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This article considers a nonparametric additive seemingly unrelated regression model with autoregressive errors, and develops estimation and inference procedures for this model. Our proposed method first estimates the unknown functions by combining polynomial spline series approximations with least squares, and then uses the fitted residuals together with the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty to identify the error structure and estimate the unknown autoregressive coefficients. Based on the polynomial spline series estimator and the fitted error structure, a two-stage local polynomial improved estimator for the unknown functions of the mean is further developed. Our procedure applies a prewhitening transformation of the dependent variable, and also takes into account the contemporaneous correlations across equations. We show that the resulting estimator possesses an oracle property, and is asymptotically more efficient than estimators that neglect the autocorrelation and/or contemporaneous correlations of errors. We investigate the small sample properties of the proposed procedure in a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, we modify a number of new biased estimators of seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) parameters which are developed by Alkhamisi and Shukur (2008 Alkhamisi , M. A. , Shukur , G. ( 2008 ). Developing ridge parameters for SUR model . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 37 ( 4 ): 544564 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), AS, when the explanatory variables are affected by multicollinearity. Nine estimators of the ridge parameters have been modified and compared in terms of the trace mean squared error (TMSE) and (PR) criterion. The results from this extended study are the also compared with those founded by AS. A simulation study has been conducted to compare the performance of the modified estimators of the ridge parameters. The results showed that under certain conditions the performance of the multivariate ridge regression estimators based on SUR ridge R MSmax is superior to other estimators in terms of TMSE and PR criterion. In large samples and when the collinearity between the explanatory variables is not high, the unbiased SUR, estimator produces a smaller TMSEs.  相似文献   

A transformation is proposed to convert the nonlinear constraints of the parameters in the mixture transition distribution (MTD) model into box-constraints. The proposed transformation removes the difficulties associated with the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) process in the MTD modeling so that the MLEs of the parameters can be easily obtained via a hybrid algorithm from the evolutionary algorithms and/or quasi-Newton algorithms for global optimization. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate MTD modeling by the proposed novel approach through a global search algorithm in R environment. Finally, the proposed approach is used for the MTD modelings of three real data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on some diagnostics for linear regression model with first-order autoregressive and symmetrical errors. The symmetrical class includes both light- and heavy-tailed univariate symmetrical distributions, which offers a more flexible framework for modeling. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via the Fisher-score method. Score statistic and its adjustment are proposed for testing autocorrelation of the random errors. Local influence diagnostics are also derived for the model under some usual perturbation schemes. The performances of the test statistics are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a real data set is used to illustrate our diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

This article considers the twin problems of testing for autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and generalized ARCH disturbances in the linear regression model. A feature of these testing problems, ignored by the standard Lagrange multiplier test, is that they are onesided in nature. A test that exploits this one-sided aspect is constructed based on the sum of the scores. The small-sample-size and power properties of two versions of this test under both normal and leptokurtic disturbances are investigated via a Monte Carlo experiment. The results indicate that both versions of the new test typically have superior power to two versions of the Lagrange multiplier test and possibly also more accurate asymptotic critical values.  相似文献   

In this article, we study stepwise AIC method for variable selection comparing with other stepwise method for variable selection, such as, Partial F, Partial Correlation, and Semi-Partial Correlation in linear regression modeling. Then we show mathematically that the stepwise AIC method and other stepwise methods lead to the same method as Partial F. Hence, there are more reasons to use the stepwise AIC method than the other stepwise methods for variable selection, since the stepwise AIC method is a model selection method that can be easily managed and can be widely extended to more generalized models and applied to non normally distributed data. We also treat problems that always appear in applications, that are validation of selected variables and problem of collinearity.  相似文献   

The study of a linear regression model with an interval-censored covariate, which was motivated by an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) clinical trial, was first proposed by Gómez et al. They developed a likelihood approach, together with a two-step conditional algorithm, to estimate the regression coefficients in the model. However, their method is inapplicable when the interval-censored covariate is continuous. In this article, we propose a novel and fast method to treat the continuous interval-censored covariate. By using logspline density estimation, we impute the interval-censored covariate with a conditional expectation. Then, the ordinary least-squares method is applied to the linear regression model with the imputed covariate. To assess the performance of the proposed method, we compare our imputation with the midpoint imputation and the semiparametric hierarchical method via simulations. Furthermore, an application to the AIDS clinical trial is presented.  相似文献   


For experiments running in field plots or over time, the observations are often correlated due to spatial or serial correlation, which leads to correlated errors in a linear model analyzing the treatment means. Without knowing the exact correlation matrix of the errors, it is not possible to compute the generalized least-squares estimator for the treatment means and use it to construct optimal designs for the experiments. In this paper, we propose to use neighborhoods to model the covariance matrix of the errors, and apply a modified generalized least-squares estimator to construct robust designs for experiments with blocks. A minimax design criterion is investigated, and a simulated annealing algorithm is developed to find robust designs. We have derived several theoretical results, and representative examples are presented.  相似文献   

Interval-censored data arise due to a sequence random examination such that the failure time of interest occurs in an interval. In some medical studies, there exist long-term survivors who can be considered as permanently cured. We consider a mixed model for the uncured group coming from linear transformation models and cured group coming from a logistic regression model. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is developed for a full likelihood approach. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted. The approach is applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hypobaric decompression sickness data.  相似文献   

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