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Correspondence to Liz Kelly, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, Ladbroke House, 62-66 Highbury Grove, London, N5 2AD Summary This response takes issue with John Paley's paper ‘SatanistAbuse and Alien Abduction’ (this issue) in a number ofareas: his definition of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA); the parallelshe draws between SRA and alien abduction; his assertions thatthere is no evidence of SRA and that accounts of SRA can beviewed as urban legends; and his ‘temporal lobe connection’conclusion.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social Policy and Applied Social Studies, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK. Summary This paper reports findings from an exploratory study on sexualabuse by men who work with children. As a first step towardsfilling a major gap in the relevant research literature, in-depthinterviews were carried out with a small sample of men servingprison sentences for sexually abusing children in their trust.The paper focuses on their accounts of their life histories,including their experiences of prison treatment programmes,and provides a detailed picture of their thinking, feelingsand motivations. In revealing how the men construct their ownsense of masculine identity within social and professional contextsthat are dominated by a heterosexual, white male hegemony, thepaper challenges purely psychological explanations of why mensexually abuse. It concludes that sexual abuse in organizationalsettings is less likely to be challenged if masculinity is notfocused on as an issue of power.  相似文献   

Summary This article describes some personality and other characteristicsof a sample of 230 male offenders in London, and relates thesevariables to recommendations made by probation officers, sentencespassed by the courts, and the outcome of penal treatment interms of further convictions. The probation officers in thestudy were more likely to recommend probation for introvertedneurotics than any other personality type, and once on probationthis group was the least likely to be reconvicted. Offenderswho were extravert attracted the largest proportion of recommendationsfor custodial sentences, and on probation the extraverts whoscored low on neuroticism were most likely to be reconvicted.A tentative explanation of the findings is offered in termsof a probation 'treatment success hierarchy'  相似文献   

Correspondence to Chris Mills, Information and Research Officer, Middlesex Area Probation Service, 4th Floor, Glen House. 200 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9LA. Summary It is argued that the technique of critical incident analysiscan profitably be applied to the study of human errors in theinter-agency management of child abuse. Suggestions are madefor a basis on which reporting could take place.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Helen L. Westcott, Public Policy Department, NSPCC, 67 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8RS. Summary Interviewing techniques embodied in the Cognitive Interview(CI) are introduced with a view to assessing their potentialfor interviews conducted with child abuse victims. The techniquesare summarized and literature pertaining to their developmentpresented. Two studies examining use of the CI with child witnessesare discussed, before the general applicability of the CI forsocial work interviews with abused children is assessed. Itis concluded that the CI does offer possibilities, but thatfurther research into the CI which is more specifically designedwithin the social work context is-needed.  相似文献   

Dr Ann Cartwright, Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care, 14 South Hill Park, London NW3 2SB. Summary Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in aresidential or nursing home; one in eight spent all of thatyear in one. The old, the unmarried, those with difficulty lookingafter themselves, the confused, the incontinent, the blind,the deaf, and the bad tempered were more likely to be in suchhomes than others. With their greater dependency, people living in residentialhomes received rather more consultations and home visits—althoughnot night calls—from their general practitioners. Butthey did not get more help from community nurses and they wereless likely to be admitted to, or to die in, a hospital or hospice. According to the assesments of relatives, friends, and neighbourswho answered the questions, the quality of life of people whohad been in a residential home for a year or more before theirdeath was similar to that of others who died but had never beenin such a home. It was those who were admitted in the year beforethey died who were perceived as having a relatively poor qualityof life in that year. Increasingly, the quality of life duringthe year before death is going to depend on the attributes ofresidential homes and their staff.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms. B. Penhale, Team Leader, Social Work Department, West Norwich Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich NR2 2TU. Summary Within the last six years, concern about the abuse of elderlypeople by their informal carers has increased in Britain. However,problems remain in the identification and treatment of boththose who are abused and their abusers. The purpose of thispaper is to consider some of the barriers to the identificationof abuse; to look at the similarities and differences betweenthe abuse of elderly people and other forms of family violence(in particular child abuse) and to discuss the implicationsof these for social work practice.  相似文献   

Parenting Assessment in a Psychiatric Mother and Baby Unit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr Gertrude Seneviratne, Section of Perinatal Psychiatry, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. E-mail: G.Seneviratne{at}iop.kcl.ac.uk Summary Courts and social services often seek the advice of mental healthprofessionals in deciding whether a mentally ill mother shouldremain the primary carer of her infant. This paper describesthe referral pathways, outcomes at discharge and subsequently,of a sample of mothers referred for parenting assessments toa psychiatric Mother and Baby Unit. A further aim was to examinefactors predicting outcome. A casenote study of sixty-one consecutivereferrals for in-patient parenting assessment over a six-yearperiod is described. Social Services were contacted to establishdevelopments at least nine months after discharge. Fewer thanhalf of the mothers were discharged together with their babiesat the end of the assessment period, and at follow-up, lessthan a third were still caring for their children. Diagnosisof the mother's illness was the main factor determining whethershe continued to care for her child both at discharge and atfollow-up; mothers with depression were more likely to remainprimary carers. Variations in the timing and process of referralsrelated to a lack of antenatal planning were associated withincreased rates of separation of mother and infant before theassessment. The findings illustrate the need for more integratedco-ordination between professionals in mental health and children'sservices to ensure early planning for mothers and infants atrisk.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Julie Browne, 5 Belsize Crescent, London NW3 5QY Summary Despite an increase in both publicity on child sexual abuseand initiatives from government and voluntary agencies, it isby no means obvious that the position of the majority of sexuallyabused children has been significantly improved. Most sexuallyabused children still do not disclose the fact that they arebeing abused and it has been argued that new ways of approachingthe problem of child sexual abuse are needed. A study was madeof the policy development work being carried Out by the children'scharities and by survivors' organizations in this area. Individualsurvivors were also questioned as to the type of help they neededwhen children to enable them to end or escape the abuse. Itemerged that, in the main, the charities espouse pathologized/legalisticsolutions to the problem of child sexual abuse. In contrast,survivors' organizations tended to adopt a view of the problemwhich challenges societal attitudes, male sexual socialization,and the labelling of victims as passive and damaged. This articleattempts to find explanations for why these different approacheshave been taken and examines the implications for policy developmentin this area. It concludes that social workers and the children'scharities could benefit considerably from greater collaborationwith both survivors and survivors' organizations.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Ian Sinclair, Director of Research, National Institute for Social Work. Mary Ward House, 5–7 Tavistock Place, London WCIH 955 Summary Successful community care may partly depend on identifying thoseat risk of entering residential homes and targeting servicesto them. This article is concerned with how this identificationcan be achieved. It considers a sample of old people livingalone. in touch with home helps or social workers and followedup for between two and four years. The research examined thefactors likely to produce admission, and used discriminant analysisto predict it.  相似文献   

The Limits of Support in Foster Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Stephen Nixon, School of Continuing Studies, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT; E-mail: Continuing-Studies{at}bham.ac.uk Summary This study was designed to explore the support provided forfoster carers during crises. A sample of sixty-seven fostercarers who had experienced an allegation of abuse against amember of their immediate family were questioned, with a specificfocus on their support needs and experiences during the periodof investigation and its aftermath. Data were also gatheredfrom a smaller sample of twenty family placement social workerswho worked with a sub-sample of these foster carers in orderto establish their perceptions of the issues. Shock, anger,bitterness and a sense of isolation were the prevailing emotionsexperienced by foster carers. It was found that the formal supportoffered by the child-care agencies was not used by 76 per centof foster carers. For most carers there was a lack of congruencebetween the type of support they needed and the support providedby the child-care agency. A number of other useful findingsemerged which are discussed in relation to crises in fostercare. The implications for foster care practice are substantial andrelate to the optimum provision of support for foster carersin such crises. It is suggested that the key role of socialworkers is to encourage and enable foster carers to establishtheir own close network of personal support in anticipationof such events.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that when a woman finds out aboutthe sexual abuse of her children the consequences for her areserious and can represent a major life crisis. Women in thisposition frequently report a lack of professional understandingand support. The current study explores the experiences of women attendinga busy peer support group at the NSPCC in York. It demonstratesthe vital role that peer support can play. It traces a varietyof factors which mean that family, friends and social workersare not well placed to help. At the heart of these difficultiesare the powerful feelings of guilt and failure in their roleas mothers which the women experienced as a result of the sexualabuse of their children. For these women it was impossible toshare with social workers their doubts about their own abilitiesas mothers, particularly in a context in which those workerswere making judgements about their ‘ability to protect’.On the other hand the support group provided a safe and non-judgementalforum in which these powerful emotions could be expressed anddealt with. The study explores the role that social workerscan play in relation to such groups.  相似文献   

Mental Health and Domestic Violence: 'I Call it Symptoms of Abuse'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr Cathy Humphreys, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: c.f.Humphreys{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary Research evidence now clearly shows a direct link between women'sexperiences of domestic violence and heightened rates of depression,trauma symptoms, and selfharm. A research project based in Women'sAid outreach services provides further evidence of women's experiencesof severe emotional distress. However, their experiences ofmental health services were often found to be negative. A numberof practices within the medical model of mental health wereunhelpful including: the lack of recognition of trauma or provisionof trauma services; making the abuser invisible through focusingon the woman's mental health reified from her experiences ofabuse; blaming the victim; offering medication rather than counsellingsupport; the negative, consequent effects on child contact andchild protection proceedings if the woman is labelled with mentalhealth problems. Alternatively, women found services, oftenin the voluntary sector, helpful when they provided the followinginterventions: helping women name domestic violence; activelyasking about the abuse; attending to safety planning; respondingto women's specialist needs; and actively working with womento recover from abuse experiences. Support for her childrenwas also seen as very helpful. Implications for practice includethe commissioning of further services in the voluntary sector,addressing the inadequate response within the medical model,and increasing the sensitivity of responses to women's emotionaldistress across all sectors.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Alan Rushton, Course Tutor, Southwark Social Services, Fieldwork and Community Services, The Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ. Summary Social workers who had completed two practice oriented post-qualifyingprogrammes were sent questionnaires asking them to evaluatetheir courses and to report on their subsequent careers. A selectedsub-sample was then interviewed and their current line managerscompleted questionnaires on their views of the training. Findingsare presented on their evaluation of both academic and practiceaspects of the programme. Levels of satisfaction were foundto be linked with the characteristics of course members. Somedifficulties were experienced in applying the new learning onre-entry to full-time work.  相似文献   

Summary The sexual abuse of children by persons who work with them -institutional abuse - is a focus of major concern among policymakers, practitioners and the public. Despite this, knowledgeabout it remains limited. This paper presents findings froma study of institutional abuse cases referred to social servicedepartments or the police in eight local authority areas. Whilesuch cases were relatively uncommon and constituted a smallproportion of all child protection referrals, some involvedlarge numbers of victims and abusers. Institutional abuse casesin the present study shared some characteristics with the majorityof (intrafamilial) abuse cases, but there were also importantdifferences, such as the proportion of male victims and theextent to which abuses used techniques of targeting and entrapment.Contrary to media representations, the institutional abuse reportedhere was not just a problem of children's homes, social workor the public sector, but occurred in a wide variety of settingsand sectors and was perpetrated by a range of occupational groups.If all children are to be protected, then policy and practicemeasures to prevent abuse need to be directed towards a muchwider range of institutions.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Margaret Coffey, Liverpool Hope University College, Room AEW 098, Hope Park, Liverpool L16 9JD, UK. E-mail: coffeym{at}hope.ac.uk Summary The public sector is facing an impending shortage of staff,because young people no longer want to work in it and nearlya third of its workforce is over 50 years of age. Staff workingwithin the public sector report that stress is the biggest singlefactor affecting their decision to leave. This research notereports the findings of a recent study carried out in two socialservice departments in the north-west of England. The primaryaim of the research was to explore work-related stress, usinga ‘problem diagnosis tool’ to understand the stressorsexperienced by social services staff, and to inform the developmentof interventions aimed at reducing and/or eliminating them.This study used in-depth interviewing to develop a questionnaireincorporating a variety of measures to assess potential stressorsand mental well-being. The questionnaire response rate was 33per cent (n = 1234) and the results demonstrated statisticallysignificant differences between staffing grades. Staff workingwith children and families reported the highest levels of absenteeism,poorest well-being, and highest level of organizational constraints.Job satisfaction was low compared with established norms forvarious occupational groups. This grounded research baselineis a crucial step to inform specifically designed and targetedinterventions, which can be effectively evaluated from thisbaseline position.  相似文献   

to Ben Gray, 6B Park Road, Wivenhoe, Essex CO7 9NB, UK. Summary This paper describes the work of the Family Welfare Association's(FWA's) Tower Hamlets Family Support Services projects (FSSs).Tower Hamlets is a multiracial area in East London, which accordingto the 1991 census has high levels of poverty, overcrowdingand unemployment. Increasing poverty and social exclusion, whichfurther entrench inequalities in health, are reported by sourcessuch as Government, health and social services departments asrequiring innovative local responses to meet pressing welfareneeds. Innovative projects are especially urgent with vulnerablefamilies whose experiences of racism, bullying, mental healthdifficulties, domestic violence and child abuse are the rulerather than the exception. In common with other initiativesin the United Kingdom and abroad, the FSS aims to be non-stigmatizing,non-intrusive and responsive to the ethnicity, views and specificneeds of families. The paper focuses on the FSS's participatorywork with families to illustrate effective methods of qualitysupport, detail outcomes and draw lessons for policy and practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Patricia Kearney, 11 Wickham Gardens, London SE4 1LY. Summary The study examines a multi-disciplinary approach to the treatmentof opiate dependent pregnant women and their babies, with particularregard to statutory child protection responsibilities. It reviewsthirteen births with a follow up period of three years.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports on the findings of a study on the extentto which carers felt like shaking, and shook, their babies andyoung children and the circumstances surrounding the feelingsand/or actions of shaking. The research was designed to informa 'Don't Shake Your Baby' campaign planned by the preventionsub-committee of the London Borough of Newham's Area Child ProtectionCommittee. The main findings from interviews with 83 mothers,and self-completion questionnaires completed by 152 secondaryschool students, are discussed. Recommendations for a preventionprogramme are suggested in light of the findings.  相似文献   

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