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In this paper we introduce a new two-parameter discrete distribution which may be useful for modeling count data. Additionally, the probability mass function is very simple and it may have a zero vertex. We show that the new discrete distribution is a particular solution of a multiple Poisson process, and that it is infinitely divisible. Additionally, various structural properties of the new discrete distribution are derived. We also discuss two methods (moments and maximum likelihood) to estimate the model parameters. The usefulness of the proposed distribution is illustrated by means of real data sets to prove its versatility in practical applications.  相似文献   

A new discrete family of probability distributions that are generated by the 3 F 2 function with complex parameters is presented. Some of the properties of this new family are studied as well as methods of estimation for its parameters. It affords considerable flexibility of shape which turns the distribution into an appropriate candidate for modeling data that cannot be adequately fitted by classical families with fewer parameters. Finally, three examples in the fields of Agriculture and Education are included in order to show the versatility and utility of this distribution.  相似文献   


A new discrete probability distribution with integer support on (?∞, ∞) is proposed as a discrete analog of the continuous logistic distribution. Some of its important distributional and reliability properties are established. Its relationship with some known distributions is discussed. Parameter estimation by maximum-likelihood method is presented. Simulation is done to investigate properties of maximum-likelihood estimators. Real life application of the proposed distribution as empirical model is considered by conducting a comparative data fitting with Skellam distribution, Kemp's discrete normal, Roy's discrete normal, and discrete Laplace distribution.  相似文献   


In this article, we obtain exact expression for the distribution of the time to failure of discrete time cold standby repairable system under the classical assumptions that both working time and repair time of components are geometric. Our method is based on alternative representation of lifetime as a waiting time random variable on a binary sequence, and combinatorial arguments. Such an exact expression for the time to failure distribution is new in the literature. Furthermore, we obtain the probability generating function and the first two moments of the lifetime random variable.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is proposed for generating discrete distributions. A special class of the distributions, namely, the T-geometric family contains the discrete analogues of continuous distributions. Some general properties of the T-geometric family of distributions are obtained. A member of the T-geometric family, namely, the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution is defined and studied. Various properties of the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution such as the unimodality, the moments and the probability generating function are discussed. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is proposed for estimating the model parameters. Three real data sets are used to illustrate the applications of the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution.  相似文献   

The discrete stable family constitutes an interesting two-parameter model of distributions on the non-negative integers with a Paretian tail. The practical use of the discrete stable distribution is inhibited by the lack of an explicit expression for its probability function. Moreover, the distribution does not possess moments of any order. Therefore, the usual tools—such as the maximum-likelihood method or even the moment method—are not feasible for parameter estimation. However, the probability generating function of the discrete stable distribution is available in a simple form. Hence, we initially explore the application of some existing estimation procedures based on the empirical probability generating function. Subsequently, we propose a new estimation method by minimizing a suitable weighted L 2-distance between the empirical and the theoretical probability generating functions. In addition, we provide a goodness-of-fit statistic based on the same distance.  相似文献   

《Statistical Methodology》2013,10(6):589-603
In this paper, a new method is proposed for generating discrete distributions. A special class of the distributions, namely, the T-geometric family contains the discrete analogues of continuous distributions. Some general properties of the T-geometric family of distributions are obtained. A member of the T-geometric family, namely, the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution is defined and studied. Various properties of the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution such as the unimodality, the moments and the probability generating function are discussed. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is proposed for estimating the model parameters. Three real data sets are used to illustrate the applications of the exponentiated-exponential–geometric distribution.  相似文献   


In some clinical, environmental, or economical studies, researchers are interested in a semi-continuous outcome variable which takes the value zero with a discrete probability and has a continuous distribution for the non-zero values. Due to the measuring mechanism, it is not always possible to fully observe some outcomes, and only an upper bound is recorded. We call this left-censored data and observe only the maximum of the outcome and an independent censoring variable, together with an indicator. In this article, we introduce a mixture semi-parametric regression model. We consider a parametric model to investigate the influence of covariates on the discrete probability of the value zero. For the non-zero part of the outcome, a semi-parametric Cox’s regression model is used to study the conditional hazard function. The different parameters in this mixture model are estimated using a likelihood method. Hereby the infinite dimensional baseline hazard function is estimated by a step function. As results, we show the identifiability and the consistency of the estimators for the different parameters in the model. We study the finite sample behaviour of the estimators through a simulation study and illustrate this model on a practical data example.  相似文献   


A new symmetric heavy-tailed distribution, namely gamma mixture of generalized error distribution is defined by scaling generalized error distribution with gamma distribution, its probability density function, k-moment, skewness and kurtosis are derived. After tedious calculation, we also give the Fisher information matrix, moment estimators and maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters of gamma mixture of generalized error distribution. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the point estimators and the stability of Fisher information matrix, extensive simulation experiments are carried out in three groups of parameters. Additionally, the new distribution is applied to Apple Inc. stock (AAPL) data and compared with normal distribution, F-S skewed standardized t distribution and generalized error distribution. It is found that the new distribution has better fitting effect on the data under the Akaike information criterion (AIC). To a certain extent, our results enrich the probability distribution theory and develop the scale mixture distribution, which will provide help and reference for financial data analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new family of discrete distributions and study its properties. It is shown that the new family is a generalization of discrete Marshall-Olkin family of distributions. In particular, we study generalized discrete Weibull distribution in detail. Discrete Marshall-Olkin Weibull distribution, exponentiated discrete Weibull distribution, discrete Weibull distribution, discrete Marshall-Olkin generalized exponential distribution, exponentiated geometric distribution, generalized discrete exponential distribution, discrete Marshall-Olkin Rayleigh distribution and exponentiated discrete Rayleigh distribution are sub-models of generalized discrete Weibull distribution. We derive some basic distributional properties such as probability generating function, moments, hazard rate and quantiles of the generalized discrete Weibull distribution. We can see that the hazard rate function can be decreasing, increasing, bathtub and upside-down bathtub shape. Estimation of the parameters are done using maximum likelihood method. A real data set is analyzed to illustrate the suitability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this paper, a discrete counterpart of the general class of continuous beta-G distributions is introduced. A discrete analog of the beta generalized exponential distribution of Barreto-Souza et al. [2], as an important special case of the proposed class, is studied. This new distribution contains some previously known discrete distributions as well as two new models. The hazard rate function of the new model can be increasing, decreasing, bathtub-shaped and upside-down bathtub. Some distributional and moment properties of the new distribution as well as its order statistics are discussed. Estimation of the parameters is illustrated using the maximum likelihood method and, finally, the model with a real data set is examined.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce the Gompertz power series (GPS) class of distributions which is obtained by compounding Gompertz and power series distributions. This distribution contains several lifetime models such as Gompertz-geometric (GG), Gompertz-Poisson (GP), Gompertz-binomial (GB), and Gompertz-logarithmic (GL) distributions as special cases. Sub-models of the GPS distribution are studied in details. The hazard rate function of the GPS distribution can be increasing, decreasing, and bathtub-shaped. We obtain several properties of the GPS distribution such as its probability density function, and failure rate function, Shannon entropy, mean residual life function, quantiles, and moments. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure via a EM-algorithm is presented, and simulation studies are performed for evaluation of this estimation for complete data, and the MLE of parameters for censored data. At the end, a real example is given.  相似文献   


A Marshall–Olkin variant of the Provost type gamma–Weibull probability distribution is being introduced in this paper. Some of its statistical functions and numerical characteristics among others characteristics function, moment generalizing function, central moments of real order are derived in the computational series expansion form and various illustrative special cases are discussed. This density function is utilized to model two real data sets. The new distribution provides a better fit than related distributions as measured by the Anderson–Darling and Cramér–von Mises statistics. The proposed distribution could find applications for instance in the physical and biological sciences, hydrology, medicine, meteorology, engineering, etc.  相似文献   


In this work, we introduce a new skewed slash distribution. This modification of the skew-slash distribution is obtained by the quotient of two independent random variables. That quotient consists on a skew-normal distribution divided by a power of an exponential distribution with scale parameter equal to two. In this way, the new skew distribution has a heavier tail than that of the skew-slash distribution. We give the probability density function expressed by an integral, but we obtain some important properties useful for making inferences, such as moment estimators and maximum likelihood estimators. By way of illustration and by using real data, we provide maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of the modified skew-slash and the skew-slash distributions. Finally, we introduce a multivariate version of this new distribution.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a new class of (probability) distributions, based on a cosine-sine transformation, obtained by compounding a baseline distribution with cosine and sine functions. Some of its properties are explored. A special focus is given to a particular cosine-sine transformation using the exponential distribution as baseline. Estimations of parameters of a particular cosine-sine exponential distribution are performed via the maximum likelihood estimation method. A simulation study investigates the performances of these estimates. Applications are given for four real data sets, showing a better fit in comparison to some existing distributions based on some goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   


The notions of (sample) mean, median and mode are common tools for describing the central tendency of a given probability distribution. In this article, we propose a new measure of central tendency, the sample monomode, which is related to the notion of sample mode. We also illustrate the computation of the sample monomode and propose a statistical test for discrete monomodality based on the likelihood ratio statistic.  相似文献   


The non-central negative binomial distribution is both a mixed and compound Poisson distribution with applications in photon and neural counting, statistical optics, astronomy and a stochastic reversible counter system. In this paper various important probabilistic properties of the non-central negative binomial distribution in practical applications like log-concavity, discrete self-decomposability, unimodality, asymptotic behavior and tail length of the probability distribution have been derived. The construction as a mixed Poisson process by specifying a joint distribution for the inter-arrival times and its application is illustrated by a fit to real life data set.  相似文献   

Discrete associated kernels method and extensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discrete kernel estimation of a probability mass function (p.m.f.), often mentioned in the literature, has been far less investigated in comparison with continuous kernel estimation of a probability density function (p.d.f.). In this paper, we are concerned with a general methodology of discrete kernels for smoothing a p.m.f. f. We give a basic of mathematical tools for further investigations. First, we point out a generalizable notion of discrete associated kernel which is defined at each point of the support of f and built from any parametric discrete probability distribution. Then, some properties of the corresponding estimators are shown, in particular pointwise and global (asymptotical) properties. Other discrete kernels are constructed from usual discrete probability distributions such as Poisson, binomial and negative binomial. For small samples sizes, underdispersed discrete kernel estimators are more interesting than the empirical estimator; thus, an importance of discrete kernels is illustrated. The choice of smoothing bandwidth is classically investigated according to cross-validation and, novelly, to excess of zeros methods. Finally, a unification way of this method concerning the general probability function is discussed.  相似文献   


We give a sufficient condition for the exponential decay of the tail of a discrete probability distribution π = (π n ) n≥0 in the sense that lim n→∞(1/n) log∑ i>n π i  = ?θ with 0 < θ < ∞. We focus on analytic properties of the probability generating function of a discrete probability distribution, especially, the radius of convergence and the number of poles on the circle of convergence. Furthermore, we give an example of an M/G/1 type Markov chain such that the tail of its stationary distribution does not decay exponentially.  相似文献   


This work treats non-parametric estimation of multivariate probability mass functions, using multivariate discrete associated kernels. We propose a Bayesian local approach to select the matrix of bandwidths considering the multivariate Dirac Discrete Uniform and the product of binomial kernels, and treating the bandwidths as a diagonal matrix of parameters with some prior distribution. The performances of this approach and the cross-validation method are compared using simulations and real count data sets. The obtained results show that the Bayes local method performs better than cross-validation in terms of integrated squared error.  相似文献   

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