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Helmut Lütkepohl 《商业与经济统计学杂志》2013,31(3):201-214
Given a multiple time series that is generated by a multivariate ARMA process and assuming the objective is to forecast a weighted sum of the individual variables, then under a mean squared error measure of forecasting precision, it is preferable to forecast the disaggregated multiple time series and aggregate the forecasts, rather than forecast the aggregated series directly, if the involved processes are known. This result fails to hold if the processes used for forecasting are estimated from a given set of time series data. The implications of these results for empirical research are investigated using different sets of economic data. 相似文献
RONGNING WU 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2013,40(3):571-591
Abstract. General autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models extend the traditional ARMA models by removing the assumptions of causality and invertibility. The assumptions are not required under a non‐Gaussian setting for the identifiability of the model parameters in contrast to the Gaussian setting. We study M‐estimation for general ARMA processes with infinite variance, where the distribution of innovations is in the domain of attraction of a non‐Gaussian stable law. Following the approach taken by Davis et al. (1992) and Davis (1996) , we derive a functional limit theorem for random processes based on the objective function, and establish asymptotic properties of the M‐estimator. We also consider bootstrapping the M‐estimator and extend the results of Davis & Wu (1997) to the present setting so that statistical inferences are readily implemented. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the M‐estimation and bootstrap procedures. An empirical example of financial time series is also provided. 相似文献
Yong Bao 《Econometric Reviews》2018,37(4):309-324
A compact analytical representation of the asymptotic covariance matrix, in terms of model parameters directly, of the quasi maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) is derived in autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models with possible nonzero means and non-Gaussian error terms. For model parameters excluding the error variance, it is found that the Huber (1967) sandwich form for the asymptotic covariance matrix degenerates into the inverse of the associated information matrix. In comparison to the existing result that involves the second moments of some auxiliary variables for the case of zero-mean ARMA models, the analytical asymptotic covariance in this article has an advantage in that it can be conveniently estimated by plugging in the estimated model parameters directly. 相似文献
This article develops nonparametric tests of independence between two stochastic processes satisfying β-mixing conditions. The testing strategy boils down to gauging the closeness between the joint and the product of the marginal stationary densities. For that purpose, we take advantage of a generalized entropic measure so as to build a whole family of nonparametric tests of independence. We derive asymptotic normality and local power using the functional delta method for kernels. As a corollary, we also develop a class of entropy-based tests for serial independence. The latter are nuisance parameter free, and hence also qualify for dynamic misspecification analyses. We then investigate the finite-sample properties of our serial independence tests through Monte Carlo simulations. They perform quite well, entailing more power against some nonlinear AR alternatives than two popular nonparametric serial-independence tests. 相似文献
Marilena Furno 《Statistical Methods and Applications》1996,5(3):369-385
Summary The paper shows that the informaton matrix test presented by White (1982) decomposes into the sum of quadratic forms in the
case of a linear model with ARMA errors. By extending previous results, which analysed the information matrix test in the
presence of serial correlation, the test allows detection of additional sources of misspecification. 相似文献
For the c -sample location problem with ordered alternatives, the test proposed by Barlow et al . (1972 p. 184) is an appropriate one under the model of normality. For non-normal data, however, there are rank tests which have higher power than the test of Barlow et al ., e.g. the Jonckheere test or so-called Jonckheere-type tests recently introduced and studied by Büning & Kössler (1996). In this paper the asymptotic power of the Jonckheere-type tests is computed by using results of Hájek (1968) which may be considered as extensions of the theorem of Chernoff & Savage (1958). Power studies via Monte Carlo simulation show that the asymptotic power values provide a good approximation to the finite ones even for moderate sample sizes. 相似文献
ABSTRACTAutoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) time series model fitting is a procedure often based on aggregate data, where parameter estimation plays a key role. Therefore, we analyze the effect of temporal aggregation on the accuracy of parameter estimation of mixed ARMA and MA models. We derive the expressions required to compute the parameter values of the aggregate models as functions of the basic model parameters in order to compare their estimation accuracy. To this end, a simulation experiment shows that aggregation causes a severe accuracy loss that increases with the order of aggregation, leading to poor accuracy. 相似文献
县域经济是指在县域行政区间或其经济空间范围内的经济,包括县、市(县级)、区经济。2004年县域经济在全国经济总量中占55.15%,人口占全国总人口的70.9%,在我国国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。我国有70%以上的人口生活在县域,可见,县域的城市化是实现中国城市化的基础与关键所在 相似文献
基于自相关视角的弱平稳过程之间的伪回归分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随机干扰项之间的未知形式自相关是导致相互独立的弱平稳过程之间伪回归的主要原因.通过理论分析和一系列的蒙特卡罗模拟,揭示了数据过程本身的持久性、样本容量T和随机干扰项自相关之间的内在联系.研究发现随机干扰项往往呈现出与数据过程阶数相同的自相关.进一步研究表明,运用广义差分法和Cochrane- Orcutt迭代法虽然能大大减少伪回归概率,但在有些情况下,即使当样本容量较大时,较高阶的Cochrane- Orcutt迭代法仍然无法避免伪回归的发生. 相似文献
One goal of this article is to develop an efficient Metropolis–Hastings (MH) algorithm for estimating an ARMA model with a regime-switching mean, by designing a new efficient proposal distribution for the regime-indicator variable. Unlike the existing algorithm, our algorithm can achieve reasonably fast convergence to the posterior distribution even when the latent regime-indicator variable is highly persistent or when there exist absorbing states. Another goal is to appropriately investigate the dynamics of the latent ex-ante real interest rate (EARR) in the presence of structural breaks, by employing the econometric tool developed. We show that excluding the theory-implied moving-average terms may understate the persistence of the observed EPRR dynamics. Our empirical results suggest that, even though we rule out the possibility of a unit root in the EARR, it may be more persistent and volatile than has been documented in some of the literature. 相似文献
主要采用主成分分析方法,综合主成分分析方法和系统聚类方法等多元统计中的数据处理手段,对全球可持续创新网络(CInet)于2004年组织调查的全球近500家企业所得数据进行分析。通过贵州省企业与全球其他国家的比较,发现在企业持续改进能力的组织与运作方面,贵州省企业与全球其他国家之间存在较大差异。为寻找造成这些差异的原因,采用综合主成分分析方法和系统聚类方法,建立了在持续改进的组织与运作方面能力强的目标企业群。然后通过贵州省企业与目标企业之间在企业组织与运作构成因子的对比分析,指出了贵州省企业在持续改进的组织与运作中所存在的问题,进而对贵州省企业提出了相应改进的建议及其对策。其中,目标企业的选取及其创新能力检验、数据表缺省项的填充方法、在分析数据时所采用的因子对比分析方法等对其他大型调研数据分析均具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
劳动力价格上升与江、浙水稻播种面积相悖变化——基于替代弹性的解释 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
理论上提出替代弹性对劳动力价格与水稻播种面积关系的作用机制,并利用江、浙两省2004—2013年水稻播种面积表现出的相异生产轨迹对上述理论推断进行验证。结果表明:江苏省劳动力与其它要素替代弹性显著高于浙江省,且每工日劳动力价格上升,江苏省水稻播种面积增加,而浙江省减少。结论证明农业劳动力价格普遍上升时并不意味着粮食播种面积的下降,相反,国家可以因地制宜地推广如农业机械小型化、劳动力替代技术示范与推广等相关政策以增加劳动力要素的可替代性,巩固粮食供给水平。 相似文献