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A cumulative sum control chart for multivariate Poisson distribution (MP-CUSUM) is proposed. The MP-CUSUM chart is constructed based on log-likelihood ratios with in-control parameters, Θ0, and shifts to be detected quickly, Θ1. The average run length (ARL) values are obtained using a Markov Chain-based method. Numerical experiments show that the MP-CUSUM chart is effective in detecting parameter shifts in terms of ARL. The MP-CUSUM chart with smaller Θ1 is more sensitive than that with greater Θ1 to smaller shifts, but more insensitive to greater shifts. A comparison shows that the proposed MP-CUSUM chart outperforms an existing MP chart. 相似文献
This article analyses and evaluates the properties of a CUSUM chart designed for monitoring the process mean in short production runs. Several statistical measures of performance that are appropriate when the process operates for a finite-time horizon are proposed. The methodology developed in this article can be used to evaluate the performance of the CUSUM scheme for any given set of chart parameters from both an economic and a statistical point of view, and thus, allows comparisons with various other charts. 相似文献
Distribution-free (nonparametric) control charts can be useful to the quality practitioner when the underlying distribution is not known. A Phase II nonparametric cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart based on the exceedance statistics, called the exceedance CUSUM chart, is proposed here for detecting a shift in the unknown location parameter of a continuous distribution. The exceedance statistics can be more efficient than rank-based methods when the underlying distribution is heavy-tailed and/or right-skewed, which may be the case in some applications, particularly with certain lifetime data. Moreover, exceedance statistics can save testing time and resources as they can be applied as soon as a certain order statistic of the reference sample is available. Guidelines and recommendations are provided for the chart's design parameters along with an illustrative example. The in- and out-of-control performances of the chart are studied through extensive simulations on the basis of the average run-length (ARL), the standard deviation of run-length (SDRL), the median run-length (MDRL), and some percentiles of run-length. Further, a comparison with a number of existing control charts, including the parametric CUSUM chart and a recent nonparametric CUSUM chart based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic, called the rank-sum CUSUM chart, is made. It is seen that the exceedance CUSUM chart performs well in many cases and thus can be a useful alternative chart in practice. A summary and some concluding remarks are given. 相似文献
The cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart is commonly used for detecting small or moderate shifts in the fraction of defective manufactured items. However, its construction relies on the error-free inspection assumption, which can seldom be met in practice. In this article, we discuss the construction of an upward CUSUM chart in the presence of inspection error, study the effects of inspection error on the out-of-control ARL of the CUSUM chart, and present a formula for determining the sampling size that compensates for the effect of inspection error on the out-of-control ARL. 相似文献
Peter A. Rogerson 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):373-383
ABSTRACT In the design of CUSUM control charts, it is common to use charts, tables, or software to find an appropriate critical threshold (h). This article provides an approximate formula to calculate the threshold directly from prespecified values of the reference value (k) and the in-control average run length (ARL0). Formulas are also provided for choosing k and h from prespecified values of the in-control and out-of-control average run lengths. 相似文献
In this article, we introduce a new multivariate cumulative sum chart, where the target mean shift is assumed to be a weighted sum of principal directions of the population covariance matrix. This chart provides an attractive performance in terms of average run length (ARL) for large-dimensional data and it also compares favorably to existing multivariate charts including Crosier's benchmark chart with updated values of the upper control limit and the associated ARL function. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to assess the accuracy of the well-known Siegmund's approximation of the average ARL function when observations are normal distributed. As a byproduct of the article, we provide updated values of upper control limits and the associated ARL function for Crosier's multivariate CUSUM chart. 相似文献
This study examines the statistical process control chart used to detect a parameter shift with Poisson integer-valued GARCH (INGARCH) models and zero-inflated Poisson INGARCH models. INGARCH models have a conditional mean structure similar to GARCH models and are well known to be appropriate to analyzing count data that feature overdispersion. Special attention is paid in this study to conditional and general likelihood ratio-based (CLR and GLR) CUSUM charts and the score function-based CUSUM (SFCUSUM) chart. The performance of each of the proposed methods is evaluated through a simulation study, by calculating their average run length. Our findings show that the proposed methods perform adequately, and that the CLR chart outperforms the GLR chart when there is an increased shift of parameters. Moreover, the use of the SFCUSUM chart in particular is found to lead to a lower false alarm rate than the use of the CLR chart. 相似文献
The main objective of this article is to scrutinize the efficiency and verify the performance superiority of the one-sided EWMA control chart on high-yield processes. The proposed control chart is designed to detect both upward and downward shifts of the fraction of non conforming products and is developed based on non transformed geometric counts. Its algorithmic function is theoretically established and numerous performance measures are extracted using analytical methods based on the Markov modeling of the chart. Comparisons with traditional high yield control charts are conducted. Optimality tables and nomograms are included to help graphical determination of the optimal chart parameters. 相似文献
The nonparametric two-sample bootstrap is employed to compute uncertainties of measures in receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis on large datasets in areas such as biometrics, and so on. In this framework, the bootstrap variability was empirically studied without a normality assumption, exhaustively in five scenarios involving both high- and low-accuracy matching algorithms. With a tolerance 0.02 of the coefficient of variation, it was found that 2000 bootstrap replications were appropriate for ROC analysis on large datasets in order to reduce the bootstrap variance and ensure the accuracy of the computation. 相似文献
In the design of control charts, it is usually assumed that process parameters are known. However, in many practical applications the values of these parameters are unknown and should be estimated using historical in-control process observations. In this study, the performance of adaptive c-chart with estimated parameter is evaluated. It is demonstrated that by increasing the size and the number of samples in estimating the process parameter, the performance of the chart converges to that of the known parameter case. Finally the best phase I sampling scenarios are presented to make the chart with the estimated parameter perform as well as the chart with the known parameter. 相似文献
In a production process, sequence of observations related to the quality of a process need not be independent. In such situations, control charts based on the assumption of independence of the observations are not appropriate. When the characteristic under study is qualitative, the Markovian model serves as a simple model to account for the dependency of the observations. In this article, we develop two attribute control charts for a Markovian dependent process: the first is based on controlling the error probabilities; the second is based on minimizing the average time to get a correct signal.The charts are developed under uniform sampling. Under uniform sampling, the two consecutive samples are far enough apart, so that for all practical purposes, two consecutive samples can be considered as if they are being independent. Optimal values of the design parameters of both the control charts are obtained. A procedure to estimate the values of the in-control parameters is also described. The chart's performance is evaluated using the probability of detecting shift. When we implement the proposed charts for the data simulated under given manufacturing environments, the charts exhibit the desired properties of error probabilities and average time to signal. 相似文献
Su-Fen Yang 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(7):1549-1562
A single chart, instead of X-bar and R charts or X-bar and S charts, to monitor simultaneously the process mean and the variability if found would cut down the time and effort. Some researches have been done in finding such charts. In reality, process target is more important than process mean. A much easier average loss chart is first proposed here to detect the increases in the difference of the process mean and the target and the variability simultaneously. An example of the customer complaint processing time of the customer service center of an IT company shows the application and the performance of the proposed average loss control chart. Furthermore, a more efficient optimal average loss chart with variable sampling intervals is proposed and performs better than the average loss chart with fixed sampling intervals and the Shewhart joint X-bar and S charts. Some numerical analyses demonstrated the findings. 相似文献
In a process, the deviation from location or scale parameters affects the quality of the process and waste resources. So it is essential to monitor such processes for possible changes due to any assignable causes. Control charts are the most famous tool used to meet this intention. It is useless to monitor process location until the assurance that process dispersion is in-control. This study proposes some new two-sided memory control charts named as progressive variance (PV) control charts which are based on sample variance to monitor changes in process dispersion assuming normality of quality characteristic to be monitored. Simulation studies are made, and an example is discussed to evaluate the performance of the proposed charts. The comparison of the proposed chart is made with exponentially weighted moving average- and cumulative sum-type charts for process dispersion. The study shows that performance of the proposed charts are uniformly better than its competitors for detecting positive shifts while for detecting negative shift in the variance their performance is better for small shifts and reasonably good for moderated shifts. 相似文献
This article studies a unique feature of the binomial CUSUM chart in which the difference (d t ?d 0) is replaced by (d t ?d 0)2 in the formulation of the cumulative sum C t (where d t and d 0 are the actual and in-control numbers of nonconforming units, respectively, in a sample). Performance studies are reported and the results reveal that this new feature is able to increase the detection effectiveness when fraction nonconforming p becomes three to four times as large as the in-control value p 0. The design of the new binomial CUSUM chart is presented along with the calculation of the in-control and out-of-control Average Run Lengths (ARL0 and ARL1). 相似文献
This article proposes a CV chart by using the variable sample size and sampling interval (VSSI) feature to improve the performance of the basic CV chart, for detecting small and moderate shifts in the CV. The proposed VSSI CV chart is designed by allowing the sample size and the sampling interval to vary. The VSSI CV chart's statistical performance is measured by using the average time to signal (ATS) and expected average time to signal (EATS) criteria and is compared with that of existing CV charts. The Markov chain approach is employed in the design of the chart. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn this work, we proposed an adaptive multivariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) statistical process control chart for signaling a range of location shifts. This method was based on the multivariate CUSUM control chart proposed by Pignatiello and Runger (1990), but we adopted the adaptive approach similar to that discussed by Dai et al. (2011), which was based on a different CUSUM method introduced by Crosier (1988). The reference value in this proposed procedure was changed adaptively in each run, with the current mean shift estimated by exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic. By specifying the minimal magnitude of the mean shift, our proposed control chart achieved a good overall performance for detecting a range of shifts rather than a single value. We compared our adaptive multivariate CUSUM method with that of Dai et al. (2001) and the non adaptive versions of these two methods, by evaluating both the steady state and zero state average run length (ARL) values. The detection efficiency of our method showed improvements over the comparative methods when the location shift is unknown but falls within an expected range. 相似文献