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In the beginning of the 21st century, when the notion of constant transformation is so frequently invoked, organizational change in the public sector is gaining increased attention. Responding to regulatory, economic, competitive and technological shifts, the challenge of reorganization is universal for all public organizations. This paper aims to explore the shift from Traditional to New Public Management (NPM), as well as the driving forces (such as the information economy, the need for better public performance, the opening of global markets, greater knowledge intensity etc.) that lead to the formulation of transformational programs to Greece. A presentation of a transformational program called Politeia, will be provided, analysed and compared to previous efforts. Finally, we address the important role of leadership and management in Greek public organizations that want successful to implement any change effort successfully.  相似文献   

New public management (NPM) is now a universal phenomenon dominating the reform agenda of all countries. Bangladesh is no exception. Following the dismal performance of the state-led development the old paradigm of public sector has come under scrutiny. There is now a call for a minimal government. The scale of operations and the role of the government have to be drastically reduced to focus on core functions. In doing so, this will pave the way for the private sector and the civil society organizations to undertake developmental responsibilities in their areas of expertise. This article is an attempt to analyze the significant role played by Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in rural development service provisions. It argues that the government has to share the developmental responsibilities with NGOs, which have proved their potential in reaching the target population and that an effective partnership is a sine qua non for the meaningful rural development in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, we witnessed the rise of a new form of management over cultural affairs in the Americas and Oceania as their respective indigenous populations strove for greater participation in governance. This article illustrates the characteristics of this new current in the public sector by examining recent innovations in heritage administration and governance in New Zealand. In particular, this paper deals with organizational, managerial, and professional practices in New Zealand??s cultural sector by focusing on the Museum of New Zealand and the partnership between the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the indigenous M??ori community.  相似文献   

This brief introduction sets the scene for the symposium. It identifies three factors which prompted its preparation, and then outlines the six contributions to it.  相似文献   

This paper explores the introduction of New Public Management (NPM) techniques within the UK police service since the late 1990s, and in particular, the impact upon the role of the first line manager: the police sergeant. It draws upon qualitative data collected within 'City Police Service' by means of in-depth interviews with role sets of police sergeants, constables, inspectors and members of the senior management team in two police divisions. After evaluating a number of NPM precepts in the light of the findings, the paper makes a number of conclusions relating to the role of police sergeants. These echo the findings of other research on changes in managerial roles, including a shift towards more strategic responsibilities, but with a significant intensification of work, tighter control and scrutiny through organizational performance management systems, and less daily contact with their police constables. As elsewhere in the public sector, a shift towards becoming a 'practitioner manager' was apparent, but with respect to police sergeants the effect was to limit their ability to provide leadership and support for their constables, and to encourage a greater reliance upon peer group networks and on the constables they supervised.  相似文献   

Diversity management was initially adopted in the pursuit of fairness and equality and the promotion of an inclusive workforce by public organizations. However, previous studies regarding diversity management have focused on job performance or job satisfaction. Thus, in this article, we attempt to examine whether diversity management advances organizational fairness in public organizations. By examining data from the 2013 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), we find that diversity management is positively related to the perception of organizational fairness in the federal workplace. In addition, we also find that female and minority employees perceive diversity management in terms of fairness differently.  相似文献   

This paper addresses governance reforms of the last three and a half decades and looks into the future. This is done in three parts. The first part presents a birds-eye view of the massive literature on governance and governance reforms with a focus on the good, the bad, and ugly sides, then in part two argues for an alternative concept or theory of “sound governance” with characteristics and dimensions that overcome the deficiencies of other models of governance. As a consequence of reforms, the third part examines the past and explores the future of public organizations via “going home” as a conclusion with possible scenarios, challenges, and opportunities.  相似文献   

The article analyzes debates between institutional investors and corporate management as a way of investigating accountability issues in organizations with dispersed principals. By exploring issues at stake in entrepreneurial management in any organization with multiple owner/principals, the narrative adds to the critique of public-sector entrepreneurial management from an unusual vantage point.  相似文献   

This article addresses some basic facts and ideas about organizations as a way of concluding the symposium. It identifies different types of organizations in terms of their legal-structural characteristics, and considers aspects of their legal power, ownership, financing, staffing, and outsourcing. It ends with some suggestions for further related research on organizations.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of 118 Estonian public officials show that auditees can perceive performance audit to be useful even if it does not lead to specific changes in policies or organizational practices. No trade-off between the accountability and improvement functions of performance audit could be observed, though a surprisingly low percentage of the respondents considered performance audit to have been used to hold the audited organization accountable for their actions. While the factors internal to the audit process – including the perceived expertise of the auditors, their openness to dialogue with the auditees and the quality of audit report – influenced the perceived usefulness of the audit, they had less bearing on the adoption of changes by the audited organizations. The study indicates that when parliamentarians pay attention to performance audit and when media attention leads to political debate, the adoption of changes recommended by the performance audit report is more likely.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at explaining the role of public accountability in promoting public trust in public organizations. Initially a conceptual model was developed. Then, the model was tested empirically in Iran. The result shows that public accountability influences the public trust by improving citizens’ satisfaction. In other words, legal, ethical, financial, functional, and utmost political accountability affect public trust through influencing citizens’ satisfaction. This study also confirms that changes in social trust, citizens’ trust in government, and media will moderate trust in public organizations.
Ali Asghar Anvary Rostamy (Corresponding author)Email:

Under current conditions of accelerated socioenvironmental change in the Mediterranean forested landscapes, fire is one of the most critical and difficult risks to tackle within the region. This article summarizes the lessons learned from a project based on the participatory integration of qualitative local stakeholders' knowledge with expert GIS fire simulations carried out in the County of El Bages, Catalonia, Spain. First, in this article, a theoretical model--the forest fire circle--is presented in order to explain the reasons for the rise in the damage and frequency of forest fires in this Mediterranean area. Second, it describes the methodology developed and the stages followed during the project. Results show that: (1) the advocacy of old forest reactive management paradigm assumptions and practices based on uncontrolled forest succession can put vast wooded areas of the Mediterranean basin at critical risk; and (2) forest fire management approaches that ignore the crucial role of long-term prevention and local capacity building strategies have failed. In the final section, the content and the specific dimensions of the old reactive paradigm that has characterized forest fire risk management in Catalonia are discussed and contrasted with the possibly emerging preventative paradigm.  相似文献   

我国上市公司治理结构与战略绩效的相关性研究   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
本文研究了我国上市公司治理结构安排的现状与代表公司战略绩效的公司价值指标的关系。在105家上市公司的相关资料基础上,具体考察了公司治理结构的股权结构、高层管理人员持股、两职兼任与分任、董监事会规模等几个方面对于公司相对价值和公司价值成长能力的影响。结果表明,我国上市公司的治理结构与公司战略绩效间存在一定的相关关系,但总体相关度低。这对于从提高公司战略绩效角度认识和改善我国上市公司的治理结构可以提供一些有益的启发。  相似文献   

This study takes a comparative approach in studying public management in the Middle East. It argues that the Middle East region, despite its rich culture and long history of administration, has demonstrated a great difficulty in maintaining viable, efficient, and effective public institutions. It contends that administrative culture in most Middle Eastern bureaucracies is incompatible with the culture of the masses and does not match the peoples’ expectations. Due to this inherent incompatibility, most Middle Easterners perceive their public institutions as corrupt and oppressive entities that only serve their political masters and try to preserve themselves. The article explores the core Islamic values that have to be part of the administrative culture in the Middle East in order to bring about an overhaul of public institutions in the area.  相似文献   

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