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In this paper we study the robustness of the directional mean (a.k.a. circular mean) for different families of circular distributions. We show that the directional mean is robust in the sense of finite standardized gross error sensitivity (SB-robust) for the following families: (1) mixture of two circular normal distributions, (2) mixture of wrapped normal and circular normal distributions and (3) mixture of two wrapped normal distributions. We also show that the directional mean is not SB-robust for the family of all circular normal distributions with varying concentration parameter. We define the circular trimmed mean and prove that it is SB-robust for this family. In general the property of SB-robustness of an estimator at a family of probability distributions is dependent on the choice of the dispersion measure. We introduce the concept of equivalent dispersion measures and prove that if an estimator is SB-robust for one dispersion measure then it is SB-robust for all equivalent dispersion measures. Three different dispersion measures for circular distributions are considered and their equivalence studied.  相似文献   

Consider an estimation problem of a linear combination of population means in a multivariate normal distribution under LINEX loss function. Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear estimators to be admissible are given. Further, it is shown that the result is an extension of the quadratic loss case as well as the univariate normal case.  相似文献   

Incorrect statements about the normal distribution are discussed and illustrated with counterexamples.  相似文献   

基于一些随机样本,在Linex损失下估计期望及方差阵都未知的多元正态分布的熵。在仅依赖于|S|的估计类中,熵的最优仿射同变估计δc*是可容许估计,但在一些范围更大的估计类中,δc*是不可容许估计。文章首先用Stein型估计δ?ST去改进δc*,但Stein型估计不是光滑的,然后用具有光滑性的Brester-Zidek型估计去改进δc*,进一步研究知Brester-Zidek估计是可容许估计,也是Bayes估计。  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a class of location and scale estimators for the p-variate lognormal distribution. These estimators are obtained by applying a log transform to the data, computing robust Fisher consistent estimators for the obtained Gaussian data and transforming those estimators for the lognormal using the relationship between the parameters of both distributions. We prove some of the properties of these estimators, such as Fisher consistency, robustness and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

指数族分布是一类应用广泛的分布类,包括了泊松分布、Gamma分布、Beta分布、二项分布等常见分布.在非寿险中,索赔额或索赔次数过程常常被假定服从指数族分布,由于风险的非齐次性,指数族分布中的参数θ也为随机变量,假定服从指数族共轭先验分布.此时风险参数的估计落入了Bayes框架,风险参数θ的Bayes估计被表达“信度”形式.然而,在实际运用中,由于先验分布与样本分布中仍然含有结构参数,根据样本的边际分布的似然函数估计结构参数,从而获得风险参数的经验Bayes估计,最后证明了该经验Bayes估计是渐近最优的.  相似文献   

This article compares eight estimators in terms of relative efficiencies with the univariate mean, some of which have not been compared previously. Four estimators, when testing hypotheses, are compared in terms of actual Type I errors. In terms of point estimation, the modified one-step M-estimator, one-step M-estimator, and rfch estimator are found to be the three best choices depending on the proportion of outliers. In terms of actual Type I errors, the modified one-step M estimator's and rfch estimator's level was between.045 and.055 in 5 out of 7 situations when real data were used in simulations.  相似文献   

We derive analytic expressions for the biases of the maximum likelihood estimators of the scale parameter in the half-logistic distribution with known location, and of the location parameter when the latter is unknown. Using these expressions to bias-correct the estimators is highly effective, without adverse consequences for estimation mean squared error. The overall performance of the first of these bias-corrected estimators is slightly better than that of a bootstrap bias-corrected estimator. The bias-corrected estimator of the location parameter significantly out-performs its bootstrapped-based counterpart. Taking computational costs into account, the analytic bias corrections clearly dominate the use of the bootstrap.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding the distribution of linear functions of two ordered correlated normal random variables. We derive some distributional properties for these linear statistics and briefly discuss the use of them in location estimation. The connection of the subject with the skew normal distribution is also noted.  相似文献   

This article focuses on estimating an autoregressive regression model for circular time series data. Simulation studies have shown the difficulties involved in obtaining good estimates from low concentration data or from small samples. It presents an application using real data.  相似文献   


Sample size calculation is an important component in designing an experiment or a survey. In a wide variety of fields—including management science, insurance, and biological and medical science—truncated normal distributions are encountered in many applications. However, the sample size required for the left-truncated normal distribution has not been investigated, because the distribution of the sample mean from the left-truncated normal distribution is complex and difficult to obtain. This paper compares an ad hoc approach to two newly proposed methods based on the Central Limit Theorem and on a high degree saddlepoint approximation for calculating the required sample size with the prespecified power. As shown by use of simulations and an example of health insurance cost in China, the ad hoc approach underestimates the sample size required to achieve prespecified power. The method based on the high degree saddlepoint approximation provides valid sample size and power calculations, and it performs better than the Central Limit Theorem. When the sample size is not too small, the Central Limit Theorem also provides a valid, but relatively simple tool to approximate that sample size.  相似文献   

Sequential regression multiple imputation has emerged as a popular approach for handling incomplete data with complex features. In this approach, imputations for each missing variable are produced based on a regression model using other variables as predictors in a cyclic manner. Normality assumption is frequently imposed for the error distributions in the conditional regression models for continuous variables, despite that it rarely holds in real scenarios. We use a simulation study to investigate the performance of several sequential regression imputation methods when the error distribution is flat or heavy tailed. The methods evaluated include the sequential normal imputation and its several extensions which adjust for non normal error terms. The results show that all methods perform well for estimating the marginal mean and proportion, as well as the regression coefficient when the error distribution is flat or moderately heavy tailed. When the error distribution is strongly heavy tailed, all methods retain their good performances for the mean and the adjusted methods have robust performances for the proportion; but all methods can have poor performances for the regression coefficient because they cannot accommodate the extreme values well. We caution against the mechanical use of sequential regression imputation without model checking and diagnostics.  相似文献   

This article proposes Hartley-Ross type unbiased estimators of finite population mean using information on known parameters of auxiliary variate when the study variate and auxiliary variate are positively correlated. The variances of the proposed unbiased estimators are obtained. It has been shown that the proposed estimators are more efficient than the simple mean estimator, usual ratio estimator and estimators proposed by Sisodia and Dwivedi (1981 Sisodia , B. V. S. , Dwivedi , V. K. ( 1981 ). A modified ratio estimator using coefficient of variation of auxiliary variable . J. Indian Soc. Agricultural Statist. 33 ( 1 ): 1318 . [Google Scholar]), Kadilar and Cingi (2006 Kadilar , C. , Cingi , H. ( 2006 ). A new ratio estimator using correlation coefficient . Int. Statist. 111 . [Google Scholar]), and Kadilar et al. (2007 Kadilar , C. , Candan , M. , Cingi , H. ( 2007 ). Ratio estimators using robust regression . Hacet. J. Math. Statist. 36 ( 2 ): 181188 .[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) under certain realistic conditions. Empirical studies are also carried out to demonstrate the merits of the proposed unbiased estimators over other estimators considered in this article.  相似文献   

在数理统计的发展史上,最重要的事件也许就是观测误差分布的发现。统计学家们在寻找观测误差分布的过程中,创造了许多有用的统计理论和方法,不过观测误差分布发现的优先权最终属于伟大的德国科学家高斯。文章主要介绍了高斯发现观测误差分布的思考过程,并期望读者能从高斯天才的思想中获得有益的启迪。  相似文献   

The beta normal distribution is a generalization of both the normal distribution and the normal order statistics. Some of its mathematical properties and a few applications have been studied in the literature. We provide a better foundation for some properties and an analytical study of its bimodality. The hazard rate function and the limiting behavior are examined. We derive explicit expressions for moments, generating function, mean deviations using a power series expansion for the quantile function, and Shannon entropy.  相似文献   

Estimators of σaand log σ which are functions of Σ(x?x)2/d are considered. Besides the usual sampling theory estimators, Bayesian point estimators which are the usual measures of location of the posterior distribution are given, and in each case an exact or asymptotic expression for the divisor d is stated.  相似文献   


A generalization of Chauvenet's test (see Bol'shev, L. N. 1969 Bol'shev, L. N. 1969. On tests for rejecting outlying observations. Trudy In-ta prikladnoi Mat. Tblissi Gosudart. univ., 2: 159177. (In Russian) [Google Scholar]. On tests for rejecting outlying observations. Trudy In-ta prikladnoi Mat. Tblissi Gosudart. univ. 2:159–177. (In Russian); Voinov, V. G., Nikulin, M. N. 1996 Voinov, V. G. and Nikulin, M. N. 1996. Unbaised Estimators and Their Applications Vol. 2, Kluwer Academic Publishers.  [Google Scholar]. Unbaised Estimators and Their Applications. Vol. 2. Kluwer Academic Publishers.) suitable to applied the problem of detecting r outliers in an univariate data set is proposed. In the exponential case, the Chauvenet's test can be used. Various modifications of this test were considered by Bol'shev, Ibrakimov and Khalfina (Ibrakimov, I. A., Khalfina 1978 Ibrakimov, I. A. and Khalfina. 1978. Some asymptotic results concerning the Chauvenet test. Ter. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 23(3): 593597.  [Google Scholar]. Some asymptotic results concerning the Chauvenet test. Ter. Veroyatnost. i Primenen. 23(3):593–597.), Greenwood and Nikulin (Greenwood, Nikulin, P. E. 1996 Greenwood and Nikulin, P. E. 1996. A Guide to Chi-Squared Testing New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..  [Google Scholar]. A Guide to Chi-Squared Testing. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) depending on the choice of the estimation method used: MLE or MVUE. As procedures for testing one outlier in exponential model have been investigated by a number of authors including Chikkagoudar and Kunchur (Chikkagoudar, M. S., Kunchur, S. H. 1983 Chikkagoudar, M. S. and Kunchur, S. H. 1983. Distribution of test statistics for multiple outliers in exponential samples. Comm. Stat. Theory. and Meth., 12: 21272142. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Distribution of test statistics for multiple outliers in exponential samples. Comm. Stat. Theory. and Meth. 12:2127–2142.), Lewis and Fieller (Lewis, T., Fiellerm N. R. J. 1979 Lewis, T. and Fiellerm, N. R. J. 1979. A recursive algorithm for null distribution for outliers: I. Gamma samples. Technometrics, 21: 371376. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. A recursive algorithm for null distribution for outliers : I. Gamma samples. Technometrics 21:371–376.), Likes (Likes, J. 1966 Likes, J. 1966. Distribution of Dixon's statistics in the case of an exponential population. Metrika, 11: 4654. (91, 96, 136, 198–200, 204, 209, 210)[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. Distribution of Dixon's statistics in the case of an exponential population. Metrika 11:46–54. (91, 96, 136, 198–200, 204, 209, 210).) and Kabe (Kabe, D. G. 1970 Kabe, D. G. 1970. Testing outliers from an exponential population. Metrika, 15: 1518. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Testing outliers from an exponential population. Metrika 15:15–18.); only two types of statistics for testing multiple outliers exist. First is Dixon's while the second is based on the ratio of the sum of the observations suspected to be outliers to the sum of all observations of the sample. In fact, most of these authors have considered a general case of gamma model and the results for exponential model are given a special case. The object of the present communication is to focus on alternative models, namely slippage alternatives (see Barnett, Vic., Toby Lewis 1978 Barnett, Vic. and Toby, Lewis. 1978. Outlier in Statistical Data New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..  [Google Scholar]. Outlier in Statistical Data. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) in exponential samples. We propose a statistic different from the well known Dixon's statistic Dr to test for multiple outliers. Distribution of the test based on this new statistic under slippage alternatives is obtained and hence the tables of critical values are given, for various n (size of the sample) and r (the number of outliers). The power of the new test is also calculated, it is compared to the power of the Dixon's statistic (Chikkagoudar, M. S., Kunchur, S. H. 1983 Chikkagoudar, M. S. and Kunchur, S. H. 1983. Distribution of test statistics for multiple outliers in exponential samples. Comm. Stat. Theory. and Meth., 12: 21272142. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Distribution of test statistics for multiple outliers in exponential samples. Comm. Stat. Theory. and Meth. 12:2127–2142.). Notice that the new statistic based test power is greater the Dixon's statistic based test one.  相似文献   

In this work we have determined the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters β, λ, and δ for the right-truncated Dagum model. Some numerical comparisons show that, for each combination of the parameters and for each sample size, the variance of maximum likelihood estimators increases as the truncation point decreases, i.e., with the increase in the cut of the right tail of distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Given n independent and identically distributed observations in a set G  = {( x ,  y ) ∈ [0, 1] p  ×  R  : 0 ≤  y  ≤  g ( x )} with an unknown function g , called a boundary or frontier, it is desired to estimate g from the observations. The problem has several important applications including classification and cluster analysis, and is closely related to edge estimation in image reconstruction. The convex-hull estimator of a boundary or frontier is also very popular in econometrics, where it is a cornerstone of a method known as 'data envelope analysis'. In this paper, we give a large sample approximation of the distribution of the convex-hull estimator in the general case where p  ≥ 1. We discuss ways of using the large sample approximation to correct the bias of the convex-hull and the DEA estimators and to construct confidence intervals for the true function.  相似文献   

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