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Consider a linear regression model with some relevant regressors are unobservable. In such a situation, we estimate the model by using the proxy variables as regressors or by simply omitting the relevant regressors. In this paper, we derive the explicit formula of predictive mean squared error (PMSE) of a general family of shrinkage estimators of regression coefficients. It is shown analytically that the positive-part shrinkage estimator dominates the ordinary shrinkage estimator even when proxy variables are used in place of the unobserved variables. Also, as an example, our result is applied to the double k-class estimator proposed by Ullah and Ullah (Double k-class estimators of coefficients in linear regression. Econometrica. 1978;46:705–722). Our numerical results show that the positive-part double k-class estimator with proxy variables has preferable PMSE performance.  相似文献   

The Bayesian shrinkage estimation for a measure of dispersion with known mean is studied for the inverse Gaussian distribution. An optimum choice of the shrinkage factor and the properties of the proposed Bayesian shrinkage estimators are being studied. It is shown that these estimators have smaller risk than the usual estimator of the reciprocal measure of dispersion.  相似文献   

We compare the performance of recently developed regularized covariance matrix estimators for Markowitz's portfolio optimization and of the minimum variance portfolio (MVP) problem in particular. We focus on seven estimators that are applied to the MVP problem in the literature; three regularize the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix, and the other four assume the sparsity of the true covariance matrix or its inverse. Comparisons are made with two sets of long-term S&P 500 stock return data that represent two extreme scenarios of active and passive management. The results show that the MVPs with sparse covariance estimators have high Sharpe ratios but that the naive diversification (also known as the ‘uniform (on market share) portfolio’) still performs well in terms of wealth growth.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the Inverse Gaussian distribution whose variance is proportional to the mean. Assuming that the data are available from IGD(,μ,c,μ 2), and also from its length biased version, simulation studies are presented to compare the MVUE and MLE in terms of their variances and mean square errors from both kinds of data. Some tables and graphs are provided to analyze the comparisons. Finally, some recommendations and conclusions are given when one or both kinds of data are available.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating a matrix of the normal means, where the variances are unknown but common. The approach to this problem is provided by a hierarchical Bayes modeling for which the first stage prior for the means is matrix-variate normal distribution with mean zero matrix and a covariance structure and the second stage prior for the covariance is similar to Jeffreys’ rule. The resulting hierarchical Bayes estimators relative to the quadratic loss function belong to a class of matricial shrinkage estimators. Certain conditions are obtained for admissibility and minimaxity of the hierarchical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   


In this article, we discuss the superiority of r-k class estimator over some estimators in a misspecified linear model. We derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the r-k class estimator over each of these estimators under the Mahalanobis loss function by the average loss criterion in the misspecified linear model.  相似文献   

Summary. Many geophysical regression problems require the analysis of large (more than 104 values) data sets, and, because the data may represent mixtures of concurrent natural processes with widely varying statistical properties, contamination of both response and predictor variables is common. Existing bounded influence or high breakdown point estimators frequently lack the ability to eliminate extremely influential data and/or the computational efficiency to handle large data sets. A new bounded influence estimator is proposed that combines high asymptotic efficiency for normal data, high breakdown point behaviour with contaminated data and computational simplicity for large data sets. The algorithm combines a standard M -estimator to downweight data corresponding to extreme regression residuals and removal of overly influential predictor values (leverage points) on the basis of the statistics of the hat matrix diagonal elements. For this, the exact distribution of the hat matrix diagonal elements p ii for complex multivariate Gaussian predictor data is shown to be β ( p ii ,  m ,  N − m ), where N is the number of data and m is the number of parameters. Real geophysical data from an auroral zone magnetotelluric study which exhibit severe outlier and leverage point contamination are used to illustrate the estimator's performance. The examples also demonstrate the utility of looking at both the residual and the hat matrix distributions through quantile–quantile plots to diagnose robust regression problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, assuming that there exist omitted explanatory variables in the specified model, we derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of a general family of shrinkage estimators for each individual regression coefficient. It is shown analytically that when our concern is to estimate each individual regression coefficient, the positive-part shrinkage estimators have smaller MSE than the original shrinkage estimators under some conditions even when the relevant regressors are omitted. Also, by numerical evaluations, we showed the effects of our theorem for several specific cases. It is shown that the positive-part shrinkage estimators have smaller MSE than the original shrinkage estimators for wide region of parameter space even when there exist omitted variables in the specified model.  相似文献   

The relative 'performances of improved ridge estimators and an empirical Bayes estimator are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical Bayes method is seen to perform consistently better in terms of smaller MSE and more accurate empirical coverage than any of the estimators considered here. A bootstrap method is proposed to obtain more reliable estimates of the MSE of ridge esimators. Some theorems on the bootstrap for the ridge estimators are also given and they are used to provide an analytical understanding of the proposed bootstrap procedure. Empirical coverages of the ridge estimators based on the proposed procedure are generally closer to the nominal coverage when compared to their earlier counterparts. In general, except for a few cases, these coverages are still less accurate than the empirical coverages of the empirical Bayes estimator.  相似文献   

Wu et al. [Computational comparison for weighted moments estimators and BLUE of the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution with known shape parameter under type II multiply censored sample, Appl. Math. Comput. 181 (2006), pp. 1462–1470] proposed the weighted moments estimators (WMEs) of the scale parameter of a Pareto distribution with known shape parameter on a multiply type II-censored sample. They claimed that some WMEs are better than the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) based on the exact mean-squared error (MSE). In this paper, the general WME (GWME) is proposed and the computational comparison of the proposed estimator with the WMEs and BLUE is done on the basis of the exact MSE for given sample sizes and different censoring schemes. As a result, the GWME is performing better than the best estimator among 12 WMEs and BLUE for all cases. Therefore, GWME is recommended for use. At last, one example is given to demonstrate the proposed GWME.  相似文献   

Statistical concepts and techniques are basic to scientific investigation. One concept that enjoys both a theoretical and a physical existence is the spectrum. A spectrum may be described as a display of the intensity or variability of a phenomenon versus period or frequency. Spectra are particularly useful in the study of systems subject to resonance, but have many other uses. This paper begins with some of the historical development of the field, describing a sequence of contributions by Michelson, Schuster, Einstein, Fisher, Bartlett, Tukey, and Whittle. The paper next presents collaborative applications to the study of the free oscillations of the earth, to the dispersion of seismic surface waves and to nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy. Finally, there is mention of open problems and opinions on future directions.  相似文献   

We use bias-reduced estimators of high quantiles of heavy-tailed distributions, to introduce a new estimator for the mean in the case of infinite second moment. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator is established and checked in a simulation study, by four of the most popular goodness-of-fit tests. The accuracy of the resulting confidence intervals is evaluated as well. We also investigate the finite sample behavior and compare our estimator with some versions of Peng's estimator of the mean (namely those based on Hill, t-Hill and Huisman et al. extreme value index estimators). Moreover, we discuss the robustness of the tail index estimators used in this paper. Finally, our estimation procedure is applied to the well-known Danish fire insurance claims data set, to provide confidence bounds for the means of weekly and monthly maximum losses over a period of 10 years.  相似文献   

This paper shows that a minimax Bayes rule and shrinkage estimators can be effectively applied to portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach. Specifically, it is shown that the portfolio selection problem can result in a statistical decision problem in some situations. Following that, we present a method for solving a problem involved in portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

In the context of estimating regression coefficients of an ill-conditioned binary logistic regression model, we develop a new biased estimator having two parameters for estimating the regression vector parameter β when it is subjected to lie in the linear subspace restriction Hβ = h. The matrix mean squared error and mean squared error (MSE) functions of these newly defined estimators are derived. Moreover, a method to choose the two parameters is proposed. Then, the performance of the proposed estimator is compared to that of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator and some other existing estimators in the sense of MSE via a Monte Carlo simulation study. According to the simulation results, the performance of the estimators depends on the sample size, number of explanatory variables, and degree of correlation. The superiority region of our proposed estimator is identified based on the biasing parameters, numerically. It is concluded that the new estimator is superior to the others in most of the situations considered and it is recommended to the researchers.  相似文献   

This paper defines and studies a new class of non-stationary random processes constructed from discrete non-decimated wavelets which generalizes the Cramér (Fourier) representation of stationary time series. We define an evolutionary wavelet spectrum (EWS) which quantifies how process power varies locally over time and scale. We show how the EWS may be rigorously estimated by a smoothed wavelet periodogram and how both these quantities may be inverted to provide an estimable time-localized autocovariance. We illustrate our theory with a pedagogical example based on discrete non-decimated Haar wavelets and also a real medical time series example.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to a new study of the fractal behavior of heartbeats during a marathon. Such a case is interesting since it allows the examination of heart behavior during a very long exercise in order to reach reliable conclusions on the long-term properties of heartbeats. Three points of this study can be highlighted. First, the whole race heartbeats of each runner are automatically divided into several stages where the signal is nearly stationary and these stages are detected with an adaptive change points detection method. Secondly, a new process called the locally fractional Gaussian noise (LFGN) is proposed to fit such data. Finally, a wavelet-based method using a specific mother wavelet provides an adaptive procedure for estimating low frequency and high frequency fractal parameters as well as the corresponding frequency bandwidths. Such an estimator is theoretically proved to converge in the case of LFGNs, and simulations confirm this consistency. Moreover, an adaptive chi-squared goodness-of-fit test is also built, using this wavelet-based estimator. The application of this method to marathon heartbeat series indicates that the LFGN fits well data at each stage and that the low frequency fractal parameter increases during the race. A detection of a too large low frequency fractal parameter during the race could help prevent the too frequent heart failures occurring during marathons.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a class of M  -estimators in a regression model under bivariate random censoring and provide a set of sufficient conditions that ensure asymptotic n1/2-convergencen1/2-convergence. The cornerstone of our approach is a new estimator of the joint distribution function of the censored lifetimes. A copula approach is used to modelize the dependence structure between the bivariate censoring times. The resulting estimators present the advantage of being easily computable. A simulation study enlighten the finite sample behavior of this technique.  相似文献   

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