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Using Monte Carlo methods, an examination is made of two statistical methods used for hypothesis testing in a general factorial model with a known correlation structure General correlation structures are given in Smith and Lewis (1980) and Pavur and Lewis (1982) which allow the usual F statistic to be corrected by a constant. The corrected F statistic would be the usual F statistic multiplied by a correction constant. A comparison is made between this corrected f statistic and the rank transform F statistic presented by Conover and Iman (1976). When the usual F statistic and the rank transform statistic are corrected for correlationt this simulation study shows that these statistical tests behave well under a variety of situations when not all f the usual assumptions of an ANOVA are satisfied.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Sruimov test depends for its distribution-free property on the observation that, if F() is the CDF of continuous random variable A then random variable F(X) is uniform on the interval [0,1]. That observation is false if F() is not continuous, a restriction on the applicability of the KS test. This paper introduces a generalization of the KS statistic that works for all distributions, including discrete ones.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nonnuU distribution of the ellipticity statistic used for testing sphericity in a bivariate normal population. The distribution function is expressed as mixtures of F distribution functions, where the mixing probabilities are binomial and mgatiire binomial. A simple approximation to the distribution is suggested and examined  相似文献   

The permutation distribution of a statistic T equivalent to the usual F ratio for the completely randomized design is considered. A correction to the second moment of T derived by Robinson (1983) is presented and the third and fourth moments are educed. Inadequacies in the conventional permutation distribution approximations are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold:On one hand we want to give a very simple algorithm for evaluating a special rank estimator of the type given in Behnen, Neuhaus, and Ruymgaart (1983) for the approximate optimal choice of the scores-generating function of a two-sample linear rank test for the general testing problem Ho:F=G versus H1:F ≤ G, F ≠ G, in order to demonstrate that the corresponding adaptive rank statistic is simple enough for practical applications. On the other hand we prove the asymptotic normality of the adaptive rank statistic under H (leading to approximate critical values) and demonstrate the adaptive behavior of the corresponding rank test by a Monte Carlo power simulation for sample sizes as low as m=10, n=10.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) propose the so-called KPSS statistic for testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root process. The statistic employs a spectral estimator which can be shown to diverge with increasing sample size, given the alternative is true. Here, we suggest a modified spectral estimator which is shown to stabilize for moving average models. It is shown that this test statistic uniformly outperforms the KPSS statistic in an MA(1) model. Furthermore, a two-step nonparametric correction procedure is suggested, giving a test statistic with similar asymptotic properties as the original KPSS statistic. However, in small samples this correction performs better especially in detecting large random walk components. This paper was written while the author was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Amsterdam. The author likes to thank Peter Boswijk, Inge van den Doel, Noud van Giersbergen and Jan F.Kiviet for their help during that time. Moreover, I would like to thank an anonymous referee for a number of helpful comments.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic process describing the evolution of a certain population. A sample is taken from this population in some given generation and is to be used for estimation purposes. It is shown that if one wishes to estimate, from the sample, the actual value of a certain population quantity F in the current generation, estimation using a statistic f is preferred to estimation using a different statistic k, whereas, if one wishes to estimate the mean value of F relative to the stochastic process describing the population evolution, estimation using k is preferred to estimation using f.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distribution of the F statistic calculated from instrumental variable'two stage least squares residuals is obtained.  相似文献   

The distribution function of the ith order statistic in random sampling from a distribution function F is obtained when the sample size. is random.  相似文献   

The Hotelling's T2statistic has been used in constructing a multivariate control chart for individual observations. In Phase II operations, the distribution of the T2statistic is related to the F distribution provided the underlying population is multivariate normal. Thus, the upper control limit (UCL) is proportional to a percentile of the F distribution. However, if the process data show sufficient evidence of a marked departure from multivariate normality, the UCL based on the F distribution may be very inaccurate. In such situations, it will usually be helpful to determine the UCL based on the percentile of the estimated distribution for T2. In this paper, we use a kernel smoothing technique to estimate the distribution of the T2statistic as well as of the UCL of the T2chart, when the process data are taken from a multivariate non-normal distribution. Through simulations, we examine the sample size requirement and the in-control average run length of the T2control chart for sample observations taken from a multivariate exponential distribution. The paper focuses on the Phase II situation with individual observations.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distribution of the F statistic calculated from instrumental variable‘two stage least squares residuals is obtained.  相似文献   

The likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the mean direction in the von Mises distribution is modified for possessing a common asymptotic distribution both for large sample size and for large concentration parameter. The test statistic of the modified LRT is compared with the F distribution but not with the chi-square distribution usually employed, Good performances of the modified LRT are shown by analytical studies and Monte Carlo simulation studies, A notable advantage of the test is that it takes part in the unified likelihood inference procedures including both the marginal MLE and the marginal LRT for the concentration parameter.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of testing slopes in k straight lines with'heterogeneous variances. The statistic Fβ is proposed and the null and non-null distributions of Fβ derived under normality assumption. The power function values are then approximated by Laguerre polynomial expansion for normal and non-normal universes. For the example given in Graybill ‘1976, p. 295’, it is shown that the Satterthwaite approximation provides a close approximation to the null and non-null distributions in all the cases; it is also shown that the Fβ test is quite robust with respect to departure from normality in the case of mixtures of two normals.  相似文献   

Shiue and Bain proposed an approximate F statistic for testing equality of two gamma distribution scale parameters in presence of a common and unknown shape parameter. By generalizing Shiue and Bain's statistic we develop a new statistic for testing equality of L >= 2 gamma distribution scale parameters. We derive the distribution of the new statistic ESP for L = 2 and equal sample size situation. For other situations distribution of ESP is not known and test based on the ESP statistic has to be performed by using simulated critical values. We also derive a C(α) statistic CML and develop a likelihood ratio statistic, LR, two modified likelihood ratio statistics M and MLB and a quadratic statistic Q. The distribution of each of the statistics CML, LR, M, MLB and Q is asymptotically chi-square with L - 1 degrees of freedom. We then conducted a monte-carlo simulation study to compare the perfor- mance of the statistics ESP, LR, M, MLB, CML and Q in terms of size and power. The statistics LR, M, MLB and Q are in general liberal and do not show power advantage over other statistics. The statistic CML, based on its asymptotic chi-square distribution, in general, holds nominal level well. It is most powerful or nearly most powerful in most situations and is simple to use. Hence, we recommend the statistic CML for use in general. For better power the statistic ESP, based on its empirical distribution, is recommended for the special situation for which there is evidence in the data that λ1 < … < λL and n1 < … < nL, where λ1 …, λL are the scale parameters and n1,…, nL are the sample sizes.  相似文献   

We studied the behavior of a statistic that tests for treatment effects in incomplete block designs, Simulation was used to estimate the first four moments of a test statistic that combines intra- and inter-block estimates of treatment contrasts. For a wide range of alternative hypotheses, the moments are remarkably close to those of an F distribution with one degree of freedom in the numerator, and the denominator degrees of freedom equal to that of the mean square error in the usual intra-block analysis, The noncentrality parameter depends upon the block and unit variances and the eigenvalues of the incidence matrix of the design, The power of the test statistic can be estimated from standard power function charts.  相似文献   

It is often necessary to test whether X,…, Xn are from a certain density f(x) or not. Most test statistics such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises, and Anderson-Darling statistics are based on the empirical distribution function F(x). In this paper we suggest a test statistic based on the integrated squared error of the kernel density estimator. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the statistic under the null and alternative hypothesis. Some simulation results for power comparisons are also given.  相似文献   

Let F and G be the cumulative distribution functions corresponding to two independent random variables. Define the shift function, Δ(x), by F(x)=G(x+Δ(x)). Doksum and Sievers (1976) compared two confidence bands for Δ(x). The confidence band they found to be best requires the percentage points of a weighted form of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. The goal in this paper is to supply a table of some of the exact percentage points.  相似文献   

Rank tests are considered that compare t treatments in repeated measures designs. A statistic is given that contains as special cases several that have been proposed for this problem, including one that corresponds to the randomized block ANOVA statistic applied to the rank transformed data. Another statistic is proposed, having a null distribution holding under more general conditions, that is the rank transform of the Hotelling statistic for repeated measures. A statistic of this type is also given for data that are ordered categorical rather than fully rankedo Unlike the Friedman statistic, the statistics discussed in this article utilize a single ranking of the entire sample. Power calculations for an underlying normal distribution indicate that the rank transformed ANOVA test can be substantially more powerful than the Friedman test.  相似文献   

In 1960 Levene suggested a potentially robust test of homogeneity of variance based on an ordinary least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of mean-based residuals. Levene's test has since been shown to have inflated levels of significance when based on the F-distribution, and tests a hypothesis other than homogeneity of variance when treatments are unequally replicated, but the incorrect formulation is now standard output in several statistical packages. This paper develops a weighted least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of both mean-based and median-based residuals. It shows how to adjust the residuals so that tests using the F -statistic focus on homogeneity of variance for both balanced and unbalanced designs. It shows how to modify the F -statistics currently produced by statistical packages so that the distribution of the resultant test statistic is closer to an F-distribution than is currently the case. The weighted least squares approach also produces component mean squares that are unbiased irrespective of which variable is used in Levene's test. To complete this aspect of the investigation the paper derives exact second-order moments of the component sums of squares used in the calculation of the mean-based test statistic. It shows that, for large samples, both ordinary and weighted least squares test statistics are equivalent; however they are over-dispersed compared to an F variable.  相似文献   

Because the usual F test for equal means is not robust to unequal variances, Brown and Forsythe (1974a) suggest replacing F with the statistics F or W which are based on the Satterthwaite and Welch adjusted degrees of freedom procedures. This paper reports practical situations where both F and W give * unsatisfactory results. In particular, both F and W may not provide adequate control over Type I errors. Moreover, for equal variances, but unequal sample sizes, W should be avoided in favor of F (or F ), but for equal sample sizes, and possibly unequal variances, W was the only satisfactory statistic. New results on power are included as well. The paper also considers the effect of using F or W only after a significant test for equal variances has been obtained, and new results on the robustness of the F test are described. It is found that even for equal sample sizes as large as 50 per treatment group, there are practical situations where the F test does not provide adequately control over the probability of a Type I error.  相似文献   

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