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In this paper we establish some recurrence relations satisfied by single and product moments of upper record values from the generalized Pareto distribution. It is shown that these relations may be used to obtain all the single and product moments of all record values in a simple recursive manner. We also show that similar results established recently by Balakrishnan and Ahsanullah (1993) for the upper record values from the exponential distribution may be deduced by letting the shape parameter p tend to 0.  相似文献   

In this note we give recurrence relations satisfied by single and product momenrs of k-th upper-record values from the Pareto, generalized Pareto and Burr distributions. From these relations one can obtain all the single and product moments of all k-th record values and at the same time all record values ( k=1). Moreover, we see that the single and product moment of all k-th record values from these distributions can be exprrssed in terms of the moments of the minimal statistic of a k-sample from the exponential distribution may be deduced by letting the shape parameter deptend to 0. At the end we give characterizations of the three distributions considered. These results generalize, among other things, those given by Balakrishnan and Abuamllah (1994).  相似文献   

We present sharp mean–variance bounds for expectations of kth record values based on distributions coming from restricted families of distributions. These families are defined in terms of convex or star ordering with respect to generalized Pareto distribution. The bounds for expectations of kth record values from DD, DFR, DDA, and DFRA families are special cases of our results. The bounds are derived by application of the projection method.  相似文献   

An Opial-type inequality is applied to obtain relations for expectations of functions of m-generalized order statistics (m-gOSs), their distribution functions, as well as moment-generating functions. Respective inequalities for common order statistics and record values are contained as particular cases.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the generalized upper (k) record values (GURV’s) and generalized lower (k) record values (GLRV’s) arising from half-logistic distribution (HLD) and inverse half-logistic distribution (IHLD). We derive some characterization results of HLD based on some moment relations of generalized upper (k) record values and those of generalized lower (k) record values and accordingly devised some diagnostic tools to identify HLD as a model to the distribution of a population. Similar characterization theorems and diagnostic tools are developed for IHLD as well. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the diagnostic tools devised for both HLD and IHLD.  相似文献   

We give recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics under the concept of Kamps from Pareto, generalized Pareto and Burr distributions. The results include as particular cases the above relations for moments of k–th record values.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches have been considered for the two-parameter generalized exponential distribution based on record values with the number of trials following the record values (inter-record times). The maximum likelihood estimates are obtained under the inverse sampling and the random sampling schemes. It is shown that the maximum likelihood estimator of the shape parameter converges in mean square to the true value when the scale parameter is known. The Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The confidence intervals for the parameters are constructed based on asymptotic and Bayesian methods. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimators are compared in terms of the estimated risk by the Monte Carlo simulations. The comparison of the estimators based on the record values and the record values with their corresponding inter-record times are performed by using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider three parameter generalized exponential distribution. Exact expressions for single and product moments of record statistics are derived. These expressions are written in terms of Riemann zeta and polygamma functions. Recurrence relations for single and product moments of record statistics are also obtained. These relations can be used to obtain the higher order moments from those of the lower order. The means, variances and covariances of the record statistics are computed for various values of the shape parameter and for some record statistics. These values are used to compute the coefficients of the best linear unbiased estimators of the location and scale parameters. The variances of these estimators are also presented. The predictors of the future record statistics are also discussed.  相似文献   

For infinite sequences of independent random variables with identical continuous distributions, we establish optimal lower bounds on the deviations of the expectations of record values from population means in units generated by the central absolute moments of various orders. The bounds are non-negative for the classic record values, and non-positive for the other kth records with k?2. We also provide analogous bounds for the record increments.  相似文献   

The recurrence relations between the incomplete moments and the factorial incomplete moments of the modified power series distributions (MPSD) are derived. These relations are employed to obtain the experessions for the incomplete moments and the incomplete factorial moments of some particular members of the MPSD class such as the generalized negative binomial, the generalized Poisson, the generalized logrithmic series, the lost game distribution and the distribution of the number of customers served in a busy period. An application of the incomplete moments of the generalized Poisson distribution is provided in the economic selection of a manufactured product. A numerical example is provided using the Poisson distribution and the Generalized Poisson distribution. The example illustrates the difference in results using the two models  相似文献   

In this paper some recurrence relations between the moments of record values from the generalized extreme value distribution are established. It is shown that using these recurrence relations, all the single and product moments of all record values can be obtained in a simple recursive manner.  相似文献   

In a sequence of independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables, the upper (lower) current records and record range are studied. We derive general recurrence relations between the single and product moments for the upper and lower current records based on Weibull and positive Weibull distributions, as well as Pareto and negative Pareto distributions, respectively. Moreover, some asymptotic results for general current records are established. In addition, a recurrence relation and an explicit formula for the moments of record range based on the exponential distribution are given. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate and corroborate theoretical results.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Muirhead (1986) derived certain useful identities involving expectations taken with respect to the Wishart distribution. This note generalizes the above results by taking expectations with respect to a generalized version of the Wishart distribution, considered by Sutradhar and Ali (1989), based on a multivariate tdistribution.  相似文献   


The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches for estimating the parameters and the prediction of future record values for the Kumaraswamy distribution has been considered when the lower record values along with the number of observations following the record values (inter-record-times) have been observed. The Bayes estimates are obtained based on a joint bivariate prior for the shape parameters. In this case, Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The MCMC method has been also used to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimates are compared by using the estimated risk through Monte Carlo simulations. We further consider the non-Bayesian and Bayesian prediction for future lower record values arising from the Kumaraswamy distribution based on record values with their corresponding inter-record times and only record values. The comparison of the derived predictors are carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. Real data are analysed for an illustration of the findings.  相似文献   

Two families of closed form estimators are proposed for estimating the single parameter of the log-series distribution(LSD)and for estimating the two parameters of a generalization of the LSD distribution(GLSD)presented by Tripathi and Gupta(1985). These families are based on the recurrence relations obtained from these distributions, are of closed form, and have very high asymptotic relative effi¬ciencies. Some two-stage procedures are suggested.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new distribution generated by gamma random variables. We show that this distribution includes as a special case the distribution of the lower record value from a sequence of i.i.d. random variables from a population with the exponentiated (generalized) exponential distribution. The properties of this distribution are derived and the estimation of the model parameters is discussed. Some applications to real data sets are finally presented for illustration.  相似文献   

Given a number of record values from independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous distribution function F, our aim is to predict future record values under suitable assumptions on the tail of F. In this paper, we are primarily concerned with finding reasonable tolerance regions for future record values. Two methods are proposed. The first one deals with the case where we observe only record values. The second one makes use of the information brought by the complete sample.  相似文献   

In this article, a new parameter estimation method, named E-Bayesian method, is considered to obtain the estimates of the unknown parameter and reliability function based on record values. The maximum likelihood, Bayesian, E-Bayesian, and hierarchical Bayesian estimates of the unknown parameter and reliability function are obtained when the underlying distribution belongs to the proportional hazard rate model. The Bayesian estimates are obtained based on squared error and linear-exponential loss functions. The previously obtained some relations for the E-Bayesian estimates are improved. The relationship between E-Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian estimations are obtained under the same loss functions. The comparison of the derived estimates are carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. Real data are analyzed for an illustration of the findings.  相似文献   

In this paper, E-Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian estimations of the shape parameter, when the underlying distribution belongs to the proportional reversed hazard rate model, are considered. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian and E-Bayesian estimates of the unknown parameter and reliability function are obtained based on record values. The Bayesian estimates are derived based on squared error and linear–exponential loss functions. It is pointed out that some previously obtained order relations of E-Bayesian estimates are inadequate and these results are improved. The relationship between E-Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian estimations is obtained under the same loss functions. The comparison of the derived estimates is carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. A real data set is analysed for an illustration of the findings.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches for parameter estimations and prediction of future record values have been considered for the two-parameter Burr Type XII distribution based on record values with the number of trials following the record values (inter-record times). Firstly, the Bayes estimates are obtained based on a joint bivariate prior for the shape parameters. In this case, the Bayes estimates of the parameters have been developed by using Lindley's approximation and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method due to the lack of explicit forms under the squared error and the linear-exponential loss functions. The MCMC method has been also used to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. Secondly, the Bayes estimates are obtained with respect to a discrete prior for the first shape parameter and a conjugate prior for other shape parameter. The Bayes and the maximum likelihood estimates are compared in terms of the estimated risk by the Monte Carlo simulations. We further consider the non-Bayesian and Bayesian prediction for future lower record arising from the Burr Type XII distribution based on record data. The comparison of the derived predictors is carried out by using Monte Carlo simulations. A real data are analysed for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

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