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In this paper a measure of proximity of distributions, when moments are known, is proposed. Based on cases where the exact distribution is known, evidence is given that the proposed measure is accurate to evaluate the proximity of quantiles (exact vs. approximated). The measure may be applied to compare asymptotic and near-exact approximations to distributions, in situations where although being known the exact moments, the exact distribution is not known or the expression for its probability density function is not known or too complicated to handle. In this paper the measure is applied to compare newly proposed asymptotic and near-exact approximations to the distribution of the Wilks Lambda statistic when both groups of variables have an odd number of variables. This measure is also applied to the study of several cases of telescopic near-exact approximations to the exact distribution of the Wilks Lambda statistic based on mixtures of generalized near-integer gamma distributions.  相似文献   

For the case where at least two sets have an odd number of variables we do not have the exact distribution of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic in a manageable form, adequate for manipulation. In this article, we develop a family of very accurate near-exact distributions for this statistic for the case where two or three sets have an odd number of variables. We first express the exact characteristic function of the logarithm of the statistic in the form of the characteristic function of an infinite mixture of Generalized Integer Gamma distributions. Then, based on truncations of this exact characteristic function, we obtain a family of near-exact distributions, which, by construction, match the first two exact moments. These near-exact distributions display an asymptotic behaviour for increasing number of variables involved. The corresponding cumulative distribution functions are obtained in a concise and manageable form, relatively easy to implement computationally, allowing for the computation of virtually exact quantiles. We undertake a comparative study for small sample sizes, using two proximity measures based on the Berry-Esseen bounds, to assess the performance of the near-exact distributions for different numbers of sets of variables and different numbers of variables in each set.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors first obtain the exact distribution of the logarithm of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s (random variables) in the form of a Generalized Integer Gamma distribution of infinite depth, where all the rate and shape parameters are well identified. Then, by a routine transformation, simple and manageable expressions for the exact distribution of the product of independent generalized Gamma r.v.’s are derived. The method used also enables us to obtain quite easily very accurate, manageable and simple near-exact distributions in the form of Generalized Near-Integer Gamma distributions. Numerical studies are carried out to assess the precision of different approximations to the exact distribution and they show the high accuracy of the approximations provided by the near-exact distributions. As particular cases of the exact distributions obtained we have the distribution of the product of independent Gamma, Weibull, Frechet, Maxwell-Boltzman, Half-Normal, Rayleigh, and Exponential distributions, as well as the exact distribution of the generalized variance, the exact distribution of discriminants or Vandermonde determinants and the exact distribution of any linear combination of generalized Gumbel distributions, as well as yet the distribution of the product of any power of the absolute value of independent Normal r.v.’s.  相似文献   

Using the concept of near-exact approximation to a distribution we developed two different near-exact approximations to the distribution of the product of an odd number of particular independent Beta random variables (r.v.'s). One of them is a particular generalized near-integer Gamma (GNIG) distribution and the other is a mixture of two GNIG distributions. These near-exact distributions are mostly adequate to be used as a basis for approximations of distributions of several statistics used in multivariate analysis. By factoring the characteristic function (c.f.) of the logarithm of the product of the Beta r.v.'s, and then replacing a suitably chosen factor of that c.f. by an adequate asymptotic result it is possible to obtain what we call a near-exact c.f., which gives rise to the near-exact approximation to the exact distribution. Depending on the asymptotic result used to replace the chosen parts of the c.f., one may obtain different near-exact approximations. Moments from the two near-exact approximations developed are compared with the exact ones. The two approximations are also compared with each other, namely in terms of moments and quantiles.  相似文献   

In this article the authors show how by adequately decomposing the null hypothesis of the multi-sample block-scalar sphericity test it is possible to obtain the likelihood ratio test statistic as well as a different look over its exact distribution. This enables the construction of well-performing near-exact approximations for the distribution of the test statistic, whose exact distribution is quite elaborate and non-manageable. The near-exact distributions obtained are manageable and perform much better than the available asymptotic distributions, even for small sample sizes, and they show a good asymptotic behavior for increasing sample sizes as well as for increasing number of variables and/or populations involved.  相似文献   

In this paper three near-exact distributions are developed for the sphericity test statistic. The exact probability density function of this statistic is usually represented through the use of the Meijer G function, which renders the computation of quantiles impossible even for a moderately large number of variables. The main purpose of this paper is to obtain near-exact distributions that lie closer to the exact distribution than the asymptotic distributions while, at the same time, correspond to density and cumulative distribution functions practical to use, allowing for an easy determination of quantiles. In addition to this, two asymptotic distributions that lie closer to the exact distribution than the existing ones were developed. Two measures are considered to evaluate the proximity between the exact and the asymptotic and near-exact distributions developed. As a reference we use the saddlepoint approximations developed by Butler et al. [1993. Saddlepoint approximations for tests of block independence, sphericity and equal variances and covariances. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B 55, 171–183] as well as the asymptotic distribution proposed by Box.  相似文献   

For dependent Bernoulli random variables, the distribution of a sum of the random variables is obtained as a generalized binomial distribution determined by a two-state Markov chain. Asymptotic distributions of the sum are derived from the central limit theorem and the Edgeworth expansion. A numerical comparison of the exact and asymptotic distributions of the sum is also given. Further a distribution of the sum by the Bayesian approach is derived and its asymptotic distributions are provided. Numerical results are given.  相似文献   

This article introduces graphical procedures for assessing the fit of the gamma distribution. The procedures are based on a standardized version of the cumulant generating function. Plots with bands of 95% simultaneous confidence level are developed by utilizing asymptotic and finite-sample results. The plots have linear scales and do not rely on the use of tables or values of special functions. Further, it is found through simulation, that the goodness-of-fit test implied by these plots compares favorably with respect to power to other known tests for the gamma distribution in samples drawn from lognormal and inverse Gaussian distributions.  相似文献   

The speed of convergence of the distribution of the normalized maximum, of a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables, to its asymptotic distribution is considered in this article. Assuming that the cumulative distribution function of the random variables is known, the error committed replacing the actual distribution of the normalized maximum by its asympotic distribution is studied. Instead of using the arithmetical scale of probabilities, we measure the difference between the actual and asympotic distribution in terms of the double-log scale used for building the probability plotting paper for the the latter. We demonstrate that the difference between the double-log values corresponding to two probabilities in the upper tail is almost exactly equal to the logarithm of the distribution may not be uniform in this double-log scale and that the difference between the actual and asymptotic distributions, on the probebility plotting paper, may be a logarithmic, power, or even exponential function in the upper tail when the latter distribution is of Fisher-Tippett type I, but that difference is at most logarithmic in the upper tail for type II and III distributions. This fact is exploited to obtain transformed variables that converge tothe asymptotic distribution faster than the original variable on the probabilites plotting paper  相似文献   

Wilks’ ratio statistic can be defined in terms of the ratio of the sample generalized variances of two non-independent estimators of the same covariance matrix. Recently this statistic has been proposed as a control statistic for monitoring changes in the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal process in a Phase II situation, particularly when the dimension is larger than the sample size. In this article we derive a technique for decomposing Wilks’ ratio statistic into the product of independent factors that can be associated with the components of the covariance matrix. With these results, we demonstrate that, when a signal is detected in a control procedure for the Phase II monitoring of process variability using the ratio statistic, the signaling value can be decomposed and the process variables contributing to the signal can be specifically identified.  相似文献   

When testing hypotheses in two-sample problem, the Lepage test statistic is often used to jointly test the location and scale parameters, and this test statistic has been discussed by many authors over the years. Since two-sample nonparametric testing plays an important role in biometry, the Cucconi test statistic is generalized to the location, scale, and location–scale parameters in two-sample problem. The limiting distribution of the suggested test statistic is derived under the hypotheses. Deriving the exact critical value of the test statistic is difficult when the sample sizes are increased. A gamma approximation is used to evaluate the upper tail probability for the proposed test statistic given finite sample sizes. The asymptotic efficiencies of the proposed test statistic are determined for various distributions. The consistency of the original Cucconi test statistic is shown on the specific cases. Finally, the original Cucconi statistic is discussed in the theory of ties.  相似文献   

The Pickands estimator for the extreme value index is generalized in a way that includes all of its previously known variants. A detailed study of the asymptotic behavior of the estimators in the family serves to determine its optimally performing members. These are given by simple, explicit formulas, have the same asymptotic variance as the maximum likelihood estimator in the generalized Pareto model, and are robust to departures from the limiting generalized Pareto model in case the convergence of the excess distribution to its limit is slow. A simulation study involving a wide range of distributions shows the new estimators to compare favorably with the maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

Measurement of the effect of extreme observations on test statistics has been discussed by many authors. Test resistance to rejection (acceptance) is one of the most appealing methods. Using the distribution of the test statistic, the exact and asymptotic distributions of the test resistance to rejection (acceptance) are introduced. The usage of the distribution is emphasized in the case of the sign test and Spearman’s rho.  相似文献   

The limiting distribution of the log-likelihood-ratio statistic for testing the number of components in finite mixture models can be very complex. We propose two alternative methods. One method is generalized from a locally most powerful test. The test statistic is asymptotically normal, but its asymptotic variance depends on the true null distribution. Another method is to use a bootstrap log-likelihood-ratio statistic which has a uniform limiting distribution in [0,1]. When tested against local alternatives, both methods have the same power asymptotically. Simulation results indicate that the asymptotic results become applicable when the sample size reaches 200 for the bootstrap log-likelihood-ratio test, but the generalized locally most powerful test needs larger sample sizes. In addition, the asymptotic variance of the locally most powerful test statistic must be estimated from the data. The bootstrap method avoids this problem, but needs more computational effort. The user may choose the bootstrap method and let the computer do the extra work, or choose the locally most powerful test and spend quite some time to derive the asymptotic variance for the given model.  相似文献   

A test based on the studentized empirical characteristic function calculated in a single point is derived. An empirical power comparison is made between this test and tests like the Epps–Pulley, Shapiro–Wilks, Anderson–Darling and other tests for normality. It is shown to outperform the more complicated Epps-Pulley test based on the empirical characteristic function and a Cramér-von Mises type expression in a simulation study. The test performs especially good in large samples and the derived test statistic has an asymptotic normal distribution which is easy to apply.  相似文献   

Severe departures from normality occur frequently for null distributions of statistics associated with applications of mulLi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) for either small or large finite populations. This paper describes the commonly encountered situation associated with asymptotic non-normality for null distributions of MRPP statistics which does not depend on the underlying multivariate distribution. In addition, this paper establishes the existence of a non-degenerate underlying distribution for which the null distributions of MRPP statistics are asymptotically non-normal for essentially all size structure configurations. It is known that MRPP statistics are symmetric versions of a broader class of statistics, most of which are asymmetric. Because of the non-normality associated with null distributions of MRPP statistics, this paper includes necessary results for inferences based on the exact first three moments of anv statistic in this broader class (analogous to existing results for MRPP statistics).  相似文献   

A goodness-of-fit statistic Z is defined in terms of the spacings generated by the order statistics of a complete or a censored sample from a distribution of the type (l/)f((x-μ)/), μ and unknown. The distribution of Z is studied, mostly through Monte Carlo methods. The power properties of Z for testing Exponential, Uniform, Normal, Gamma and Logistic distributions are discussed; Z is shown to be more powerful than the Smith & Bain (1976) correlation statistic, except for testing Uniform, Normal and Logistic (symmetric distributions) against symmetric alternatives. The statistic Z is generalized to test the goodness-of-fit from κ 2 independent complete or censored samples.  相似文献   

We introduce a new test of isotropy or uniformity on the circle, based on the Gini mean difference of the sample arc-lengths and obtain both the exact and asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis of circular uniformity. We also provide a table of upper percentile values of the exact distribution for small to moderate sample sizes. Illustrative examples in circular data analysis are also given. It is shown that a “generalized” Gini mean difference test has better asymptotic efficiency than a corresponding “generalized” Rao's test in the sense of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency.  相似文献   

The asymptotically distribution-free (ADF) test statistic was proposed by Browne (1984). It is known that the null distribution of the ADF test statistic is asymptotically distributed according to the chi-square distribution. This asymptotic property is always satisfied, even under nonnormality, although the null distributions of other famous test statistics, e.g., the maximum likelihood test statistic and the generalized least square test statistic, do not converge to the chi-square distribution under nonnormality. However, many authors have reported numerical results which indicate that the quality of the chi-square approximation for the ADF test is very poor, even when the sample size is large and the population distribution is normal. In this paper, we try to improve the quality of the chi-square approximation to the ADF test for a covariance matrix with a linear structure by using the Bartlett correction applicable under the assumption of normality. By conducting numerical studies, we verify that the obtained Bartlett correction can perform well even when the assumption of normality is violated.  相似文献   

The exponential–Poisson (EP) distribution with scale and shape parameters β>0 and λ∈?, respectively, is a lifetime distribution obtained by mixing exponential and zero-truncated Poisson models. The EP distribution has been a good alternative to the gamma distribution for modelling lifetime, reliability and time intervals of successive natural disasters. Both EP and gamma distributions have some similarities and properties in common, for example, their densities may be strictly decreasing or unimodal, and their hazard rate functions may be decreasing, increasing or constant depending on their shape parameters. On the other hand, the EP distribution has several interesting applications based on stochastic representations involving maximum and minimum of iid exponential variables (with random sample size) which make it of distinguishable scientific importance from the gamma distribution. Given the similarities and different scientific relevance between these models, one question of interest is how to discriminate them. With this in mind, we propose a likelihood ratio test based on Cox's statistic to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions. The asymptotic distribution of the normalized logarithm of the ratio of the maximized likelihoods under two null hypotheses – data come from EP or gamma distributions – is provided. With this, we obtain the probabilities of correct selection. Hence, we propose to choose the model that maximizes the probability of correct selection (PCS). We also determinate the minimum sample size required to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions when the PCS and a given tolerance level based on some distance are before stated. A simulation study to evaluate the accuracy of the asymptotic probabilities of correct selection is also presented. The paper is motivated by two applications to real data sets.  相似文献   

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