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陈梦 《社科纵横》2012,(1):104-106
改革开放以来,越来越多的海外华文作家特别是"新移民"作家回归祖国,创作发表了大量有影响力的文学作品,为繁荣中国当代文坛开拓了更为宽广的疆土。在这股"海归文学"的潮流中,尤以女性令人瞩目。海归女作家的脱颖而出是因为她们比男性海归在生活保障上更具有优势,读者的审美情趣和图书市场的需求也为她们的创作提供了有利条件,女性特有的细腻情思让她们的婚恋家庭作品更具有魅力。  相似文献   

闫晓茹 《社科纵横》2009,24(2):171-173
简·奥斯汀是18世纪末英国创作女性主题小说的女作家之一。其代表作《傲慢与偏见》描写了五桩婚姻,凸现了19世纪上半叶英国中产阶级的婚姻观和生活现状。本文通过作品中揭示的妇女低下的法律、婚姻和教育地位,透视19世纪英国女性的生活状况,剖析她们彷徨、苦闷与无奈的社会根源。  相似文献   

女性研究在美国学术界获得制度化 3 0年之后 ,在高等教育中已经有了稳固的地位。女性研究是在美国历史、美国高等教育历史和女性主义历史的特定时期发展起来的 ,要理清学术女性主义运动的起源 ,可以利用F .豪、B .M .所罗门等人所描绘的图表。根据她们的描述 ,女性研究可以被看作是美国妇女为争取获得平等的高等教育机会而斗争的第三阶段。内战之前就曾有妇女提出要求 ,其中有些被获准进入高等教育机构 ,但是她们学习的只是与其性别相应的特殊课程 ;1 9世纪后半期 ,又有一些妇女直接提出要求参与到为男性提供的课程中去 ;在 2 0世纪 60年…  相似文献   

波特作品中女性意识觉醒的过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张春玲 《学术交流》2004,(6):149-151
20世纪美国著名女作家凯瑟琳·安妮·波特以善于描写女性人物见长,她的作品展示了美国南方妇女所处的社会地位以及生存的艰难,歌颂了社会生活中女性坚韧、朴实、善良的美好品德。她通过自己的作品来展现女性意识,揭示出女性从迷失自我到寻找自我再到成功证明自我的过程。女性在妇女运动的发展中对旧的传统意识的反抗以及男女平等的社会意识形态的形成,是文明社会发展的一种标志。  相似文献   

1965年的移民法有可能使得美国华人男女比例长期以来严重失调的情况得到改变。1950年华裔男性和女性的比例是162∶100。二十年以后,这个比例减小到107∶100。这种男女比例上的调整加上美国社会日新月异的变化,大大影响了成千上万华裔妇女的命运。整个70年代,有创记录的华裔女青年进入美国各地的高等院校,有一半以上的华裔妇女外出工作,教育和就业需要她们在社会和心理上有一个新的形象。华裔妇女逐渐地摆脱了民族传统强加给她们的各种习惯,得到越来越大的个人满足。她们确确实实已全然不同于三、四十年前简德·王和麦克辛·金斯顿笔下的女性形象。  相似文献   

在波特兰州立大学WS3 3 0班开设的课程“美国的有色人种妇女”是女性学系提供的正规课程。我为这个班级学生设计的学习目标是 :希望她们对有色人种妇女的历史、著述和经历有更多的了解 ;希望班级中有色人种的女性学生能更清楚地意识到围绕在她们周围的障碍 ,以便她们与其他学生联合起来 ,获得针对性的知识 ,以应对并反抗所有形式的压迫 ;希望班级中所有的学生获得与其他有色人种联盟团结起来的战略与技巧 ,以便有意识地和积极地挑战并反对她们在生活中和社会上所遭到的种族歧视和其他形式的压迫。但是 ,每当我讲授有关有色妇女群体的特殊经…  相似文献   

这是一篇专题论丛式的文章 ,四位知名的美国女性主义批评家应刊物之约 ,就性别研究目前的趋势发表了她们的看法。卡米拉·帕利亚指出 ,目前妇女运动在世界上不同地区处于不同的发展阶段 ,因此存在许多误解 ,甚至在英国和美国女性主义者之间也是如此 ,尽管她们曾在争取选举权的历史运动中互相影响和支持。在我看来 ,妇女运动在未来有两个重要的行动领域 :第一 ,应该保证第三世界妇女的基本公民权和受教育机会 ;第二 ,更好地设计教育和培训计划 ,使西方妇女通过这些教育为她们走上企业的和政治的领导岗位做好准备。而以目前美国所组织的女性研…  相似文献   

历史、美国梦、犹太性、情爱、死亡等社会文化主题在美国当代作家菲利普.罗斯的创作中反复出现,构成了其作品的整体风貌。但是,这些文化主题在罗斯的前后期作品中有不同的措置。在前期作品中,罗斯将目光集中在自己最熟悉的犹太社区,揭示处在传统和现代矛盾中的美国犹太移民渴望脱离传统桎梏、融入主流社会,而又无法摆脱传统、实现美国梦的痛苦现状以及由之引发的关于性爱、死亡的思索。在后期作品中,虽然也安置了相似的文化要素,但随着罗斯创作思想的发展以及他本人及小说代言人的逐渐衰老,他将历史元素深入渗透到美国梦、死亡、情色、身份追寻等文化母题中,且在生命进入衰老阶段的人生体验中,让各文化主题之间交错搭配,在与历史的呼应中互相定义,在反思当代美国犹太人的生存困境时有了更为宽阔的社会舞台。罗斯虽然在同一文化语境中截取了同样的文化素材,并没有简单的自我重复,而是在传统文化主题的老弦上奏出了新曲。  相似文献   

岳红 《社科纵横》2006,21(12):195-196
奥斯丁是浪漫主义时期的代表作家,她进行文学创作的年代正是英国社会的转型时期———激进与传统相冲撞的18世纪末。那个时代,整个社会都是以男性为中心构建的,女性的价值是从男性的利益出发被评定的。面对妇女的地位、职能被严重贬低的状况,不可能所有女性就此沉默,文学界涌现出一批女性作家,她们借助自己的笔来揭示男女的不平等,反对男性文学乃至整个社会对女性的桎梏,就这样,她们开始了对妇女的自我探索及对自身价值的肯定。奥斯丁就是其中典型的作家之一。她的作品《傲慢与偏见》充分体现了女性自我意识的觉醒。  相似文献   

高红霞 《社科纵横》2002,17(6):63-63
美国早期的数位女喜剧作家 ,以其敏锐的女性视角塑造了一批争取自由平等、追求自主婚姻、积极参与社区生活、勇于承担各种责任的全新的美国妇女形象。这些形象是“合众国之母”的雏形 ,她们不仅为美国妇女的日常生活树立了典范 ,而且是美国文艺思想的源泉 ,她们身上体现出了女性主义思想在美国的早期萌芽。  相似文献   

本文从美国重返亚太入手,分析近年美国对亚太政策的调整、变化及其根源,在此基础上探讨美国重返亚太政策对地缘政治的影响。在当前的国际形势下,美国重返亚太反映了美国重视与亚洲各国的合作,而不仅仅是在亚太搞对抗。当然,加强与亚洲各国,尤其是与中国的合作才最符合美国的国家利益。美国在重返亚太的过程中,受到经济实力因金融危机而削弱的影响,露骨地使用军事硬实力、挑唆亚洲一些国家对华敌视情绪,不利于亚洲各国的发展,也对美国当前的经济恢复没有好处。  相似文献   

Current analyses of Mexico–U.S. migration theory generally are based on socioeconomic contexts and decision-making processes of male respondents. Further, limited data available on undocumented Mexican immigrant women mainly address the Mexico–U.S. border area, and adjacent U.S. urban centers. Our qualitative study focuses on undocumented Mexican immigrant women residing in central Washington State, where the regional economy is dominated by agribusiness development and dependent on immigrant and migrant farm labor. This paper assesses propositions of neoclassical economic and social capital theories of international migration in explaining the women’s migration decision-making processes. Project data indicate that while the Pacific Northwest has been a primary migration destination for sometime, it now may be increasingly a second-stage U.S. migration site, following initial migration to more traditional destinations such as California.  相似文献   

Objective. A race gap in employment that disadvantages young African‐American women has emerged for the first time in U.S. history. This article addresses the extent to which race differences in employment entry, exits, or both are responsible for the gap. Methods. The article relies on event‐history analysis using NLSY data. Results. Analyses show that differences in rates of exit, not entry, explain the race gap. Factors encouraging higher exit rates among African‐American than white women include lower AFQT scores and greater numbers of children. Conclusion. These findings raise questions about the utility of focusing on employment processes at the point of employment entry, at least for processes involving young women. The importance of exits in understanding race differences in women's employment calls attention to processes within firms that present barriers to African‐American women.  相似文献   

This article presents the development of a group program for women who use violence. A review of the North American literature and research into Quebec practices led the authors to adopt an intersectional feminist analysis of women’s violence and to choose the mutual aid group model. The program’s main objective is to help women find alternatives to the use of violence by working on three main themes: (1) violence, (2) socialization, and (3) life conditions. The program also aims to increase women’s empowerment through concrete experiences of group solidarity, such as by helping one another. Challenges that were encountered in its development and that are anticipated in its evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

美国核政策调整与国际核不扩散机制的前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卓华 《太平洋学报》2011,19(4):91-98
国际核不扩散机制是美国防止核扩散,限制对手核力量以实现自身利益的重要手段,是美国维系其主导的世界核秩序的重要干预变量;而核不扩散机制的内在运行逻辑,也使得美国核政策成为决定该机制发展方向的最主要变量。因此,奥巴马政府核政策的调整,势必对核不扩散机制的维持和发展产生深刻影响。中国是现行核不扩散机制的重要参与方,美国核政策的调整必将通过国际核不扩散机制这一干预变量给中国造成直接或间接影响。  相似文献   

Parental ethnotheories shape socialization beliefs around childrearing more broadly, and children's friendships more specifically. While prior work has examined aspects of parental socialization of friendships among school-aged children and adolescents, no studies have examined beliefs held around the function of friendships among ethnically diverse mothers of toddlers from low-socioeconomic contexts. Toddlerhood marks a point in development when the concept of “friendship” gains impact and relevance due to leaps in children's social, cognitive, and motor skills, as well as children's increasing access to contexts where they organically encounter peers. Toddlerhood is also a time when caregivers may initially consider the influence of peers on their children, beliefs that could eventually guide and shift how they navigate socialization practices around friendship. In the present study, we document U.S. Dominican American, African American, and Mexican American mothers’ socialization beliefs around functions of friendship for their 2-year-old children. We found that mothers emphasized a variety of friendship functions, including learning of social skills and morality, and communicating and experiencing emotions. A majority of mothers viewed their children's friendships as unidirectional, and framed their children as undiscerning in their engagement with social information from peers. Findings are discussed in relation to mothers’ orientation to children and “childhood” via cultural and developmental beliefs.  相似文献   

This study examines field of study patterns and their determinants among Chinese and Taiwanese students who come to the U.S. for the purpose of advancing their education. I argue that field of study choice is the result of both economic incentives as well as cultural and social values. Results suggest that funding from U.S. university sources channel Chinese and Taiwanese students into science- and technology-related fields. This study also suggests that choosing field is a gender-specific behavior that is affected by cultural and social values, as well as structural factors, such as educational policy. Despite the gender gap in choosing field of study, women from China are more likely to choose science- and technology-related fields than those from Taiwan. This may be the result of China’s central government’s claimed campaign for gender equality. Such an alleged campaign may have created perceived equality and confidence within women that encourage some women to enter male-dominated fields.  相似文献   

美国一些学者和政客认为,中国崛起和“中国模式”本质上对美国构成了严重威胁,削弱了美国在世界的主导地位,而美国的全球霸权和利益决定了其对华政策和太平洋战略。中国绝不希望中美交恶,也不希望世界体系发生动荡,把握中国和世界未来前途命运的关键是如何处理非均衡的大国关系,特别是与现存超级大国的关系。把现实主义、理想主义、自由主义、建构主义、马克思主义等理论与中国崛起的实践结合起来,创造性地解决中国崛起与世界秩序的关系,实现合作共赢,必将为中国与人类的和平发展和共同繁荣开辟广阔光明的前景。  相似文献   

This article discusses the socio-cultural dynamics that interact with ethno-racial identity experiencing in a previously under-researched group. A qualitative interdisciplinary study with 40 Native American academics from 28 mainstream universities across the U.S. served as a case example with findings that contrasted with historically influential theoretical frameworks postulating identity confusion and conflicts at the intersection of one’s mainstream education and profession versus one’s ethno-racial community grounding. Instead of feeling pressure to identify with only one worldview, the contextual, dynamic identities associated with the inclusive and flexible self-concept of tribal participants allowed them to in turn take advantage of two divergent cultural meaning systems pertaining to their distinct socio-cultural contexts. These shifts were experienced as not endogenous but rather exogenous variables, which did not cause the historically theorized issues. Participants felt their tribal identities instead facilitated meaningful integration of the existing incongruences, which resulted in unexpectedly resilient subjective experiencing.  相似文献   

随着冷战结束和文化多元主义的发展,族裔游说在美国政治中的影响力日益上升。印裔美国人的积极游说在美印核协议的达成过程中发挥了相当重要的作用,保证了美国国会在《海德法案》和美印核协议的审议过程中的高票支持,从而大大提升了印度在美国的战略地位。今后。印裔美国人的游说影响可能继续上升。  相似文献   

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