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The approximation for the distribution function of test statistic is extremely important in statistics. The standard and higher-order saddlepoint approximations are considered in tails of the limiting distribution for the modified Anderson–Darling test. The saddlepoint approximations are compared with the approximation of Sinclair et al. (1990 Sinclair , C. D. , Spurr , B. D. , Ahmad , M. I. ( 1990 ). Modified Anderson Darling test . Communication Statistics—Theory and Methods 19 : 36773686 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) for upper tail area. An empirical function is derived to estimate the critical values of a saddlepoint approximation.  相似文献   

A goodness-of-fit test for the Gumbel distribution is proposed. This test is based on the Kullback–Leibler discrimination information methodology proposed by Song (2002 Song , K. S. ( 2002 ). Goodness-of-fit tests based on Kullback–Leibler discrimination information . IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor. 48 : 11031117 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The critical values of the test were obtained by using Monte Carlo simulation for small sample sizes and different levels of significance. The proposed test is compared with the tests developed by Stephens (1977 Stephens , M. ( 1977 ). Goodness-of-fit tests for the extreme value distribution . Biometrika 65 : 730737 . [Google Scholar]), Chandra et al. (1981 Chandra , M. , Singpurwalla , N. D. , Stephens , M. A. ( 1981 ). Kolmogorov statistics for tests of fit for the extreme value and Weibull distributions . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 74 : 729735 . [Google Scholar]), and the test given by Kinnison (1989 Kinnison , R. (1989). Correlation coefficient goodness of fit test for the extreme value distribution. Amer. Statistician 43:98100.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in terms of their power by considering various alternative distributions. Simulation results show that the Kullback–Leibler information test has higher power than some of the studied tests.  相似文献   

This article presents a derivation of the distribution of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramer–von Mises, and Anderson–Darling test statistics in the case of exponential sampling when the parameters are unknown and estimated from sample data for small sample sizes via maximum likelihood.  相似文献   

This article studies the performance of the one-sample goodness-of-fit test which is based on the length of the P–P-plot initially introduced in a similar context by Reschenhofer and Bomze (1991 Reschenhofer , E. , Bomze , I. M. ( 1991 ). Length tests for goodness-of-fit . Biometrika 78 : 207216 . [Google Scholar]). The distributional properties of the length test are revised empirically via simulations. In the Monte Carlo power study that follows the length test is shown empirically to have high power under various alternatives considered relative to members of the Cramér–von Mises family of goodness-of-fit tests, and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.  相似文献   

We reveal that the minimum Anderson–Darling (MAD) estimator is a variant of the maximum likelihood method. Furthermore, it is shown that the MAD estimator offers excellent opportunities for parameter estimation if there is no explicit formulation for the distribution model. The computation time for the MAD estimator with approximated cumulative distribution function is much shorter than that of the classical maximum likelihood method with approximated probability density function. Additionally, we research the performance of the MAD estimator for the generalized Pareto distribution and demonstrate a further advantage of the MAD estimator with an issue of seismic hazard analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper we first show that the k-sample Anderson–Darling test is basically an average of Pearson statistics in 2?×?k contingency tables that are induced by observation-based partitions of the sample space. As an extension, we construct a family of rank test statistics, indexed by c?∈??, which is based on similarly constructed c?×?k partitions. An extensive simulation study, in which we compare the new test with others, suggests that generally very high powers are obtained with the new tests. Finally we propose a decomposition of the test statistic in interpretable components.  相似文献   

This article considers the estimation of R = P(Y < X) when X and Y are distributed as two independent three-parameter generalized exponential (GE) random variables with different shape parameters but having the same location and scale parameters. A modified maximum likelihood method and a Bayesian technique are used to estimate R on the basis of independent complete samples. The Bayes estimator cannot be obtained in explicit form, and therefore it has been determined using an importance sampling procedure. An analysis of a real life data set is presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

This article presents a constrained maximization of the Shapiro Wilk W statistic for estimating parameters of the Johnson S B distribution. The gradient of the W statistic with respect to the minimum and range parameters is used within a quasi-Newton framework to achieve a fit for all four parameters. The method is evaluated with measures of bias and precision using pseudo-random samples from three different S B populations. The population means were estimated with an average relative bias of less than 0.1% and the population standard deviations with less than 4.0% relative bias. The methodology appears promising as a tool for fitting this sometimes difficult distribution.  相似文献   

Grønnesby and Borgan (1996, Lifetime Data Analysis 2, 315–328) propose an omnibus goodness-of-fit test for the Cox proportional hazards model. The test is based on grouping the subjects by their estimated risk score and comparing the number of observed and a model based estimated number of expected events within each group. We show, using extensive simulations, that even for moderate sample sizes the choice of number of groups is critical for the test to attain the specified size. In light of these results we suggest a grouping strategy under which the test attains the correct size even for small samples. The power of the test statistic seems to be acceptable when compared to other goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   

This paper develops the Bayesian estimation for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution based on Type-II censoring in the simple step stress–accelerated life test with power law accelerated form. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained and Gibbs sampling procedure is used to get the Bayesian estimates for shape parameter of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution and parameters of power law–accelerated model. Asymptotic normality method and Markov Chain Monte Carlo method are employed to construct the corresponding confidence interval and highest posterior density interval at different confidence level, respectively. At last, the results are compared by using Monte Carlo simulations, and a numerical example is analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

The size and power properties of the Cox–Stuart test for detection of a monotonic deterministic trend in hydrological time series are analyzed using the Monte Carlo method. The influence of distribution properties, lengths of series, and trend slopes is studied. Results indicate good size in all cases. The power is high for: length over 60 and strong trend slope, low or medium variation, and medium slope. The power declines if slope and length decrease and if variability increases. The properties are better for skewed distributions than for symmetrical. The test is slightly weaker in comparison to the Mann–Kendall test.  相似文献   

It is shown that the exact null distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for sphericity test in the p-variate normal case and the marginal distribution of the first component of a (p ? 1)-variate generalized Dirichlet model with a given set of parameters are identical. The exact distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion so obtained has a general format for every p. A novel idea is introduced here through which the complicated exact null distribution of the sphericity test criterion in multivariate statistical analysis is converted into an easily tractable marginal density in a generalized Dirichlet model. It provides a direct and easiest method of computation of p-values. The computation of p-values and a table of critical points corresponding to p = 3 and 4 are also presented.  相似文献   


Through simulation and regression, we study the alternative distribution of the likelihood ratio test in which the null hypothesis postulates that the data are from a normal distribution after a restricted Box–Cox transformation and the alternative hypothesis postulates that they are from a mixture of two normals after a restricted (possibly different) Box–Cox transformation. The number of observations in the sample is called N. The standardized distance between components (after transformation) is D = (μ2 ? μ1)/σ, where μ1 and μ2 are the component means and σ2 is their common variance. One component contains the fraction π of observed, and the other 1 ? π. The simulation results demonstrate a dependence of power on the mixing proportion, with power decreasing as the mixing proportion differs from 0.5. The alternative distribution appears to be a non-central chi-squared with approximately 2.48 + 10N ?0.75 degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter 0.174N(D ? 1.4)2 × [π(1 ? π)]. At least 900 observations are needed to have power 95% for a 5% test when D = 2. For fixed values of D, power, and significance level, substantially more observations are necessary when π ≥ 0.90 or π ≤ 0.10. We give the estimated powers for the alternatives studied and a table of sample sizes needed for 50%, 80%, 90%, and 95% power.  相似文献   

The Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test has dominated non parametric analyses in behavioral sciences for the past seven decades. Its widespread use masks the fact that there exist simple “adaptive” procedures which use data-dependent statistical decision rules to select an optimal non parametric test. This paper discusses key adaptive approaches for testing differences in locations in two-sample environments. Our Monte Carlo analysis shows that adaptive procedures often perform substantially better than t-tests, even with moderately sized samples (80 observations). We illustrate adaptive approaches using data from Gneezy and Smorodinsky (2006 Gneezy, U., Smorodinsky, R. (2006). All-pay auctions: an experimental study. J. Economic Behav. Organizat. 61(2): 255275.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and offer a Stata package to researchers interested in taking advantage of these techniques.  相似文献   

The three-parameter Weibull distribution is widely used in life testing and reliability analysis. In this article, we propose an efficient method for the estimation of parameters and quantiles of the three-parameter Weibull distribution, which avoids the problem of unbounded likelihood, by using statistics invariant to unknown location. Through a Monte Carlo simulation study, we show that the proposed method performs well compared to other prominent methods based on bias and MSE. Finally, we present two illustrative examples.  相似文献   

We explore criteria that data must meet in order for the Kruskal–Wallis test to reject the null hypothesis by computing the number of unique ranked datasets in the balanced case where each of the m alternatives has n observations. We show that the Kruskal–Wallis test tends to be conservative in rejecting the null hypothesis, and we offer a correction that improves its performance. We then compute the number of possible datasets producing unique rank-sums. The most commonly occurring data lead to an uncommonly small set of possible rank-sums. We extend prior findings about row- and column-ordered data structures.  相似文献   

In this article we propose an improvement of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality. In the current implementation of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, given data are compared with a normal distribution that uses the sample mean and the sample variance. We propose to select the mean and variance of the normal distribution that provide the closest fit to the data. This is like shifting and stretching the reference normal distribution so that it fits the data in the best possible way. A study of the power of the proposed test indicates that the test is able to discriminate between the normal distribution and distributions such as uniform, bimodal, beta, exponential, and log-normal that are different in shape but has a relatively lower power against the student's, t-distribution that is similar in shape to the normal distribution. We also compare the performance (both in power and sensitivity to outlying observations) of the proposed test with existing normality tests such as Anderson–Darling and Shapiro–Francia.  相似文献   


The Birnbaum–Saunders distribution was developed to describe fatigue failure lifetimes, however, the distribution has been shown to be applicable for a variety of situations that frequently occur in the engineering sciences. In general, the distribution can be used for situations that involve stochastic wear–out failure. The distribution does not have an exponential family structure, and it is often necessary to use simulation methods to study the properties of statistical inference procedures for this distribution. Two random number generators for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution have appeared in the literature. The purpose of this article is to present and compare these two random number generators to determine which is more efficient. It is shown that one of these generators is a special case of the other and is simpler and more efficient to use.  相似文献   

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