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We propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models. The proposed test statistics are not only for testing zero first-order serial correlation, but also for testing higher-order serial correlations. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, the test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-square distributions. By using R, some Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine the finite sample performances of the proposed tests. Simulation results show that the estimated size and power of the proposed tests behave well.  相似文献   

In this article, empirical likelihood inferences for semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models with longitudinal data are investigated. We propose a groupwise empirical likelihood procedure to handle the inter-series dependence of the longitudinal data. By using residual-adjustment, an empirical likelihood ratio function for the nonparametric component is constructed, and a nonparametric version Wilks' phenomenons is proved. Compared with methods based on normal approximations, the empirical likelihood does not require consistent estimators for the asymptotic variance and bias. A simulation study is undertaken to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed confidence regions.  相似文献   

This article considers a generalization of the functional linear regression in which an additional real variable influences smoothly the functional coefficient. We thus define a varying-coefficient regression model for functional data. We propose two estimators based, respectively, on conditional functional principal regression and on local penalized regression splines and prove their pointwise consistency. We check, with the prediction one day ahead of ozone concentration in the city of Toulouse, the ability of such nonlinear functional approaches to produce competitive estimations.  相似文献   

Xia and Li (1999 Xia , Y. , Li , W. ( 1999 ). On single-index coefficient regression models . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 94 : 12751284 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed the single-index varying-coefficient model (SIVCM), which is frequently used in statistical modeling. However, the inference for the SIVCM has not been very well developed. In this article, our main purpose is to examine whether the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test is applicable to the testing problem for the nonparametric parts of the SIVCMs. Under the null hypothesis the newly proposed GLR statistic asymptotically follows the chi-squared distribution with scale constant and degree of freedom independent of the nuisance parameters or functions. A new Wilks phenomenon is unveiled. A simulated example is given to evaluate our proposed methods.  相似文献   

A statistical test procedure is proposed to check whether the parameters in the parametric component of the partially linear spatial autoregressive models satisfy certain linear constraint conditions, in which a residual-based bootstrap procedure is suggested to derive the p-value of the test. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the test and the results show that the bootstrap approximation to the null distribution of the test statistic is valid and the test is of satisfactory power. Furthermore, a real-world example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed test.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce and study two new families of statistics for the problem of testing linear combinations of the parameters in logistic regression models. These families are based on the phi-divergence measures. One of them includes the classical likelihood ratio statistic and the other the classical Pearson's statistic for this problem. It is interesting to note that the vector of unknown parameters, in the two new families of phi-divergence statistics considered in this paper, is estimated using the minimum phi-divergence estimator instead of the maximum likelihood estimator. Minimum phi-divergence estimators are a natural extension of the maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

In various environmental studies, spatiotemporal correlated data are involved, so there has been increasing demand of proposing spatiotemporal estimation methods that capture spatiotemporal correlation so as to improve the accuracy of estimation. In this article, we construct estimators for non grid spatiotemporal models with autoregressive errors. It is proved that the estimators are asymptotic normality. Simulation results also show the estimators perform well.  相似文献   

This article develops a local partial likelihood technique to estimate the time-dependent coefficients in Cox's regression model. The basic idea is a simple extension of the local linear fitting technique used in the scatterplot smoothing. The coefficients are estimated locally based on the partial likelihood in a window around each time point. Multiple time-dependent covariates are incorporated in the local partial likelihood procedure. The procedure is useful as a diagnostic tool and can be used in uncovering time-dependencies or departure from the proportional hazards model. The programming involved in the local partial likelihood estimation is relatively simple and it can be modified with few efforts from the existing programs for the proportional hazards model. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimator are established and compared with those from the local constant fitting. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance is also proposed. The approach is illustrated by a real data set from the study of gastric cancer patients and a simulation study is also presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to use the empirical likelihood method to study construction of the confidence region for the parameter of interest in semiparametric varying-coefficient heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables models. When the variance functions of the errors are known or unknown, we propose the empirical log-likelihood ratio statistics for the parameter of interest. For each case, a nonparametric version of Wilks’ theorem is derived. The results are then used to construct confidence regions of the parameter. A simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the empirical likelihood method.  相似文献   

We propose a new statistic for testing linear hypotheses in the non parametric regression model in the case of a homoscedastic error structure and fixed design. In contrast to most models suggested in the literature, our procedure is applicable in the non parametric model case without regularity condition, and also under either the null or the alternative hypotheses. We show the asymptotic normality of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and the alternative one. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of the test with application to regime switching.  相似文献   

Many of the existing methods of finding calibration intervals in simple linear regression rely on the inversion of prediction limits. In this article, we propose an alternative procedure which involves two stages. In the first stage, we find a confidence interval for the value of the explanatory variable which corresponds to the given future value of the response. In the second stage, we enlarge the confidence interval found in the first stage to form a confidence interval called, calibration interval, for the value of the explanatory variable which corresponds to the theoretical mean value of the future observation. In finding the confidence interval in the first stage, we have used the method based on hypothesis testing and percentile bootstrap. When the errors are normally distributed, the coverage probability of resulting calibration interval based on hypothesis testing is comparable to that of the classical calibration interval. In the case of non normal errors, the coverage probability of the calibration interval based on hypothesis testing is much closer to the target value than that of the calibration interval based on percentile bootstrap.  相似文献   

The authors give the estimation on the varying-coefficient partially linear regression model with different smoothing variables. The efficient estimators of the intercept function and the coefficient functions are obtained by a one-step back-fitting technique based on their initial estimators given by local linear technique and the averaged method. Furthermore, their asymptotic normalities are given. Some simulation studies are used to illustrate the performances of the estimation.  相似文献   

半参数空间变系数回归模型的两步估计方法及其数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章提出了关于半参数空间变系数回归模型的两步估计方法,该方法可得到模型中常值系数估计量的精确解析表达式,广泛的数值模拟表明所提出的估计方法对估计常值系数具有满意的精度和稳定性。  相似文献   

In this article, we propose two test statistics for testing the underlying serial correlation in a partially linear single-index model Y = η(Z τα) + X τβ + ? when X is measured with additive error. The proposed test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-squared distributions under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Monte Carlo experiments are also conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed test statistics. The simulation results confirm that these statistics perform satisfactorily in both estimated sizes and powers.  相似文献   


In this article we derive finite-sample corrections in matrix notation for likelihood ratio and score statistics in extreme-value linear regression models. We consider three corrected score tests that perform better than the usual score test. We also derive general formulae for second-order biases of maximum likelihood estimates of the linear parameters. Some simulations are performed to compare the likelihood ratio and score statistics with their modified versions and to illustrate the bias correction.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation is investigated in the context of linear regression models under partial independence restrictions. These restrictions aim to assume a kind of completeness of a set of predictors Z in the sense that they are sufficient to explain the dependencies between an outcome Y and predictors X: ?(Y|Z, X) = ?(Y|Z), where ?(·|·) stands for the conditional distribution. From a practical point of view, the former model is particularly interesting in a double sampling scheme where Y and Z are measured together on a first sample and Z and X on a second separate sample. In that case, estimation procedures are close to those developed in the study of double‐regression by Engel & Walstra (1991) and Causeur & Dhorne (1998) . Properties of the estimators are derived in a small sample framework and in an asymptotic one, and the procedure is illustrated by an example from the food industry context.  相似文献   

Motivated by covariate-adjusted regression (CAR) proposed by Sentürk and Müller (2005 Sentürk , D. , Müller , H. G. ( 2005 ). Covariate-adjusted regression . Biometrika 92 : 7589 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and an application problem, in this article we introduce and investigate a covariate-adjusted partially linear regression model (CAPLM), in which both response and predictor vector can only be observed after being distorted by some multiplicative factors, and an additional variable such as age or period is taken into account. Although our model seems to be a special case of covariate-adjusted varying coefficient model (CAVCM) given by Sentürk (2006 Sentürk , D. ( 2006 ). Covariate-adjusted varying coefficient models . Biostatistics 7 : 235251 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the data types of CAPLM and CAVCM are basically different and then the methods for inferring the two models are different. In this article, the estimate method motivated by Cui et al. (2008 Cui , X. , Guo , W. S. , Lin , L. , Zhu , L. X. ( 2008 ). Covariate-adjusted nonlinear regression . Ann. Statist. 37 : 18391870 . [Google Scholar]) is employed to infer the new model. Furthermore, under some mild conditions, the asymptotic normality of estimator for the parametric component is obtained. Combined with the consistent estimate of asymptotic covariance, we obtain confidence intervals for the regression coefficients. Also, some simulations and a real data analysis are made to illustrate the new model and methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we generalize the partially linear single-index models to the scenario with some endogenous covariates variables. It is well known that the estimators based on the existing methods are often inconsistent because of the endogeneity of covariates. To deal with the endogenous variables, we introduce some auxiliary instrumental variables. A three-stage estimation procedure is proposed for partially linear single-index instrumental variables models. The first stage is to obtain a linear projection of endogenous variables on a set of instrumental variables, the second stage is to estimate the link function by using local linear smoother for given constant parameters, and the last stage is to obtain the estimators of constant parameters based on the estimating equation. Asymptotic normality is established for the proposed estimators. Some simulation studies are undertaken to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

对于部分线性模型中非参数部分是否为多项式函数的检验问题,应该先确定其是否为多项式函数类。通过对部分线性模型的拟合残差进行再光滑,基于其变化的趋势性构造统计量以检验其是否为多项式函数类,给出了计算检验P-值的精确算法和三阶矩χ2逼近方法,模拟例子与实际例子充分显示了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article considers statistical inference for partially linear varying-coefficient models when the responses are missing at random. We propose a profile least-squares estimator for the parametric component with complete-case data and show that the resulting estimator is asymptotically normal. To avoid to estimate the asymptotic covariance in establishing confidence region of the parametric component with the normal-approximation method, we define an empirical likelihood based statistic and show that its limiting distribution is chi-squared distribution. Then, the confidence regions of the parametric component with asymptotically correct coverage probabilities can be constructed by the result. To check the validity of the linear constraints on the parametric component, we construct a modified generalized likelihood ratio test statistic and demonstrate that it follows asymptotically chi-squared distribution under the null hypothesis. Then, we extend the generalized likelihood ratio technique to the context of missing data. Finally, some simulations are conducted to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

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