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Profile monitoring is applied when the quality of a product or a process can be determined by the relationship between a response variable and one or more independent variables. In most Phase II monitoring approaches, it is assumed that the process parameters are known. However, it is obvious that this assumption is not valid in many real-world applications. In fact, the process parameters should be estimated based on the in-control Phase I samples. In this study, the effect of parameter estimation on the performance of four Phase II control charts for monitoring multivariate multiple linear profiles is evaluated. In addition, since the accuracy of the parameter estimation has a significant impact on the performance of Phase II control charts, a new cluster-based approach is developed to address this effect. Moreover, we evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed approach with a previous approach in terms of two metrics, average of average run length and its standard deviation, which are used for considering practitioner-to-practitioner variability. In this approach, it is not necessary to know the distribution of the chart statistic. Therefore, in addition to ease of use, the proposed approach can be applied to other type of profiles. The superior performance of the proposed method compared to the competing one is shown in terms of all metrics. Based on the results obtained, our method yields less bias with small-variance Phase I estimates compared to the competing approach.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Markov model in Phase II profile monitoring with autocorrelated binary response variable. In the proposed approach, a logistic regression model is extended to describe the within-profile autocorrelation. The likelihood function is constructed and then a particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is tuned and utilized to estimate the model parameters. Furthermore, two control charts are extended in which the covariance matrix is derived based on the Fisher information matrix. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the detecting capability of the proposed control charts. A numerical example is also given to illustrate the application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article considers the Phase I analysis of data when the quality of a process or product is characterized by a multiple linear regression model. This is usually referred to as the analysis of linear profiles in the statistical quality control literature. The literature includes several approaches for the analysis of simple linear regression profiles. Little work, however, has been done in the analysis of multiple linear regression profiles. This article proposes a new approach for the analysis of Phase I multiple linear regression profiles. Using this approach, regardless of the number of explanatory variables used to describe it, the profile response is monitored using only three parameters, an intercept, a slope, and a variance. Using simulation, the performance of the proposed method is compared to that of the existing methods for monitoring multiple linear profiles data in terms of the probability of a signal. The advantage of the proposed method over the existing methods is greatly improved detection of changes in the process parameters of linear profiles with high-dimensional space. The article also proposes useful diagnostic aids based on F-statistics to help in identifying the source of profile variation and the locations of out-of-control samples. Finally, the use of multiple linear profile methods is illustrated by a data set from a calibration application at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center.  相似文献   

Traditional control charts assume independence of observations obtained from the monitored process. However, if the observations are autocorrelated, these charts often do not perform as intended by the design requirements. Recently, several control charts have been proposed to deal with autocorrelated observations. The residual chart, modified Shewhart chart, EWMAST chart, and ARMA chart are such charts widely used for monitoring the occurrence of assignable causes in a process when the process exhibits inherent autocorrelation. Besides autocorrelation, one other issue is the unknown values of true process parameters to be used in the control chart design, which are often estimated from a reference sample of in-control observations. Performances of the above-mentioned control charts for autocorrelated processes are significantly affected by the sample size used in a Phase I study to estimate the control chart parameters. In this study, we investigate the effect of Phase I sample size on the run length performance of these four charts for monitoring the changes in the mean of an autocorrelated process, namely an AR(1) process. A discussion of the practical implications of the results and suggestions on the sample size requirements for effective process monitoring are provided.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the Phase I monitoring and change point estimation of autocorrelated Poisson profiles where the response values within each profile are autocorrelated. Two charts, the SLRT and the Hotelling's T2, are proposed along with an algorithm for parameter estimation. The detecting power of the proposed charts is compared using simulations in terms of the signal probability criterion. The performance of the SLRT method in estimating the change point in the regression parameters is also evaluated. Moreover, a real data example is presented to illustrate the application of the methods.  相似文献   

Self-starting control charts have been proposed in the literature to allow process monitoring when only a small amount of relevant data is available. In fact, self-starting charts are useful in monitoring a process quickly, without having to collect a sizable Phase I sample for estimating the in-control process parameters. In this paper, a new self-starting control charting procedure is proposed in which first an effective initial sample is chosen from the perspective of Six Sigma quality, then the successive sample means are either pooled or not pooled (sometimes pooling procedure) for computing next Q-statistics depending upon its signal. It is observed that the sample statistics obtained so from this in-control Phase I situation can serve as more efficient estimators of unknown parameters for Phase II monitoring. An example is considered to illustrate the construction of the proposed chart and to compare its performance with the existing ones.  相似文献   


Nonparametric charts are useful in statistical process control when there is a lack of or limited knowledge about the underlying process distribution. Most existing approaches in the literature of Phase I monitoring assume that outliers have the same distributions as the in-control sample but only differ in location or scale parameters, they may not be effective with distributional changes. This article develops a new procedure based on the integration of the classical Anderson–Darling goodness-of-fit test and the stepwise isolation method. Our proposed procedure is efficient in detecting potential shifts in location, scale, or shape, and thus it offers robust protection against variation in various underlying distributions. The finite sample performance of our method is evaluated through simulations and is compared with that of available outlier detection methods for Phase I monitoring.  相似文献   

In this paper, a non parametric approach is first proposed to monitor simple linear profiles with non normal error terms in Phase I and Phase II. In this approach, two control charts based on a transformation technique and decision on beliefs are designed in order to monitor the intercept and the slope, simultaneously. Then, some simulation experiments are performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed control charts in Phase II under both step and drift shifts in terms of out-of-control average run length (ARL1). Besides, the performance of the proposed control charts is compared to the ones of seven other existing schemes in the literature. Simulation results show that the proposed control charts outperform the other control charts in detecting both the small step and small drift shifts of intercept. However, they have a weaker performance compared to other control charts in detecting both small step and small drift shifts of the slope. At the end, a real example from an electronic industry is used to illustrate the implementation of the proposed method.  相似文献   

When process data follow a particular curve in quality control, profile monitoring is suitable and appropriate for assessing process stability. Previous research in profile monitoring focusing on nonlinear parametric (P) modeling, involving both fixed and random-effects, was made under the assumption of an accurate nonlinear model specification. Lately, nonparametric (NP) methods have been used in the profile monitoring context in the absence of an obvious linear P model. This study introduces a novel technique in profile monitoring for any nonlinear and auto-correlated data. Referred to as the nonlinear mixed robust profile monitoring (NMRPM) method, it proposes a semiparametric (SP) approach that combines nonlinear P and NP profile fits for scenarios in which a nonlinear P model is adequate over part of the data but inadequate of the rest. These three methods (P, NP, and NMRPM) account for the auto-correlation within profiles and treats the collection of profiles as a random sample with a common population. During Phase I analysis, a version of Hotelling’s T2 statistic is proposed for each approach to identify abnormal profiles based on the estimated random effects and obtain the corresponding control limits. The performance of the NMRPM method is then evaluated using a real data set. Results reveal that the NMRPM method is robust to model misspecification and performs adequately against a correctly specified nonlinear P model. Control charts with the NMRPM method have excellent capability of detecting changes in Phase I data with control limits that are easily computable.  相似文献   

In practice, different practitioners will use different Phase I samples to estimate the process parameters, which will lead to different Phase II control chart's performance. Researches refer to this variability as between-practitioners-variability of control charts. Since between-practitioners-variability is important in the design of the CUSUM median chart with estimated process parameters, the standard deviation of average run length (SDARL) will be used to study its properties. It is shown that the CUSUM median chart requires a larger amount of Phase I samples to sufficiently reduce the variation in the in-control ARL of the CUSUM median chart. Considering the limitation of the amount of the Phase I samples, a bootstrap approach is also used here to adjust the control limits of the CUSUM median chart. Comparisons are made for the CUSUM and Shewhart median charts with estimated parameters when using the adjusted- and unadjusted control limits and some conclusions are made.  相似文献   

In this article, the general linear profile-monitoring problem in multistage processes is addressed. An approach based on the U statistic is first proposed to remove the effect of the cascade property in multistage processes. Then, the T2 chart and a likelihood ratio test (LRT)-based scheme on the adjusted parameters are constructed for Phase-I monitoring of the parameters of general linear profiles in each stage. Using simulation experiments, the performance of the proposed methods is evaluated and compared in terms of the signal probability for both weak and strong autocorrelations, for processes with two and three stages, as well as for two sample sizes. According to the results, the effect of the cascade property is effectively removed and hence each stage can be monitored independently. In addition, the result shows that the LRT approach provides significantly better results than the T2 method and outperforms it under different shift and autocorrelation scenarios. Moreover, the proposed methods perform better when larger sample sizes are used in the process. Two illustrative examples, including a real case and a simulated example, are used to show the applicability of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

A nonparametric Shewhart-type control chart is proposed for monitoring the location of a continuous variable in a Phase I process control setting. The chart is based on the pooled median of the available Phase I samples and the charting statistics are the counts (number of observations) in each sample that are less than the pooled median. An exact expression for the false alarm probability (FAP) is given in terms of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution and this is used to provide tables for the control limits for a specified nominal FAP value (of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10, respectively) and for some values of the sample size (n) and the number of Phase I samples (m). Some approximations are discussed in terms of the univariate hypergeometric and the normal distributions. A simulation study shows that the proposed chart performs as well as, and in some cases better than, an existing Shewhart-type chart based on the normal distribution. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the implementation of the new chart.  相似文献   

In recent years, risk-adjusted control charts that account for the preoperative risk of patients have been widely used for monitoring of surgical outcomes. Generally, risk-adjusted control charts have been developed on the basis of a binary classification of surgical outcomes. However, for a patient who survives an operation, it is reasonable to consider different grades of recovery in an ordinal manner. On the other hand, Phase I monitoring of risk-adjusted control charts has been neglected. Hence, in this paper, a general Phase I risk-adjusted control chart is proposed to monitor ordinal outcomes of surgical outcomes. The proposed risk-adjusted model is developed on the basis of proportional odds logistic regression models. The application of the proposed model is illustrated by analyzing the data in a case study and its performance is evaluated using a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   


In profile monitoring, control charts are proposed to detect unanticipated changes, and it is usually assumed that the in-control parameters are known. However, due to the characteristics of a system or process, the prespecified changes would appear in the process. Moreover, in most applications, the in-control parameters are usually unknown. To overcome these issues, we develop the zone control charts with estimated parameters to detect small shifts of these prespecified changes. The effects of estimation error have been investigated on the performance of the proposed charts. To account for the practitioner-to-practitioner variability, the expected average run length (ARL) and the standard deviation of the average run length (SDARL) is used as the performance metrics. Our results show that the estimation error results in the significant variation in the ARL distribution. Furthermore, in order to adequately reduce the variability, more phase I samples are required in terms of the SDARL metric than that in terms of the expected ARL metric. In addition, more observations on each sampled profile are suggested to improve the charts' performance, especially for small phase I sample sizes. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show the performance of the proposed zone control charts.  相似文献   

In some statistical process control applications, quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between two or more variables which is referred to as profile. In many practical situations, a profile can be modeled as a polynomial regression. In this article, three methods are developed for monitoring polynomial profiles in Phase I. Their performance is evaluated using power criterion. Furthermore, a method based on likelihood ratio test is developed to identify the location of shifts. Numerical simulation is used to evaluate the performance of the developed method.  相似文献   

In some applications, the quality of the process or product is characterized and summarized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. Profile monitoring is a technique for checking the stability of the relationship over time. Existing linear profile monitoring methods usually assumed the error distribution to be normal. However, this assumption may not always be true in practice. To address this situation, we propose a method for profile monitoring under the framework of generalized linear models when the relationship between the mean and variance of the response variable is known. Two multivariate exponentially weighted moving average control schemes are proposed based on the estimated profile parameters obtained using a quasi-likelihood approach. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated by simulation studies. Furthermore, the proposed method is applied to a real data set, and the R code for profile monitoring is made available to users.  相似文献   

Diagnosis aids in addition to detecting the out-of-control state is an important issue in multivariate multiple linear regression profiles monitoring; because a large number of parameters and profiles in this structure are involved. In this paper, we specifically concentrate on identification of profile(s) and parameter(s) which have changed during the process in multivariate multiple linear regression profiles structure in Phase II. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches through Monte Carlo simulations and a real case study in terms of accuracy percent.  相似文献   


The effect of parameters estimation on profile monitoring methods has only been studied by a few researchers and only the assumption of a normal response variable has been tackled. However, in some practical situation, the normality assumption is violated and the response variable follows a discrete distribution such as Poisson. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of parameters estimation on the Phase II monitoring of Poisson regression profiles by considering two control charts, namely the Hotelling’s T2 and the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) charts. Simulation studies in terms of the average run length (ARL) and the standard deviation of the run length (SDRL) are carried out to assess the effect of estimated parameters on the performance of Phase II monitoring approaches. The results reveal that both in-control and out-of-control performances of these charts are adversely affected when the regression parameters are estimated.  相似文献   


Profile monitoring is one of the new research areas in statistical process control. Most of the control charts in this area are designed with fixed sampling rate which makes the control chart slow in detecting small to moderate shifts. In order to improve the performance of the conventional fixed control charts, adaptive features are proposed in which, one or more design parameters vary during the process. In this paper the variable sample size feature of EWMA3 and MEWMA schemes are proposed for monitoring simple linear profiles. The EWMA3 method is based on the combination of three exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts for monitoring three parameters of a simple linear profile separately and the Multivariate EWMA (MEWMA) chart is based on the using a single chart to monitor the coefficients and variance of a general linear profile. Also a two-sided control chart is proposed for monitoring the standard deviation in the EWMA3 method. The performance of the proposed charts is compared in terms of the average time to signal. Numerical examples show that using adaptive features increase the power of control charts in detecting the parameter shifts. Finally, the performance of the proposed variable sample size schemes is illustrated through a real case in the leather industry.  相似文献   

This paper considers the optimal design problem for multivariate mixed-effects logistic models with longitudinal data. A decomposition method of the binary outcome and the penalized quasi-likelihood are used to obtain the information matrix. The D-optimality criterion based on the approximate information matrix is minimized under different cost constraints. The results show that the autocorrelation coefficient plays a significant role in the design. To overcome the dependence of the D-optimal designs on the unknown fixed-effects parameters, the Bayesian D-optimality criterion is proposed. The relative efficiencies of designs reveal that both the cost ratio and autocorrelation coefficient play an important role in the optimal designs.  相似文献   

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