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A nonparametric test procedure is proposed for the analysis of randomized complete block designs. Such a procedure may be carried out graphically in the form of a Shewhart control chart. Exact and asymptotic critical values are given for the implementation of the proposed procedure. A Monte Carlo study is made to compare the powers of the proposed procedure to those of analysis of variance, the analysis of means, and the Friedman procedures. Results of the study indicate that the proposed procedure has superior power performance when testing against slippage alternative hypotheses under heavy-tailed distributions such as the Cauchy distribution. However, when testing against symmetric alternatives under light-tailed distributions, the proposed procedure does not perform well  相似文献   

When testing the equality of the means from two independent normally distributed populations given that the variances of the two populations are unknown but assumed equal, the classical Student's two-sample t-test is recommended. If the underlying population distributions are normal with unequal and unknown variances, either Welch's t-statistic or Satterthwaite's approximate F test is suggested. However, Welch's procedure is non-robust under most non-normal distributions. There is a variable tolerance level around the strict assumptions of data independence, homogeneity of variances, and identical and normal distributions. Few textbooks offer alternatives when one or more of the underlying assumptions are not defensible. While there are more than a few non-parametric (rank) procedures that provide alternatives to Student's t-test, we restrict this review to the promising alternatives to Student's two-sample t-test in non-normal models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a nonparametric test for homogeneity of overall variabilities for two multi-dimensional populations. Comparisons between the proposed nonparametric procedure and the asymptotic parametric procedure and a permutation test based on standardized generalized variances are made when the underlying populations are multivariate normal. We also study the performance of these test procedures when the underlying populations are non-normal. We observe that the nonparametric procedure and the permutation test based on standardized generalized variances are not as powerful as the asymptotic parametric test under normality. However, they are reliable and powerful tests for comparing overall variability under other multivariate distributions such as the multivariate Cauchy, the multivariate Pareto and the multivariate exponential distributions, even with small sample sizes. A Monte Carlo simulation study is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed procedures. An example from an educational study is used to illustrate the proposed nonparametric test.  相似文献   

Various methods to control the influence of a covariate on a response variable are compared. These methods are ANOVA with or without homogeneity of variances (HOV) of errors and Kruskal–Wallis (K–W) tests on (covariate-adjusted) residuals and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Covariate-adjusted residuals are obtained from the overall regression line fit to the entire data set ignoring the treatment levels or factors. It is demonstrated that the methods on covariate-adjusted residuals are only appropriate when the regression lines are parallel and covariate means are equal for all treatments. Empirical size and power performance of the methods are compared by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We manipulated the conditions such as assumptions of normality and HOV, sample size, and clustering of the covariates. The parametric methods on residuals and ANCOVA exhibited similar size and power when error terms have symmetric distributions with variances having the same functional form for each treatment, and covariates have uniform distributions within the same interval for each treatment. In such cases, parametric tests have higher power compared to the K–W test on residuals. When error terms have asymmetric distributions or have variances that are heterogeneous with different functional forms for each treatment, the tests are liberal with K–W test having higher power than others. The methods on covariate-adjusted residuals are severely affected by the clustering of the covariates relative to the treatment factors when covariate means are very different for treatments. For data clusters, ANCOVA method exhibits the appropriate level. However, such a clustering might suggest dependence between the covariates and the treatment factors, so makes ANCOVA less reliable as well.  相似文献   

The use of general linear modeling (GLM) procedures based on log-rank scores is proposed for the analysis of survival data and compared to standard survival analysis procedures. For the comparison of two groups, this approach performed similarly to the traditional log-rank test. In the case of more complicated designs - without ties in the survival times - the approach was only marginally less powerful than tests from proportional hazards models, and clearly less powerful than a likelihood ratio test for a fully parametric model; however, with ties in the survival time, the approach proved more powerful than tests from Cox's semi-parametric proportional hazards procedure. The method appears to provide a reasonably powerful alternative for the analysis of survival data, is easily used in complicated study designs, avoids (semi-)parametric assumptions, and is quite computationally easy and inexpensive to employ.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of comparing step-down and step-up multiple test procedures for testing n hypotheses when independent p-values or independent test statistics are available. The defining critical values of these procedures for independent test statistics are asymptotically equal, which yields a theoretical argument for the numerical observation that the step-up procedure is mostly more powerful than the step-down procedure. The main aim of this paper is to quantify the differences between the critical values more precisely. As a by-product we also obtain more information about the gain when we consider two subsequent steps of these procedures. Moreover, we investigate how liberal the step-up procedure becomes when the step-up critical values are replaced by their step-down counterparts or by more refined approximate values. The results for independent p-values are the basis for obtaining corresponding results when independent real-valued test statistics are at hand. It turns out that the differences of step-down and step-up critical values as well as the differences between subsequent steps tend to zero for many distributions, except for heavy-tailed distributions. The Cauchy distribution yields an example where the critical values of both procedures are nearly linearly increasing in n.  相似文献   

The analysis of data from eseperisental designs is often hampered by the lack of more than one procedure available for the analysis, especially when that procedure is based on assumptions which do not apply in the situation at hand. In this paper tvo classes of alternative procedures are discussed and compared, One is the aligned ranks procedure which first standardises the data by subtracting an appropriate estimate of location, then replaces the data with ranks t and finally uses an appropriate test statistic which has asymptotically a chi-square distribution The second procedure is the rank transform which first replaces all of the data with the ranks, and then employs the usual parametric methods, but computed on the ranks instead of the data Some Monte Carlo simulations for a test of interaction in a two way layout with replication enable the robustness and pover of these tvo methods to be compared with the usual analysis of variancs.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis is provided for the Wilcoxon signed-rank statistic (T+). The Bayesian analysis is based on a sign-bias parameter φ on the (0, 1) interval. For the case of a uniform prior probability distribution for φ and for small sample sizes (i.e., 6 ? n ? 25), values for the statistic T+ are computed that enable probabilistic statements about φ. For larger sample sizes, approximations are provided for the asymptotic likelihood function P(T+|φ) as well as for the posterior distribution P(φ|T+). Power analyses are examined both for properly specified Gaussian sampling and for misspecified non Gaussian models. The new Bayesian metric has high power efficiency in the range of 0.9–1 relative to a standard t test when there is Gaussian sampling. But if the sampling is from an unknown and misspecified distribution, then the new statistic still has high power; in some cases, the power can be higher than the t test (especially for probability mixtures and heavy-tailed distributions). The new Bayesian analysis is thus a useful and robust method for applications where the usual parametric assumptions are questionable. These properties further enable a way to do a generic Bayesian analysis for many non Gaussian distributions that currently lack a formal Bayesian model.  相似文献   

The power assessment of tests of the equality of k normal means such as the k treatment means in a one-way fixed effects analysis of variance model is addressed. Power assessment is considered in terms of a constraint on the range of the treatment means. The power properties of the standard F-test and Studentised range test are compared with those of an optimal (minimax) test procedure, which is known to maximise power levels under this constraint. It is shown that the standard test procedures compare well with the optimal test procedure, and in particular, the Studentised range test is shown to be practically as good as optimal in this setting.  相似文献   

Equality of variances is one of the key assumptions of analysis of variances (ANOVA). There are several testing procedures available to validate this assumption, but it is rare to find a test procedure which controls the type I error rate while providing high statistical power. In this article, we introduce a bootstrap test based on the ratio of mean absolute deviances (RMD). We also propose a two-stage testing procedure where we first quantify the skewness of the distributions and then choose an appropriate test for homogeneity of variances. The performances of these test procedures are studied via a simulation study.  相似文献   

All-pairs power in a one-way ANOVA is the probability of detecting all true differences between pairs of means. Ramsey (1978) found that for normal distributions having equal variances, step-down multiple comparison procedures can have substantially more all-pairs power than single-step procedures, such as Tukey’s HSD, when equal sample sizes are randomly sampled from each group. This paper suggests a step-down procedure for the case of unequal variances and compares it to Dunnett's T3 technique. The new procedure is similar in spirit to one of the heteroscedastic procedures described by Hochberg and Tamhane (1987), but it has certain advantages that are discussed in the paper. Included are results on unequal sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of comparing several means under heteroscedasticity and nonnormality. By combining Huber‘s M-estimators with the Brown-Forsythe test, several robust procedures were developed; these procedures were compared through computer simulation studies with the Tan-Tabatabai procedure which was developed by combining Tiku's MML estimators with the Brown-Forsythe test. The numerical results indicate clearly that the Tan-Tabatabai procedure is considerably more powerful than tests based on Huber's M-estimators over a wide range of nonnormal distributions.  相似文献   

A nonparametric discriminant analysis procedure that is robust to deviations from the usual assumptions is proposed. The procedure uses the projection pursuit methodology where the projection index is the two-group transvariation probability. We use allocation based on the centrality of the new point measured using a smooth version of point-group transvariation. It is shown that the new procedure provides lower misclassification error rates than competing methods for data from skewed heavy-tailed and skewed distributions as well as unequal training data sizes.  相似文献   

Real world data often fail to meet the underlying assumption of population normality. The Rank Transformation (RT) procedure has been recommended as an alternative to the parametric factorial analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The purpose of this study was to compare the Type I error and power properties of the RT ANCOVA to the parametric procedure in the context of a completely randomized balanced 3 × 4 factorial layout with one covariate. This study was concerned with tests of homogeneity of regression coefficients and interaction under conditional (non)normality. Both procedures displayed erratic Type I error rates for the test of homogeneity of regression coefficients under conditional nonnormality. With all parametric assumptions valid, the simulation results demonstrated that the RT ANCOVA failed as a test for either homogeneity of regression coefficients or interaction due to severe Type I error inflation. The error inflation was most severe when departures from conditional normality were extreme. Also associated with the RT procedure was a loss of power. It is recommended that the RT procedure not be used as an alternative to factorial ANCOVA despite its encouragement from SAS, IMSL, and other respected sources.  相似文献   


In this study, we discuss multiple comparison procedures for finding normal means which are not maximum among several normal means. Specifically, we propose the single step procedure, the sequentially rejective step down procedure and the step up procedure. For the single step procedure we determine the critical value for a specified significance level. For the sequentially rejective step down procedure and the step up procedure we determine the critical value at each step of the test for a specified significance level. For three procedures we formulate the power of the test under a specified alternative hypothesis. We give some numerical examples regarding critical values and power of the test intended to compare three procedures.  相似文献   

By applying Tiku's MML robust procedure to Brown and Forsythe's (1974) statistic, this paper derives a robust and more powerful procedure for comparing several means under hetero-scedasticity and nonnormality. Some Monte Carlo studies indicate clearly that among five nonnormal distributions, except for the uniform distribution, the new test is more powerful than the Brown and Forsythe test under nonnormal distributions in all cases investigated and has substantially the same power as the Brown and Forsythe test under normal distribution.  相似文献   

A novel distribution-free k-sample test of differences in location shifts based on the analysis of kernel density functional estimation is introduced and studied. The proposed test parallels one-way analysis of variance and the Kruskal–Wallis (KW) test aiming at testing locations of unknown distributions. In contrast to the rank (score)-transformed non-parametric approach, such as the KW test, the proposed F-test uses the measurement responses along with well-known kernel density estimation (KDE) to estimate the locations and construct the test statistic. A practical optimal bandwidth selection procedure is also provided. Our simulation studies and real data example indicate that the proposed analysis of kernel density functional estimate (ANDFE) test is superior to existing competitors for fat-tailed or heavy-tailed distributions when the k groups differ mainly in location rather than shape, especially with unbalanced data. ANDFE is also highly recommended when it is unclear whether test groups differ mainly in shape or location. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 167–186; 2020 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop diagnostics analysis for nonlinear regression models (NLMs) under scale mixtures of skew-normal (SMSN) distributions introduced by Garay et al. [Nonlinear regression models based on SMSN distributions. J. Korean Statist. Soc. 2011;40:115–124]. This novel class of models provides a useful generalization of the symmetrical NLM [Vanegas LH, Cysneiros FJA. Assessment of diagnostic procedures in symmetrical nonlinear regression models. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 2010;54:1002–1016] since the random terms distributions cover both symmetric as well as asymmetric and heavy-tailed distributions such as the skew-t, skew-slash, skew-contaminated normal distributions, among others. Motivated by the results given in Garay et al. [Nonlinear regression models based on SMSN distributions. J. Korean Statist. Soc. 2011;40:115–124], we presented a score test for testing the homogeneity of the scale parameter and its properties are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations studies. Furthermore, local influence measures and the one-step approximations of the estimates in the case-deletion model are obtained. The newly developed procedures are illustrated considering a real data set.  相似文献   


A goodness-of-fit technique for random samples from the exponential distribution based on the sample Lorenz curve is adapted for use in the exponential order statistic (EOS) model. In the EOS model, only those observations in a random sample from the exponential distribution of unknown size N that are less than some known stopping time T are observable. The model is known as the Jelinski-Moranda model in software reliability, where it is used to estimate the number of bugs in software during development. Distributional results are derived for the distance between the sample Lorenz curve and the population Lorenz curve so that it can be used as a goodness-of-fit test statistic. Simulations show that the test has good power against several alternative distributions. Simulations also indicate that in some cases, model misspecification leads to poor parameter estimation. A plotting procedure provides a means of graphical assessment of fit.  相似文献   

We develop a general approach to estimation and inference for income distributions using grouped or aggregate data that are typically available in the form of population shares and class mean incomes, with unknown group bounds. We derive generic moment conditions and an optimal weight matrix that can be used for generalized method-of-moments (GMM) estimation of any parametric income distribution. Our derivation of the weight matrix and its inverse allows us to express the seemingly complex GMM objective function in a relatively simple form that facilitates estimation. We show that our proposed approach, which incorporates information on class means as well as population proportions, is more efficient than maximum likelihood estimation of the multinomial distribution, which uses only population proportions. In contrast to the earlier work of Chotikapanich, Griffiths, and Rao, and Chotikapanich, Griffiths, Rao, and Valencia, which did not specify a formal GMM framework, did not provide methodology for obtaining standard errors, and restricted the analysis to the beta-2 distribution, we provide standard errors for estimated parameters and relevant functions of them, such as inequality and poverty measures, and we provide methodology for all distributions. A test statistic for testing the adequacy of a distribution is proposed. Using eight countries/regions for the year 2005, we show how the methodology can be applied to estimate the parameters of the generalized beta distribution of the second kind (GB2), and its special-case distributions, the beta-2, Singh–Maddala, Dagum, generalized gamma, and lognormal distributions. We test the adequacy of each distribution and compare predicted and actual income shares, where the number of groups used for prediction can differ from the number used in estimation. Estimates and standard errors for inequality and poverty measures are provided. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

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