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Very often, in psychometric research, as in educational assessment, it is necessary to analyze item response from clustered respondents. The multiple group item response theory (IRT) model proposed by Bock and Zimowski [12] provides a useful framework for analyzing such type of data. In this model, the selected groups of respondents are of specific interest such that group-specific population distributions need to be defined. The usual assumption for parameter estimation in this model, which is that the latent traits are random variables following different symmetric normal distributions, has been questioned in many works found in the IRT literature. Furthermore, when this assumption does not hold, misleading inference can result. In this paper, we consider that the latent traits for each group follow different skew-normal distributions, under the centered parameterization. We named it skew multiple group IRT model. This modeling extends the works of Azevedo et al. [4], Bazán et al. [11] and Bock and Zimowski [12] (concerning the latent trait distribution). Our approach ensures that the model is identifiable. We propose and compare, concerning convergence issues, two Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) algorithms for parameter estimation. A simulation study was performed in order to evaluate parameter recovery for the proposed model and the selected algorithm concerning convergence issues. Results reveal that the proposed algorithm recovers properly all model parameters. Furthermore, we analyzed a real data set which presents asymmetry concerning the latent traits distribution. The results obtained by using our approach confirmed the presence of negative asymmetry for some latent trait distributions.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, while facilitating the solution of many complex problems in Bayesian inference, are not currently well adapted to the problem of marginal maximum a posteriori (MMAP) estimation, especially when the number of parameters is large. We present here a simple and novel MCMC strategy, called State-Augmentation for Marginal Estimation (SAME), which leads to MMAP estimates for Bayesian models. We illustrate the simplicity and utility of the approach for missing data interpolation in autoregressive time series and blind deconvolution of impulsive processes.  相似文献   

In testing, item response theory models are widely used in order to estimate item parameters and individual abilities. However, even unidimensional models require a considerable sample size so that all parameters can be estimated precisely. The introduction of empirical prior information about candidates and items might reduce the number of candidates needed for parameter estimation. Using data for IQ measurement, this work shows how empirical information about items can be used effectively for item calibration and in adaptive testing. First, we propose multivariate regression trees to predict the item parameters based on a set of covariates related to the item-solving process. Afterwards, we compare the item parameter estimation when tree-fitted values are included in the estimation or when they are ignored. Model estimation is fully Bayesian, and is conducted via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The results are two-fold: (a) in item calibration, it is shown that the introduction of prior information is effective with short test lengths and small sample sizes and (b) in adaptive testing, it is demonstrated that the use of the tree-fitted values instead of the estimated parameters leads to a moderate increase in the test length, but provides a considerable saving of resources.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) models are commonly used in educational and psychological testing to assess the (latent) ability of examinees and the effectiveness of the test items in measuring this underlying trait. The focus of this paper is on the assessment of item fit for unidimensional IRT models for dichotomous items using a Bayesian method. This paper will illustrate and compare the effectiveness of several discrepancy measures, used within the posterior predictive model check procedure, in detecting misfitted items. The effectiveness of the different discrepancy measures are illustrated in a simulation study using artificially altered simulated data. Using the best discrepancy measure among those studied, this method was applied to real data coming from a mathematics placement exam.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models form an extension of mixture models which provides a flexible class of models exhibiting dependence and a possibly large degree of variability. We show how reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques can be used to estimate the parameters as well as the number of components of a hidden Markov model in a Bayesian framework. We employ a mixture of zero-mean normal distributions as our main example and apply this model to three sets of data from finance, meteorology and geomagnetism.  相似文献   

Summary. The major implementational problem for reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is that there is commonly no natural way to choose jump proposals since there is no Euclidean structure in the parameter space to guide our choice. We consider mechanisms for guiding the choice of proposal. The first group of methods is based on an analysis of acceptance probabilities for jumps. Essentially, these methods involve a Taylor series expansion of the acceptance probability around certain canonical jumps and turn out to have close connections to Langevin algorithms. The second group of methods generalizes the reversible jump algorithm by using the so-called saturated space approach. These allow the chain to retain some degree of memory so that, when proposing to move from a smaller to a larger model, information is borrowed from the last time that the reverse move was performed. The main motivation for this paper is that, in complex problems, the probability that the Markov chain moves between such spaces may be prohibitively small, as the probability mass can be very thinly spread across the space. Therefore, finding reasonable jump proposals becomes extremely important. We illustrate the procedure by using several examples of reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo applications including the analysis of autoregressive time series, graphical Gaussian modelling and mixture modelling.  相似文献   

We propose Bayesian parameter estimation in a multidimensional item response theory model using the Gibbs sampling algorithm. We apply this approach to dichotomous responses to a questionnaire on sleep quality. The analysis helps determine the underlying dimensions.  相似文献   

Summary.  In recent years, advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques have had a major influence on the practice of Bayesian statistics. An interesting but hitherto largely underexplored corollary of this fact is that Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques make it practical to consider broader classes of informative priors than have been used previously. Conjugate priors, long the workhorse of classic methods for eliciting informative priors, have their roots in a time when modern computational methods were unavailable. In the current environment more attractive alternatives are practicable. A reappraisal of these classic approaches is undertaken, and principles for generating modern elicitation methods are described. A new prior elicitation methodology in accord with these principles is then presented.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is developed for analysing item response models with nonignorable missing data. The relevant model for the observed data is estimated concurrently in conjunction with the item response model for the missing-data process. Since the approach is fully Bayesian, it can be easily generalized to more complicated and realistic models, such as those models with covariates. Furthermore, the proposed approach is illustrated with item response data modelled as the multidimensional graded response models. Finally, a simulation study is conducted to assess the extent to which the bias caused by ignoring the missing-data mechanism can be reduced.  相似文献   

In this paper, maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators of the parameters, reliability and hazard functions have been obtained for two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution when sample is available from progressive Type-II censoring scheme. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is used to compute the Bayes estimates of the model parameters. It has been assumed that the parameters have gamma priors and they are independently distributed. Gibbs within the Metropolis–Hasting algorithm has been applied to generate MCMC samples from the posterior density function. Based on the generated samples, the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters as well as reliability and hazard functions have been computed. The results of Bayes estimators are obtained under both the balanced-squared error loss and balanced linear-exponential (BLINEX) loss. Moreover, based on the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators the approximate confidence intervals (CIs) are obtained. In order to construct the asymptotic CI of the reliability and hazard functions, we need to find the variance of them, which are approximated by delta and Bootstrap methods. Two real data sets have been analyzed to demonstrate how the proposed methods can be used in practice.  相似文献   

Yu (1995) provides a novel convergence diagnostic for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) which provides a qualitative measure of mixing for Markov chains via a cusum path plot for univariate parameters of interest. The method is based upon the output of a single replication of an MCMC sampler and is therefore widely applicable and simple to use. One criticism of the method is that it is subjective in its interpretation, since it is based upon a graphical comparison of two cusum path plots. In this paper, we develop a quantitative measure of smoothness which we can associate with any given cusum path, and show how we can use this measure to obtain a quantitative measure of mixing. In particular, we derive the large sample distribution of this smoothness measure, so that objective inference is possible. In addition, we show how this quantitative measure may also be used to provide an estimate of the burn-in length for any given sampler. We discuss the utility of this quantitative approach, and highlight a problem which may occur if the chain is able to remain in any one state for some period of time. We provide a more general implementation of the method to overcome the problem in such cases.  相似文献   

In this article, to reduce computational load in performing Bayesian variable selection, we used a variant of reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, and the Holmes and Held (HH) algorithm, to sample model index variables in logistic mixed models involving a large number of explanatory variables. Furthermore, we proposed a simple proposal distribution for model index variables, and used a simulation study and real example to compare the performance of the HH algorithm with our proposed and existing proposal distributions. The results show that the HH algorithm with our proposed proposal distribution is a computationally efficient and reliable selection method.  相似文献   

Summary.  We present an application of reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling from the field of neurophysiology where we seek to estimate the number of motor units within a single muscle. Such an estimate is needed for monitoring the progression of neuromuscular diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Our data consist of action potentials that were recorded from the surface of a muscle in response to stimuli of different intensities applied to the nerve supplying the muscle. During the gradual increase in intensity of the stimulus from the threshold to supramaximal, all motor units are progressively excited. However, at any given submaximal intensity of stimulus, the number of units that are excited is variable, because of random fluctuations in axonal excitability. Furthermore, the individual motor unit action potentials exhibit variability. To account for these biological properties, Ridall and co-workers developed a model of motor unit activation that is capable of describing the response where the number of motor units, N , is fixed. The purpose of this paper is to extend that model so that the possible number of motor units, N , is a stochastic variable. We illustrate the elements of our model, show that the results are reproducible and show that our model can measure the decline in motor unit numbers during the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Our method holds promise of being useful in the study of neurogenic diseases.  相似文献   

Mixture models are flexible tools in density estimation and classification problems. Bayesian estimation of such models typically relies on sampling from the posterior distribution using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Label switching arises because the posterior is invariant to permutations of the component parameters. Methods for dealing with label switching have been studied fairly extensively in the literature, with the most popular approaches being those based on loss functions. However, many of these algorithms turn out to be too slow in practice, and can be infeasible as the size and/or dimension of the data grow. We propose a new, computationally efficient algorithm based on a loss function interpretation, and show that it can scale up well in large data set scenarios. Then, we review earlier solutions which can scale up well for large data set, and compare their performances on simulated and real data sets. We conclude with some discussions and recommendations of all the methods studied.  相似文献   

We propose a two-stage algorithm for computing maximum likelihood estimates for a class of spatial models. The algorithm combines Markov chain Monte Carlo methods such as the Metropolis–Hastings–Green algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, and stochastic approximation methods such as the off-line average and adaptive search direction. A new criterion is built into the algorithm so stopping is automatic once the desired precision has been set. Simulation studies and applications to some real data sets have been conducted with three spatial models. We compared the algorithm proposed with a direct application of the classical Robbins–Monro algorithm using Wiebe's wheat data and found that our procedure is at least 15 times faster.  相似文献   

In an expert knowledge elicitation exercise, experts face a carefully constructed list of questions that they answer according to their knowledge. The elicitation process concludes when a probability distribution is found that adequately captures the experts' beliefs in the light of those answers. In many situations, it is very difficult to create a set of questions that will efficiently capture the experts' knowledge, since experts might not be able to make precise probabilistic statements about the parameter of interest. We present an approach for capturing expert knowledge based on item response theory, in which a set of binary response questions is proposed to the expert, trying to capture responses directly related to the quantity of interest. As a result, the posterior distribution of the parameter of interest will represent the elicited prior distribution that does not assume any particular parametric form. The method is illustrated by a simulated example and by an application involving the elicitation of rain prophets' predictions for the rainy season in the north-east of Brazil.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for Bayesian model choice and averaging in Gaussian directed acyclic graphs (dags). The dimension-changing move involves adding or dropping a (directed) edge from the graph. The methodology employs the results in Geiger and Heckerman and searches directly in the space of all dags. Model determination is carried out by implementing a reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler. To achieve this aim we rely on the concept of adjacency matrices, which provides a relatively inexpensive check for acyclicity. The performance of our procedure is illustrated by means of two simulated datasets, as well as one real dataset.  相似文献   

We analyse a flexible parametric estimation technique for a competing risks (CR) model with unobserved heterogeneity, by extending a local mixed proportional hazard single risk model for continuous duration time to a local mixture CR (LMCR) model for discrete duration time. The state-specific local hazard function for the LMCR model is per definition a valid density function if we have either one or two destination states. We conduct Monte Carlo experiments to compare the estimated parameters of the LMCR model, and to compare the estimated parameters of a CR model based on a Heckman–Singer-type (HS-type) technique, with the data-generating process parameters. The Monte Carlo results show that the LMCR model performs better or at least as good as the HS-type model with respect to the estimated structure parameters in most of the cases, but relatively poorer with respect to the estimated duration-dependence parameters.  相似文献   

Bayesian finite mixture modelling is a flexible parametric modelling approach for classification and density fitting. Many areas of application require distinguishing a signal from a noise component. In practice, it is often difficult to justify a specific distribution for the signal component; therefore, the signal distribution is usually further modelled via a mixture of distributions. However, modelling the signal as a mixture of distributions is computationally non-trivial due to the difficulties in justifying the exact number of components to be used and due to the label switching problem. This paper proposes the use of a non-parametric distribution to model the signal component. We consider the case of discrete data and show how this new methodology leads to more accurate parameter estimation and smaller false non-discovery rate. Moreover, it does not incur the label switching problem. We show an application of the method to data generated by ChIP-sequencing experiments.  相似文献   

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