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Multivariate Gaussian graphical models are defined in terms of Markov properties, i.e., conditional independences, corresponding to missing edges in the graph. Thus model selection can be accomplished by testing these independences, which are equivalent to zero values of corresponding partial correlation coefficients. For concentration graphs, acyclic directed graphs, and chain graphs (both LWF and AMP classes), we apply Fisher's z-transform, Šidák's correlation inequality, and Holm's step-down procedure to simultaneously test the multiple hypotheses specified by these zero values. This simple method for model selection controls the overall error rate for incorrect edge inclusion. Prior information about the presence and/or absence of particular edges can be readily incorporated.  相似文献   


Holm's step-down testing procedure starts with the smallest p-value and sequentially screens larger p-values without any information on confidence intervals. This article changes the conventional step-down testing framework by presenting a nonparametric procedure that starts with the largest p-value and sequentially screens smaller p-values in a step-by-step manner to construct a set of simultaneous confidence sets. We use a partitioning approach to prove that the new procedure controls the simultaneous confidence level (thus strongly controlling the familywise error rate). Discernible features of the new stepwise procedure include consistency with individual inference, coherence, and confidence estimations for follow-up investigations. In a simple simulation study, the proposed procedure (treated as a testing procedure), is more powerful than Holm's procedure when the correlation coefficient is large, and vice versa when it is small. In the data analysis of a medical study, the new procedure is able to detect the efficacy of Aspirin as a cardiovascular prophylaxis in a nonparametric setting.  相似文献   

In this article, an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to evaluate and compare nonparametric multiple comparison tests under violations of classical analysis of variance assumptions. Simulation space of the Monte Carlo study is composed of 288 different combinations of balanced and unbalanced sample sizes, number of groups, treatment effects, various levels of heterogeneity of variances, dependence between subgroup levels, and skewed error distributions under the single factor experimental design. By this large simulation space, we present a detailed analysis of effects of the violations of assumptions on the performance of nonparametric multiple comparison tests in terms of three error and four power measures. Observations of this study are beneficial to decide the optimal nonparametric test according to requirements and conditions of undertaken experiments. When some of the assumptions of analysis of variance are violated and number of groups is small, use of stepwise Steel-Dwass procedure with Holm's approach is appropriate to control type I error at a desired level. Dunn's method should be employed for greater number of groups. When subgroups are unbalanced and number of groups is small, Nemenyi's procedure with Duncan's approach produces high power values. Conover's procedure successfully provides high power values with a small number of unbalanced groups or with a greater number of balanced or unbalanced groups. At the same time, Conover's procedure is unable to control type I error rates.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multivariate extension of Dunnett's test for comparing simultaneously k treatment group means with a single control group mean. A test based on Hotelling T2statistics is presented and approximate critical values are evaluated for the case of equal numbers of observations in each group, for the .05 and .01 levels of significance, for 1 to 5 variates, for 1 to 10 treatment groups, and for varying degrees of freedom. The accuracy of the procedure for generating approximate critical values is assessed via simulation studies conducted for selected cases and an example is presented using real data.  相似文献   

We provide a simple result on the H-decomposition of a U-statistics that allows for easy determination of its magnitude when the statistic’s kernel depends on the sample size n. The result provides a direct and convenient method to characterize the asymptotic magnitude of semiparametric and nonparametric estimators or test statistics involving high dimensional sums. We illustrate the use of our result in previously studied estimators/test statistics and in a novel nonparametric R2 test for overall significance of a nonparametric regression model.  相似文献   


It is common to monitor several correlated quality characteristics using the Hotelling's T 2 statistic. However, T 2 confounds the location shift with scale shift and consequently it is often difficult to determine the factors responsible for out of control signal in terms of the process mean vector and/or process covariance matrix. In this paper, we propose a diagnostic procedure called ‘D-technique’ to detect the nature of shift. For this purpose, two sets of regression equations, each consisting of regression of a variable on the remaining variables, are used to characterize the ‘structure’ of the ‘in control’ process and that of ‘current’ process. To determine the sources responsible for an out of control state, it is shown that it is enough to compare these two structures using the dummy variable multiple regression equation. The proposed method is operationally simpler and computationally advantageous over existing diagnostic tools. The technique is illustrated with various examples.  相似文献   

Berkson (1980) conjectured that minimum x2 was a superior procedure to that of maximum likelihood, especially with regard to mean squared error. To explore his conjecture, we analyze his (1955) bioassay problem related to logistic regression. We consider not only the criterion of mean squared error for the comparison of these estimators, but also include alternative criteria such as concentration functions and Pitman's measure of closeness. The choice of these latter criteria is motivated by Rao's (1981) considerations of the shortcomings of mean squared error. We also include several Rao-Blackwellized versions of the minimum logit x2 the purpose of these comparisons.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of testing the means of k multivariate normal populations with additional data from an unknown subset of the k populations. The purpose of this research is to offer test procedures utilizing all the available data for the multivariate analysis of variance problem because the additional data may contain valuable information about the parameters of the k populations. The standard procedure uses only the data from identified populations. We provide a test using all available data based upon Hotelling' s generalized T2statistic. The power of this test is computed using Betz's approximation of Hotelling' s generalized T2statistic by an F-distribution. A comparison of the power of the test and the standard test procedure is also given.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the issue of constructing retrospective T 2 control chart limits so as to control the overall probability of a false alarm at a specified value. We describe an exact method for constructing the control limits for retrospective examination. We then consider Bonferroni-adjustments to Alt's control limit and to the standard x 2 control limit as alternatives to the exact limit since it is computationally cumbersome to find the exact limit. We present the results of some simulation experiments that are carried out to compare the performance of these control limits. The results indicate that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit performs better that the Bonferroni-adjusted x 2 control limit. Furthermore, it appears that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit is more than adequate for controlling the overall false alarm probability at a specified value.  相似文献   

A general rank test procedure based on an underlying multinomial distribution is suggested for randomized block experiments with multifactor treatment combinations within each block. The Wald statistic for the multinomial is used to test hypotheses about the within–block rankings. This statistic is shown to be related to the one–sample Hotellingt's T2 statistic, suggesting a method for computing the test statistic using the standard statistical computer packages.  相似文献   

The maximum of k functions defined on R n , n ≥ 1, by f max (x) = max{f 1 (x),…, f k (x)}, ? x ? R n , can have important roles in Statistics, particularly in Classification. Through its relation with the Bayes error, which is the reference error in classification, it can serve to compute numerical bounds for errors in other classification schemes. It can also serve to define the joint L1-distance between more than two densities, which, in turn, will serve as a useful tool in Classification and Cluster Analyses. It has a vast potential application in digital image processing too. Finally, its versatile role can be seen in several numerical examples, related to the analysis of Fisher's classical iris data in multidimensional spaces.  相似文献   

Hahn (1977) suggested a procedure for constructing prediction intervals for the difference between the means of two future samples from normal populations having equal variance, based on past samples selected from both populations. In this paper, we extend Hahn's work by constructing simultaneous prediction intervals for all pairwise differences among the means of k ≥ 2 future samples from normal populations with equal variances, using past samples taken from each of the k populations. For K = 2, this generalization reduces to Hahn's special case. These prediction intervals may be used when one has sampled the performance of several products and wishes to simultaneously as- sess the differences in future sample mean performance of these products with a predetermined overall coverage probability. The use of the new procedure is demonstrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The Bartlett's test (1937) for equality of variances is based on the χ2 distribution approximation. This approximation deteriorates either when the sample size is small (particularly < 4) or when the population number is large. According to a simulation investigation, we find a similar varying trend for the mean differences between empirical distributions of Bartlett's statistics and their χ2 approximations. By using the mean differences to represent the distribution departures, a simple adjustment approach on the Bartlett's statistic is proposed on the basis of equal mean principle. The performance before and after adjustment is extensively investigated under equal and unequal sample sizes, with number of populations varying from 3 to 100. Compared with the traditional Bartlett's statistic, the adjusted statistic is distributed more closely to χ2 distribution, for homogeneity samples from normal populations. The type I error is well controlled and the power is a little higher after adjustment. In conclusion, the adjustment has good control on the type I error and higher power, and thus is recommended for small samples and large population number when underlying distribution is normal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider nonparametric multiple comparison procedures for unbalanced two-way factorial designs under a pure nonparametric framework. For multiple comparisons of treatments versus a control concerning the main effects or the simple factor effects, the limiting distribution of the associated rank statistics is proven to satisfy the multivariate totally positive of order two condition. Hence, asymptotically the proposed Hochberg procedure strongly controls the familywise type I error rate for the simultaneous testing of the individual hypotheses. In addition, we propose to employ Shaffer's modified version of Holm's stepdown procedure to perform simultaneous tests on all pairwise comparisons regarding the main or simple factor effects and to perform simultaneous tests on all interaction effects. The logical constraints in the corresponding hypothesis families are utilized to sharpen the rejective thresholds and improve the power of the tests.  相似文献   

Halperin et al. (1988) suggested an approach which allows for k Type I errors while using Scheffe's method of multiple comparisons for linear combinations of p means. In this paper we apply the same type of error control to Tukey's method of multiple pairwise comparisons. In fact, the variant of the Tukey (1953) approach discussed here defines the error control objective as assuring with a specified probability that at most one out of the p(p-l)/2 comparisons between all pairs of the treatment means is significant in two-sided tests when an overall null hypothesis (all p means are equal) is true or, from a confidence interval point of view, that at most one of a set of simultaneous confidence intervals for all of the pairwise differences of the treatment means is incorrect. The formulae which yield the critical values needed to carry out this new procedure are derived and the critical values are tabulated. A Monte Carlo study was conducted and several tables are presented to demonstrate the experimentwise Type I error rates and the gains in power furnished by the proposed procedure  相似文献   

Sophisticated statistical analyses of incidence frequencies are often required for various epidemiologic and biomedical applications. Among the most commonly applied methods is the Pearson's χ2 test, which is structured to detect non specific anomalous patterns of frequencies and is useful for testing the significance for incidence heterogeneity. However, the Pearson's χ2 test is not efficient for assessing the significance of frequency in a particular cell (or class) to be attributed to chance alone. We recently developed statistical tests for detecting temporal anomalies of disease cases based on maximum and minimum frequencies; these tests are actually designed to test of significance for a particular high or low frequency. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate merits of these tests in epidemiologic and biomedical studies. We show that our proposed methods are more sensitive and powerful for testing extreme cell counts than is the Pearson's χ2 test. This feature could provide important and valuable information in epidemiologic or biomeidcal studies. We elucidated and illustrated the differences in sensitivity among our tests and the Pearson's χ2 test by analyzing a data set of Langerhans cell histiocytosis cases and its hypothetical sets. We also computed and compared the statistical power of these methods using various sets of cell numbers and alternative frequencies. The investigation of statistical sensitivity and power presented in this work will provide investigators with useful guidelines for selecting the appropriate tests for their studies.  相似文献   

Two procedures for testing equality of two proportions are compared in terms of asymptotic efficiency. The comparison favors use of a statistic equivalent to Goodman's Y 2 over the usual X 2 statistic in some cases including that of equal sample sizes. Numerical comparisons indicate that the asymptotic results have some relevance for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   


We consider semiparametric inference on the partially linearsingle-index model (PLSIM). The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test is proposed to examine whether or not a family of new semiparametric models fits adequately our given data in the PLSIM. A new GLR statistic is established to deal with the testing of the index parameter α0 in the PLSIM. The newly proposed statistic is shown to asymptotically follow a χ2-distribution with the scale constant and the degrees of freedom being independent of the nuisance parameters or function. Some finite sample simulations and a real example are used to illustrate our proposed methodology.  相似文献   


It is an increasingly common practice to monitor several related quality characteristics of a product or process using a multivariate control chart procedure. Several types of multivariate control charts, including Hotelling's χ 2 and T 2 control charts, have been developed in attempts to improve monitoring by using the correlation structure that exists between quality characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the assumptions made regarding the out-of-control process shift in the economic design of multivariate control charts and to address their consequences. We study the average run length (ARL) properties of the χ 2 control chart using a numerical example and show that this chart can perform ineffectively under the assumed out-of-control conditions when designed using the economic approach. Following Healy,[1] Healy, J.D. 1987. A Note on the Multivariate CUSUM Procedures. Technometrics, 29: 409412. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] we offer an alternative procedure that has improved ARL properties and overall performance. These results can be important to researchers and practitioners who are interested in using the economic design of multivariate control procedures.  相似文献   

An adaptive variable selection procedure is proposed which uses an adaptive test along with a stepwise procedure to select variables for a multiple regression model. We compared this adaptive stepwise procedure to methods that use Akaike's information criterion, Schwartz's information criterion, and Sawa's information criterion. The simulation studies demonstrated that the adaptive stepwise method is more effective than the traditional variable selection methods if the error distribution is not normally distributed. If the error distribution is known to be normally distributed, the variable selection method based on Sawa's information criteria appears to be superior to the other methods. Unless the error distribution is known to be normally distributed, the adaptive stepwise method is recommended.  相似文献   

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