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We consider a general class of prior distributions for nonparametric Bayesian estimation which uses finite random series with a random number of terms. A prior is constructed through distributions on the number of basis functions and the associated coefficients. We derive a general result on adaptive posterior contraction rates for all smoothness levels of the target function in the true model by constructing an appropriate ‘sieve’ and applying the general theory of posterior contraction rates. We apply this general result on several statistical problems such as density estimation, various nonparametric regressions, classification, spectral density estimation and functional regression. The prior can be viewed as an alternative to the commonly used Gaussian process prior, but properties of the posterior distribution can be analysed by relatively simpler techniques. An interesting approximation property of B‐spline basis expansion established in this paper allows a canonical choice of prior on coefficients in a random series and allows a simple computational approach without using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. A simulation study is conducted to show that the accuracy of the Bayesian estimators based on the random series prior and the Gaussian process prior are comparable. We apply the method on Tecator data using functional regression models.  相似文献   

Given a general statistical model and an arbitrary quadratic loss, we propose a lower bound for the associated risk of a class of shrinkage estimators. With respect to the considered class of shrinkage estimators, this bound is optimal.In the particular case of the estimation of the location parameter of an ellipti-cally symmetric distribution, this bound can be used to find the relative improvement brought by a given estimator and the remaining possible improvement, using a Monte-Carlo method. We deduce from these results a new type of shrinkage estimators whose risk can be as close as one wants of the lower bound near a chosen pole and yet remain bounded. Some of them are good alternatives to the positive-part James-Stein estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we derive general matrix formulae for second-order biases of maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) in a class of heteroscedastic symmetric nonlinear regression models, thus generalizing some results in the literature. This class of regression models includes all symmetric continuous distributions, and has a wide range of practical applications in various fields such as engineering, biology, medicine and economics, among others. The variety of distributions with different kurtosis coefficients than the normal may give more flexibility in the choice of an appropriate distribution, particularly to accommodate outlying and influential observations. We derive a joint iterative process for estimating the mean and dispersion parameters. We also present simulation studies for the biases of the MLEs.  相似文献   

We consider the task of generating discrete-time realisations of a nonlinear multivariate diffusion process satisfying an Itô stochastic differential equation conditional on an observation taken at a fixed future time-point. Such realisations are typically termed diffusion bridges. Since, in general, no closed form expression exists for the transition densities of the process of interest, a widely adopted solution works with the Euler–Maruyama approximation, by replacing the intractable transition densities with Gaussian approximations. However, the density of the conditioned discrete-time process remains intractable, necessitating the use of computationally intensive methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. Designing an efficient proposal mechanism which can be applied to a noisy and partially observed system that exhibits nonlinear dynamics is a challenging problem, and is the focus of this paper. By partitioning the process into two parts, one that accounts for nonlinear dynamics in a deterministic way, and another as a residual stochastic process, we develop a class of novel constructs that bridge the residual process via a linear approximation. In addition, we adapt a recently proposed construct to a partial and noisy observation regime. We compare the performance of each new construct with a number of existing approaches, using three applications.  相似文献   

Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes form a general class of non diffusion stochastic models that involve both deterministic trajectories and random jumps at random times. In this paper, we state a new characterization of the jump rate of such a process with discrete transitions. We deduce from this result a non parametric technique for estimating this feature of interest. We state the uniform convergence in probability of the estimator. The methodology is illustrated on a numerical example.  相似文献   

An exact maximum likelihood method is developed for the estimation of parameters in a non-Gaussian nonlinear density function that depends on a latent Gaussian dynamic process with long-memory properties. Our method relies on the method of importance sampling and on a linear Gaussian approximating model from which the latent process can be simulated. Given the presence of a latent long-memory process, we require a modification of the importance sampling technique. In particular, the long-memory process needs to be approximated by a finite dynamic linear process. Two possible approximations are discussed and are compared with each other. We show that an autoregression obtained from minimizing mean squared prediction errors leads to an effective and feasible method. In our empirical study, we analyze ten daily log-return series from the S&P 500 stock index by univariate and multivariate long-memory stochastic volatility models. We compare the in-sample and out-of-sample performance of a number of models within the class of long-memory stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive general formulae for the biases to order n ?1 of the parameter estimates in a general class of nonlinear regression models, where n is the sample size. The formulae are related to those of Cordeiro and McCullagh (1991) and Paula (1992) and may be viewed as extensions of their results, Correction factors are derived for the score and deviance component residuals in these models. The practical use of such corrections is illustrated for the log-gamma model.  相似文献   

By using prior knowledge it may be possible to deduce pieces of individual information from a frequency distribution of a population. If the prior information is described by a stochastic model, an information-theoretic approach can be applied in order to judge the possibilities for disclosure. By specifying the stochastic model in various ways it is shown how the decrease in entropy caused by the publication of a frequency distribution can be determined and interpreted. The stochastic models are also used to derive formulae for disclosure risks and expected numbers of disclosures.  相似文献   

Using a recursive method, we obtain all the cumulants, central moments, and moments about zero, up to order 4, for the mean-corrected serial covariances from series realisations of length n, given a Gaussian white noise process. Some implicit higher order results are also derived.  相似文献   

The measurement of human immunodeficiency virus ribonucleic acid levels over time leads to censored longitudinal data. Suitable models for dynamic modelling of these levels need to take this data characteristic into account. If groups of patients with different developments of the levels over time are suspected the model class of finite mixtures of mixed effects models with censored data is required. We describe the model specification and derive the estimation with a suitable expectation-maximization algorithm. We propose a convenient implementation using closed form formulae for the expected mean and variance of the truncated multivariate distribution. Only efficient evaluation of the cumulative multivariate normal distribution function is required. Model selection as well as methods for inference are discussed. The application is demonstrated on the clinical trial ACTG 315 data.  相似文献   

We consider surveys with one or more callbacks and use a series of logistic regressions to model the probabilities of nonresponse at first contact and subsequent callbacks. These probabilities are allowed to depend on covariates as well as the categorical variable of interest and so the nonresponse mechanism is nonignorable. Explicit formulae for the score functions and information matrices are given for some important special cases to facilitate implementation of the method of scoring for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters. For estimating finite population quantities, we suggest the imputation and prediction approaches as alternatives to weighting adjustment. Simulation results suggest that the proposed methods work well in reducing the bias due to nonresponse. In our study, the imputation and prediction approaches perform better than weighting adjustment and they continue to perform quite well in simulations involving misspecified response models.  相似文献   

We derive two types of Akaike information criterion (AIC)‐like model‐selection formulae for the semiparametric pseudo‐maximum likelihood procedure. We first adapt the arguments leading to the original AIC formula, related to empirical estimation of a certain Kullback–Leibler information distance. This gives a significantly different formula compared with the AIC, which we name the copula information criterion. However, we show that such a model‐selection procedure cannot exist for copula models with densities that grow very fast near the edge of the unit cube. This problem affects most popular copula models. We then derive what we call the cross‐validation copula information criterion, which exists under weak conditions and is a first‐order approximation to exact cross validation. This formula is very similar to the standard AIC formula but has slightly different motivation. A brief illustration with real data is given.  相似文献   

In epidemiological surveillance it is important that any unusual increase of reported cases be detected as rapidly as possible. Reliable forecasting based on a suitable time series model for an epidemiological indicator is necessary for estimating the expected non-epidemic indicator and to elaborate an alert threshold. Time series analyses of acute diseases often use Gaussian autoregressive integrated moving average models. However, these approaches can be adversely affected by departures from the true underlying distribution. The objective of this paper is to introduce a bootstrap procedure for obtaining prediction intervals in linear models in order to avoid the normality assumption. We present a Monte Carlo study comparing the finite sample properties of bootstrap prediction intervals with those of alternative methods. Finally, we illustrate the performance of the proposed method with a meningococcal disease incidence series.  相似文献   

It is well known that that the construction of two-sided tolerance intervals is far more challenging than that of their one-sided counterparts. In a general framework of parametric models, we derive asymptotic results leading to explicit formulae for two-sided Bayesian and frequentist tolerance intervals. In the process, probability matching priors for such intervals are characterized and their role in finding frequentist tolerance intervals via a Bayesian route is indicated. Furthermore, in situations where matching priors are hard to obtain, we develop purely frequentist tolerance intervals as well. The findings are applied to real data. Simulation studies are seen to lend support to the asymptotic results in finite samples.  相似文献   

A recent result on the enumeration of p-tuples of nonintersecting lattice paths in an integral rectangle is used to deduce a formula of Abhyankar for standard Young bitableaux of certain type, which gives the Hilbert function of a class of determinantal ideals. The lattice path formula is also shown to yield the numerator of the Hilbert series of these determinantal ideals and the h-vectors of the associated simplicial complexes. As a consequence, the a-invariant of these determinantal ideals is obtained in some cases, extending an earlier result of Gräbe. Some problems concerning generalizations of these results to ‘higher dimensions’ are also discussed. In an appendix, the equivalence of Abhyankar's formula for unitableaux of a given shape and a formula of Hodge, obtained in connection with his determination of Hilbert functions of Schubert varieties in Grassmannians, is outlined.  相似文献   

We consider stochastic volatility models that are defined by an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU)-Gamma time change. These models are most suitable for modeling financial time series and follow the general framework of the popular non-Gaussian OU models of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard. One current problem of these otherwise attractive nontrivial models is, in general, the unavailability of a tractable likelihood-based statistical analysis for the returns of financial assets, which requires the ability to sample from a nontrivial joint distribution. We show that an OU process driven by an infinite activity Gamma process, which is an OU-Gamma process, exhibits unique features, which allows one to explicitly describe and exactly sample from relevant joint distributions. This is a consequence of the OU structure and the calculus of Gamma and Dirichlet processes. We develop a particle marginal Metropolis–Hastings algorithm for this type of continuous-time stochastic volatility models and check its performance using simulated data. For illustration we finally fit the model to S&P500 index data.  相似文献   

Bayesian model learning based on a parallel MCMC strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce a novel Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for estimation of posterior probabilities over discrete model spaces. Our learning approach is applicable to families of models for which the marginal likelihood can be analytically calculated, either exactly or approximately, given any fixed structure. It is argued that for certain model neighborhood structures, the ordinary reversible Metropolis-Hastings algorithm does not yield an appropriate solution to the estimation problem. Therefore, we develop an alternative, non-reversible algorithm which can avoid the scaling effect of the neighborhood. To efficiently explore a model space, a finite number of interacting parallel stochastic processes is utilized. Our interaction scheme enables exploration of several local neighborhoods of a model space simultaneously, while it prevents the absorption of any particular process to a relatively inferior state. We illustrate the advantages of our method by an application to a classification model. In particular, we use an extensive bacterial database and compare our results with results obtained by different methods for the same data.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical theory of objective, frequentist chance phenomena that uses as a model a set of probability measures. In this work, sets of measures are not viewed as a statistical compound hypothesis or as a tool for modeling imprecise subjective behavior. Instead we use sets of measures to model stable (although not stationary in the traditional stochastic sense) physical sources of finite time series data that have highly irregular behavior. Such models give a coarse-grained picture of the phenomena, keeping track of the range of the possible probabilities of the events. We present methods to simulate finite data sequences coming from a source modeled by a set of probability measures, and to estimate the model from finite time series data. The estimation of the set of probability measures is based on the analysis of a set of relative frequencies of events taken along subsequences selected by a collection of rules. In particular, we provide a universal methodology for finding a family of subsequence selection rules that can estimate any set of probability measures with high probability.  相似文献   

Summary In this note we deal with some admissibility conditions proved by G. B. Tranquilli to be sufficient in the class of unbiased estimators of finite population parameters and with respect to (w.r.t.) a quadratic loss function. We show that the same conditions:i) are sufficient for the admissibility of an unbiased estimator with any loss function;ii) imply hyperadmissibility with reference to a particular (critical) population of the. From this fact we deduce that, for a fixed critical population, there is at most one estimator, in the class of all unbiased estimator of a finite population parameter, which satisfies Tranquilli condition. This research was partially supported by a M.U.R.S.T. grant ?Metodi inferenziali basati sul ricampionamento?.  相似文献   

There are many instances when texture contains valuable information in images, and various methods have been used for texture analysis. We distinguish between micro-textures and macro-textures. The paper models micro-texture using the general spin Ising model from statistical mechanics. This model allows for any number of grey levels and any set of pair interactions. For a given texture, we select an appropriate set of pair interactions and estimate the correspomding parameter values, using linked cluster expansions of the auto-covariances and the partition function. The series expansions are valid for parameters smaller than the critical parameters for which an infinite system would exhibit a phase transition. Hence, sufficiently small-grained micro-textures may be modelled. To ensure that the data meet this requirement, we simulate the model using the Markov chain Meet Carlo method and estimate its critical parameters using the series expansions. We demonstrate these methods on both real and simulated images.  相似文献   

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