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Thrushes (Turdus spp., Turdidae) are among the most common frugivorous birds in urban areas around the world, where they disperse the seeds of a variety of plant species. We studied the abundance, habitat use, foraging behavior and diet of four thrush species (Turdus rufiventris, T. amaurochalinus, T. leucomelas, and T. albicollis) in a suburban area in south Brazil. Abundance, habitat use and foraging behavior were based on birds surveyed along a 3,240 m transect crossing open (formed by lawns, streets, and buildings) and forested areas. Diet was based on fecal samples collected from mist-netted birds. Turdus rufiventris was the most abundant species, followed by T. amaurochalinus, T. leucomelas, and T. albicollis. All species used forest fragments more frequently than expected by chance. A total of 91.8% (n = 147) of the fecal samples contained fruit remains, while 42.2% contained only animal matter. Most of the foraging records were on the ground, where birds got mainly invertebrates. Fruits and invertebrates were eaten more frequently in open than in forested areas. A total of 25 seed morfospecies were found in the droppings, including five exotic plant species. Thrushes overlapped widely in the fruit composition of their diets. The high abundance and degree of frugivory, coupled with the frequent use of forest patches, indicate that thrushes are among the great bird contributors to the seed dispersal occurring in urban forest patches, potentially influencing the vegetation dynamics of such habitats so important for the maintenance of the biodiversity in urban areas.  相似文献   

Diet of Florida coyotes in a protected wildland and suburban habitat   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Coyotes (Canis latrans) arrived to Florida (USA) in the 1960s and are currently found throughout most of the state. The purpose of this study was to determine if the diet of Florida coyotes differed between suburban and wildland habitat types or across seasons. Fresh coyote fecal samples were collected from wildland and suburban habitats in Pinellas County, Florida (USA; 27°54′N, 82°41′W) from May 2005 to March 2007. Diet items in the 49 wildland and 71 suburban samples were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level by gross morphological characteristics and medullary configurations of dorsal guard hairs. A Poisson regression was utilized to determine the main and interactive effects of habitat and season on the number of different food items per sample. Coyotes in the wildland habitat had greater diet diversity than suburban coyotes. In addition, anthropogenic waste was recovered over twice as often from coyote fecal samples collected in the suburban habitat. In the wildland habitat, vegetative matter (96%), Insecta (53%), and Rodentia (45%) were recovered most often, as opposed to berries (56%) and Lagomorpha (32%) in the suburban habitat. In both habitats, vegetative matter, berries, and Lagomorpha were recovered most often from coyote fecal samples, whereas Odocoileus virginianus, Lagomorpha, and berries varied the most between wet and dry seasons. This study suggests that as urbanization increases, diet diversity for the coyote will likely decrease and consumption of anthropogenic items will likely increase. As a result of this, human–coyote conflicts may become more common—particularly in counties, like Pinellas, that are undergoing urbanization.  相似文献   

Coyotes (Canis latrans) have inhabited Florida (USA) since the 1960s and are currently found throughout the state. Our objective was to obtain information on enteric parasites of coyotes from two different habitats. Fresh coyote fecal samples were collected from protected and suburban habitats in Pinellas County, Florida, USA (27o54′ N, 82o41′W) from May 2005 to March 2007. A standard fecal flotation examination and formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation protocol were utilized on fecal samples from both habitats. Five newly documented coyote parasites were documented: one cestode (Hymenolepis spp.), one nematode (Ascaris spp.), and three protozoa (Balantidium coli, Blastocystis spp., and Entamoeba histolytica). Nine hitherto unreported parasites for FL coyotes were also discovered: two cestodes (Diphyllobothrium latum and Dipylidium caninum), two nematodes (Toxocara canis and Uncinaria stenocephala), one trematode (Paragonimus spp.), and four protozoa (Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia canis, Cystoisospora spp., and Sarcocystis cruzi). The protected area supported significantly more undocumented (i.e., newly identified) parasites for FL coyotes, and Protozoa as compared to the suburban area. Florida coyotes are likely more susceptible to infection by novel parasites because of their rapid range expansion and lack of acquired immunity. In addition, rapid habitat loss and urbanization in Florida may increase the probability of disease transmission between wild and domestic canids. We suggest preventative measures that may lower the risk of parasitic infection and promote co-existence with coyotes in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

A growing trend towards increased urbanization emphasizes the role of suburban parks in wildlife conservation. Spatial planning aimed at maintaining biological diversity and functionality must consider how changes at landscape and more local scales will influence the biotic structure of urban areas. From May 2006 to July 2010, bird surveys were conducted in three metropolitan parks in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Surveys were conducted with the goal of examining the effect of vegetation structure and adjacent land cover on the distribution and species richness of breeding birds within this park system. A total of 65 species were recorded throughout the study area. Avian species richness was linked to several habitat metrics, measured at both the local and landscape scale. Generally, species richness was highest at locations characterized by moderate forest cover. The proportion of canopy cover at survey sites related negatively to species richness and the density of understory vegetation showed a positive relationship with species diversity. Despite the influence of these three metrics, sensitivity analysis indicates that the density of understory vegetation is the most significant correlate to avian diversity within this suburban park system. Management actions aimed at providing habitat for the greatest diversity of breeding songbirds within the study area should allow for moderate canopy cover while retaining or improving the structural complexity of understory vegetatation.  相似文献   

Schiller  Andrew  Horn  Sally P. 《Urban Ecosystems》1997,1(2):103-116
Goals related to wildlife conservation are stated or implied in many urban greenway plans, but the actual wildlife conservation value of urban greenways is unclear. We surveyed 72 km. of greenway consisting of 38 different greenway segments in six cities in the mid-southeastern United States to determine the presence or absence of red fox (Vulpes vulpes), grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and to assess characteristics of the greenways and adjacent lands that might promote or limit the presence of these species in each greenway. We focused on fox and deer because these mammals, while habitat generalists, require diverse habitats within close proximity, and are more sensitive to human disturbance and have larger territories than the majority of urban wildlife in this region. Thus, they can serve as indicator species for these habitat values in urban greenways in the southeastern United States. Field observations and scent station inventories revealed that only 18 of the 38 greenway segments had either fox or deer, 12 had only fox, 6 had fox and deer, and none had deer alone. Greenway segments with more forest cover, wider corridors, greater amounts of adjacent natural or seminatural habitat, and forest connectivity between greenways and nonadjacent natural areas were more likely to have fox or deer present. Characteristics associated with fox and deer presence were not independent of each other. Because greenways with such characteristics tend to be surrounded by less urban areas, adjacent land use is a good predictor of fox and deer presence in the surveyed greenways. Whether greenways that are beneficial to fox and deer can be developed in urban settings is strongly site specific, because the greenway variables that appear most essential to these species are often dictated by the preexisting urban form and the vegetation in the vicinity of the greenway. Because the wildlife conservation value of urban greenways depends greatly on factors external to the greenway, greenways that have fox and deer present today may be particularly vulnerable to future changes in surrounding land use.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Pollination specialists are increasingly threatened worldwide, especially in intensively-managed durian orchards where loss of pollinators may lead to reduced fruit production....  相似文献   

Restoration of mammal communities was studied between 1975–1984 and 2001–2009 (over ca. 30 years) in two suburban forests in central Poland: one protected as a natural reserve and one not protected. The mammal community in the legally protected forest showed more extensive changes than in the case of the nonprotected forest. In the natural reserve, the numbers of Microtus subterraneus, Apodemus agrarius, Rattus norvegicus and Mus musculus decreased while insectivores (mostly Sorex araneus), bats and Apodemus flavicollis increased in numbers. The community of small mammals in the reserve became more similar to the community from the relatively natural area – Białowieża Primeval Forest (eastern Poland). A protection supported restoration processes of tree stands and consequently started to increase the numbers of mammalian species typical of more natural habitats, as well as to reduce the numbers of synanthropic species and those connected to open areas. In the nonprotected forest, fewer species changed their abundance (M. subterraneus decreased, insectivores, bats and A. flavicollis increased). However, an increase in the percentage of bats and a decrease of M. subterraneus in mammal communities of both forests could reflect general trends in their populations noted in recent decades. The population decline of Warsaw’s urban species – A. agrarius perhaps is the best indicator of the restoration of suburban forests.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat use of Columbian black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, at 3 spatial scales: (1) placement of the annual home range within the landscape mosaic, (2) annual and seasonal locations of deer within the annual home range, and (3) short-term use of critical habitats (fawning areas) within seasonal ranges. Annual home range sizes of deer were 162 ha (SD = 133; 95% minimum convex polygon; MCP) and 266 ha (SD = 228; 95% adaptive kernel; AK) for does, and 756 ha (SD = 290; MCP) and 1,235 ha (SD = 382; AK) for bucks. Home range composition of does did not differ from the study area; home ranges of bucks contained more Natural ecological land-use cover types (ELUs) than did the study area. Within home ranges, both does and bucks used Natural ELUs more often than expected by their occurrence in the home range, both annually and seasonally. During the fawning season, does were also found in Natural ELUs more often than expected. Clark County-designated habitat corridors differed from both the study area and deer home ranges in habitat composition, primarily by containing more Natural and other undeveloped ELUs. Deer were located in habitat corridors more than expected. Deer in urban areas appear to use undeveloped habitat types for security. Management that maintains Natural ELUs, such as establishment of wildlife corridors, can provide important habitat components for black-tailed deer in urban habitats.  相似文献   

Management of wildlife in suburban environments involves a complex set of interactions between both human and wildlife populations. Managers need additional tools, such as models, that can help them assess the status of wildlife populations, devise and apply management programs, and convey this information to other professionals and the public. We present a model that conceptualizes how some wildlife populations can fluctuate between extremely low (rare, threatened, or endangered status) and extremely high (overabundant) numbers over time. Changes in wildlife abundance can induce changes in human perceptions, which continually redefine species as a valuable resource to be protected versus a pest to be controlled. Management programs thatincorporate a number of approaches and promote more stable populations of wildlife avoid the problems of the resource versus pest transformation, are less costly to society, and encourage more positive and less negative interactions between humans and wildlife. We presenta case example of the beaver Castor canadensis in Massachusetts to illustrate how this model functions and can be applied.  相似文献   

Urban environments are often associated with reduced biodiversity, presumably because they are typically more fragmented, warmer, and drier than nearby non-urban environments. However, urban landscapes offer significant complexity that have allowed some taxonomic groups to flourish. Understanding how urban-exploiting animals navigate this spatiotemporal heterogeneity is important given the continued global urban land expansion. Here, we examined the factors influencing resource-use in an urban community of ants, which represent a widespread and important taxon in urban ecosystems. In particular, we sought to integrate ants’ nutritional, thermal, and spatial niches to better understand how urban animals successfully access critical resources throughout their active season. Meteorological season (spring, summer, and fall) and/or species (n?=?9) influenced ants’ preferences for nutrition (ratio of ingested protein-to-carbohydrate ratio), as well as the temperature, type (impervious vs. non-impervious), and shade status (shaded vs. non-shaded) of surfaces used during activity. Our data also indicate links among habitat variables, as well as between nutritional preferences and habitat use. Together, our results suggest that species and seasonality influence ecological (combined nutritional, thermal, and spatial) niches in an urban community. We encourage future work in urban ecosystems that continues to integrate more features of the ecological niche, and to examine the outcomes of variation in niches (e.g., non-overlapping niches may explain both the persistence of some native animals and the success of invaders).  相似文献   

Stormwater retention ponds in urbanizing catchments are constructed to collect and treat runoff from impervious surfaces. Amphibians often inhabit retention ponds, which may partly offset the loss of natural wetlands resulting from urbanization. We investigated the use of retention ponds by frogs in a rapidly-urbanizing region of south-eastern Australia to (1) determine the habitat attributes associated with individual species, and (2) recommend specific wetland design criteria to enhance populations of frog species in the region and in other urbanizing areas throughout their distribution. We detected nine species of frogs during calling surveys at 30 retention pond sites in Greater Melbourne, 2008?C2010. There were contrasting differences in habitat associations among five species for which we produced regression models of abundance or occurrence. The mean abundance of Crinia signifera increased with site area, whereas Limnodynastes dumerilii was associated with smaller sites. The occurrence of L. dumerilii was positively associated with waterbody shore depth, whereas L. peronii and L. tasmaniensis were associated with shallow shores. Two species were positively associated with time since construction or since dredging of a site, whereas the occurrence of L. dumerilii decreased with site age. Aquatic vegetation at a site was important for the occurrence of L. peronii and Litoria ewingii. There was evidence for a positive effect of aquatic connectivity on the occurrence of Limnodynastes peronii, which emphasizes the importance of riparian corridors in urban settings. These results highlight the contrasting differences in habitat associations among species in the region. We recommend that retention ponds in our region and elsewhere be constructed or enhanced to include specific habitat attributes that were found to be associated with different amphibian species. We recommend long-term monitoring at sites to determine whether retention ponds augment existing frog populations or contribute to declines.  相似文献   

Influence of seasonality and vegetation type on suburban microclimates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Urbanization is responsible for some of the fastest rates of land-use change around the world, with important consequences for local, regional, and global climate. Vegetation, which represents a significant proportion of many urban and suburban landscapes, can modify climate by altering local exchanges of heat, water vapor, and CO2. To determine how distinct urban forest communities vary in their microclimate effects over time, we measured stand-level leaf area index, soil temperature, infrared surface temperature, and soil water content over a complete growing season at 29 sites representing the five most common vegetation types in a suburban neighborhood of Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minnesota. We found that seasonal patterns of soil and surface temperatures were controlled more by differences in stand-level leaf area index and tree cover than by plant functional type. Across the growing season, sites with high leaf area index had soil temperatures that were 7°C lower and surface temperatures that were 6°C lower than sites with low leaf area index. Site differences in mid-season soil temperature and turfgrass ground cover were best explained by leaf area index, whereas differences in mid-season surface temperature were best explained by percent tree cover. The significant cooling effects of urban tree canopies on soil temperature imply that seasonal changes in leaf area index may also modulate CO2 efflux from urban soils, a highly temperature-dependent process, and that this should be considered in calculations of total CO2 efflux for urban carbon budgets. Field-based estimates of percent tree cover were found to better predict mid-season leaf area index than satellite-derived estimates and consequently offer an approach to scale up urban biophysical properties.  相似文献   


In recent decades the House Sparrow and Tree Sparrow have suffered considerable declines. To date, little is known about the fine scale habitat selection of sparrows where they occur together. We investigated how sympatric sparrows used macro and microhabitats in the urban environment of Guwahati city. Survey of sparrows was carried out in 572 locations of different urban settings to find out the city scale distribution. We classified urban habitats and collected micro-habitat variables at 45 point count stations during 2013–2015. Urbanization gradient was found to be influential in limiting the abundance of sparrows. House Sparrow was more common within the urbanized areas compared to low settlement densities located far from the urban core. In contrast, Tree Sparrows were more scattered and seldom found in crowded areas. Spatial overlap was comparatively high in the residential areas adjacent to hillocks. At micro scale, House Sparrow had quadratic response to the degree of urbanization. Both the species avoided areas where urbanization reached the peak; specifically, the areas which were completely devoid of natural vegetation and top soil was paved, and in shopping centers with glass facades. Habitat requirements of both the species at local landscape scale seemed to be similar, although, with some overlaps, they occupied different gradients of the urban environment. Since urban landscapes are highly managed, the fundamental tool for enhancing urban sparrow populations would be the protection of mosaic habitat prioritizing suitable design and management of private gardens and allotments.


Pressures of rapid development continue to increase, and recreational activities are becoming a prominent driving force in many urban wildlife communities. Freshwater turtles live in many urban environments, yet little attention has been given to the impact of human recreation upon these communities. We examined the response of basking turtles to observer presence along the towpath of a recreational canal in central New Jersey. All species, except for turtles of the family Kinosternidae, were more frequently observed basking on substrate with less than 50 % canopy cover, log substrate was most preferred, and turtles on the towpath side basked an average of 3 m from the towpath. Turtles were vigilant and over 75 % of C. picta, T.S. elegans, and P. rubriventris responded to observer presence by retreating (swimming away). The distance from the towpath turtles were first seen basking by the observer (approach distance) was significantly correlated with the flight-initiation distance (distance of first respond to observer). Nearly 80 % of the variability in flight initiation distance for Kinosternidae was accounted for by the percent canopy cover, percent cloud cover, and height basking above the water. Researchers aiming to quantify and manage human recreational impact on turtles should examine flight-initiation distances. We encourage wildlife managers of urban parks to construct towpaths or recreational areas at a minimum of 7 m from the water’s edge, maintain moderate vegetation in basking areas, and construct additional basking platforms opposite from towpaths or at great distances from human recreational areas.  相似文献   

Feral cats (Felis catus) are one of the world’s worst invasive species with continuing expanding populations, particularly in urban areas. Effects of anthropogenic changing land-use, especially urbanisation, can alter distribution and behaviour of feral cats. Additionally, resource availability can influence home range and habitat use. Therefore, we investigated home range and habitat use of feral cats (n?=?11) in an urban mosaic with varying degrees of urbanisation and green spaces in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Using global positioning cellular trackers, individual feral cats were followed for a minimum of six months. Minimum convex polygons (MCP) and kernel density estimates (KDE) were used to determine their home range, core area size, and habitat use. Mean home range (± SE) for feral cats was relatively small (95% MCP 6.2?±?4.52 ha) with no significant difference between male and female home ranges, nor core areas. There was individual variation in home ranges despite supplemental feeding in the urban mosaic. Generally supplemental resources were the primary driver of feral cat home ranges where these feeding sites were within the core areas of individuals. However, the ecological consequences of feeding feral cats can increase their survival, and reduce their home ranges and movement as found in other studies.  相似文献   

陈绍田 《城市》2005,(2):16-18
加快农村城市化发展,是解决"三农"问题的根本出路.天津作为港口大都市,地处环渤海地区的经济中心,有着独特的区位优势、广阔的港口腹地和较高的工业化水平,为天津郊区城市化快速发展创造了条件.近三年来,天津郊区城市化率每年增长2.5个百分点以上,天津市郊区城市化步入快速发展时期.  相似文献   

Micromoths can be challenging to identify based on morphology and are frequently omitted in assessments of moth diversity. However, their species richness and biology make them important components of terrestrial ecosystems. In this study we identified 1227 micromoths from a suburban garden at 63° north using DNA barcoding of Malaise trap samples. We recorded 78 different species with the 11 most abundant taxa accounting for 82 % of the catch. The remaining 67 species were represented by fewer than 14 specimens, but the number was often sufficient to provide a good idea of phenology. The larvae of these 78 species all feed on plants common in suburban environments. We show that when facilitated by identifications through DNA barcoding, Malaise traps provide interesting insights into the micromoth communities of suburban environments that might otherwise be overlooked. The use of Malaise traps is beneficial for investigations at high latitudes where light trapping is inefficient for sampling moths due to bright summer nights.  相似文献   

This study examines the utility of a new measure of personal value of alcohol use in predicting intentions to reduce post-college alcohol use. This measure is intended to distinguish college students who drink due to situational norms versus intrinsic commitment to alcohol use. As expected, alcohol consumption quantity/frequency and frequency of consuming five or more drinks per occasion were unrelated to intention to reduce alcohol use after college. When these alcohol consumption measures were controlled using partial correlation, the personal value of alcohol measure was significantly and negatively related to intention to reduce alcohol use. Conversely, when personal value of alcohol use was controlled in partial correlations, the relationship between alcohol consumption variables and intention to reduce alcohol use after college became positive, though only at marginally significant levels. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Nakamura  Shoko  Kudo  Gaku 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1097-1112
Urban Ecosystems - As garden plants in urbanized environments provide considerable diverse floral resources to pollinators, the availability of floral resources has changed as a consequence of...  相似文献   

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