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In the literature, different optimality criteria have been considered for model identification. Most of the proposals assume the normal distribution for the response variable and thus they provide optimality criteria for discriminating between regression models. In this paper, a max–min approach is followed to discriminate among competing statistical models (i.e., probability distribution families). More specifically, k different statistical models (plausible for the data) are embedded in a more general model, which includes them as particular cases. The proposed optimal design maximizes the minimum KL-efficiency to discriminate between each rival model and the extended one. An equivalence theorem is proved and an algorithm is derived from it, which is useful to compute max–min KL-efficiency designs. Finally, the algorithm is run on two illustrative examples.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing static (or non sequential), approximate optimal designs for a class of dose–response models with continuous outcomes. We obtain conditions for a design being D-optimal or c-optimal. The designs are locally optimal in that they depend on the model parameters. The efficiency studies show that these designs have high efficiency when the mis-specification of the initial values of model parameters is not severe. A case study indicates that using an optimal design may result in a significant saving of resources.  相似文献   

A new class of row–column designs is proposed. These designs are saturated in terms of eliminating two-way heterogeneity with an additive model. The (m,s)-criterion is used to select optimal designs. It turns out that all (m,s)-optimal designs are binary. Square (m,s)-optimal designs are constructed and they are treatment-connected. Thus, all treatment contrasts are estimable regardless of the row and column effects.  相似文献   

When an existing risk prediction model is not sufficiently predictive, additional variables are sought for inclusion in the model. This paper addresses study designs to evaluate the improvement in prediction performance that is gained by adding a new predictor to a risk prediction model. We consider studies that measure the new predictor in a case–control subset of the study cohort, a practice that is common in biomarker research. We ask if matching controls to cases in regards to baseline predictors improves efficiency. A variety of measures of prediction performance are studied. We find through simulation studies that matching improves the efficiency with which most measures are estimated, but can reduce efficiency for some. Efficiency gains are less when more controls per case are included in the study. A method that models the distribution of the new predictor in controls appears to improve estimation efficiency considerably.  相似文献   

Although a wide list of classes of space–time covariance functions is now available, selecting an appropriate class of models for a variable under study is still difficult and it represents a priority problem with respect to the choice of a particular model of a specified class. Then, knowing the characteristics of various classes of covariances, and their auxiliary functions, and matching those with the characteristics of the empirical space–time covariance surface might be helpful in the selection of a suitable class. In this paper some characteristics, such as behavior at the origin, asymptotic behavior, nonseparability and anisotropy aspects, are studied for some well known classes of covariance models of stationary space–time random fields. Moreover, some important issues related to modeling choices are described and a case study is presented.  相似文献   

Chen et al. [Contemp. Clin. Trials, 32: 592–604 (2011)] heuristically proved that the covariance of two estimators is zero assuming equal correlation coefficients. In this article, the above covariance is analytically and rigorously re-derived without any strong assumption in equality between two correlation coefficients. Under rigorous analytic derivations plus assuming number of subjects continuing into Period 2 is a random variable, covariance is reconfirmed to be zero for both normal and binomial data.  相似文献   

Orthogonal block designs for Scheffé’s quadratic model have been considered previously by Draper et al. (1993), John (1984), Lewis et al. (1994) and Prescott, Draper, Dean, and Lewis (1993). Prescott and Draper (2004) obtained mixture component–amount designs via projections of standard mixture designs, viz., the simplex-lattice, the simplex-centroid and the orthogonally blocked mixture designs based on latin squares. Aggarwal, Singh, Sarin, and Husain (2009) considered the case of components assuming equal volume fractions and obtained mixture designs in orthogonal blocks using F-squares. In this paper, we construct orthogonal blocks of two and three mixture component–amount blends by projecting the class of four component mixture designs presented by Aggarwal et al. (2009).  相似文献   

Selection of the cell in a 2×2 -factorial design with the greatest mean is considered. A general class of ranking and selection procedures (RSP) is constructed to include methods based on the largest marginal cell means (SP1) or on the largest cell mean (SP3). Using the preference zone approach the minimum probability of a correct solution is found, In this paper a RSP which maximizes the minimum probability of a correct solution over the preference zone is found. In this way selection of the cell with the greatest observed mean is proven to be admissible.  相似文献   

Row–column designs for two-level factorial experiments are constructed to estimate all the main effects. We give the interactions for row and column blockings. Based on these blockings, independent treatment combinations are proposed to establish the whole design so that practitioners can easily apply it to their experiments. Some examples are given for illustrations. The estimation of two-factor interactions in these designs is discussed.  相似文献   

We propose a measure for interaction for factorial designs that is formulated in terms of a probability similar to the effect size of the Mann–Whitney test. It is shown how asymptotic confidence intervals can be obtained for the effect size and how a statistical test can be constructed. We further show how the test is related to the test proposed by Bhapkar and Gore [Sankhya A, 36:261–272 (1974)]. The results of a simulation study indicate that the test has good power properties and illustrate when the asymptotic approximations are adequate. The effect size is demonstrated on an example dataset.  相似文献   

Conditional logistic regression is a popular method for estimating a treatment effect while eliminating cluster-specific nuisance parameters when they are not of interest. Under a cluster-specific 1: m matched treatment–control study design, we present a new closed-form relationship between the conditional logistic regression estimator and the ordinary logistic regression estimator. In addition, we prove an equivalence between the ordinary logistic regression and the conditional logistic regression estimators, when the clusters are replicated infinitely often, which indicates that potential bias concerns when applying conditional logistic regression to complex survey samples.  相似文献   

A representation of the transient probability functions of finite birth–death processes (with or without catastrophes) as a linear combination of exponential functions is derived using a recursive, Cayley–Hamilton approach. This method of solution allows practitioners to solve for these transient probability functions by reducing the problem to three calculations: determining eigenvalues of the QQ-matrix, raising the QQ-matrix to an integer power and solving a system of linear equations. The approach avoids Laplace transforms and permits solution of a particular transition probability function from state ii to jj without determining all such functions.  相似文献   


We present an adaptive method for the automatic scaling of random-walk Metropolis–Hastings algorithms, which quickly and robustly identifies the scaling factor that yields a specified overall sampler acceptance probability. Our method relies on the use of the Robbins–Monro search process, whose performance is determined by an unknown steplength constant. Based on theoretical considerations we give a simple estimator of this constant for Gaussian proposal distributions. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with both simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

In this paper some results on the computation of optimal designs for discriminating between nonlinear models are provided. In particular, some typical deviations of the Michaelis–Menten model are considered. A common deviation of this pharmacokinetic model consists on adding a linear term. If two linear models differ in one parameter the T-optimal design for discriminating between them is c-optimal for estimating the added linear term. This is not the case for nonlinear models.  相似文献   

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