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The empirical distribution function is known to have optimum properties as an estimator of the underlying distribution function. However, it may not be appropriate for estimating continuous distributions because of its jump discontinuities. In this paper, we consider the application of Bernstein polynomials for approximating a bounded and continuous function and show that it can be naturally adapted for smooth estimation of a distribution function concentrated on the interval [0,1] by a continuous approximation of the empirical distribution function. The smoothness of the approximating polynomial is further used in deriving a smooth estimator of the corresponding density. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are investigated. Specifically, we obtain strong consistency and asymptotic normality under appropriate choice of the degree of the polynomial. The case of distributions with other compact and non-compact support can be dealt through transformations. Thus, this paper gives a general method for non-parametric density estimation as an alternative to the current estimators. A small numerical investigation shows that the estimator proposed here may be preferable to the popular kernel-density estimator.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the quantiles of a distribution function in a fixed design regression model in which the observations are subject to random right censoring. The quantile estimator is defined via a conditional Kaplan-Meier type estimator for the distribution at a given design point. We establish an a.s. asymptotic representation for this quantile estimator, from which we obtain its asymptotic normality. Because a complicated estimation procedure is necessary for estimating the asymptotic bias and variance, we use a resampling procedure, which provides us, via an asymptotic representation for the bootstrapped estimator, with an alternative for the normal approximation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the error distribution function in a varying coefficient regression model. We propose two estimators and study their asymptotic properties by obtaining uniform stochastic expansions. The first estimator is a residual-based empirical distribution function. We study this estimator when the varying coefficients are estimated by under-smoothed local quadratic smoothers. Our second estimator which exploits the fact that the error distribution has mean zero is a weighted residual-based empirical distribution whose weights are chosen to achieve the mean zero property using empirical likelihood methods. The second estimator improves on the first estimator. Bootstrap confidence bands based on the two estimators are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper considers a rectangular array asymptotic embedding for multistratum data sets, in which both the number of strata and the number of within-stratum replications increase, and at the same rate. It is shown that under this embedding the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent but not efficient owing to a non-zero mean in its asymptotic normal distribution. By using a projection operator on the score function, an adjusted maximum likelihood estimator can be obtained that is asymptotically unbiased and has a variance that attains the Cramér–Rao lower bound. The adjusted maximum likelihood estimator can be viewed as an approximation to the conditional maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of unbiased estimation of the distribution function of a two-parameter exponential population using order statistics based on a random sample from the population. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an unbiased estimator based on an arbitrary set of order statistics and suggest unbiased estimators in some situations where unbiased estimators exist. A few properties of the suggested estimators for some special cases have also been discussed.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of obtaining efficient estimators and sampling plans for semi-Markov and Markov-renewal processes. A lower bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator of a function of the parameters is obtained under a sequential scheme and we characterize the parametric functions and sampling plans which admit minimum variance unbiased estimators.  相似文献   

In RSS, the variance of observations in each ranked set plays an important role in finding an optimal design for unbalanced RSS and in inferring the population mean. The empirical estimator (i.e., the sample variance in a given ranked set) is most commonly used for estimating the variance in the literature. However, the empirical estimator does not use the information in the entire data over different ranked sets. Further, it is highly variable when the sample size is not large enough, as is typical in RSS applications. In this paper, we propose a plug-in estimator for the variance of each set, which is more efficient than the empirical one. The estimator uses a result in order statistics which characterizes the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the rth order statistics as a function of the population CDF. We analytically prove the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator. We further apply it to estimate the standard error of the RSS mean estimator. Both our simulation and empirical study show that our estimators consistently outperform existing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of unbiased estimation of the distribution function of an exponential population using order statistics based on a random sample. We present a (unique) unbiased estimator based on a single, say ith, order statistic and study some properties of the estimator for i = 2. We also indicate how this estimator can be utilized to obtain unbiased estimators when a few selected order statistics are available as well as when the sample is selected following an alternative sampling procedure known as ranked set sampling. It is further proved that for a ranked set sample of size two, the proposed estimator is uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator, further, for a general sample size, a modified ranked set sampling procedure provides an unbiased estimator uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator based on the usual ranked set sampling procedure.  相似文献   

The problem of interest is to estimate the concentration curve and the area under the curve (AUC) by estimating the parameters of a linear regression model with an autocorrelated error process. We introduce a simple linear unbiased estimator of the concentration curve and the AUC. We show that this estimator constructed from a sampling design generated by an appropriate density is asymptotically optimal in the sense that it has exactly the same asymptotic performance as the best linear unbiased estimator. Moreover, we prove that the optimal design is robust with respect to a minimax criterion. When repeated observations are available, this estimator is consistent and has an asymptotic normal distribution. Finally, a simulated annealing algorithm is applied to a pharmacokinetic model with correlated errors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a general kth correlation coefficient between the density function and distribution function of a continuous variable as a measure of symmetry and asymmetry. We first propose a root-n moment-based estimator of the kth correlation coefficient and present its asymptotic results. Next, we consider statistical inference of the kth correlation coefficient by using the empirical likelihood (EL) method. The EL statistic is shown to be asymptotically a standard chi-squared distribution. Last, we propose a residual-based estimator of the kth correlation coefficient for a parametric regression model to test whether the density function of the true model error is symmetric or not. We present the asymptotic results of the residual-based kth correlation coefficient estimator and also construct its EL-based confidence intervals. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the performance of the proposed estimators, and we also use our proposed estimators to analyze the air quality dataset.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the intraclass correlation coefficient of a symmetric normal distribution under the squared error loss function. The general admissibility of the standard estimators of the intraclass correlation coefficient is hard to check due to their complicated sampling distributions. We follow the asymptotic decision-theoretic approach of Ghosh and Sinha (1981) and prove that the three standard intraclass correlation estimators (the maximum-likelihood estimator, the method-of-moments estimator and the first-order unbiased estimator) are second-order admissible for all p ≥ 2, p being the dimension of the distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate non‐parametric estimation of a monotone baseline hazard and a decreasing baseline density within the Cox model. Two estimators of a non‐decreasing baseline hazard function are proposed. We derive the non‐parametric maximum likelihood estimator and consider a Grenander type estimator, defined as the left‐hand slope of the greatest convex minorant of the Breslow estimator. We demonstrate that the two estimators are strongly consistent and asymptotically equivalent and derive their common limit distribution at a fixed point. Both estimators of a non‐increasing baseline hazard and their asymptotic properties are obtained in a similar manner. Furthermore, we introduce a Grenander type estimator for a non‐increasing baseline density, defined as the left‐hand slope of the least concave majorant of an estimator of the baseline cumulative distribution function, derived from the Breslow estimator. We show that this estimator is strongly consistent and derive its asymptotic distribution at a fixed point.  相似文献   

We consider a random effects quantile regression analysis of clustered data and propose a semiparametric approach using empirical likelihood. The random regression coefficients are assumed independent with a common mean, following parametrically specified distributions. The common mean corresponds to the population-average effects of explanatory variables on the conditional quantile of interest, while the random coefficients represent cluster specific deviations in the covariate effects. We formulate the estimation of the random coefficients as an estimating equations problem and use empirical likelihood to incorporate the parametric likelihood of the random coefficients. A likelihood-like statistical criterion function is yield, which we show is asymptotically concave in a neighborhood of the true parameter value and motivates its maximizer as a natural estimator. We use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers in the Bayesian framework, and propose the resulting quasi-posterior mean as an estimator. We show that the proposed estimator of the population-level parameter is asymptotically normal and the estimators of the random coefficients are shrunk toward the population-level parameter in the first order asymptotic sense. These asymptotic results do not require Gaussian random effects, and the empirical likelihood based likelihood-like criterion function is free of parameters related to the error densities. This makes the proposed approach both flexible and computationally simple. We illustrate the methodology with two real data examples.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the proportion θ of true null hypotheses in a multiple testing context. The setup is classically modelled through a semiparametric mixture with two components: a uniform distribution on interval [0,1] with prior probability θ and a non‐parametric density f . We discuss asymptotic efficiency results and establish that two different cases occur whether f vanishes on a non‐empty interval or not. In the first case, we exhibit estimators converging at a parametric rate, compute the optimal asymptotic variance and conjecture that no estimator is asymptotically efficient (i.e. attains the optimal asymptotic variance). In the second case, we prove that the quadratic risk of any estimator does not converge at a parametric rate. We illustrate those results on simulated data.  相似文献   

The transformed chi-square family includes many common one-parameter continuous distributions. In that family, we give conditions under which a given function of the mean admits a minimum variance unbiased estimator and an orthogonal expansion for this estimator in terms of the generalized Laguerre polynomials. We show that such expansion is useful for obtaining bounds for the variance and for the study of the asymptotic properties of the unbiased estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the local estimation of the stable tail dependence function when a random covariate is observed together with the variables of main interest. Our estimator is a weighted version of the empirical estimator adapted to the covariate framework. We provide the main asymptotic properties of our estimator, when properly normalized, in particular the convergence of the empirical process towards a tight centred Gaussian process. The finite sample performance of our estimator is illustrated on a small simulation study and on a dataset of air pollution measurements.  相似文献   

A Gaussian random function is a functional version of the normal distribution. This paper proposes a statistical hypothesis test to test whether or not a random function is a Gaussian random function. A parameter that is equal to 0 under Gaussian random function is considered, and its unbiased estimator is given. The asymptotic distribution of the estimator is studied, which is used for constructing a test statistic and discussing its asymptotic power. The performance of the proposed test is investigated through several numerical simulations. An illustrative example is also presented.  相似文献   

This article examines methods to efficiently estimate the mean response in a linear model with an unknown error distribution under the assumption that the responses are missing at random. We show how the asymptotic variance is affected by the estimator of the regression parameter, and by the imputation method. To estimate the regression parameter, the ordinary least squares is efficient only if the error distribution happens to be normal. If the errors are not normal, then we propose a one step improvement estimator or a maximum empirical likelihood estimator to efficiently estimate the parameter.To investigate the imputation’s impact on the estimation of the mean response, we compare the listwise deletion method and the propensity score method (which do not use imputation at all), and two imputation methods. We demonstrate that listwise deletion and the propensity score method are inefficient. Partial imputation, where only the missing responses are imputed, is compared to full imputation, where both missing and non-missing responses are imputed. Our results reveal that, in general, full imputation is better than partial imputation. However, when the regression parameter is estimated very poorly, the partial imputation will outperform full imputation. The efficient estimator for the mean response is the full imputation estimator that utilizes an efficient estimator of the parameter.  相似文献   

We consider the right truncated exponential distribution where the truncation point is unknown and show that the ML equation has a unique solution over an extended parameter space. In the case of the estimation of the truncation point T we show that the asymptotic distribution of the MLE is not centered at T. A modified MLE is introduced which outperforms all other considered estimators including the minimum variance unbiased estimator. Asymptotic as well as small sample properties of different estimators are investigated and compared. The truncated exponential distribution has an increasing failure rate, ideally suited for use as a survival distribution for biological and industrial data.  相似文献   

We consider asymptotic expansion of the nonparametric M-estimator in a fixed-design nonlinear regression model when the errors are generated by long-memory linear processes. Under mild conditions, we show that the nonparametric M-estimator is first-order equivalent to the Nadaraya-Watson (NW) estimator, which implies that the nonparametric M-estimator has the same asymptotic distribution as that of the NW estimator. Furthermore, we study the second-order asymptotic expansion of the nonparametric M-estimator and show that the difference between the nonparametric M-estimator and the NW estimator has a limiting distribution after suitable standardization. The nature of the limiting distribution depends on the range of long-memory parameter α. We also compare the finite sample behavior of the two estimators through a numerical example when the errors are long-memory.  相似文献   

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