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The problem of constructing approximate confidence limits for a proportion parameter of the Pólya distribution is discussed. Three different methods for determining approximate one-sided and two-sided confidence limits for that parameter of the Pólya distribution have been proposed and compared. Particular cases of those confidence bounds are confidence intervals for the parameter of the binomial and the hypergeometric distributions.  相似文献   

Motivated by the paper of Dandekar (1955), a one-urn model with Polya–Eggenberger sampling scheme is developed, which yields a large number of discrete distributions, including the Dandekar's modified binomial distribution, as particular cases. The model is further modified to some new generalized distributions of order k. Some probable applications of these models were discussed in Dandekar (1955) and Feller (1968) in fields of fertility study and radioactivity. It also has applications in premium determination in insurance sector.  相似文献   

The problem of calculating approximate confidence limits for the difference between success probability parameters of two Pólya distributions is solved for the first time. We suggest some new methods for determining these approximate confidence limits and consider their application to special cases: namely for the binomial and hypergeometric distributions. The various approximate confidence limits are evaluated and compared.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have presented a proportional hazard version of the Marshall–Olkin extended family of distributions. This family of distributions has been compared in terms of stochastic orderings with the Marshall-Olkin extended family of distributions. Considering the Gompertz distribution as the baseline, the monotonicity of the resulting failure rate is shown to be either increasing or bathtub, even though the Gompertz distribution has an increasing failure rate. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters has been studied and a data set, involving the serum–reversal times, has been analyzed and it has been shown that the model presented in this paper fit better than the Gompertz or even the Mrashall–Olkin Gompertz distribution. The extension presented in this paper can be used in other family of distributions as well.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a Pólya process is approached from a probability point of view. No prior inference work has been done on them. In this study, we approach the continuous-time Pólya process from an estimation point of view. We construct efficient estimators for the replacement matrix of certain classes of Pólya processes.  相似文献   

In this article, we use the bivariate Poisson distribution obtained by the trivariate reduction method and compound it with a geometric distribution to derive a bivariate Pólya-Aeppli distribution. We then discuss a number of properties of this distribution including the probability generating function, correlation structure, probability mass function, recursive relations, and conditional distributions. The generating function of the tail probabilities is also obtained. Moment estimation of the parameters is then discussed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The Hinde–Demétrio (HD) family of distributions, which are discrete exponential dispersion models with an additional real index parameter p, have been recently characterized from the unit variance function μ + μ p . For p equals to 2, 3,…, the corresponding distributions are concentrated on non negative integers, overdispersed and zero-inflated with respect to a Poisson distribution having the same mean. The negative binomial (p = 2) and strict arcsine (p = 3) distributions are HD families; the limit case (p → ∞) is associated to a suitable Poisson distribution. Apart from these count distributions, none of the HD distributions has explicit probability mass functions p k . This article shows that the ratios r k  = k p k /p k?1, k = 1,…, p ? 1, are equal and different from r p . This new property allows, for a given count data set, to determine the integer p by some tests. The extreme situation of p = 2 is of general interest for count data. Some examples are used for illustrations and discussions.  相似文献   


We propose an elementary but effective approach to studying a general class of Poissonized tenable and balanced urns on two colors. We characterize the asymptotic behavior of the process via a partial differential equation that governs the process, coupled with the method of moments applied in a bootstrapped manner. We show that the limiting distribution of the process underlying the Bagchi-Pal urn is gamma. We also look into the tenable and balanced processes associated with randomized replacement matrix. Similar results carry over to the process, with minor modifications in the methods of proof, done mutatis mutandis.  相似文献   

In this study, we define the Pólya–Aeppli process of order k as a compound Poisson process with truncated geometric compounding distribution with success probability 1 ? ρ > 0 and investigate some of its basic properties. Using simulation, we provide a comparison between the sample paths of the Pólya–Aeppli process of order k and the Poisson process. Also, we consider a risk model in which the claim counting process {N(t)} is a Pólya-Aeppli process of order k, and call it a Pólya—Aeppli of order k risk model. For the Pólya–Aeppli of order k risk model, we derive the ruin probability and the distribution of the deficit at the time of ruin. We discuss in detail the particular case of exponentially distributed claims and provide simulation results for more general cases.  相似文献   

A new class of α-modified binomial distribution has been proposed, and its distributional properties like probability generating function (pgf), moments, and their interrelations have been studied. Two new α-modified Poisson distributions and Poisson distribution have been obtained as limiting distributions. Modified binomial and Poisson distributions introduced by Berg and Jaworski (1988 Berg , S. , Jaworski , J. ( 1988 ). Modified binomial and Poisson distributions with application in random mapping theory . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 18 : 313322 . [Google Scholar]) have been seen as particular cases. Mixture distributions of α-modified binomial distributions have been derived. A new distributions called α-modified binomial distributions of type j, their moment properties, limiting distributions as α-modified Poisson distribution of type j, their different convolution properties, pgf, parameter estimators have been studied. Two more new distributions namely Doubly α-modified binomial distributions of type (i, j) and α-modified weighted generalized Poisson distributions of type (j ? 1) have also been studied. Various α-modified binomial and Poisson distributions of Berg and Mutafchiev (1990 Berg , S. , Mutafchiev , L. ( 1990 ). Random mapping with an attracting center: Lagrangian distributions and a regression function . J. Appl. Probab. 27 : 622636 . [Google Scholar]) and Berg and Nowicki (1991 Berg , S. , Nowicki , K. ( 1991 ). Statistical inference for a class of modified power series distributions with applications to random mapping theory . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 28 : 247261 . [Google Scholar]) have been seen as special cases. Application of some of these proposed distributions have been identified.  相似文献   

A dual class of the multivariate distributions of Marshall–Olkin type is introduced, and their copulas are presented and utilized to derive explicit expressions of the distributional tail dependencies, which describe the amount of dependence in the upper-orthant tail or lower-orthant tail of a multivariate distribution and can be used in the study of dependence among extreme values. A sufficient condition under which tail dependencies of two such distributions can be compared are obtained. Some examples are also presented to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

The important problem of the ratio of Weibull random variables is considered. Two motivating examples from engineering are discussed. Exact expressions are derived for the probability density function, cumulative distribution function, hazard rate function, shape characteristics, moments, factorial moments, skewness, kurtosis and percentiles of the ratio. Estimation procedures by the methods of moments and maximum likelihood are provided. The performances of the estimates from these methods are compared by simulation. Finally, an application is discussed for aspect and performance ratios of systems.  相似文献   

Some alternative estimators to the maximum likelihood estimators of the two parameters of the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution are proposed. Most have high efficiencies as measured by root mean square error and are robust to departure from the model as well as to outliers. In addition, the proposed estimators are easy to compute. Both complete and right-censored data are discussed. Simulation studies are provided to compare the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that probabilities for the distribution of the sample correlation coefficient, such as those given by David [2] can be quickly and accurately calculated on modern desk calculators.  相似文献   

The computation of rectangular probabilities of multivariate discrete integer distributions such as the multinomial, multivariate hypergeometric or multivariate Pólya distributions is of great interest both for statistical applications and for probabilistic modeling purpose. All these distributions are members of a broader family of multivariate discrete integer distributions for which computationaly efficient approximate methods have been proposed for the evaluation of such probabilities, but with no control over their accuracy. Recently, exact algorithms have been proposed for computing such probabilities, but they are either dedicated to a specific distribution or to very specific rectangular probabilities. We propose a new algorithm that allows to perform the computation of arbitrary rectangular probabilities in the most general case. Its accuracy matches or even outperforms the accuracy exact algorithms when the rounding errors are taken into account. In the worst case, its computational cost is the same as the most efficient exact method published so far, and is much lower in many situations of interest. It does not need any additional storage than the one for the parameters of the distribution, which allows to deal with large dimension/large counting parameter applications at no extra memory cost and with an acceptable computation time, which is a major difference with respect to the methods published so far.  相似文献   

Identical numerical integration experiments are performed on a CYBER 205 and an IBM 3081 in order to gauge the relative performance of several methods of integration. The methods employed are the general methods of Gauss-Legendre, iterated Gauss-Legendre, Newton-Cotes, Romberg and Monte Carlo as well as three methods, due to Owen, Dutt, and Clark respectively, for integrating the normal density. The bi- and trivariate normal densities and four other functions are integrated; the latter four have integrals expressible in closed form and some of them can be parameterized to exhibit singularities or highly periodic behavior. The various Gauss-Legendre methods tend to be most accurate (when applied to the normal density they are even more accurate than the special purpose methods designed for the normal) and while they are not the fastest, they are at least competitive. In scalar mode the CYBER is about 2-6 times faster than the IBM 3081 and the speed advantage of vectorised to scalar mode ranges from 6 to 15. Large scale econometric problems of the probit type should now be routinely soluble.  相似文献   

This paper derives transition and first hitting time densities and moments for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process (OUP) between exponential thresholds. The densities are obtained by simplifying the process via Doob’s representation into Brownian motion between affine thresholds. The densities in this paper also offer easy-to-use and fast small-time approximations for the densities of OUP between constant thresholds given that exponential thresholds are virtually constant for a small time. This is of interest for estimation with high-frequency data given that extant approaches for constant thresholds impose a large demand on computing power. The moments of the transition distribution up to order n are derived within a closed-form recursive formula that offers valuable information for management. Expressions for the moments of the first hitting time distribution are also obtained in closed form by simplifying integrals via series expansions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the well known Jeffreys–Lindley paradox. In a Bayesian set up, the so-called paradox arises when a point null hypothesis is tested and an objective prior is sought for the alternative hypothesis. In particular, the posterior for the null hypothesis tends to one when the uncertainty, i.e., the variance, for the parameter value goes to infinity. We argue that the appropriate way to deal with the paradox is to use simple mathematics, and that any philosophical argument is to be regarded as irrelevant.  相似文献   

The ratio of normal tail probabilities and the ratio of Student’s t tail probabilities have gained an increased attention in statistics and related areas. However, they are not well studied in the literature. In this paper, we systematically study the functional behaviors of these two ratios. Meanwhile, we explore their difference as well as their relationship. It is surprising that the two ratios behave very different to each other. Finally, we conclude the paper by conducting some lower and upper bounds for the two ratios.  相似文献   

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