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The GARCH and stochastic volatility (SV) models are two competing, well-known and often used models to explain the volatility of financial series. In this paper, we consider a closed form estimator for a stochastic volatility model and derive its asymptotic properties. We confirm our theoretical results by a simulation study. In addition, we propose a set of simple, strongly consistent decision rules to compare the ability of the GARCH and the SV model to fit the characteristic features observed in high frequency financial data such as high kurtosis and slowly decaying autocorrelation function of the squared observations. These rules are based on a number of moment conditions that is allowed to increase with sample size. We show that our selection procedure leads to choosing the model that fits best, or the simplest model under equivalence, with probability one as the sample size increases. The finite sample size behavior of our procedure is analyzed via simulations. Finally, we provide an application to stocks in the Dow Jones industrial average index.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a test for threshold nonlinearity in a time series with generalized autore‐gressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) volatility dynamics. This test is used to examine whether financial returns on market indices exhibit asymmetric mean and volatility around a threshold value, using a double‐threshold GARCH model. The test adopts the reversible‐jump Markov chain Monte Carlo idea of Green, proposed in 1995, to calculate the posterior probabilities for a conventional GARCH model and a double‐threshold GARCH model. Posterior evidence favouring the threshold GARCH model indicates threshold nonlinearity with asymmetric behaviour of the mean and volatility. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the test works very well in distinguishing between the conventional GARCH and the double‐threshold GARCH models. In an application to eight international financial market indices, including the G‐7 countries, clear evidence supporting the hypothesis of threshold nonlinearity is discovered, simultaneously indicating an uneven mean‐reverting pattern and volatility asymmetry around a threshold return value.  相似文献   

ARCH/GARCH representations of financial series usually attempt to model the serial correlation structure of squared returns. Although it is undoubtedly true that squared returns are correlated, there is increasing empirical evidence of stronger correlation in the absolute returns than in squared returns. Rather than assuming an explicit form for volatility, we adopt an approximation approach; we approximate the γth power of volatility by an asymmetric GARCH function with the power index γ chosen so that the approximation is optimum. Asymptotic normality is established for both the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (qMLE) and the least absolute deviations estimator (LADE) in our approximation setting. A consequence of our approach is a relaxation of the usual stationarity condition for GARCH models. In an application to real financial datasets, the estimated values for γ are found to be close to one, consistent with the stylized fact that the strongest autocorrelation is found in the absolute returns. A simulation study illustrates that the qMLE is inefficient for models with heavy-tailed errors, whereas the LADE is more robust.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of contagion and spillovers allow for asset-specific shocks that can be directly transmitted from one asset to another, as well as indirectly transmitted across uncorrelated assets through some intermediary mechanism. Standard multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, however, provide estimates of volatilities and correlations based only on the direct transmission of shocks across assets. As such, spillover effects via an intermediary asset or market are not considered. In this article, a multivariate GARCH model is constructed that provides estimates of volatilities and correlations based on both directly and indirectly transmitted shocks. The model is applied to exchange rate and equity returns data. The results suggest that if a spillover component is observed in the data, the spillover augmented models provide significantly different volatility estimates compared to standard multivariate GARCH models.  相似文献   

We introduce the realized exponential GARCH model that can use multiple realized volatility measures for the modeling of a return series. The model specifies the dynamic properties of both returns and realized measures, and is characterized by a flexible modeling of the dependence between returns and volatility. We apply the model to 27 stocks and an exchange traded fund that tracks the S&P 500 index and find specifications with multiple realized measures that dominate those that rely on a single realized measure. The empirical analysis suggests some convenient simplifications and highlights the advantages of the new specification.  相似文献   

The use of GARCH type models and computational-intelligence-based techniques for forecasting financial time series has been proved extremely successful in recent times. In this article, we apply the finite mixture of ARMA-GARCH model instead of AR or ARMA models to compare with the standard BP and SVM in forecasting financial time series (daily stock market index returns and exchange rate returns). We do not apply the pure GARCH model as the finite mixture of the ARMA-GARCH model outperforms the pure GARCH model. These models are evaluated on five performance metrics or criteria. Our experiment shows that the SVM model outperforms both the finite mixture of ARMA-GARCH and BP models in deviation performance criteria. In direction performance criteria, the finite mixture of ARMA-GARCH model performs better. The memory property of these forecasting techniques is also examined using the behavior of forecasted values vis-à-vis the original values. Only the SVM model shows long memory property in forecasting financial returns.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(5):557-566
Christoffersen and Diebold (2000) have introduced a runs test for forecastable volatility in aggregated returns. In this note, we compare the size and power of their runs test and the more conventional LM test for GARCH by Monte Carlo simulation. When the true daily process is GARCH, EGARCH, or stochastic volatility, the LM test has better power than the runs test for the moderate-horizon returns considered by Christoffersen and Diebold. For long-horizon returns, however, the tests have very similar power. We also consider a qualitative threshold GARCH model. For this process, we find that the runs test has greater power than the LM test. Theresults support the use of the runs test with aggregated returns.  相似文献   


Considering alternative models for exchange rates has always been a central issue in applied research. Despite this fact, formal likelihood-based comparisons of competing models are extremely rare. In this paper, we apply the Bayesian marginal likelihood concept to compare GARCH, stable, stable GARCH, stochastic volatility, and a new stable Paretian stochastic volatility model for seven major currencies. Inference is based on combining Monte Carlo methods with Laplace integration. The empirical results show that neither GARCH nor stable models are clear winners, and a GARCH model with stable innovations is the model best supported by the data.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time affine stochastic volatility model with time-varying conditional skewness (SVS). Importantly, we disentangle the dynamics of conditional volatility and conditional skewness in a coherent way. Our approach allows current asset returns to be asymmetric conditional on current factors and past information, which we term contemporaneous asymmetry. Conditional skewness is an explicit combination of the conditional leverage effect and contemporaneous asymmetry. We derive analytical formulas for various return moments that are used for generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation. Applying our approach to S&P500 index daily returns and option data, we show that one- and two-factor SVS models provide a better fit for both the historical and the risk-neutral distribution of returns, compared to existing affine generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), and stochastic volatility with jumps (SVJ) models. Our results are not due to an overparameterization of the model: the one-factor SVS models have the same number of parameters as their one-factor GARCH competitors and less than the SVJ benchmark.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the closed-form estimator for the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH(1,1)) proposed by Kristensen and Linton [A closed-form estimator for the GARCH(1,1) model. Econom Theory. 2006;22:323–337] to deal with additive outliers. It has the advantage that is per se more robust that the maximum likelihood estimator (ML) often used to estimate this model, it is easy to implement and does not require the use of any numerical optimization procedure. The robustification of the closed-form estimator is done by replacing the sample autocorrelations by a robust estimator of these correlations and by estimating the volatility using robust filters. The performance of our proposal in estimating the parameters and the volatility of the GARCH(1,1) model is compared with the proposals existing in the literature via intensive Monte Carlo experiments and the results of these experiments show that our proposal outperforms the ML and quasi-maximum likelihood estimators-based procedures. Finally, we fit the robust closed-form estimator and the benchmarks to one series of financial returns and analyse their performances in estimating and forecasting the volatility and the value-at-risk.  相似文献   

A bivariate stochastic volatility model is employed to measure the effect of intervention by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on daily returns and volume in the USD/YEN foreign exchange market. Missing observations are accounted for, and a data-based Wishart prior for the precision matrix of the errors to the transition equation that is in line with the likelihood is suggested. Empirical results suggest there is strong conditional heteroskedasticity in the mean-corrected volume measure, as well as contemporaneous correlation in the errors to both the observation and transition equations. A threshold model is used for the BOJ reaction function, which is estimated jointly with the bivariate stochastic volatility model via Markov chain Monte Carlo. This accounts for endogeneity between volatility in the market and the BOJ reaction function, something that has hindered much previous empirical analysis in the literature on central bank intervention. The empirical results suggest there was a shift in behavior by the BOJ, with a movement away from a policy of market stabilization and toward a role of support for domestic monetary policy objectives. Throughout, we observe “leaning against the wind” behavior, something that is a feature of most previous empirical analysis of central bank intervention. A comparison with a bivariate EGARCH model suggests that the bivariate stochastic volatility model produces estimates that better capture spikes in in-sample volatility. This is important in improving estimates of a central bank reaction function because it is at these periods of high daily volatility that central banks more frequently intervene.  相似文献   

A bivariate stochastic volatility model is employed to measure the effect of intervention by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on daily returns and volume in the USD/YEN foreign exchange market. Missing observations are accounted for, and a data-based Wishart prior for the precision matrix of the errors to the transition equation that is in line with the likelihood is suggested. Empirical results suggest there is strong conditional heteroskedasticity in the mean-corrected volume measure, as well as contemporaneous correlation in the errors to both the observation and transition equations. A threshold model is used for the BOJ reaction function, which is estimated jointly with the bivariate stochastic volatility model via Markov chain Monte Carlo. This accounts for endogeneity between volatility in the market and the BOJ reaction function, something that has hindered much previous empirical analysis in the literature on central bank intervention. The empirical results suggest there was a shift in behavior by the BOJ, with a movement away from a policy of market stabilization and toward a role of support for domestic monetary policy objectives. Throughout, we observe “leaning against the wind” behavior, something that is a feature of most previous empirical analysis of central bank intervention. A comparison with a bivariate EGARCH model suggests that the bivariate stochastic volatility model produces estimates that better capture spikes in in-sample volatility. This is important in improving estimates of a central bank reaction function because it is at these periods of high daily volatility that central banks more frequently intervene.  相似文献   

In this paper the class of Bilinear GARCH (BL-GARCH) models is proposed. BL-GARCH models allow to capture asymmetries in the conditional variance of financial and economic time series by means of interactions between past shocks and volatilities. The availability of likelihood based inference is an attractive feature of BL-GARCH models. Under the assumption of conditional normality, the log-likelihood function can be maximized by means of an EM type algorithm. The main reason for using the EM algorithm is that it allows to obtain parameter estimates which naturally guarantee the positive definiteness of the conditional variance with no need for additional parameter constraints. We also derive a robust LM test statistic which can be used for model identification. Finally, the effectiveness of BL-GARCH models in capturing asymmetric volatility patterns in financial time series is assessed by means of an application to a time series of daily returns on the NASDAQ Composite stock market index.  相似文献   

This article proposes to use a standardized version of the normal-Laplace mixture distribution for the modeling of tail-fatness in an asset return distribution and for the fitting of volatility smiles implied by option prices. Despite the fact that only two free parameters are used, the proposed distribution allows arbitrarily high kurtosis and uses one shape parameter to adjust the density function within three standard deviations for any specified kurtosis. For an asset price model based on this distribution, the closed-form formulas for European option prices are derived, and subsequently the volatility smiles can be easily obtained. A regression analysis is conducted to show that the kurtosis, which is commonly used as an index of tail-fatness, is unable to explain the smiles satisfactorily under the proposed model, because the additional shape parameter also significantly accounts for the deviations revealed in smiles. The effectiveness of the proposed parsimonious model is demonstrated in the practical examples where the model is fitted to the volatility smiles implied by the NASDAQ market traded foreign exchange options.  相似文献   

A Bayesian method for estimating a time-varying regression model subject to the presence of structural breaks is proposed. Heteroskedastic dynamics, via both GARCH and stochastic volatility specifications, and an autoregressive factor, subject to breaks, are added to generalize the standard return prediction model, in order to efficiently estimate and examine the relationship and how it changes over time. A Bayesian computational method is employed to identify the locations of structural breaks, and for estimation and inference, simultaneously accounting for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The proposed methods are illustrated using simulated data. Then, an empirical study of the Taiwan and Hong Kong stock markets, using oil and gas price returns as a state variable, provides strong support for oil prices being an important explanatory variable for stock returns.  相似文献   

股票收益波动具有典型的连续函数特征,将其纳入连续动态函数范畴分析,能够挖掘现有离散分析方法不能揭示的深层次信息。本文基于连续动态函数视角研究上证50指数样本股票收益波动的类别模式和时段特征。首先由实际离散观测数据信息自行驱动,重构隐含在其中的本征收益波动函数。进一步,利用函数型主成分正交分解收益函数波动的主趋势,在无核心信息损失的主成分降维基础上,引入自适应权重聚类分析客观划分股票收益函数波动的模式类别。最后,利用函数型方差分析检验不同类别收益函数之间波动差异的显著性和稳健性,并基于波动函数周期性时段划分,图形展示和可视化剖析每一类别收益函数在不同时段波动的势能转化规律。研究发现:上证综指股票收益波动的主导趋势可以分解为四个子模式,50只股票存在五类显著的波动模式类别,并且5类波动模式的特征差异主要体现在本次研究区间的初始阶段。本文拓展了股票收益波动模式分类和差异因素分析的研究视角,能够为金融监管部门的管理策略制定和证券市场的投资组合配置提供实证支持。  相似文献   

We consider a vector conditional heteroscedastic autoregressive nonlinear (CHARN) model in which both the conditional mean and the conditional variance (volatility) matrix are unknown functions of the past. Nonparametric estimators of these functions are constructed based on local polynomial fitting. We examine the rates of convergence of these estimators and give a result on their asymptotic normality. These results are applied to estimation of volatility matrices in foreign exchange markets. Estimation of the conditional covariance surface for the Deutsche Mark/US Dollar (DEM/USD) and Deutsche Mark/British Pound (DEM/GBP) daily returns show negative correlation when the two series have opposite lagged values and positive correlation elsewhere. The relation of our findings to the capital asset pricing model is discussed.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new specification for the heterogenous autoregressive (HAR) model for the realized volatility of S&P 500 index returns. In this modeling framework, the coefficients of the HAR are allowed to be time-varying with unspecified functional forms. The local linear method with the cross-validation (CV) bandwidth selection is applied to estimate the time-varying coefficient HAR (TVC-HAR) model, and a bootstrap method is used to construct the point-wise confidence bands for the coefficient functions. Furthermore, the asymptotic distribution of the proposed local linear estimators of the TVC-HAR model is established under some mild conditions. The results of the simulation study show that the local linear estimator with CV bandwidth selection has favorable finite sample properties. The outcomes of the conditional predictive ability test indicate that the proposed nonparametric TVC-HAR model outperforms the parametric HAR and its extension to HAR with jumps and/or GARCH in terms of multi-step out-of-sample forecasting, in particular in the post-2003 crisis and 2007 global financial crisis (GFC) periods, during which financial market volatilities were unduly high.  相似文献   


In the class of stochastic volatility (SV) models, leverage effects are typically specified through the direct correlation between the innovations in both returns and volatility, resulting in the dynamic leverage (DL) model. Recently, two asymmetric SV models based on threshold effects have been proposed in the literature. As such models consider only the sign of the previous return and neglect its magnitude, this paper proposes a dynamic asymmetric leverage (DAL) model that accommodates the direct correlation as well as the sign and magnitude of the threshold effects. A special case of the DAL model with zero direct correlation between the innovations is the asymmetric leverage (AL) model. The dynamic asymmetric leverage models are estimated by the Monte Carlo likelihood (MCL) method. Monte Carlo experiments are presented to examine the finite sample properties of the estimator. For a sample size of T = 2000 with 500 replications, the sample means, standard deviations, and root mean squared errors of the MCL estimators indicate only a small finite sample bias. The empirical estimates for S&;P 500 and TOPIX financial returns, and USD/AUD and YEN/USD exchange rates, indicate that the DAL class, including the DL and AL models, is generally superior to threshold SV models with respect to AIC and BIC, with AL typically providing the best fit to the data.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(1):1-24
This paper extends the current literature on the variance-causality topic providing the coefficient restrictions ensuring variance noncausality within multivariate GARCH models with in-mean effects. Furthermore, this paper presents a new multivariate model, the exponential causality GARCH. By the introduction of a multiplicative causality impact function, the variance causality effects becomes directly interpretable and can therefore be used to detect both the existence of causality and its direction; notably, the proposed model allows for increasing and decreasing variance effects. An empirical application evidences negative causality effects between returns and volume of an Italian stock market index future contract.  相似文献   

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