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美国以品格为基础的青少年性教育模式,代表了当今美国性教育探索的最新思路.本文对这一思想的产生背景、基本观点和社会效果进行了分析与思考,以期为我国有效地开展青少年性教育工作和艾滋病防治工作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

信息社会改变了性信息的传播方式,教育者应全面评估信息技术给性教育带来的影响,使青少年性教育适应这一变化,并建立与信息社会相适应的性教育模式.  相似文献   

网络虚拟世界中的各种性信息对青少年产生强大的冲击波,而它的一些非法性、不合理性因素也对现实中的主导性教育产生一定的负面影响.充分认识加强和改进网络环境下的性教育工作的重要意义,研究它的特点和规律,探索进一步加强和改进青少年性教育工作的新途径和新办法,才能使性教育真正具有实效性.  相似文献   

青春期性教育在我国经过20世纪80年代的快速发展,目前已进行平稳发展期,家长不再反对在学校进行性教育,学校性教育也已制度化,然而,我国性教育仍没有专门的学科设置,也没有更热烈地进入人们的视线,但是,青少年青春期性教育的迫切性仍然在加强,青春期青少年性问题突出,我国的性教育仍然任重道远。因此,要进一步提高人们对于青春期性教育重要性的认识,借鉴国外青春期性教育经验,对青春期青少年进行正面的和有目的的性教育,加强对青少年的性道德教育。同时,在进行青春期青少年性教育过程中,加强学校教育和家庭教育的联动。  相似文献   

青少年在中学阶段,性生理、心理的急剧变化,是发育、成熟的一个重要方面,也是他们最有可能面临困惑的领域.这使得学校的性教育,在青少年的成长过程中,具有着特殊意义和无可替代的作用.但青少年性教育,并不仅仅是知识的掌握,还应该包括健康性心理的塑造、正确性观念的确立、与异性和谐相处能力的培养以及安全行为模式的获得.  相似文献   

在一份未公开的报告上.关于向年满5岁的小学生开设性教育课程的提议.被政府在性行为方面的专家否决了。如果这一提议被接受的话。将引起英格兰和威尔士教育界的巨大震动。提议认为.目前.性教育课程体系的设置是不利于青少年健康成长的,甚至要为目前居高不下的青少年怀孕事件负责。支持者认为应该在英格兰和威尔士所有的学校开设性教育课程,如个人、  相似文献   

一、调查目的: 近年来上海对青少年青春期性教育工作越来越重视,并已取得了一些可喜的成绩。青春期性教育工作应体现在家庭、学校、社会三个方面。鉴于家长与学生的特殊关系,家庭应是青春期性教育的重要阵地。为了了解家庭青春期性教育的情况,为给进一步研究青春期性教育提供资料,推动家庭性教育的开展,我们作了本次调查。同时,这次调查也填补了家庭青春期性教育状况的空白。  相似文献   

青春期性教育本应该青少年应该接受的教育,但是,在我国,由于传统思想的影响,家长、教师、学生都对此感到害羞,导致我国的青春期性教育的现状不容乐观.树立开明的青春期性观念、进行正确的价值引导、学校、家庭和社会三者形成合力,构建完善的青春期性教育环境、完善立法,严惩不法性侵分子等是完善我国青春期性教育的有效策略.  相似文献   

城市父母对孩子性教育实践的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对北京、上海和西安三个城市的841位有青春期孩子的父母做问卷调查,探讨他们对青少年孩子进行性教育的实践。调查发现,85%的父母自称,他们从来没有对孩子进行过性教育;在家庭里,母亲比父亲在对孩子的性教育方面承担了更多的责任;性知识水平和对性及性教育的态度与性教育实践相关;那些具备更多的性知识和对性及性教育持更积极态度的父母对孩子的性教育做得更好。  相似文献   

青少年成才、性认知与性教育模式问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借助对青少年成才的讨论,本文从性的视角重新解读了青少年群体的特质及其社会化过程的特征,文章认为青少年是社会群体中独特的一类,处于被型塑的人生过渡阶段.青少年成才其实是对其社会化成功的一种期待,性对青少年及其社会化意义重大.因为青少年对性的认知能力,体现了其对一系列理性观念及更广泛社会规范的认知能力。就青少年社会化过程的性认知而言,既要能认识到性兼具个体性和社会性。同时要认识到性的不同层次内涵。青少年的性的理性认知,依赖既定的社会性教育模式,然而我国的性教育模式尚未成形,但就其建立和发展而言,应借鉴多种他国成功有效的性教育模式。  相似文献   

近年来,随着外出务工人员的日益增多,农村留守女童数量也急剧上升。由于缺乏必要的监护及性安全教育,不少留守女童成为性侵害的对象。农村留守女童性安全与性教育问题成为舆情分析的焦点。从留守女童性侵案件呈现出的三大特征,即性侵主体多元化、性侵手段多样化、性侵意识淡漠化,可以看出农村留守女童性安全问题情势不容乐观。究其原因,突出地表现在三个方面:亲子教育的缺失影响到性知识的传授、监护人缺乏性安全防范与教育的意识以及学校性安全教育的重视力度较为薄弱。因此,要整合学校、家庭和社会力量,对农村留守女童系统而科学地实施性安全教育,以期能够促进她们身心健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

青少年性教育的新视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种教育活动的性教育应当是全面和长期的,但是当前在性教育观念方面却存在着与此相悖的认识,主要表现为将性教育理解为性知识教育、学校性教育、青春期性教育,本文认为这种狭隘的性教育观念不利于我国性教育工作广泛、深入地开展,因而在详尽分析了性教育属性的基础上提出了性教育观念必须超越性知识教育、超越学校和超越青春期的理念.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to ascertain beliefs and knowledge of pediatricians and parents regarding the hymen and to evaluate parental and pediatrician attitudes regarding sex education by pediatricians. Surveys were distributed anonymously to parents and pediatricians. Survey questions included knowledge of the female hymen and questions regarding attitudes toward sexual health education. There was a statistically significant difference in mean knowledge scores between pediatricians and parents regarding the hymen (3.7 versus 1.3; p < 0.0001). Almost two-thirds of pediatricians (63%) felt comfortable providing sexual health education directly to their patients, but only 41% felt comfortable educating parents. Pediatricians and parents demonstrate knowledge gaps about the hymen.  相似文献   

As part of a larger survey study on young adult sexuality conducted over a 17-year period at a Midwest U.S. university, more than 6,000 college students completed questions on the sources of their sex education and the degree to which they have communicated about sex with various types of individuals. Participants reported receiving more sex education from peers and media than from parents (and mothers more than fathers). Respondents also reported communicating more about sex with peers than with parents or any other categories of individuals. Differences were found in the degree of sex education from various sources and in communication with various targets based on gender, ethnic background, and social class. Furthermore, changes were found over the 17-year period. More recent cohorts of students perceived that they received more sex education from media, peers, and professionals, and communicated more about sex with professionals, relative to earlier cohorts.  相似文献   

The gay and lesbian community suffers higher rates of discrimination, mental health problems, and relationship break‐up than their heterosexual counterparts. In this paper we analyse the challenges confronting same‐sex couples, and the implications for couple education and therapy with same‐sex couples. We describe some similarities in the challenges confronting heterosexual and same‐sex couples (e.g., negotiation of shared realistic relationship expectations, effective communication). These similarities suggest existing evidence‐based approaches to couple therapy and relationship education are likely to assist same sex couple relationships. We also describe distinctive challenges for same‐sex couples (e.g., homophobic discrimination, internalised homophobia, and low support from many families for same sex relationships). These distinctive challenges suggest some adaptation of existing approaches to couple education and therapy could enhance their relevance and effectiveness to same sex couples.  相似文献   

青少年性知识的缺乏及观念上的偏差,反映了当前青少年性教育的相对滞后和薄弱。作为有着巨大传播威力的大众传媒应该负起一定的责任,杜绝不健康的内容,帮助正确的性观念形成,为青少年构造一个文明向上的信息文化环境。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a qualitative study of the evaluation of sex education programmes for young people with severe learning difficulties. In an area so fraught with dilemmas and controversies, any such research will be problematic and tentative. The approach to evaluation described here is one which attempts to realise the right of people with learning difficulties to make informed choices. The course aims both to provide students with information which has traditionally been denied to them and to promote greater self-confidence. The evaluation methodology which has been developed embodies principles which seek to empower young people with learning difficulties. The questions which arise reach not only into the lives, feelings and values of individuals, but also confront the oppression of people with learning difficulties in our society.  相似文献   

Public discussion of child abuse, sexual abuse and the sexuality of mentally handicapped
  • 1 ‘Mental handicap’ is the English term commonly used in Pakistan and widely understood across Asia. It would be incongruous to use one of the more recent terms with which ‘mental handicap’ is being replaced in Britain, but which are seldom used in South Asia. Other obsolete terms in this paper, e.g. ‘pederast’, ‘idiot’, are used in historical contexts.
  • people is unwelcome in Pakistan, as in some other Asian and Muslim nations. Formal sex education is not given in schools. Sparse documentation exists in historical sources and the literature of anthropology, law, paediatrics, psychology and psychiatry. Some of this is reviewed, bearing in mind that cultural constructions of abuse vary significantly between Pakistan and western countries. Positive resources exist in the ordinary family life of Pakistan. Some families with mentally handicapped children appreciate teachers' efforts to explain bodily changes, personal hygiene and appropriate social behaviour, under the title ‘modesty education’. The accumulation of reliable and culturally sensitive information from a broad range of sources, and its wider dissemination, are important factors in supporting progress. Issues of knowledge and focus are discussed.  相似文献   

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