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The main object of this paper is to discuss properties of the score statistics for testing the null hypothesis of no association in Weibull model with measurement errors. Three different score statistics are considered. The efficient score statistics, a naive score statistics obtained by replacing the unobserved true covariate with the observed one and a score statistics based on the corrected score statistics. It is shown that corrected and naive score statistics are equivalent and the asymptotic relative efficiency between naive and efficient score statistics is derived.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate hypothesis testing in functional comparative calibration models. Wald type statistics are considered which are asymptotically distributed according to the chi-square distribution. The statistics are based on maximum likelihood, corrected score approach, and method of moment estimators of the model parameters, which are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Results of analytical and simulation studies seem to indicate that the Wald statistics based on the method of moment estimators and the corrected score estimators are, as expected, less efficient than the Wald type statistic based on the maximum likelihood estimators for small n. Wald statistic based on moment estimators are simpler to compute than the other Wald statistics tests and their performance improves significantly as n increases. Comparisons with an alternative F statistics proposed in the literature are also reported.  相似文献   

Effective implementation of likelihood inference in models for high‐dimensional data often requires a simplified treatment of nuisance parameters, with these having to be replaced by handy estimates. In addition, the likelihood function may have been simplified by means of a partial specification of the model, as is the case when composite likelihood is used. In such circumstances tests and confidence regions for the parameter of interest may be constructed using Wald type and score type statistics, defined so as to account for nuisance parameter estimation or partial specification of the likelihood. In this paper a general analytical expression for the required asymptotic covariance matrices is derived, and suggestions for obtaining Monte Carlo approximations are presented. The same matrices are involved in a rescaling adjustment of the log likelihood ratio type statistic that we propose. This adjustment restores the usual chi‐squared asymptotic distribution, which is generally invalid after the simplifications considered. The practical implication is that, for a wide variety of likelihoods and nuisance parameter estimates, confidence regions for the parameters of interest are readily computable from the rescaled log likelihood ratio type statistic as well as from the Wald type and score type statistics. Two examples, a measurement error model with full likelihood and a spatial correlation model with pairwise likelihood, illustrate and compare the procedures. Wald type and score type statistics may give rise to confidence regions with unsatisfactory shape in small and moderate samples. In addition to having satisfactory shape, regions based on the rescaled log likelihood ratio type statistic show empirical coverage in reasonable agreement with nominal confidence levels.  相似文献   

For the linear hypothesis in a strucural equation model, the properties of test statistics based on the two stage least squares estimator (2SLSE) have been examined since these test statistics are easily derived in the instrumental variable estimation framework. Savin (1976) has shown that inequalities exist among the test statistics for the linear hypothesis, but it is well known that there is no systematic inequality among these statistics based on 2SLSE for the linear hypothesis in a structural equation model. Morimune and Oya (1994) derived the constrained limited information maximum likelihood estimator (LIMLE) subject to general linear constraints on the coefficients of the structural equation, as well as Wald, LM and Lr Test statistics for the adequacy of the linear constraints.

In this paper, we derive the inequalities among these three test statistics based on LIMLE and the local power functions based on Limle and 2SLSE to show that there is no test statistic which is uniformly most powerful, and the LR test statistic based on LIMLE is locally unbised and the other test statistics are not. Monte Carlo simulations are used to examine the actual sizes of these test statistics and some numerical examples of the power differences among these test statistics are given. It is found that the actual sizes of these test statistics are greater than the nominal sizes, the differences between the actual and nominal sizes of Wald test statistics are generally the greatest, those of LM test statistics are the smallest, and the power functions depend on the correlations between the endogenous explanatory variables and the error term of the structural equation, the asymptotic variance of estimator of coefficients of the structural equation and the number of restrictions imposed on the coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with interval estimation for the breakpoint parameter in segmented regression. We present score‐type confidence intervals derived from the score statistic itself and from the recently proposed gradient statistic. Due to lack of regularity conditions of the score, non‐smoothness and non‐monotonicity, naive application of the score‐based statistics is unfeasible and we propose to exploit the smoothed score obtained via induced smoothing. We compare our proposals with the traditional methods based on the Wald and the likelihood ratio statistics via simulations and an analysis of a real dataset: results show that the smoothed score‐like statistics perform in practice somewhat better than competitors, even when the model is not correctly specified.  相似文献   

For the linear hypothesis in a strucural equation model, the properties of test statistics based on the two stage least squares estimator (2SLSE) have been examined since these test statistics are easily derived in the instrumental variable estimation framework. Savin (1976) has shown that inequalities exist among the test statistics for the linear hypothesis, but it is well known that there is no systematic inequality among these statistics based on 2SLSE for the linear hypothesis in a structural equation model. Morimune and Oya (1994) derived the constrained limited information maximum likelihood estimator (LIMLE) subject to general linear constraints on the coefficients of the structural equation, as well as Wald, LM and Lr Test statistics for the adequacy of the linear constraints.

In this paper, we derive the inequalities among these three test statistics based on LIMLE and the local power functions based on Limle and 2SLSE to show that there is no test statistic which is uniformly most powerful, and the LR test statistic based on LIMLE is locally unbised and the other test statistics are not. Monte Carlo simulations are used to examine the actual sizes of these test statistics and some numerical examples of the power differences among these test statistics are given. It is found that the actual sizes of these test statistics are greater than the nominal sizes, the differences between the actual and nominal sizes of Wald test statistics are generally the greatest, those of LM test statistics are the smallest, and the power functions depend on the correlations between the endogenous explanatory variables and the error term of the structural equation, the asymptotic variance of estimator of coefficients of the structural equation and the number of restrictions imposed on the coefficients.  相似文献   

We propose a method of estimating the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the weighted least-squares estimator (WLSE) with respect to the ordinary least-squares estimator (OLSE) in a heteroscedastic linear regression model with a large number of observations but a small number of replicates at each value of the regressors. The weights used in the WLSE are the reciprocals of the (within-group) average of squared residuals. It is shown that the OLSE is more efficient than the WLSE if the maximum number of replicates is not larger than two. The proposed estimator of the ARE is consistent as the number of observations tends to infinity. Finite-sample performance of this estimator is examined in a simulation study. An adaptive estimator, which is asymptotically more efficient than the OLSE and the WLSE, is proposed.  相似文献   

It is often necessary to test whether X,…, Xn are from a certain density f(x) or not. Most test statistics such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises, and Anderson-Darling statistics are based on the empirical distribution function F(x). In this paper we suggest a test statistic based on the integrated squared error of the kernel density estimator. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the statistic under the null and alternative hypothesis. Some simulation results for power comparisons are also given.  相似文献   

We consider two consistent estimators for the parameters of the linear predictor in the Poisson regression model, where the covariate is measured with errors. The measurement errors are assumed to be normally distributed with known error variance σ u 2 . The SQS estimator, based on a conditional mean-variance model, takes the distribution of the latent covariate into account, and this is here assumed to be a normal distribution. The CS estimator, based on a corrected score function, does not use the distribution of the latent covariate. Nevertheless, for small σ u 2 , both estimators have identical asymptotic covariance matrices up to the order of σ u 2 . We also compare the consistent estimators to the naive estimator, which is based on replacing the latent covariate with its (erroneously) measured counterpart. The naive estimator is biased, but has a smaller covariance matrix than the consistent estimators (at least up to the order of σ u 2 ).  相似文献   

As a compromise between parametric regression and nonparametric regression, partially linear models are frequently used in statistical modelling. This article considers statistical inference for this semiparametric model when the linear covariate is measured with additive error and some additional linear restrictions on the parametric component are assumed to hold. We propose a restricted corrected profile least-squares estimator for the parametric component, and study the asymptotic normality of the estimator. To test hypothesis on the parametric component, we construct a Wald test statistic and obtain its limiting distribution. Some simulation studies are conducted to illustrate our approaches.  相似文献   

We study the behaviour of the Wald estimator of causal effects in regression discontinuity design when local linear regression (LLR) methods are combined with an asymmetric gamma kernel. We show that the resulting statistic is no more complex to implement than existing methods, remains consistent at the usual non-parametric rate, and maintains an asymptotic normal distribution but, crucially, has bias and variance that do not depend on kernel-related constants. As a result, the new estimator is more efficient and yields more reliable inference. A limited Monte Carlo experiment is used to illustrate the efficiency gains. As a by product of the main discussion, we extend previous published work by establishing the asymptotic normality of the LLR estimator with a gamma kernel. Finally, the new method is used in a substantive application.  相似文献   

Bhattacharyya and Kioiz (1966) propose two multivariate nonparametric tests for monotone trend, one involving coordinate-wise Mann statistics and the other, coordinate-wise Spearman statistics. Dietz and Killeen (1981) propose a different test statistic based on coordinate-wise Mann statistics. The Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency of all three tests with respect to a normal theory competitor equals the cube root of the efficiency of a multivariate signed rank test with respect to Hotelling's T2. In this article, the small sample power of the nonparametric tests, the normal theory test, and a Bonferroni approach involving coordinate-wise univariate Mann or Spearman tests is examined in a simulation study. The Mann statistic of Dietz and Killeen and the Spearman statistic of Bhattacharyya and Klotz are found to perform well under both null and alternative hypotheses  相似文献   

A Wald test-based approach for power and sample size calculations has been presented recently for logistic and Poisson regression models using the asymptotic normal distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator, which is applicable to tests of a single parameter. Unlike the previous procedures involving the use of score and likelihood ratio statistics, there is no simple and direct extension of this approach for tests of more than a single parameter. In this article, we present a method for computing sample size and statistical power employing the discrepancy between the noncentral and central chi-square approximations to the distribution of the Wald statistic with unrestricted and restricted parameter estimates, respectively. The distinguishing features of the proposed approach are the accommodation of tests about multiple parameters, the flexibility of covariate configurations and the generality of overall response levels within the framework of generalized linear models. The general procedure is illustrated with some special situations that have motivated this research. Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to assess and compare its accuracy with existing approaches under several model specifications and covariate distributions.  相似文献   

The Wald statistic is known to vary under reparameterization. This raises the question: which parameterization should be chosen, in order to optimize power of the Wald statistic? We specifically consider k-sample tests of generalized linear models (GLMs) and generalized estimating equations (GEEs) in which the alternative hypothesis contains only two parameters. An example is presented in which such an alternative hypothesis is of interest. Amongst a general class of parameterizations, we find the parameterization that maximizes power via analysis of the non-centrality parameter, and show how the effect on power of reparameterization depends on sampling design and the differences in variance across samples. There is no single parameterization with optimal power across all alternatives. The Wald statistic commonly used under the canonical parameterization is optimal in some instances but it performs very poorly in others. We demonstrate results by example and by simulation, and describe their implications for likelihood ratio statistics and score statistics. We conclude that due to poor power properties, the routine use of score statistics and Wald statistics under the canonical parameterization for GEEs is a questionable practice.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratio tests for fixed model terms are proposed for the analysis of linear mixed models when using residual maximum likelihood estimation. Bartlett-type adjustments, using an approximate decomposition of the data, are developed for the test statistics. A simulation study is used to compare properties of the test statistics proposed, with or without adjustment, with a Wald test. A proposed test statistic constructed by dropping fixed terms from the full fixed model is shown to give a better approximation to the asymptotic χ2-distribution than the Wald test for small data sets. Bartlett adjustment is shown to improve the χ2-approximation for the proposed tests substantially.  相似文献   

A class of tests is proposed for testing Exponentiality against the Decreasing Mean Residual Life (DMRL) class of non-exponential probability distributions. These tests are consistent and asymptotically unbiased against all continuous DMRL alternatives. They are U - statistics and hence asymptotically normally distributed. The asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) with respect to other tests for DMRL are quite high. Small sample powers are also comparable with small sample powers of the competitors.  相似文献   

We consider likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests for a three-way random effects ANOVA model. Competitor tests are compared using criteria such as small sample power, asymptotic relative efficiency, and convenient null distribution. The final choice is between a new test and two tests long used in practice.  相似文献   

The parametric bootstrap tests and the asymptotic or approximate tests for detecting difference of two Poisson means are compared. The test statistics used are the Wald statistics with and without log-transformation, the Cox F statistic and the likelihood ratio statistic. It is found that the type I error rate of an asymptotic/approximate test may deviate too much from the nominal significance level α under some situations. It is recommended that we should use the parametric bootstrap tests, under which the four test statistics are similarly powerful and their type I error rates are all close to α. We apply the tests to breast cancer data and injurious motor vehicle crash data.  相似文献   

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