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A new generalization of the Poisson distribution was given by Consul and Jain (1970, 73). Since then more than twenty papers, written by various researchers, have appeared on this model under the titles of Generalized Poisson Distribution (GPD), Lagrangian Poisson distribution or modified power series distribution. Here the author provides two physical models, based on differential-difference equations, which lead to the GPD. A number of axioms are given for a steady state point process which produce the generalized Poisson process. Also, the GPD is derived as the limiting distribution of the two quasi-binomial distributions based on urn models.  相似文献   

The generalized negative binomial (GNB) distribution was defined by Jain and Consul (SIAM J. Appl. Math., 21 (1971)) and was obtained as a particular family of Lagrangian distributions by Consul and Shenton (SIAM J. Appl. Math., 23 (1973)). Consul and Shenton also gave the probability generating function (p.g.f.) and proved many properties of the GNBD. Consul and Gupta (SIAM J. Appl. Math., 39 (1980)) proved that the parameter β must be either zero or 1≤ β ≤ θ-1 for the GNBD to be a true probability distribution and proved some other properties. Numerous applications and properties of this model have been studied by various researchers. Considering two independent GNB variates X and Y, with parameters (m,β,θ) and (n,β,θ) respectively, the probability distribuition of D = Y-X and its p.g.f. and cumulant generating function have been obtained. A recurrence relation between the cumulants has been established and the first four cumulants, β1 and β2 have been derived. Also some moments of the absolute difference |Y-X| have been obtained.  相似文献   

The generalized Poisson distribution (GPD), studied by many researchers and containing two parameters θ and λ, has been found to fit very well data sets arising in biological, ecological, social and marketing fields. Consul and Shoukri (1985) have shown that for negative values of λ the GPD gets truncated and the model becomes deficient; however, the truncation error becomes less than 0.0005 if the minimum number of non-zero probability classes ≥ 4 for all values of θ and λ and the GPD model can be safely used in all such cases. The problem of admissible maximum likelihood (ML) estimation when the sample mean is larger than the sample variance is considered in this paper which complements the earlier work of Consul and Shoukri (1984) on the existence of unique ML estimators of θ and λ when the sample mean is smaller than or equal to the sample variance.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the minimum variance unbiased estimation in the modified power series distribution introduced by the author (1974a). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimum variance unbiased estimate (MVUE) of the parameter based on sufficient statistics are obtained. These results are, then, applied to obtain MVUE of θr (r ≥ 1) for the generalized negative binomial and the decapitated generalized negative binomial distributions (Jain and Consul, 1971). Similar estimates are obtained for the generalized Poisson (Consul and Jain, 1973a) and the generalized logarithmic series distributions (Jain and Gupta, 1973). Several of the well-known results follow trivially from the results obtained here.  相似文献   

A two-parameter class of discrete distributions, Abel series distributions, generated by expanding a suitable pa,rametric function into a series of Abel polynomials is discussed. An Abel series distribution occurs in fluctuations of sample functions of stochastic processes and has applications in insurance risk, queueing, dam and storage processes. The probability generating function and the factorial moments of the Abel series distributions are obtained in closed forms. It is pointed out that the name of the generalized Poisson distribution of Consul and Jain is justified by the form of its generating function. Finally it is shown that this generalized Poisson distribution is the only member of the Abel series distributions which is closed under convolution.  相似文献   

In certain applications involving discrete data, it is sometimes found that X = 0 is observed with a frequency significantly higher than predicted by the assumed model. Zero inflated Poisson, binomial and negative binomial models have been employed in some clinical trials and in some regression analysis problems.

In this paper, we study the zero inflated modified power series distributions (IMPSD) which include among others the generalized Poisson and the generalized negative binomial distributions and hence the Poisson, binomial and negative binomial distributions. The structural properties along with the distribution of the sum of independent IMPSD variables are studied. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the model is examined and the variance-covariance matrix of the estimators is obtained. Finally, examples are presented for the generalized Poisson distribution to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

A discrete probability model always gets truncated during the sampling process and the point of truncation depends upon the sample size. Also, the generalized Poisson distribution cannot be used with full justification when the second parameter is negative. To avoid these problems a truncated generalized Poisson distribution is defined and studied. Estimation of its parameters by moments method, maximum likelihood method and a mixed method are considered. Some examples are given to illustrate the effect on the parameters’ estimates when a non-truncated GPD is used instead of a truncated GPD.  相似文献   

Ramesh C. Gupta 《Statistics》2013,47(1):169-172
The negative moments have been used in estimation theory and life testing problems. In this paper we obtain the first inverse moment of a decapitated generalized Poisson distribution of Consul and Jain (1973) and exhibit an application in the estimation of soil micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Collings and Margolin(1985) developed a locally most powerful unbiased test for detecting negative binomial departures from a Poisson model, when the variance is a quadratic function of the mean. Kim and Park(1992) developed a locally most powerful unbiased test, when the variance is a linear function of the mean. It is found that a different mean-variance structure of a negative binomial derives a different locally optimal test statistic.

In this paper Collings and Margolin's and Kim and Park's results are unified and extended by developing a test for overdispersion in Poisson model against Katz family of distributions, Our setup has two extensions: First, Katz family of distributions is employed as an extension of the negative binomial distribution. Second, the mean-variance structure of the mixed Poisson model is given by σ2 = μ+cμr for arbitrary but fixed r. We derive a local score test for testing H0 : c = 0. Superiority of a new test is proved by the asymtotic relative efficiency as well as the simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, we take a brief overview of different functional forms of generalized Poisson distribution (GPD) and various methods of its parameter estimation found in the literature. We compare the method of moment estimation (ME) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of parameters of GPD through simulation study in terms of bias, MSE and covariance. To simulate random numbers from GPD, we develop a Matlab function gpoissrnd(). The simulation study leads to the important conclusion that the ME performs better or equally good as compared to MLE when sample size is small.

Further we fit the GPD to various datasets in literature using both estimation methods and observe that the results do not differ significantly even though the sample size is large. Overall, we conclude that for GPD, use of ME in place of MLE will lead to almost similar results. The computational simplicity in calculation of ME as compared to MLE also gives support to the use of ME in case of GPD for practitioners.  相似文献   

This note exhibits two independent random variables on integers, X1 and X2, such that neither X1 nor X2 has a generalized Poisson distribution, but X1 + X2 has. This contradicts statements made by Professor Consul in his recent book.  相似文献   

Shookri and Consul (1989) and Scollnik (1995) have previously considered the Bayesian analysis of an overdispersed generalized Poisson model. Scollnik (1995) also considered the Bayesian analysis of an ordinary Poisson and over-dispersed generalized Poisson mixture model. In this paper, we discuss the Bayesian analysis of these models when they are utilised in a regression context. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are utilised, and an illustrative analysis is provided.  相似文献   

Janardan (1973) introduced the generalized Polya Eggenberger family of distributions (GPED) as a limiting distribution of the generalized Markov-Polya distribution (GMPD). Janardan and Rao (1982) gave a number of characterizing properties of the generalized Markov-Polya and generalized Polya Eggenberger distributions. Here, the GPED family characterized by four parameters, is formally defined and studied. The probability generating function, its moments, and certain recurrence relations with the moments are provided. The Lagrangian Katz family of distributions (Consul and Famoye (1996)) is shown to be a sub-class of the family of GPED (or GPED 1 ) as it is called in this paper). A generalized Polya Eggenberger distribution of the second kind (GPED 2 ) is also introduced and some of it's properties are given. Recurrence relations for the probabilities of GPED 1 and GPED 2 are given. A number of other structural and characteristic properties of the GPED 1 are provided, from which the properties of Lagrangian Katz family follow. The parameters of GMPD 1 are estimated by the method of moments and the maximum likelihood method. An application is provided.  相似文献   

In this note, we obtain, based on the sample sum, a statistic to test the homogeneity of a random sample from a positive (zero truncated) Lagrangian Poisson distribution given in Consul and Jain (1973). This test statistic conforms, in a special case, to Singh (1978). A goodness-of-fit test statistic for the Borel-Tanner distribution is obtained as a particular case cf our results.  相似文献   

In recent years, several attempts have been made to characterize the generalized Pareto distributions (GPD) based on the properties of order statistics and record values. In the present article, we give some characterization results on GPD based on order statistics and generalized order statistics. Some characterizations of uniform distribution based on expectation of some functions of order statistics are also given.  相似文献   

A two-parameter class of discrete distributions, Gould series distributions, generated by expanding a suitable parametric function into a series of Gould polynomials is discussed. A Gould series distribution occurs in fluctuations of sums of interchangeable random variables and particularly as the distribution of (i) the duration of the game in the theory of games of chance, (ii) the busy period in queueing processes and (iii) the time of emptiness in dam and storage processes. The probability generating function and the factorial moments of the Gould series distributions are obtained in close forms. It is pointed out that the name of the generalized general binomial (binomial or negative binomial) distribution of Consul and Jain is justified by the form of its generating function. Finally it is shown that the generalized general binomial distribution, under certain mild conditions, is the only member of the Gould series distributions which is closed under certain mild conditions, is the only member of the Gould series distributions which is closed under convolution  相似文献   

The class of Modified Power Series distributions (MPSD) containing Lagrangian Poisson (LPD) (Consul and Jain, 1973) and Lagrangian binomial distributions (LBD) (Jain and Consul, 1971) was studied by Gupta (1974). We investigate the problem of finding the negative momentsE[X-r ], of displaced and decapitated Modified Power Series Distributions. We derive the relationship between rand (r-1) negative moments. The negative moments of the decapitated and displaced LPD are obtained. These results are, then, used to find the exact amount of bias in the ML estimators of the parameters in the LPD and the LBD. We have also given the variances of the ML estimator and the minimum variance unbiased estimator of the parameter in the LPD.  相似文献   

The Steffensen inequality is applied to derive quantile bounds for the expectations of generalized order statistics from a distribution belonging to a particular subclass of distributions. The subclass consists of F having the property that F?1(0+)=x0>0 and that x →[1? F(x)]xz is nonincreasing for all x > X0 and some z > 0.  相似文献   

n possibly different success probabilities p 1, p 2, ..., p n is frequently approximated by a Poisson distribution with parameter λ = p 1 + p 2 + ... + p n . LeCam's bound p 2 1 + p 2 2 + ... + p n 2 for the total variation distance between both distributions is particularly useful provided the success probabilities are small. The paper presents an improved version of LeCam's bound if a generalized d-dimensional Poisson binomial distribution is to be approximated by a compound Poisson distribution. Received: May 10, 2000; revised version: January 15, 2001  相似文献   

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