust. Tables are provided for the implementation of the chart for some typical ARL values and false alarm rates. The empirical study carried out reveals that the new chart is preferable from a robustness point of view in comparison to a classical Shewhart-type chart and also the nonparametric chart of Chakraborti et al. (2004 Chakraborti , S. , van der Laan , P. , van de Wiel , M. A. ( 2004 ). A class of distribution-free control charts . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. C-Appl. Statist. 53 ( 3 ): 443462 .[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

This paper considers the non negative integer-valued autoregressive process with order one (INAR(1)), where the autoregression parameter is close to unity. Using the methods introduced by Yu, Wang, and Chen (2016 Yu, S. H., D. H. Wang, and X. Chen. 2016. Large and moderate deviations for the total population arising from a sub-critical Galton-Watson process with immigration. Journal of Theoretical Probabiltiy, doi:10.1007/s10959-016-0706-4.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), the large and moderate deviations with explicit rate functions for the total population of this process can be obtained.  相似文献   

In an earlier article (Bai et al., 1999 Bai , Z. D. , Rao , C. R. , Wu , Y. H. , Zen , M. M. , Zhao , L. C. ( 1999 ). The simultaneous estimation of the number of signals and frequencies of multiple sinusods when some observations are missing: I. Asymptotics . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96 : 11,10611,110 . [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the problem of simultaneous estimation of the number of signals and frequencies of multiple sinusoids is considered in the case that some observations are missing. The number of signals is estimated with an information theoretic criterion and the frequencies are estimated with eigenvariation linear prediction. Asymptotic properties of the procedure are investigated but the Monte Carlo simulation is not performed. In this article, a slightly different but scale invariant criterion for detection is proposed and the estimation of frequencies remains the same. Asymptotic properties of this new procedure are provided. Monte Carlo Simulation for both procedures is carried out. Furthermore, comparison on the real signals is also given.  相似文献   

In Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), the authors introduced a Markov copula model of portfolio credit risk where pricing and hedging can be done in a sound theoretical and practical way. Further theoretical backgrounds and practical details are developed in Bielecki et al. (2014b Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014b ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part I: Markov copula perspective . In: Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1844574) . [Google Scholar],c) where numerical illustrations assumed deterministic intensities and constant recoveries. In the present paper, we show how to incorporate stochastic default intensities and random recoveries in the bottom-up modeling framework of Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) while preserving numerical tractability. These two features are of primary importance for applications like CVA computations on credit derivatives (Assefa et al., 2011 Assefa , S. , Bielecki , T. R. , Crépey , S. , Jeanblanc , M. ( 2011 ). CVA computation for counterparty risk assessment in credit portfolios . In: Bielecki , T.R. , Brigo , D. , Patras , F. , Eds., Credit Risk Frontiers . Hoboken : Wiley/Bloomberg-Press . [Google Scholar]; Bielecki et al., 2012 Bielecki , T. R. , Crépey , S. , Jeanblanc , M. , Zargari , B. ( 2012 ). Valuation and Hedging of CDS counterparty exposure in a markov copula model . Int. J. Theoret. Appl. Fin. 15 ( 1 ): 1250004 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), as CVA is sensitive to the stochastic nature of credit spreads and random recoveries allow to achieve satisfactory calibration even for “badly behaved” data sets. This article is thus a complement to Bielecki et al. (2014a Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014a ). Dynamic hedging of portfolio credit risk in a markov copula model . J. Optimiz. Theor. Applic . doi: DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0318-4 (forthcoming) .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Bielecki et al. (2014b Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014b ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part I: Markov copula perspective . In: Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1844574) . [Google Scholar]) and Bielecki et al. (2014c Bielecki , T. R. , Cousin , A. , Crépey , S. , Herbertsson , A. ( 2014c ). A bottom-up dynamic model of portfolio credit risk - Part II: Common-shock interpretation, calibration and hedging issues . Recent Adv. Fin. Eng. 2012 , World Scientific (preprint version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2245130) . [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing a general multivariate linear hypothesis in a multivariate linear model when the N × p observation matrix is normally distributed with unknown covariance matrix, and N ≤ p. This includes the case of testing the equality of several mean vectors. A test is proposed which is a generalized version of the two-sample test proposed by Srivastava and Du (2008 Srivastava , M. S. , Du , M. ( 2008 ). A test for the mean vector with fewer observations than the dimension . J. Multivariate Anal. 99 : 386402 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The asymptotic null and nonnull distributions are obtained. The performance of this test is compared, theoretically as well as numerically, with the corresponding generalized version of the two-sample Dempster (1958 Dempster , A. P. (1958). A high dimensional two sample significance test. Ann. Math. Statist. 29:9951010.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) test, or more appropriately Bai and Saranadasa (1996 Bai , Z. , Saranadasa , H. ( 1996 ). Effect of high dimension: an example of a two sample problem . Statistica Sinica 6 : 311329 .[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) test who gave its asymptotic version.  相似文献   

Lindeman et al. [12 Lindeman, R. H., Merenda, P. F. and Gold, R. Z. 1980. Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis, Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.  [Google Scholar]] provide a unique solution to the relative importance of correlated predictors in multiple regression by averaging squared semi-partial correlations obtained for each predictor across all p! orderings. In this paper, we propose a series of predictor sensitivity statistics that complement the variance decomposition procedure advanced by Lindeman et al. [12 Lindeman, R. H., Merenda, P. F. and Gold, R. Z. 1980. Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis, Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.  [Google Scholar]]. First, we detail the logic of averaging over orderings as a technique of variance partitioning. Second, we assess predictors by conditional dominance analysis, a qualitative procedure designed to overcome defects in the Lindeman et al. [12 Lindeman, R. H., Merenda, P. F. and Gold, R. Z. 1980. Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis, Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.  [Google Scholar]] variance decomposition solution. Third, we introduce a suite of indices to assess the sensitivity of a predictor to model specification, advancing a series of sensitivity-adjusted contribution statistics that allow for more definite quantification of predictor relevance. Fourth, we describe the analytic efficiency of our proposed technique against the Budescu conditional dominance solution to the uneven contribution of predictors across all p! orderings.  相似文献   

This article considers some classes of estimators of the population median of the study variable using information on an auxiliary variable with their properties under large sample approximation. Asymptotic optimum estimator (AOE) in each class of estimators has been investigated along with the approximate mean square error formulae. It has been shown that the proposed classes of estimators are better than these considered by Gross (1980 Gross , T. S. ( 1980 ). Median estimation in sample surveys. Proc. Surv. Res. Meth. Sect. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 181–184 . [Google Scholar]), Kuk and Mak (1989 Kuk , A. Y. C. , Mak , T. K. ( 1989 ). Median estimation in the presence of auxiliary information . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B51 : 261269 . [Google Scholar]), Singh et al. (2003a Singh , H. P. , Singh , S. , Joarder , A. H. ( 2003a ). Estimation of population median when mode of an auxiliary variable is known . J. Statist. Res. 37 ( 1 ): 5763 . [Google Scholar]), and Al and Cingi (2009 Al , S. , Cingi , H. ( 2009 ). New estimators for the population median in simple random sampling. Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, held in New Cairo, Egypt . [Google Scholar]). An empirical study is carried out to judge the merits of the suggested class of estimators over other existing estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper a methodology for the delineation of local labour markets (LLMs) using evolutionary algorithms is proposed. This procedure, based on that in Flórez-Revuelta et al. [13 F. Flórez-Revuelta, J.M. Casado-Díaz, and L. Martínez-Bernabeu, An evolutionary approach to the delineation of functional areas base on travel-to-work flows, Int. J. Autom. Comput. 5(1) (2008), pp. 1021. doi: 10.1007/s11633-008-0010-6[Crossref] [Google Scholar],14 F. Flórez-Revuelta, J.M. Casado-Díaz, L. Martínez-Bernabeu, and R. Gómez-Hernández, A memetic algorithm for the delineation of local labour markets, in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature X, Vol. 5199, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, G. Rudolph, T.H. Jansen, S.M. Lucas, C. Poloni, and N. Beume, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp. 1011–1020. [Google Scholar]], introduces three modifications. First, initial groups of municipalities with a minimum size requirement are built using the travel time between them. Second, a not fully random initiation algorithm is proposed. And third, as a final stage of the procedure, a contiguity step is implemented. These modifications significantly decrease the computational times of the algorithm (up to a 99%) without any deterioration of the quality of the solutions. The optimization algorithm may give a set of potential solutions with very similar values with respect to the objective function what would lead to different partitions, both in terms of number of markets and their composition. In order to capture their common aspects an algorithm based on a cluster partitioning of k-means type is presented. This stage of the procedure also provides a ranking of LLMs foci useful for planners and administrations in decision-making processes on issues related to labour activities. Finally, to evaluate the performance of the algorithm a toy example with artificial data is analysed. The full methodology is illustrated through a real commuting data set of the region of Aragón (Spain).  相似文献   

New drug discovery in the pediatrics has dramatically improved survival, but with long- term adverse events. This motivates the examination of adverse outcomes such as long-term toxicity in a phase IV trial. An ideal approach to monitor long-term toxicity is to systematically follow the survivors, which is generally not feasible. Instead, cross-sectional surveys are conducted in Hudson et al. (2007 Hudson , M. M. , Rai , S. N. , Nunez , C. , Merchant , T. E. , Marina , N. M. , Zalamea , N. , Cox , C. , Phipps , S. , Pompeu , R. , Rosenthal , D. ( 2007 ). Noninvasive evaluation of late anthracycline cardiac toxicity in childhood cancer survivors . J. Clin. Oncol. 25 : 36353643 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), with one of the objectives to estimate the cumulative incidence rates along with specific interest in fixed-term (5 or 10 year) rates. We present inference procedures based on current status data to our motivating example with very interesting findings.  相似文献   

In this article we use a new methodology, based on algebraic strata, to generate the class of all the orthogonal arrays of given size and strength. From this class we extract all the non isomorphic orthogonal arrays. Then, using all these non isomorphic orthogonal arrays, we suggest a method based on the inequivalent matrices permutations testing procedures Basso et al. (2004 Basso , D. , Evangelaras , H. , Koukouvinos , C. , Salmaso , L. ( 2004 ). Nonparametric testing for main effects on inequivalent designs. Proc. 7th Int. Workshop Model-Oriented Design Anal. Heeze, Netherlands, June 14–18 . [Google Scholar]) in order to obtain separate permutation tests for the effects in unreplicated mixed level fractional factorial designs. In order to validate the proposed method we perform a Monte Carlo simulation study and find out that the permutation tests appear to be a valid solution for testing effects, in particular when the usual normality assumptions cannot be justified.  相似文献   

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