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周乾松 《城市观察》2012,(2):70-77,153
加强杭州文化遗产保护利用,建设"东方名城文化强市",对于树立杭州文化形象品牌,增强城市文化软实力、综合竞争力,提升杭州核心价值观,增强市民凝聚力创造力,促进杭州科学发展,都具有重要的现实价值和历史意义。  相似文献   

From ‘Resource Curse’ to ‘Climate Conflict’, more and more analyses of the current crisis in the Middle East start their reasoning from geo-physical or natural conditions as determinants of social life. Paradoxically, despite its resource riches giving rise to conflict, the region's ecology is portrayed as fragile, alien and hostile. This imperial oriental imagination, assumes that a scarce nature is mismanaged by societies and states overall incapable of negotiating modernity. This precarious, crisis driven environment is now pushed to the edge by the effects of climate change with looming desertification and weather extremes and a scramble for shrinking oil reserves threatening to make the region all but inhabitable. This article suggests that this environmental oriental determinism in Middle East can be overcome by entering political ecology into the register of historical sociological analysis. Re-socialising and historicising nature-society relations avoids reifying the Cartesian nature/society divide, offering historical sociology a better toolkit to navigate the current crisis. Vice-versa, it argues that political ecology can benefit from recognising the role of geopolitical relations in the social reproduction nature.  相似文献   

2014年5月习近平在河南考察时首次提及"新常态"。经济新常态意味着中国经济进入了一个新的发展阶段,经济发展的条件和环境已经或即将发生诸多重大转变。在这一背景下,中小企业民间融资呈现怎样的现状,对此应采取何种措施值得我们深思。本文主要剖析了经济新常态下企业融资的环境,探讨了民间融资难的突出问题,从而提出自己的建议,为后期的研究与实践提供参考意义。  相似文献   

推进上海战略性新兴产业发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱瑞博 《科学发展》2010,(12):99-111
战略性新兴产业关系到国家的经济命脉和产业安全,具有广阔的发展空间、市场前景、扩散效应以及引导科技进步的能力。上海战略新兴产业发展需要理清新兴产业培育与传统产业发展、加工制造与高端服务、立足本土创新与集成全球创新资源、普惠性政策与定向性政策、重点扶持大企业与培育科技中小企业、系统推进与重点突破等之间的辩证关系。通过研究借鉴国内外培育战略性新兴产业发展的主要经验与做法,提出上海发展战略性新兴产业的战略目标、发展方式、发展愿景、发展重点和方向。  相似文献   

Since World War II, Australia has experienced large-scale immigration, both refugee and other, averaging nearly 1% of the total population a year and totalling from 1947-1985 nearly 4.3 million persons. Despite a remigration loss of 23%, the net gain has totalled some 3.3 million. Refugees have been appreciable, totalling well over 500,000 and with a relatively low rate of remigration (about 7%), have comprised nearly 15% of total net migration. These refugees, however, have not come in a steady stream. From 1947-1951 and with the Indochinese refugees of 1976-1985, they contain a large number of unskilled workers who may have difficulty finding jobs, especially in their early months when they are still learning survival English. The refugees have not been homogenous in terms of culture, language, religion, or race. The 200,000 Eastern European refugees of 1947-1952 were mainly Slavic and Christian in origin; the Armenian, Assyrian, and Lebanese of the 1960s and 1970s were more oriental in language and religion; the Indochinese of recent years, although mainly Buddhist, are mixed in terms of language and ethnic origin. Refugee intake is now an important element in total immigration while special measures are taken to help refugees successfully resettle. After comparatively short time these refugees start to resemble other immigrants, and tend to become naturalized in relatively large numbers.  相似文献   

Utilisant d'abord l'analyse componentielle - qui présente un grand intérêt pour l'ethnologie des systèmes cognitifs, comme Font démontre les recherches récentes - l'auteur établit que l'ensemble des termes de parenté d'une population nahuat du Mexique oriental peut être percu comme le reasultat de certaines opérations theaoriques simples - oppositions, permutations - à partir d'un nombre limité d'éléments. Elle complète ensuite cette perspective par une approche plus «classique», qui s'inspire du structuro-fonctionnalisme et qui lui permet d'expliquer certaines particularités du système qu'elle a décrit: entre autres l'emploi de certains termes espagnols et le fait que d'autres termes indigenes soient en train de tomber en désuétude. Elle montre que ces phénomènes sont consécutifs aux transformations socio-économiques des dernières générations qui ont profoundément modifyé tant les dimensions que la composition du groupe domestique indigène.  相似文献   

Over the past decade the world economy has been characterized by escalating global current account imbalances between the United States and East Asian states. This paper argues that US structural power in the global monetary system allowed the consolidation of a finance-led growth regime in the US based on massive capital inflows, asset inflation and consumption growth while inducing East Asian emerging market economies to establish export-led growth regimes. The global credit crisis has clearly uncovered the boundaries of US monetary hegemony, imposing severe adjustment throughout the global political economy. I analyse the political economy of global economic adjustment and argue that the crisis of US monetary hegemony is based domestically on the crisis of the finance-led growth regime and globally on the shortage of global demand. On the basis of an analysis of the impact of the crisis on the models of capitalism of the US, the Eurozone, and China, this paper shows that global demand deficiency will persist in the short to medium term.

Durante la última década, la economía mundial se ha caracterizado por el aumento de los desequilibrios de cuentas corrientes globales entre los Estados Unidos y los estados del Asia oriental. Este artículo sostiene que el poder estructural estadounidense en el sistema monetario global permitió la consolidación de un régimen de crecimiento impulsado por las finanzas en Estados Unidos, en base a las entradas masivas de capital, inflación de los activos y crecimiento de consumo, mientras inducían a las economías de mercado emergente de Asia oriental, a establecer regímenes de crecimiento impulsado por las exportaciones. La crisis de crédito global ha puesto claramente al descubierto los límites de la hegemonía monetaria estadounidense, imponiendo un ajuste severo a través de la economía política global. Analizo la economía política del ajuste económico global y sostengo que la crisis de la hegemonía monetaria estadounidense está basada – domésticamente – en la crisis del crecimiento del régimen impulsado por las finanzas y – globalmente – en la escasez de la demanda global. En base a un análisis del impacto de la crisis en los modelos del capitalismo de los Estados Unidos, la Eurozona y la China, este artículo muestra que la insuficiencia en la demanda global persistirá en el corto y mediano plazo.


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В прошлое десятилетие мировая экономика была охарактеризована эскалацией глобального дисбаланса текущего счета между государствами Восточной Азии и Соединенными Штатами. В данной статье утверждается, что американские власти, в структуре мировой валютной системы, позволили консолидацию финансово-экономического режима роста в США на основе массивного притока капитала, инфляции активов и роста потребления, вызывая в Восточной Азии, с формирующейся рыночной экономикой, создание экспортно-ориентированного режима роста. Глобальный кредитный кризис ясно показал границы американской валютной гегемонии, вводящей жесткое регулирование во всей глобальной политической экономике. Мы анализируем политическую экономию глобального экономического регулирования и утверждаю, что кризис американской валютной гегемонии базируется внутри страны, на кризисе, ведомом финансированием режима роста и, в глобальном масштабе, на дефиците глобального спроса. На основе анализа влияния кризиса на модели капитализма в США, Еврозоне и Китае, эта работа показывает, что глобальный дефицит спроса будет сохраняться в краткосрочной и среднесрочной перспективе.  相似文献   

Floyd Bennett Field (FBF), 579 ha in extent, is a division of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is the site of a former airfield, constructed by filling salt marshes with dredged materials. Except for the portion known locally as the North Forty, all sections of FBF have been cut over to maintain low vegetation. A grassland management plan (GRAMP) for 165 ha was initiated in 1986, to maintain habitats for open-country birds. Over the next few years, encroaching woody vegetation was removed manually and mechanically from the management area. Since then, it has been maintained as a grassland and receives annual mowing, as well as continued manual removal of the larger woody sprouts.A portion of the GRAMP management area (III) was selected for intensive study of vegetation composition. A grid system was created and vegetation cover was estimated in 127, 1 m × 1 m quadrats. The quadrats were subjected to cluster analysis (CA). Eleven clusters were recognized. These clusters were treated as plant associations. The following types were distinguished: (native) little bluestem–dewberry grassland, six-weeks fescue annual grassland, a grass marsh, a rush marsh, a switchgrass dry grassland, and a deer-tongue panicgrass grassland; (exotic) mugwort herbland, oriental bittersweet-Japanese honeysuckle vineland, Kentucky bluegrass-mixed grassland, Japanese knotweed tall herbland, and spotted knapweed-common St. Johnswort herbland. The little bluestem–dewberry association accounted for nearly half of all quadrats; six subclusters were recognized. The plant associations determined by CA were compared with plant lists compiled during traverses of all of the map categories in the six GRAMP Areas (I, II, III, IV, V, VI). A table was created to relate the quantitative data of the plant associations to the appropriate map categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) was performed on the quadrat data. Finally, the plant associations were compared with those described in the literature of local vegetation studies. The mowing program has been effective in decreasing woody plant cover and has permitted the invasion of a few taxa into monospecific communities, but attendant disturbance of the substrate is likely to cause an increase in exotic plant taxa. As earlier studies noted, mowing has caused the increase in cover of sod-forming grass, and bare ground has virtually disappeared in the managed area. This has negative implications for the maintenance of those grassland bird species that require open ground for nesting.  相似文献   

This article explores the presence of US institutions of higher education in Eastern Europe as one facet of the neoliberal global environment. It draws on policy documents, institutional statistics, materials produced by interest groups and NGOs, official mission statements, press releases and media coverage, and personal narratives. The American University in Bulgaria is examined as a case of this wider phenomenon. Exclusively structuralist, critical analyses of such institutions can easily lead to conclusions of homogenization and dominance through the hegemony of ‘exporter’ education institutions and programs. Post-structural analysis—attuned to multiplicities of meanings, nuances of context, and complex interplays of power and knowledge claims—allow for more attention to the local dynamics, while human interpretation and agency may point the way to more hopeful roles for US institutions of higher education abroad. In turn, these roles may challenge the one-way deterministic flow of influence suggested by structuralist analyses.

Este artículo indaga la presencia de las instituciones de E.E.U.U. de educación superior en Europa oriental, como una faceta del medioambiente neoliberal global. Se sirve de documentos de política, estadística institucional, materiales producidos bajo grupos de interés y ONGs, declaraciones de emisiones oficiales sobre los objetivos, comunicados de prensa y cobertura de los medios y testimonios personales. Se ha examinado a la Universidad Americana en Bulgaria como un caso de este amplio fenómeno. Los análisis críticos de tales instituciones exclusivamente estructuralistas, pueden conducir fácilmente a unas conclusiones de homogenización y dominio a través de la hegemonía de instituciones de educación y programas ‘exportados’. Un análisis estructural a posteriori—adaptado a una multiplicidad de significados y matices de contexto, y las interacciones complejas de afirmaciones de poder y conocimiento—permite mayor atención a la dinámica local, mientras que la interpretación y la actividad humana pueden señalar el camino para que las instituciones de educación superior de los E.E.U.U., logren papeles más esperanzadores en el extranjero. A su vez, estos papeles pueden desafiar la corriente determinista de influencia de una sola vía, como lo sugiere el análisis estructural.

本文探讨了美国高等教育机构作为全球新自由主义环境的一个侧面在东欧的存在。本文根据政策文件、机构统计数据、利益团体和非政府组织提供的资料、正式使命声明、新闻稿和媒体报道,以及个人记述写成,以位于保加利亚的美利坚大学作为这一更广泛现象的个案进行了考察。作为一种完全的结构主义,对这些机构的批判性分析很容易得出通过“出口”教育机构和各种项目的霸权实现同质化、获取支配力的结论。后结构主义分析——切合多重意义,语境的微妙变化,以及权力与知识的宣称之间复杂的相互作用——使人们更多地关注当地的动力学,而人的解释及动因可能为海外美国高等教育机构发挥更加充满希望的作用指明方向。反过来,这些角色可能挑战结构主义分析所提出的影响流的单向决定性。  相似文献   

The author tries to demonstrate how the political phenomenon known to Mexican historians as caciquismo (absolute control over local political power by a holder of economic power) is not a part of the pre-revolutionary past in rural Mexico. By using data collected in Eastern Mexico she shows that caciquismo, under a modified form, is still the focus of political life. She stresses the links between this phenomenon and the much studied “factionalism”: far from being exclusive of each other as might seem at first sight, both are concurrent devices which aim at strengthening the control of the upper class - here, landowners and merchants -over the proletarians. Except in periods of transition (the power passing over from one cacique to another) the factions, in which the middle classes (here: teachers, shop-keepers) play an active part, remain subordinate to the cacique, merely fighting for his support. They therefore serve, in this context, both as an “adaptative mechanism” of the cacique to rapidly changing conditions and as a way of manipulating the middle classes whose alliance with the proletarians could constitute a threat to what is in fact an archaic form of capitalist domination. L'auteur cherche à démontrer comment le phénomène politique reconnu par les historiens mexicains sous le nom de caciquismo (contrôle absolu sur le pouvoir politique local par le titulaire du pouvoir économique) n'est pas une partie du passé pré-révolutionnaire dans le Mexique rural. En utilisant des données recueillies au Mexique oriental elle démontre que le caciquismo, sous une forme modifiée, demeure le foyer de la vie politique. Elle souligne les liens qui existent entre ce phénomène et le « factionalisme »étudiéà fond: loin d'etre exclusif l'un l'autre, comme il semblerait être au premier abord, tous deux sont des moyens concourants qui visent à renforcir le contrôle des gens du monde —i.e., propriétaires et commerçants - sur le proletariat. A l'exception des périodes de transition (le pouvoir passant d'un caciqueà l'autre), les factions, là où la bourgeoisie -i.e., instituteurs et commis - joue un role actif, demeurent subordonnées au cacique, qui ne fait que soutenir une lutte pour son appui. Dans ce contexte, ils servent done, à la fois de « méchanisme adaptif » du caciqueà des conditions très variables, et d'une façon de manipuler la bourgeoisie dont I'alliance avec le proletariat pourrait constituer une menace à ce qui est, en effet, une forme archaïque de la suprématie capitaliste.  相似文献   

In this article we deal with multi-criteria simple games which constitute an extension of the basic framework of voting systems and related social-choice situations. We generalize two closely related solution concepts for these games, the stable sets and the core. A relationship between stable sets and minimal winning coalitions is established. Two generalizations of the core for multi-criteria simple games are characterized in terms of veto players. In addition, extended multi-criteria simple games obtained from different aggregation operations, such as union, intersection, marginalization, and composition, are introduced. It is shown that a voting system can be established when these operations are applied to complex voting systems.  相似文献   

The paper deals with research areas and actions thanks to which the theoretical and methodological content of the "Ergonomics in Design" project can give a concrete contribution to the "Design for All" project, in particular with regards to the assessment and design of environments, the design of everyday products.  相似文献   

Social workers have grappled for many years now with the tension between theory and practice. The struggle may be to bridge a perceived gap between the academic knowledge base of social work and the complex realities of practice. Equally, it may be to move from common‐sense interpretations of human need and professional responses, towards a more informed and accountable approach to practice. In recognition of the challenges faced by social work academics, practitioners and students, in relation to applying theory to practice, two of the authors of this paper developed a model, which aimed to facilitate productive discussions between practice teachers and students about the nature of theory and its link to practice. In addition, the model was designed to promote partnership approaches where service users participate fully in identifying their own issues and in shaping the services they receive. This paper describes the model—The Theory Circle—and reflects upon its effectiveness, based on the views of 19 practice teachers from central Scotland. The findings suggest that the pictorial model is one that practice teachers and students find accessible and valuable; it helps them to build a theoretical understanding of service users' situations and to work alongside service users to agree the most appropriate methods of intervention.  相似文献   

The shortage and inadequate distribution of psychiatric care providers decreases access to mental health care for children and adolescents. One solution to the shortage is telepsychiatry. Studies of telepsychiatry show that it is effective and well received by both clinicians and patients. Despite its obvious benefits, challenges to the use of telepsychiatry remain.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author stressed the needs for a central arrangement for acquisition, exchange and dissemination of scientific information in the field of health and family welfare so as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of planning, administration and evaluation of health and family planning programmes and also to carry out research when needed. The proposed arrangement in the form of a documentation centre must collect information on health care systems as their main functions so that the information and documentational needs for the education and training of health personnel are rationally developed in the context of present and future health needs and demands.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the way that Bergson relates the notions of freedom and sociability. It retraces a path leading from his first major work to his last, from a proto-phenomenology of freedom to a kind of biology of social life. The continuity of this passage is explained, at least in part, by Bergson's continual rethinking of his chief philosophical invention: the concept of qualitative multiplicity. This paper also seeks to indicate the importance of Bergson's understanding of both freedom and sociability for the poststructuralist political philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of the student laptop initiative at the University of Strathclyde, examines the process by which this project became an embedded service and assesses the impact that this technology-rich, pedagogically flexible initiative has had on institutional structures, roles and processes. The authors use the MIT90s Model for Institutional Change to explore the way in which technology influences organisational development. A wealth of quantitative and qualitative evidence has been gathered over the last 7 years to support the examination of whether the benefits of the initiative justify the cost to the student and to the institution.  相似文献   

As a means of making recommendations on public relations curricula, a task team of 24 educators reviewed research on public relations education including preliminary results from a study conducted for the 1998 NCA summer conference. After brain storming sessions, the task team developed three models of course-specific curricula and a content curriculum model for undergraduate public relations education. The task team also proposed core and elective areas for a master's of public relations curriculum. Team members agreed that public relations curricula should have a broad liberal arts and science basis. They recommended advancing public relations education with more attention to studies of ethics, multiculturalism, international issues and to the use of technology.  相似文献   

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