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This article provides the analytical characterization of the inverse of the information matrix for second-order SPD. A particular feature of these explicit expressions is that they are functions of the design parameters enabling the development of analytical functions to efficiently compute exact design optimality criteria. The application of these analytical expressions is demonstrated using the generalized variance of the parameter estimates for second-order SPD. An example illustrating the use of these expressions is also presented.  相似文献   

The impact of restricted randomization on the information matrix has created challenges for the computation of design optimality criteria. This article focuses on the computation of the maximum and minimum prediction variance for Central Composite (CCD) and Box–Behnken (BBD) split plot designs (SPD). The approach is to analytically determine the exact maximum and minimum prediction variance for both spherical and cuboidal second-order SPD. A particular feature of these analytical functions is that they are functions of the design parameters. Finally, the application of these analytical functions is demonstrated for a CCD SPD.  相似文献   

By incorporating informative and/or historical knowledge of the unknown parameters, Bayesian experimental design under the decision-theory framework can combine all the information available to the experimenter so that a better design may be achieved. Bayesian optimal designs for generalized linear regression models, especially for the Poisson regression model, is of interest in this article. In addition, lack of an efficient computational method in dealing with the Bayesian design leads to development of a hybrid computational method that consists of the combination of a rough global optima search and a more precise local optima search. This approach can efficiently search for the optimal design for multi-variable generalized linear models. Furthermore, the equivalence theorem is used to verify whether the design is optimal or not.  相似文献   

Partial least squares (PLS) is a class of methods for modeling relations between sets of observed variables by using the latent components where the predictors are highly collinear. SIMPLS is a commonly used PLS algorithm that calculates the latent components directly as linear combinations of the original variables. However, SIMPLS is known to be very sensible to outliers since it is based on the empirical cross-covariance matrix. RoPLS is a recently proposed iterative method for robust SIMPLS. In this article, the influence function for the RoPLS coefficient estimator is derived. It is demonstrated that under certain conditions, the RoPLS estimator has infinitesimal robustness.  相似文献   

Commentaries are informative essays dealing with viewpoints of statistical practice, statistical education, and other topics considered to be of general interest to the broad readership of The American Statistician. Commentaries are similar in spirit to Letters to the Editor, but they involve longer discussions of background, issues, and perspectives. All commentaries will be refereed for their merit and compatibility with these criteria.

Proper methodology for the analysis of covariance for experiments designed in a split-plot or split-block design is not found in the statistical literature. Analyses for these designs are often performed incompletely or even incorrectly. This is especially true when popular statistical computer software packages are used for the analysis of these designs. This article provides several appropriate models, ANOVA tables, and standard errors for comparisons from experiments arranged in a standard split-plot, split–split-plot, or split-block design where a covariate has been measured on the smallest size experimental unit.  相似文献   

The problem of finding D-optimal designs in the presence of a number of covariates has been considered in the one-way set-up. This is an extension of Dey and Mukerjee (2006 Dey , A. , Mukerjee , R. ( 2006 ). D-optimal designs for covariate models . Statistics 40 : 297305 .[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the sense that for fixed replication numbers of each treatment, an alternative upper bound to the determinant of the information matrix has been found through completely symmetric C-matrices for the regression coefficients; this upper bound includes the upper bound given in Dey and Mukerjee (2006 Dey , A. , Mukerjee , R. ( 2006 ). D-optimal designs for covariate models . Statistics 40 : 297305 .[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) obtained through diagonal C-matrices. Because of the fact that a smaller class of C-matrices was used at the intermediate stage where the replication numbers were fixed, ultimately some optimal designs remained unidentified there. These designs have been identified here and thereby the conjecture made in Dey and Mukerjee (2006 Dey , A. , Mukerjee , R. ( 2006 ). D-optimal designs for covariate models . Statistics 40 : 297305 .[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) has been settled.  相似文献   

The paper discusses D-optimal axial designs for the additive quadratic and cubic mixture models σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i) and σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i + βiiix3i), where xi≥ 0, x1 + . . . + xq = 1. For the quadratic model, a saturated symmetric axial design is used, in which support points are of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤δ2 <δ1 ≤ 1/(q ?1). It is proved that when 3 ≤q≤ 6, the above design is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = 1/(q?1), and when q≥ 7 it is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = [5q?1 ? (9q2?10q + 1)1/2]/(4q2). Similar results exist for the cubic model, with support points of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2, 3 and 0 = δ3 <δ2 < δ1 ≤1/(q?1). The saturated D-optimal axial design and D-optimal design for the quadratic model are compared in terms of their efficiency and uniformity.  相似文献   

Fractional factorial split-plot (FFSP) designs have received much attention in recent years. In this article, the matrix representation for FFSP designs with multi-level factors is first developed, which is an extension of the one proposed by Bingham and Sitter (1999b Bingham , D. , Sitter , R. R. ( 1999b ). Some theoretical results for fractional factorial split-plot designs . Ann. Statist. 27 : 12401255 . [Google Scholar]) for the two-level case. Based on this representation, periodicity results of maximum resolution and minimum aberration for such designs are derived. Differences between FFSP designs with multi-level factors and those with two-level factors are highlighted.  相似文献   

The problem considered is that of finding D-optimal design for the estimation of covariate parameters and the treatment and block contrasts in a block design set up in the presence of non stochastic controllable covariates, when N = 2(mod 4), N being the total number of observations. It is clear that when N ≠ 0 (mod 4), it is not possible to find designs attaining minimum variance for the estimated covariate parameters. Conditions for D-optimum designs for the estimation of covariate parameters were established when each of the covariates belongs to the interval [?1, 1]. Some constructions of D-optimal design have been provided for symmetric balanced incomplete block design (SBIBD) with parameters b = v, r = k = v ? 1, λ =v ? 2 when k = 2 (mod 4) and b is an odd integer.  相似文献   

Exchange algorithms are popular for finding optimal or efficient designs for linear models, but there are few discussions of this type of algorithm for generalized linear models (GLMs) in literature. A new algorithm, generalized Coordinate Exchange Algorithm (gCEA), is developed in this article to construct efficient designs for GLMs. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with other optimization algorithms, including point exchange algorithm, columnwise-pairwise algorithm, simulated annealing and generic algorithm, and demonstrate the superior performance of this new algorithm.  相似文献   

Experimenters are often confronted with the problem that errors in setting factor levels cannot be measured. In the robust design scenario, the goal is to determine the design that minimizes the variability transmitted to the response from the variables’ errors. The prediction variance performance of response surface designs with errors is investigated using design efficiency and the maximum and minimum scaled prediction variance. The evaluation and comparison of response surface designs with and without errors in variables are developed for second order designs on spherical regions. The prediction variance and design efficiency results and recommendations for their use are provided.  相似文献   

Summary.  An important question within industrial statistics is how to find operating conditions that achieve some goal for the mean of a characteristic of interest while simultaneously minimizing the characteristic's process variance. Often, people refer to this kind of situation as the robust parameter design problem. The robust parameter design literature is rich with ways to create separate models for the mean and variance from this type of experiment. Many times time and/or cost constraints force certain factors of interest to be much more difficult to change than others. An appropriate approach to such an experiment restricts the randomization, which leads to a split-plot structure. The paper modifies the central composite design to allow the estimation of separate models for the characteristic's mean and variances under a split-plot structure. The paper goes on to discuss an appropriate analysis of the experimental results. It illustrates the methodology with an industrial experiment involving a chemical vapour deposition process for the manufacture of silicon wafers. The methodology was used to achieve a silicon layer thickness value of 485 Å while minimizing the process variation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present the optimal designs based on D-, G-, A-, I-, and D β-optimality criteria for random coefficient regression (RCR) models with heteroscedastic errors. A sufficient condition for the heteroscedastic structure is given to make sure that the search of optimal designs can be confined at extreme settings of the design region when the criteria satisfy the assumption of the real valued monotone design criteria. Analytical solutions of D-, G-, A-, I-, and D β-optimal designs for the RCR models are derived. Two examples are presented for random slope models with specific heteroscedastic errors.  相似文献   

The Bayesian design approach accounts for uncertainty of the parameter values on which optimal design depends, but Bayesian designs themselves depend on the choice of a prior distribution for the parameter values. This article investigates Bayesian D-optimal designs for two-parameter logistic models, using numerical search. We show three things: (1) a prior with large variance leads to a design that remains highly efficient under other priors, (2) uniform and normal priors lead to equally efficient designs, and (3) designs with four or five equidistant equally weighted design points are highly efficient relative to the Bayesian D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

Design of experiments is considered for the situation where estimation of the slopes of a response surface is the main interest. Under the D-minimax criterion, the objective is to minimize the generalized variance of the estimated axial slopes at a point maximized over all points in the region of interest in the factor space. For the third-order model over spherical regions, the D-minimax designs are derived in two and three dimensions. The efficiencies of some two- and three-dimensional designs available in the literature are also investigated.  相似文献   

The performance of a treatment is affected by the treatments applied to its adjacent plots, especially in the experiments of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, serology and industry. Neighbor designs ensure that treatment comparisons are least affected by neighbor effects, therefore, this is a rich field of investigation in statistics and in combinatorics. In this article, several series of neighbor balanced designs are considered in circular blocks of six units.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a novel algorithm for sequential design of metamodels in random simulation, which combines the exploration capability of most one-shot space-filling designs with the exploitation feature of common sequential designs. The algorithm continuously maintains a balance between the exploration and the exploitation search throughout the search process in a sequential and adaptive manner. The numerical results indicate that the proposed approach is superior to one of the existing well-known sequential designs in terms of both the computational efficiency and speed in generating efficient experimental designs.  相似文献   

We discuss a Matlab-based library for constructing optimal sampling schemes for pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) studies. The software relies on optimal design theory for nonlinear mixed effects models and, in particular, on the first-order optimization algorithm. The library includes a number of popular compartmental PK and combined PK/PD models and can be extended to include more models. An outline of inputs/outputs is provided, some algorithmic details and examples are presented, and future work is discussed.  相似文献   

Generally it is very difficult to construct robust slope-rotatable designs along axial directions. Present paper focuses on modified second-order slope-rotatable designs (SOSRDs) with correlated errors. Modified robust second-order slope-rotatability conditions are derived for a general variance–covariance structure of errors. These conditions get simplified for intraclass correlation structure. A few robust second-order slope-rotatable designs (over all directions, or with equal maximum directional variance slope, or D-optimal slope) are examined with respect to modified robust slope-rotatability. It is observed that robust second-order slope-rotatable designs over all directions, or with equal maximum directional variance slope, or D-optimal slope are not generally modified robust second-order slope-rotatable designs.  相似文献   


Very fast automatic rejection algorithms were developed recently which allow us to generate random variates from large classes of unimodal distributions. They require the choice of several design points which decompose the domain of the distribution into small sub-intervals. The optimal choice of these points is an important but unsolved problem. Therefore, we present an approach that allows us to characterize optimal design points in the asymptotic case (when their number tends to infinity) under mild regularity conditions. We describe a short algorithm to calculate these asymptotically optimal points in practice. Numerical experiments indicate that they are very close to optimal even when only six or seven design points are calculated.  相似文献   

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