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The intervention Home-Start is a wide spread program in a number of countries, among which the Netherlands. In Home-Start, trained volunteers visit families with young children in need of support once or twice a week to help them to deal with problems in family life and parenting. Little is known, however, about the effects of Home-Start. This study describes short-term and long term changes in families that participated in Home-Start.


Three groups of families with young children (at the start mean age 1 1/2 years) were followed over a period of four years. One of the groups of families participated in the Home-Start family support program in the first 6.6 months of this period. The two other groups were (1) a randomly selected community sample and (2) a group of families with elevated parenting stress and a need for support. Data were collected at the beginning of the study, (after median 1.4 months), directly after the intervention (median 6.6 months) and at two follow-up occasions (respectively, median 12.5 and 49.2 months after the first measurement). At the last measurement, data were available for 33, 45 and 34 families respectively.


Multilevel analysis showed more positive changes in parental wellbeing, competence and behavior (more consistent behavior and less rejection) during the intervention period in the Home-Start group than in the two other groups. At the three year follow up, the Home-Start group showed, compared to the other groups, more improvements in parenting (more responsiveness), but also diminished child externalizing and internalizing behavior problems (less oppositional defiant behavior, affective problems and anxiety problems).


Home-Start seems a promising family support intervention that deserves to be studied more extensively.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether states’ elimination of child support disregards for welfare payments after welfare reform caused non-custodial parents to increase in-kind support. I use longitudinal data from the Survey of Program Dynamics and take advantage of state and year variation in child support disregard policies before and after the 1996 welfare reform to identify effects of the disregard on in-kind support. I find that a $100 decrease in the disregard corresponds to a 3.2 percentage point increase in the probability a child will receive in-kind child support.  相似文献   

Our purpose is to show that a well-designed Welfare State is a fundamental fiscal policy instrument which allows mending of the main shortcomings of the market mechanism, i.e. lack of Stability, Inequality, disregard of Needs, lack of economic Security: in short, we call them the market's SINS. We show how the family is the main agent for an effective Welfare State, as the firms are for the market. We use detailed data on all the European countries to characterize the different models of welfare within Europe. A cross-section analysis shows that the main goals are better achieved when the social protection benefits focus on the functions of family and children, sickness and health care, because they induce the greatest poverty reduction. We show that for families with children the better working arrangement – which is associated with higher GDP per capita and lower inequality – is one parent working full-time and one parent part-time. We quantify the cross-section variability related to the age structure for the function of pensions. For a sample of seven major European countries we measure the degree of pro-cyclical or countercyclical relationship between social protection expenditures and GDP per capita from 1995 to 2010. In Germany, a Keynesian economic policy in 2009 is associated with a sharp rebound in 2010. We measure the relationship between Welfare State benefits and public budget, given as a constraint. We show a possible relationship between social protection benefits and family savings.  相似文献   

This study identified selected child factors (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, disabilities, prior victimization, and relationship to perpetrator of abuse), family risk factors (e.g., substance abuse, domestic violence, inadequate housing, and financial problems), and services provided by child protective services that likely increased reports of child sexual abuse recurrence by type of reporter. Survival analysis was conducted using the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System data set of 2002-2004. Child disability, being a prior victim, having a perpetrator as a caregiver, family financial problems, and receiving family supportive services increased the likelihood for reports of child sexual abuse by mandated reporters. Being Hispanic, having a disability, having a perpetrator as a caregiver, financial problems, and receiving family preservation services statistically decreased the likelihood for reports of child sexual abuse recurrence.  相似文献   

Eighteen to 24 months after they adopted children in state custody, 159 parents were surveyed regarding their postadoption experiences. Most children remained with their new families, with parents reporting the adoption experience to be "about as hard as expected," and rating the past year of caring for the child as being more "smooth" than "stressful." Parents saw how the child contributed positively to their lives, were less positive about available social supports, and expressed dissatisfaction with the speed of the adoption, the availability of community supports, and the ability to link with supports. Children's special needs (e.g., older age at adoption) were predictive of postplacement adjustment.  相似文献   

The broad goals of child support policy are to keep children in single-parent families out of poverty and to make sure that their material needs are met. One potentially important, but relatively understudied, set of measures of child well-being are health outcomes. A fixed-effects analysis of data from the Child and Young Adult file of the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth shows that, conditional upon receipt of some amount of child support, higher payment levels are associated with significantly greater odds of having private health insurance coverage and significantly lower odds of poor or declining health status. These effects persist even after controlling for other factors that are likely to be correlated with child support payments, including total family income and paternal visitation patterns.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evidence base for interventions which seek to enhance social support resources for families with children at risk of adverse developmental outcomes. Substantive and methodological issues related to the implementation of social support interventions are discussed and a research agenda for the development, testing and evaluation of such interventions is presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions and views of urban American Indian parents regarding foster care and American Indian family issues. Findings highlight four themes: (1) discouragement from working with the current foster care system, (2) the role of culture in caregiving, (3) differing definitions of family and relatedness, and (4) the effects of historical pain due to past family disruption. These themes are used to formulate guidelines for the development of an American Indian foster care and child welfare program.  相似文献   

To examine whether welfare serves as an incentive to early childbearing, this article explores the first steps in the process of becoming a teenage parent: risk of first voluntary sexual intercourse at an early age and, among teens having sex, contraceptive use at first intercourse. Alternative operationalizations of welfare include the AFDC benefit level in the state of residence, the ratio of the benefit level to family income, community-level welfare receipt, and family history of welfare receipt. Results do not support the hypothesis that higher welfare benefits provide an incentive that hastens sex or reduces contraceptive use. Analyses provide moderate support for a culture of poverty perspective among girls. Intergenerational welfare receipt has a borderline significant effect on the timing of first sex, and maternal welfare receipt predicts nonuse of contraception at first sex for girls. Strong support is found for a stressful life experiences perspective, in which both parental marital disruption and nonvoluntary sex predict earlier voluntary sex. Analyses were supported by a grant from the Office of Population Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant # APR 00000959. Her research interests include teenage childbearing, family processes, public policy, and survey methodology. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Donna Ruane Morrison is a Senior Research Associate, and her research interests include the effects of family structure and processes on the well-being of children. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from Johns Hopkins University. Dana A. Glei is a Research Analyst, and her research interests include employment, gender, and teen pregnancy and childbearing. She received her M.A. from the University of Virginia.  相似文献   

Among welfare reform s many targets are welfare mothers who have additional children while receiving welfare benefits. To deter women from having children while on welfare, twenty-two states have implemented family caps, which deny additional benefits for children born while their mother is on welfare. The cap imposes a severe hardship on welfare mothers by reducing already meager welfare budgets at a time–after the birth of a child-when families are at their most vulnerable. It also represents the latest in a long line of governmental policies that have attempted to control the child-bearing choices of poor women. This article examines this history and reviews the decades of research that have disproved the relationship between welfare and out-of-wedlock births.  相似文献   

This paper describes five sessions (the total treatment contact) with a mother and her 15-year-old daughter who was suddenly refusing to attend school. They were a very insecure and inhibited mother and daughter in an intensely dependent relationship involving much ambivalence on both sides. Not only was the immediate school problem resolved, but the clients developed some awareness of their own underlying conflicts related to the developmental phase of the family and of how their ways of handling these conflicts affected one another.  相似文献   

Despite efforts to strengthen child support enforcement over the past decades, the level of unpaid child support remains high. High child support arrears create problems for families and states; however, our understanding of how arrears accumulate is limited. Using longitudinal data from Wisconsin administrative records for noncustodial fathers, this article examines patterns of the evolution of child support arrears. We develop a scheme to categorize long-term arrears changes and identify six typical trajectories of arrears evolution that distinguish the timing and pattern of changes in debt. We conclude with the implications of the results for child support policy and research.  相似文献   

Child welfare concerns have drifted to an inappropriate focus on crisis intervention and a punitive approach to child protection intervention at the expense of community-based preventive child welfare programs. Recent attempts to divert cases from the child protection system through differentiated response mechanisms have been criticised for failing to provide access to relevant services or preventing vulnerable families from re-entering the child protection process. A tension inherent in providing both child protection and family support within the one agency is also identified as a barrier to effective service delivery. This paper discusses the value of the UK Children in Need approach as a model for enhancing support to children and families outside the statutory child protection system. Information from an evaluation of a trial implementation of the UK Children in Need approach in Victoria is used to discuss the implications for policy and practice of placing responsibility for coordinating a response based on the needs of children and their families within family support services.  相似文献   

This article examines the employment and child care responses of families participating in 10 experimental welfare reform programs conducted in the United States between 1989 and 2002. For the programs analyzed, child care use increases by about the same amount as the increase in employment. Most of the increased child care comprises informal care by a relative, particularly care by a sibling or a grandparent. Although there are significant differences in the child care responses across the various programs tested, there are no significant differences in the impacts for persons leaving welfare versus persons staying on welfare.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(4):384-394
Throughout the twentieth century, Aboriginal children have been removed from their family and cultural networks under a range of government policies that have professed to be ‘in their best interests’. This article outlines the historical context to the development of the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle, which is currently the operating principle for all States and Territories in Australia when child welfare services have engaged with Aboriginal families and there is likelihood that a child may be removed. Because of problems with the implementation of the Principle, the option of family group conferences is suggested as a way of ensuring the objectives of the Principle are still met. Family Group Conferences originated in New Zealand initially as a response to the over-representation of Maori children in the substitute care system, and have since been part of child welfare legislation in that country for both Maori and non-Maori families since 1989. The application of the New Zealand model to working with Indigenous Australians will be discussed, along with a recommendation for this form of empowering practice to be considered more comprehensively as a family decision-making strategy within the field of child protection.  相似文献   

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