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A basic assumption in distribution fitting is that a single family of distributions may deliver useful representation to the universe of available distributions. To date, little study has been conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of these families. In this article, five families are compared by fitting them to a sample of 20 distributions, using 2 fitting objectives: minimization of the L 2 norm and four-moment matching. Values of L 2 norm associated with the fitted families are used as input data to test for significant differences. The Pearson family and the RMM (Response Modeling Methodology) family significantly outperforms all other families.  相似文献   

The art of fitting gamma distributions robustly is described. In particular we compare methods of fitting via minimizing a Cramér Von Mises distance, an L 2 minimum distance estimator, and fitting a B-optimal M-estimator. After a brief prelude on robust estimation explaining the merits in terms of weak continuity and Fréchet differentiability of all the aforesaid estimators from an asymptotic point of view, a comparison is drawn with classical estimation and fitting. In summary, we give a practical example where minimizing a Cramér Von Mises distance is both efficacious in terms of efficiency and robustness as well as being easily implemented. Here gamma distributions arise naturally for “in control” representation indicators from measurements of spectra when using fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. However, estimating the in-control parameters for these distributions is often difficult, due to the occasional occurrence of outliers.  相似文献   

The generalized lambda distribution, GLD(λ1, λ2 λ3, λ4), is a four-parameter family that has been used for fitting distributions to a wide variety of data sets. The analysis of the λ3 and λ4 values that actually yield valid distributions has (until now) been incomplete. Moreover, because of computational problems and theoretical shortcomings, the moment space over which the GLD can be applied has been limited. This paper completes the analysis of the λ3 and λ4 values that are associated with valid distributions, improves previous computational methods to reduce errors associated with fitting data, expands the parameter space over which the GLD can be used, and uses a four-parameter generalized beta distribution to cover the portion of the parameter space where the GLD is not applicable. In short, the paper extends the GLD to an EGLD system that can be used for fitting distributions to data sets that that are cited in the literature as actually occurring in practice. Examples of use of the proposed system are included  相似文献   

Trimmed L-moments, defined by Elamir and Seheult [2003. Trimmed L-moments. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 43, 299–314], summarize the shape of probability distributions or data samples in a way that remains viable for heavy-tailed distributions, even those for which the mean may not exist. We derive some further theoretical results concerning trimmed L-moments: a relation with the expansion of the quantile function as a weighted sum of Jacobi polynomials; the bounds that must be satisfied by trimmed L-moments; recurrences between trimmed L-moments with different degrees of trimming; and the asymptotic distributions of sample estimators of trimmed L-moments. We also give examples of how trimmed L-moments can be used, analogously to L-moments, in the analysis of heavy-tailed data. Examples include identification of distributions using a trimmed L-moment ratio diagram, shape parameter estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution, and fitting generalized Pareto distributions to a heavy-tailed data sample of computer network traffic.  相似文献   


Balakrishnan et al. proposed a two-piece skew logistic distribution by making use of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of half distributions as the building block, to give rise to an asymmetric family of two-piece distributions, through the inclusion of a single shape parameter. This paper proposes the construction of asymmetric families of two-piece distributions by making use of quantile functions of symmetric distributions as building blocks. This proposition will enable the derivation of a general formula for the L-moments of two-piece distributions. Examples will be presented, where the logistic, normal, Student’s t(2) and hyperbolic secant distributions are considered.  相似文献   

We find the distribution that has maximum entropy conditional on having specified values of its first r  LL-moments. This condition is equivalent to specifying the expected values of the order statistics of a sample of size r. The maximum-entropy distribution has a density-quantile function, the reciprocal of the derivative of the quantile function, that is a polynomial of degree r; the quantile function of the distribution can then be found by integration. This class of maximum-entropy distributions includes the uniform, exponential and logistic, and two new generalizations of the logistic distribution. It provides a new method of nonparametric fitting of a distribution to a data sample. We also derive maximum-entropy distributions subject to constraints on expected values of linear combinations of order statistics.  相似文献   


The paper proposes a Bayesian interpretation of quantile regression that is shown to be equivalent to scale mixtures of normals leading to a skewed Laplace distribution. This representation of the model facilitates Bayesian analysis by means of Gibbs sampling with data augmentation, and nests regression in the L1 norm as a special case. The new methods are applied to an analysis of the patents - R&D relationship for U.S. firms and unit root inference for the dollar-deutschemark exchange rate.  相似文献   


In this article we consider the problem of fitting a five-parameter generalization of the lambda distribution to data given in the form of a grouped frequency table. The estimation of parameters is done by six different procedures: percentiles, moments, probability-weighted moments, minimum Cramér-Von Mises, maximum likelihood, and pseudo least squares. These methods are evaluated and compared using a Monte Carlo study where the parent populations were generalized lambda distribution (GLD) approximations of Normal, Beta, Gamma random variables, and for nine combinations of sample sizes and number of classes. Of the estimators analyzed it is concluded that, although the method of pseudo least squares suffers from a number of limitations, it appears to be the candidate procedure to estimate the parameters of a GLD from grouped data.  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of parameter estimation and variable selection in the Tobit quantile regression model is considered. A Tobit quantile regression with the elastic net penalty from a Bayesian perspective is proposed. Independent gamma priors are put on the l1 norm penalty parameters. A novel aspect of the Bayesian elastic net Tobit quantile regression is to treat the hyperparameters of the gamma priors as unknowns and let the data estimate them along with other parameters. A Bayesian Tobit quantile regression with the adaptive elastic net penalty is also proposed. The Gibbs sampling computational technique is adapted to simulate the parameters from the posterior distributions. The proposed methods are demonstrated by both simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

The L1 and L2-errors of the histogram estimate of a density f from a sample X1,X2,…,Xn using a cubic partition are shown to be asymptotically normal without any unnecessary conditions imposed on the density f. The asymptotic variances are shown to depend on f only through the corresponding norm of f. From this follows the asymptotic null distribution of a goodness-of-fit test based on the total variation distance, introduced by Györfi and van der Meulen (1991). This note uses the idea of partial inversion for obtaining characteristic functions of conditional distributions, which goes back at least to Bartlett (1938).  相似文献   

To summarize a set of data by a distribution function in Johnson's translation system, we use a least-squares approach to parameter estimation wherein we seek to minimize the distance between the vector of "uniformized" oeder statistics and the corresponding vector of expected values. We use the software package FITTRI to apply this technique to three problems arising respectively in medicine, applied statistics, and civil engineering. Compared to traditional methods of distribution fitting based on moment matching, percentile matchingL 1 estimation, and L ? estimation, the least-squares technique is seen to yield fits of similar accuracy and to converge more rapidly and reliably to a set of acceptable parametre estimates.  相似文献   

Assume that X 1, X 2,…, X n is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with α-stable distribution (α ∈ (0,2], the stable exponent, is the unknown parameter). We construct minimum distance estimators for α by minimizing the Kolmogorov distance or the Cramér–von-Mises distance between the empirical distribution function G n , and a class of distributions defined based on the sum-preserving property of stable random variables. The minimum distance estimators can also be obtained by minimizing a U-statistic estimate of an empirical distribution function involving the stable exponent. They share the same invariance property with the maximum likelihood estimates. In this article, we prove the strong consistency of the minimum distance estimators. We prove the asymptotic normality of our estimators. Simulation study shows that the new estimators are competitive to the existing ones and perform very closely even to the maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the detection of multiple change points of parameters of generalized lambda distributions (GLD). The advantage of studying GLD is that the GLD family is broad and flexible. Compared to the other distributions, there are fewer restrictions on the distribution while fitting data. We combine the binary segmentation procedure together with the Schwarz information criterion (SIC) to search for all possible change points in the data. The method is applied on fibroblast cancer cell line data which is publicly available, and the change points are successfully located.  相似文献   

Conditions conducive to bizarre-shaped distributions are fairly common in certain areas of research where, for perfectly valid reasons, an important causal variable is left uncontrolled. Theoretical rationale and actual examples are given to show how such distributions are generated, to exemplify their shapes, and to indicate their prevalence in practice. An L-shaped type tends to occur when time scores are recorded for a task subject to infrequent but time-consuming errors; other types occur when measuring behavior influenced by social conformity, or under other circumstances. The L shape appears to be far more conducive to nonrobustness than are previously investigated shapes.  相似文献   

“Nonparametric” in the title is used to say that observations X 1,…,X n come from an unknown distribution F ∈ ? with ? being the class of all continuous and strictly increasing distribution functions. The problem is to estimate the quantile of a given order q ∈ (0,1) of the distribution F. The class ? of distributions is very large; it is so large that even X nq:n , where nq is an integer, may be very poor estimator of the qth quantile. To assess the performance of estimators no properties based on moments may be used: expected values of estimators should be replaced by their medians, their variances—by some characteristics of concentration of distributions around the median. If an estimator is median-biased for one of distributions, the bias of the estimator may be infinitely large for other distributions. In the note optimal estimators with respect to various criteria of optimality are presented. The pivotal function F(T) of the estimator T is introduced which enables us to apply the classical statistical approach.  相似文献   

A novel approach to quantile estimation in multivariate linear regression models with change-points is proposed: the change-point detection and the model estimation are both performed automatically, by adopting either the quantile-fused penalty or the adaptive version of the quantile-fused penalty. These two methods combine the idea of the check function used for the quantile estimation and the L1 penalization principle known from the signal processing and, unlike some standard approaches, the presented methods go beyond typical assumptions usually required for the model errors, such as sub-Gaussian or normal distribution. They can effectively handle heavy-tailed random error distributions, and, in general, they offer a more complex view on the data as one can obtain any conditional quantile of the target distribution, not just the conditional mean. The consistency of detection is proved and proper convergence rates for the parameter estimates are derived. The empirical performance is investigated via an extensive comparative simulation study and practical utilization is demonstrated using a real data example.  相似文献   


The present paper introduces a new family of distributions with quadratic mean residual quantile function. Various distributional properties as well as reliability characteristics are discussed. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are presented. The estimation of parameters of the model using method of L-moments is studied. The practical application of the class of models is illustrated with a real life data set.  相似文献   

We developed robust estimators that minimize a weighted L1 norm for the first-order bifurcating autoregressive model. When all of the weights are fixed, our estimate is an L1 estimate that is robust against outlying points in the response space and more efficient than the least squares estimate for heavy-tailed error distributions. When the weights are random and depend on the points in the factor space, the weighted L1 estimate is robust against outlying points in the factor space. Simulated and artificial examples are presented. The behavior of the proposed estimate is modeled through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable having the Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the first kind (GPED 1). The results of Raghunandanan and Patil (1972) and Bazargan-lari (1999) follow as special cases. The p.d.f of rangeR is obtained, when the distribution of the sample sizeN belongs to Katz family of distributions, as a special case. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

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