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Estimation of scale parameter under the squared log error loss function is considered with restriction to the principle of invariance and risk unbiasedness. An explicit form of minimum risk scale-equivariant estimator under this loss is obtained. The admissibility and inadmissibility of a class of linear estimators of the form (cT + d) are considered, where T follows a gamma distribution with an unknown scale parameter η and a known shape parameter ν. This includes the admissibility of the minimum risk equivariant estimator on η (MRE).  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of best linear unbiased estimation and best linear invariant estimation of the scale parameter of a symmetric distribution using quasi-ranges is considered. We also prove a sufficient condition for the non negativity of the scale estimator obtained by the above method. Further, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the derived estimators to be constant multiple of the sample range.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of best linear unbiased estimation and best linear invariant estimation of the common scale parameter of several distributions using spacing of the pooled sample of all observations of individual samples. We derived conditions for the non negativity of the scale estimator obtained by the above methods. Further, we obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the derived estimators to be constant multiples of the pooled sample range.  相似文献   

Robust Bayesian testing of point null hypotheses is considered for problems involving the presence of nuisance parameters. The robust Bayesian approach seeks answers that hold for a range of prior distributions. Three techniques for handling the nuisance parameter are studied and compared. They are (i) utilize a noninformative prior to integrate out the nuisance parameter; (ii) utilize a test statistic whose distribution does not depend on the nuisance parameter; and (iii) use a class of prior distributions for the nuisance parameter. These approaches are studied in two examples, the univariate normal model with unknown mean and variance, and a multivariate normal example.  相似文献   

It is common practice to use hierarchical Bayesian model for the informing of a pediatric randomized controlled trial (RCT) by adult data, using a prespecified borrowing fraction parameter (BFP). This implicitly assumes that the BFP is intuitive and corresponds to the degree of similarity between the populations. Generalizing this model to any K 1 historical studies, naturally leads to empirical Bayes meta-analysis. In this paper we calculate the Bayesian BFPs and study the factors that drive them. We prove that simultaneous mean squared error reduction relative to an uninformed model is always achievable through application of this model. Power and sample size calculations for a future RCT, designed to be informed by multiple external RCTs, are also provided. Potential applications include inference on treatment efficacy from independent trials involving either heterogeneous patient populations or different therapies from a common class.  相似文献   

The probability matching prior for linear functions of Poisson parameters is derived. A comparison is made between the confidence intervals obtained by Stamey and Hamilton (2006 Stamey, J., Hamilton, C. (2006). A note on confidence intervals for a linear function of Poisson rates. Commun. Statist. Simul. &; Computat. 35(4):849856.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and the intervals derived by us when using the Jeffreys’ and probability matching priors. The intervals obtained from the Jeffreys’ prior are in some cases fiducial intervals (Krishnamoorthy and Lee, 2010 Krishnamoorthy, K., Lee, M. (2010). Inference for functions of parameters in discrete distributions based on fiducial approach: Binomial and Poisson cases. J. Statist. Plann. Infere. 140(5):11821192.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). A weighted Monte Carlo method is used for the probability matching prior. The power and size of the test, using Bayesian methods, is compared to tests used by Krishnamoorthy and Thomson (2004 Krishnamoorthy, K., Thomson, J. (2004). A more powerful test for comparing two Poisson means. J. Statist. Plann. Infere. 119(1):2335.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The Jeffreys’, probability matching and two other priors are used.  相似文献   

Bayesian estimation for the two unknown parameters and the reliability function of the exponentiated Weibull model are obtained based on generalized order statistics. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are considered to compute the Bayes estimates of the target parameters. Our computations are based on the balanced loss function which contains the symmetric and asymmetric loss functions as special cases. The results have been specialized to the progressively Type-II censored data and upper record values. Comparisons are made between Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimators via Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of best linear unbiased estimation and best linear invariant estimation of the common scale parameter of several symmetric distributions using some functions of spacings of all observations taken from individual samples. We also proved a sufficient condition for the non negativity of the common scale estimator obtained by the above method. Furthermore, we obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the derived estimators to be constant multiple of the sum of first and last spacings of the pooled sample.  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous statisticians have focused their attention on the Bayesian analysis of different paired comparison models. While studying paired comparison techniques, the Davidson model is considered to be one of the famous paired comparison models in the available literature. In this article, we have introduced an amendment in the Davidson model which has been commenced to accommodate the option of not distinguishing the effects of two treatments when they are compared pairwise. Having made this amendment, the Bayesian analysis of the Amended Davidson model is performed using the noninformative (uniform and Jeffreys’) and informative (Dirichlet–gamma–gamma) priors. To study the model and to perform the Bayesian analysis with the help of an example, we have obtained the joint and marginal posterior distributions of the parameters, their posterior estimates, graphical presentations of the marginal densities, preference and predictive probabilities and the posterior probabilities to compare the treatment parameters.  相似文献   

The present article is devoted to an extension of the functional approach elaborated in the book Melas (2006 Melas , V. B. ( 2006 ). Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design . Lecture Notes in Statistics , Vol. 184. Heidelberg : Springer . [Google Scholar]) for studying optimal designs in linear and nonlinear regression models. Here we consider Bayesian efficient designs for nonlinear models under the standard assumptions on the observational errors. Sufficient conditions for uniqueness of locally optimal and Bayesian efficient designs for common optimality criteria are given. L-efficient Bayesian designs are constructed and investigated for a special nonlinear regression model of a rational form as an illustration of our main results. This model is interesting in both a practical and a theoretical sense.  相似文献   

We proposed a new class of maximum a posteriori estimators for the parameters of the Gamma distribution. These estimators have simple closed-form expressions and can be rewritten as a bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimators presented by Ye and Chen [Closed-form estimators for the gamma distribution derived from likelihood equations. Am Statist. 2017;71(2):177–181]. A simulation study was carried out to compare different estimation procedures. Numerical results revels that our new estimation scheme outperforms the existing closed-form estimators and produces extremely efficient estimates for both parameters, even for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

The paper aims to select a suitable prior for the Bayesian analysis of the two-component mixture of the Topp Leone model under doubly censored samples and left censored samples for the first component and right censored samples for the second component. The posterior analysis has been carried out under the assumption of a class of informative and noninformative priors using a couple of loss functions. The comparison among the different Bayes estimators has been made under a simulation study and a real life example. The model comparison criterion has been used to select a suitable prior for the Bayesian analysis. The hazard rate of the Topp Leone mixture model has been compared for a range of parametric values.  相似文献   

The Bayesian design approach accounts for uncertainty of the parameter values on which optimal design depends, but Bayesian designs themselves depend on the choice of a prior distribution for the parameter values. This article investigates Bayesian D-optimal designs for two-parameter logistic models, using numerical search. We show three things: (1) a prior with large variance leads to a design that remains highly efficient under other priors, (2) uniform and normal priors lead to equally efficient designs, and (3) designs with four or five equidistant equally weighted design points are highly efficient relative to the Bayesian D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

We derive Bayesian interval estimators for the differences in the true positive rates and false positive rates of two dichotomous diagnostic tests applied to the members of two distinct populations. The populations have varying disease prevalences with unverified negatives. We compare the performance of the Bayesian credible interval to the Wald interval using Monte Carlo simulation for a spectrum of different TPRs, FPRs, and sample sizes. For the case of a low TPR and low FPR, we found that a Bayesian credible interval with relatively noninformative priors performed well. We obtain similar interval comparison results for the cases of a high TPR and high FPR, a high TPR and low FPR, and of a high TPR and mixed FPR after incorporating mildly informative priors.  相似文献   

In hierarchical mixture models the Dirichlet process is used to specify latent patterns of heterogeneity, particularly when the distribution of latent parameters is thought to be clustered (multimodal). The parameters of a Dirichlet process include a precision parameter αα and a base probability measure G0G0. In problems where αα is unknown and must be estimated, inferences about the level of clustering can be sensitive to the choice of prior assumed for αα. In this paper an approach is developed for computing a prior for the precision parameter αα that can be used in the presence or absence of prior information about the level of clustering. This approach is illustrated in an analysis of counts of stream fishes. The results of this fully Bayesian analysis are compared with an empirical Bayes analysis of the same data and with a Bayesian analysis based on an alternative commonly used prior.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian Analysis for the Block and Basu bivariate exponential distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and considering lifetimes in presence of covariates and censored data. Posterior summaries of interest are obtained using the popular WinBUGS software. Numerical illustrations are introduced considering a medical data set related to the recurrence times of infection for kidney patients and a medical data set related to bone marrow transplantation for leukemia.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodological approach for extracting useful knowledge from survey data by performing Bayesian network (BN) modeling and adopting the robust coplot analysis results as prior knowledge about association patterns hidden in the data. By addressing the issue of BN construction when the expert knowledge is limited/not available, this proposed approach facilitates the modeling of large data sets describing numerously observed and latent variables. By answering the question of which node(s)/link(s) should be retained or discarded from a BN, we aim to determine a compact model of variables while considering the desired properties of data. The proposed method steps are explained on real data extracted from Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. First, a BN structure is created, which is based solely on the judgment of the analyst. Then the coplot results are employed to update the BN structure and the model parameters are updated using the updated structure and data. Loss scores of the BNs are used to ensure the success of the updated BN that inherits knowledge from coplot.  相似文献   

In phase II single‐arm studies, the response rate of the experimental treatment is typically compared with a fixed target value that should ideally represent the true response rate for the standard of care therapy. Generally, this target value is estimated through previous data, but the inherent variability in the historical response rate is not taken into account. In this paper, we present a Bayesian procedure to construct single‐arm two‐stage designs that allows to incorporate uncertainty in the response rate of the standard treatment. In both stages, the sample size determination criterion is based on the concepts of conditional and predictive Bayesian power functions. Different kinds of prior distributions, which play different roles in the designs, are introduced, and some guidelines for their elicitation are described. Finally, some numerical results about the performance of the designs are provided and a real data example is illustrated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Under Stein's loss, a class of improved estimators for the scale parameter of a mixture of exponential distribution with unknown location is constructed. The method is analogous to Maruyama's (1998 Maruyama , Y. ( 1998 ). Minimax estimators of a normal variance . Metrika 48 : 209214 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) construction for the variance of a normal distribution and also an extension of the result produced in Petropoulos and Kourouklis (2002 Petropoulos , C. , Kourouklis , S. ( 2002 ). A class of improved estimators for the scale parameter of an exponential distribution with unknown location . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 31 : 325335 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Also, robustness properties are considered.  相似文献   

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