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Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) can occur during a tumultuous divorce between embattled parents involved in a bitter child custody dispute. During parental warfare, a child is used as a weapon by one parent (alienating parent) against the other parent (alienated/targeted parent). The targeted parent-child relationship once encased with unconditional love is transformed by an unrelenting campaign of denigration, criticism, and hatred. Since nursing literature on PAS is almost nonexistent, the purpose of this article is to increase nursing awareness and provide basic information. Awareness of PAS symptoms and interpersonal dynamics is important to prompt nurses in recommending treatment for families. Nurses should collaboratively join other professionals in their quest to provide the best treatment possible.  相似文献   

在伊斯兰历史上,释奴问题是值得考察的一个重要问题,也是阿拉伯-伊斯兰历史必不可少的组成部分.从种族上说,释奴既有白种人,也有黑种人和黄种人.从宗教上说,释奴改宗前既有犹太教徒,基督教徒,也有祆教徒和佛教徒等,宗教背景相当复杂.释奴和阿拉伯人的斗争结果是,释奴最终执掌了政权,改变了命运,但同时也接受了伊斯兰教和阿拉伯语.释奴对阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化的贡献是全方位的,涵盖了文学、历史、宗教、语言、艺术、自然科学等领域.他们既是阿拉伯社会中物质财富的创造者,又是精神财富的创造者.他们是阿拉伯-伊斯兰文明的重要载体.  相似文献   

刘霖 《城市》2011,(5):43-45
随着城市这一有机体的不断发展,越来越多的新建筑、新区域产生,同时,原有的一些旧建筑、旧区域因其特定功能的消失、迁移,渐渐成为闲置空间。当城市规模发展到一定程度后,土地资源稀缺、成本高等问题就凸显出来,为了促进城市的良性发展,“空间再利用”便成了展示现代城市建设水平和解决相关城市问题的重要方式。  相似文献   

An introduction to strategy-proof social choice functions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

邹哲 《城市》2004,(6):48-50
一、概述 快速公共汽车运营系统(BUS RAPID TRANSIT--BRT)是目前世界上最高效的公交系统之一,这一概念源自南美洲,一个最为成功的例子就是巴西的库里蒂巴.这一系统实施以后,其成功的经验很快就在南美洲甚至发达的北美和欧洲国家得到迅速的推广,许多国家的城市纷纷发展BRT系统,并将该系统作为未来城市交通系统的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

Staged performance involves the overt, scheduled identification and elevation of one or more people to perform, with a clearly demarcated distinction between them and the audience. It involves the agentive use of language, building on the foundation of existing social meanings. Staged performances tend to be linguistically stylized, pushing the limits of language creativity. They have the potential to trigger significant sociolinguistic effects, circulating novel forms and contributing to language change. The paradigms used in this theme issue for approaching language performance include Bakhtin's notion of Stylization, Bell's Audience and Referee Design, Silverstein's Indexicality, Agha's Enregisterment, and Bauman's construct of Discursive Culture. Themes that run through the articles include: a concept of identity that is part product, part process; the centrality of the audience; the reflexivity of staged performance; and the importance of non‐linguistic modalities such as music and appearance. The language analysis in this collection of papers concentrates mainly on phonological features of varieties of English, finding instances of selectivity, mis‐realization, overshoot and undershoot in their performances of a range of targeted dialects.  相似文献   

The Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiative offers a unique opportunity to conduct large-scale, multisite, multilevel program evaluation in the context of a federal environment that places many requirements and constraints on how the grants are conducted and managed. Federal programs stress performance-based outcomes, valid and reliable data, addressing important problems, ensuring efficiency and fiscal responsibility, reducing burden on federal staff and grantees, and developing and disseminating useful solutions and recommendations. MANILA Consulting Group, Inc., (MANILA), in partnership with Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation (Battelle) and RMC Research Corporation (RMC), has been conducting the SS/HS national cross-site evaluation, which involves the coordinated efforts of federal Project Officers, local education agencies, technical assistance providers, communication specialists, and national and local evaluators across a diverse set of socioeconomic and cultural contexts. To date, the national cross-site evaluation has provided data indicating that the SS/HS Initiative is, in fact, meeting these goals. Findings revealed that fewer students reported they had experienced violence and fewer students reported they had witnessed violence. Fully 96 percent of school staff said SS/HS had improved school safety. There was a 263 percent increase in the number of students who received school-based mental health services and a 519 percent increase in those receiving community-based mental health services. In addition, more than 80 percent of school staff reported that they saw reductions in alcohol and other drug use among their students. These encouraging results stress the need for ongoing coordination at all levels of the Initiative to continue to ensure safer schools and healthier students. This article provides an overview of the initiative and introduces four articles in this special issue.  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of the origins and dynamics of the concept of migrant visits and introduces the key contributions of the special issue. We highlight the significance of visits that criss-cross many forms of migration and centre on these visits’ bilateral and multilateral nature. Furthermore, we emphasize emotional, sensory and bodily implications, which almost always shape encounters between migrants and others in such visits. The papers of this special issue contribute to a broad interdisciplinary agenda highlighting familial ties, networks and transnational spaces at the core of migration and mobility scholarship. Together, we offer new perspectives on the multidirectionality of visits and the role of relationships which drive, connect and diversify forms of migration and are facilitated by broader developments in technology, tourism and diasporic practices.  相似文献   

Recently, researchers have used measures of economic freedom (Gwartney and Lawson, 2002) to quantify the relationship between various institutional factors and measures of economic performance. Using a subset of these data, we develop a labor market flexibility index. This measure should be useful to researchers who study labor market performance among countries.  相似文献   


This special issue explores some of the methodological challenges that are brought into play when scholars deploy creative methods to research across difference. This introductory article defines what we mean by ‘creative methods’ and discusses some of the strengths and weaknesses of using this approach within social science research. It then outlines how creative methods can be used to research across difference, specifically, and introduces the seven articles that make up the special issue.  相似文献   

Starting from literature a short sequential scheme is being presented, including contextual and causal factors of employment, phenomenal aspects of unemployment, moderator variables, effects and lastly interventions and solutions.General aspects as well as more restricted aspects of unemployment as an area of research within economic psychology are mentioned. The contributions within this issue are discussed in connection with the scheme and the different aspects that were distinguished.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief background to the articles in this edition on evaluation in South Africa. The overall background is self-evident: South Africa is a country which has undergone a political revolution, with a government of national unity in place. The formulation and implementation of new policies, and the programs which form part of them, will be an important part of South African politics in the years to come.These articles also appear against the more immediate background of trying to place evaluation on a surer footing in this country. In this introduction the efforts of a group of South African evaluators to position themselves and their activities in such a way as to make evaluation an accepted part of the organizational landscape, and to play a useful role in a future South Africa, are described as well.  相似文献   

College health professionals are often intimidated by the research process and thus miss opportunities to develop and communicate their ideas. The present article, the first in a series on college health research, describes the basics of the research process, including the purpose and nature of research and the ways in which ideas are developed into research hypotheses. The process of reviewing research literature is described in detail, including methods for computerized searching.  相似文献   

丰富多彩、华丽优美的阿拉伯侨民文学形成于19世纪末20世纪初,是阿拉伯文学中的一支特殊流派,极具文学价值.特定的历史背景使它拥有特殊的历史意义,它对阿拉伯传统文学进行了一系列勇敢的改革和创新,其结果使东西方文学成功地融合了起来,并以其独特的方式充分展现阿拉伯东方文学的魅力.  相似文献   

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