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Marvin H. J. Gruber 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):180-193
Bayesian statistics is concerned with how prior information influence inferences. This article studies this problem by comparing the value of the Rao distance between prior and posterior normal distributions. Particular cases include the linear Bayes estimator, the mixed estimator, and ridge-type estimators. 相似文献
Getulio Jose amorim Amaral Olga Patricia reyes Floréz Francisco José A Cysneiros 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(8):1801-1814
We describe methods to detect influential observations in a sample of pre-shapes when the underlying distribution is assumed to be complex Bingham. One of these methods is based on Cook's distance, which is derived from the likelihood of the complex Bingham distribution. Other method is related to the tangent space, which is based on the local influence for the multivariate normal distribution. A method to detect outliers is also explained. The application of the methods is illustrated in both a real dataset and a simulated sample. 相似文献
1984年以来,江苏省统计局积极推进统计分析工作的改革,使统计工作出现了新的面貌。统计分析工作的变化,主要表现在以下六个方面。从“单纯上报报表”向“报表分析两结合”转变长期以来,统计干部认为统计部门的主要职责是搞报表,习惯于那种“加加减减,上报了事”的工作内容和工作方式。对抓好统计分析、提供优质服务认识不足。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着改革、开放方针的推行,历次全国统计工作会议明确提出各级统计部门要搞好优质服务。而写好统计分析报告,是提供优质服务的重要形式。这样统计干部也就注意到了报表与分析的结合。在按时、按质完成上报任务的同时,全省普遍开展了统计分析工作。1986年省、市、县三级共写统计分析报告5 660篇.质量提高也较快,在全国优秀统计分析报告评比中,1985年获一、二等奖各一篇,1986年获一、三等奖各一篇。1987年获一、二等奖各一篇。有的被领导批示、表扬,有的被社会广泛采用,深受各界好评。 相似文献
米新江,廊坊师范学院计算机中心教师,职称:副教授。1963年出生。自1995年因工作关系接触股市,1996年入市。在1996-1997的牛市行情中小有收获,遂自以为是,携囊中所有全部投入,自1997年7月开始被套。为解除套牢之苦,潜心钻研,遍读股书,并按书例操作。不断有新的认识和看法,不断调整战略和战法。随时间的流逝,账面币值的不断减少,开始怀疑自己。至1999年,入市资金损失过半。此时对股市的研究已经是5个年头了,自己虽是遍体鳞伤,但对股市的理解已是刻骨铭心。1999年5.18行情的来临时,运用自己5年潜心研究的理论,在9月顺利出逃。在2000年的12月24日再次杀入股市,并向好友发出通报。在2001年5月逃出股市,此时已经将前5年的损失补回。之后看大盘的下跌愉悦之情无以言表。现在已经是跃跃欲试,为再次作战作好了充分的准备,机会就在眼前。 相似文献
Paul A. Thompson 《The American statistician》2013,67(3):310-316
BMDP, Version 7.0: Available from BMDP, Statistical Software, Inc., 12121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90025; phone: 310-207-8800; fax: 310-207-8844. $695. NCSS, Version 5.3: Available from NCSS, Attn: Dr. Jerry Hintze, 329 N. 1000 East, Kaysville, UT 84037; phone: 801-546-0445; fax: 801-546-3907. $295. SAS, Version 6.07: Available from SAS Institute, Inc., SASA Campus Drive, Cary, NC 27513; phone: 919-677-8200; fax: 919-677-8123. $2525 (first year); $1175 (renewal). SPSS, Version 6.0: Available from SPSS Inc., 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; phone: 800-543-5831; fax: 800-841-0064. $1190. 相似文献
Nan Wang 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2014,43(8):1686-1697
Mixed effect models, which contain both fixed effects and random effects, are frequently used in dealing with correlated data arising from repeated measurements (made on the same statistical units). In mixed effect models, the distributions of the random effects need to be specified and they are often assumed to be normal. The analysis of correlated data from repeated measurements can also be done with GEE by assuming any type of correlation as initial input. Both mixed effect models and GEE are approaches requiring distribution specifications (likelihood, score function). In this article, we consider a distribution-free least square approach under a general setting with missing value allowed. This approach does not require the specifications of the distributions and initial correlation input. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation are discussed. 相似文献
We propose to use the term standard distance for the quantity in univariate analysis and show that it can be easily generalized to the multivariate situation, where it coincides with the square root of the Mahalanobis distance between two samples. 相似文献
Ephraim Goidin 《商业与经济统计学杂志》2013,31(1):36-42
The loss rate of coins in the Israeli pound (IL) series issued in Israel in 1960–1979 is estimated, and the connection between it and the characteristics of the coins is examined. A lifetime model with time-dependent hazard rate and an estimation procedure for the model parameters are presented. The estimates are then used to forecast the number of coins surviving in circulation and the median lifetime of different denominations. The data are random samples drawn from the coins in circulation at a point in time, the sampled coins being sorted by date of issue. 相似文献
改革开放以来,我国经济实现了持续快速的增长,也经历了四次较为严重的通货膨胀。我国政府在治理通货膨胀中积累了俄丰富的经验,并于1996年成功地实现了宏观经济的“软着陆”,经济发展进入了“高增长,低通胀”的阶段。然而好景不长,一个更加棘手的问题却又悄然来临。增长开始下降,通货出现紧缩。通货紧缩使得企业盈利下降,居民预期收入降低,抑制了投资和消费,从而进一步使得经济增长放慢,失业人数增加。通货紧缩已经成为影响我国经济健康发展的突出问题。对通货治理不当,可能会带来比通货膨胀更加严重的危害。本文在提出通货紧缩的含义和特征后,全面分析了我国通货紧缩的成因,并提出了治理通货紧缩的政策建议。 相似文献
我国的收入分配统计分析,比较薄弱。其原因,一是由于分配问题本身比较复杂,对分配统计分析方法的研究也比较少;二是近十年来国民经济发生了很大变化,一些旧的思想方法束缚了人们对问题的认识,在收入分配统计分析方面存在着不少疑点、难点。现就收入分配统计分析中几个常见的问题,谈一点粗浅的认识。 一、关于超分配的统计分析问题 在商品货币经济条件下,超分配有其发生的可能性和现实性。超分配所反映的是分配环节与生产环节的不协调关系,反映以货币形式表现的分配总量超过以实物形式表现的生产总 相似文献
对小学生人体测量数据进行因子分析,得出在校服下装制作时,臀长和股上长是非常重要的采寸部位。通过对小学生年龄段的聚类分析,提出了一种新的校服生产分类方法,对小学生校服的组织生产有着重要的指导意义。 相似文献
Ian L. Dryden Mohammad Reza Faghihi & Charles C. Taylor 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》1997,59(2):353-374
Consider a set of points in the plane randomly perturbed about a mean configuration by Gaussian errors. In this paper a Procrustes statistic based on the shapes of subsets of the points is studied, and its approximate distribution is found for small variations. We derive various properties of the distribution including the first two moments, a central limit result and a scaled χ2 –-approximation. We concentrate on the independent isotropic Gaussian error case, although the results are valid for general covariance structures. We investigate triangle subsets in detail and in particular the situation where the population mean is regular (i.e. a Delaunay triangulation of the mean of the process is comprised of equilateral triangles of the same size). We examine the variance of the statistic for differently shaped regions and provide an asymptotic result for general shaped regions. The results are applied to an investigation of regularity in human muscle fibre cross-sections. 相似文献
中国森林火灾风险统计分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
依据信息扩散理论,从森林火灾次数、受灾范围和致灾程度的角度对1998—2011年中国森林火灾风险进行了统计分析。对森林火灾次数选取一般与较大森林火灾次数、重大森林火灾次数及各自在森林火灾总次数中所占比例三项指标,进行动态趋势和风险概率分析。对受灾范围和致灾程度选取森林火灾损失率、受害率和损受比三个指标观察其动态变化并计算风险概率。研究的主要结论有:重大森林火灾次数和其在总次数中所占比例两指标的波动幅度和频率较为一致;一般和较大森林火灾随着次数的累积,对森林的危害程度也会较大;森林火灾损失率和受害率的值都相对较高时,损受比不一定高;一年中森林火灾损失率、受害率、损受比的值在各自均值以上的概率都约为60%左右。 相似文献
一、企业经营元要素与决策—信息机制(一)企业经营的元要素企业具有生产的功能。生产就是把投入转化为产出的活动。企业生产的目的不是为了取得产品的使用价值,而是为了最终实现价值,并使价值增值。产品价值的实现是企业外部即市场完成的,各投入要素也来自市场。这样... 相似文献
一、军事经济周期的内涵(一)经济周期的概念与类型经济学家普遍接受的经济周期定义是美国经济学家密契尔(W.C.Mitchell)给出的“经济周期是市场经济为主的国家总体经济活动的一种波动,一个周期是由很多经济活动的差不多同时扩张,继之以普遍的衰退、收缩与复苏所组成的,这种变动 相似文献
Ross H. Taplin 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》1997,46(4):493-512
A new statistic and a new method of analysis are proposed for data where a sample of respondents provides a preference ordering of some treatments. The new preference statistic is compared with the Friedman statistic, particularly for an example where 12 home owners each ranked four grasses. The new analysis provides a more natural and less misleading assessment of where the differences occur than an analysis based on the rank sums of the Friedman statistic. The new analysis is also more robust to deviations from the classical location problem, is not related to election methods known to have undesirable characteristics and adheres to the Condorcet criterion for election methods. 相似文献
LUCA PRATELLI ALBERTO BACCINI LUCIO BARABESI MARZIA MARCHESELLI 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2012,39(4):681-694
Abstract. The Hirsch index (commonly referred to as h‐index) is a bibliometric indicator which is widely recognized as effective for measuring the scientific production of a scholar since it summarizes size and impact of the research output. In a formal setting, the h‐index is actually an empirical functional of the distribution of the citation counts received by the scholar. Under this approach, the asymptotic theory for the empirical h‐index has been recently exploited when the citation counts follow a continuous distribution and, in particular, variance estimation has been considered for the Pareto‐type and the Weibull‐type distribution families. However, in bibliometric applications, citation counts display a distribution supported by the integers. Thus, we provide general properties for the empirical h‐index under the small‐ and large‐sample settings. In addition, we also introduce consistent non‐parametric variance estimation, which allows for the implementation of large‐sample set estimation for the theoretical h‐index. 相似文献