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To what extent are gerontological issues addressed in the marital and family literature? In answering this question, the authors conducted a content analysis of 873 articles published in the Journal of Marital Family Therapy, Family Process, Family Systems Medicine, and the Journal of Family Psychology during an 8-year period beginning in 1986. Only 3.2% (n = 28) of these articles contained explicit emphasis on aging issues and later life family concerns. Furthermore, there was no significant trend in the number of gerontologically focused articles published during this period. The paper describes the content of the 28 aging-focused articles, including the types of presenting problems mentioned, the relational contexts of these problems, and the types of family therapy theories represented. Included in the content analysis were the proceedings of the annual national conferences of the American Association of Marital and Family Therapy from 1986 to 1993. Only 2.3% (n = 37) of the regular conference sessions had an explicit aging focus, as did 1 of the 29 plenary sessions and 1 of the 40 Master Series® sessions. Used as a gauge of gerontological interest and awareness of late life issues, the implication of these findings is that the family therapy community is still engaged in “comming of age.”  相似文献   

This study assessed the frequency with which the marital and family therapy journal literature focused on problems associated with aging in a family context. Content analysis was used to assess the prevalence of later life family concerns in two leading journals, Family Process and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, during a 10-year period (1976-1985). Results indicate that neither journal covered later life family issues to any appreciable degree. It is concluded that elders in marital and family relationships constitute a new frontier for the extension and elaboration of family therapy.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, scholars from a variety of disciplines encouraged greater inclusion of qualitative research methodology in the mental health field. Moon, Dillon, and Sprenkle (1990) hoped their paper “Family therapy and qualitative research” would serve as a stimulus for further development of qualitative research in the field of family therapy. Ten years later, entering the new millennium, has the field been influenced by recommendations for an increase in use of qualitative methodology in family therapy? A content analysis was conducted on articles published in the marriage and family therapy literature from 1980 to 1999. Of the numerous articles examined in four journals, 131 articles were published using qualitative research methodology. Findings support the contention that qualitative research is increasing, but still accounts for a small number of research articles published in marriage and family therapy journals.  相似文献   

Van Eeden-Moorefield, Few-Demo, Benson, Bible, and Lummer (2018) recently reviewed the content of seven family social science journals with respect to theory and methods used in 153 articles featuring LGBT research or reviews of LGBT research. They concluded that less than three percent of 6,832 articles published in those journals between 2000 and 2015 were LGBT-related and that most had not used explicit theory and had used purposive cross-sectional samples consisting mostly of White and middle-class participants. During the tenure of the present editor, between 2010 and 2017, Marriage & Family Review featured 14 research reports, reviews, or commentary on LGBT-related issues out of 250 articles, not counting brief editorials or biographies between 2010 and 2017, an odds ratio of over 2.0 compared to the other “top-tier” journals. Likewise, the Journal of Family Theory & Review published at least 15 articles, mainly reviews or commentaries, on LGBT-related issues between 2009 and 2017. Articles in Marriage & Family Review and Journal of Family Theory & Review were more likely to be reviews of the literature, or feature explicit theory, to be qualitative in methodology, or to involve interviews or surveys, while other characteristics were similar to those in the other seven journals. Thus, even if some mainstream family journals did not publish often on LGBT-related issues, other important family science journals have done so. Furthermore, there are numerous scholarly journals that welcome LGBT-related research and reviews almost exclusively.  相似文献   

The content of the first ten volumes of The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy is analysed to provide a picture of the major themes and subject matter addressed in its formative years using the techniques of bibliometrics and content analysis. A methodology is developed for measuring the prevalence of subject content in the journal which could have application in other fields. The interdisciplinary character of family therapy is demonstrated by the diversity of cited end-of-article journal references. A list of most-cited journals is provided. The characteristics of authorship are discussed with respect to geographic dispersion, institutional affiliation, seniority and gender. The issue of collaborative authorship is discussed in relation to the patterns of co-authorship observed in this period, 1979–1989. The analysis identifies signs of the emergence of family therapy as a discrete field. The paper concludes also that there are positive signs of maturation of the journal. It offers some pointers about directions for the journal in the next phase ofits development.  相似文献   

We examined the trends of quantitative research over the past 10 years in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (JMFT). Specifically, within the JMFT, we investigated the types and trends of research design and statistical analysis within the quantitative research that was published in JMFT from 2005 to 2014. We found that while the amount of peer‐reviewed articles have increased over time, the percentage of quantitative research has remained constant. We discussed the types and trends of statistical analysis and the implications for clinical work and training programs in the field of marriage and family therapy.  相似文献   

In 1983 the Fourth Australian Family Therapy Conference had the theme ‘Merging the Streams — Integrating Trends in Family Therapy’. In his keynote address Brian Stagoll outlined concerns regarding the nature of family therapy as it was then developing in Australia. This article revisits some of these themes to see where we have come from, where we are heading and which topics continue to be ignored. Evidence is drawn from articles that stood out for me in the Australian Journal of Family Therapy (later the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy) and selected relevant papers from the 1983 conference itself. Finally, I speculate upon possible reasons for the absence of discussion on certain issues, most strikingly: systemic influences upon indigenous Australians, farm families, working with children in families, certain aspects of gender, the systemic implications of addiction; and environmental impacts on families now and for the future. The danger for family therapy is becoming stuck in a closed system that ignores the wider system.  相似文献   

This interview was completed in Rome, Italy, on June 12, 1986. Maurizio Andolfi has evolved into one of the most creative family therapists regarding the use of self and metaphorical objects in the therapy process. For readers familiar with his interview in the American Journal of Family Therapy, 1981, (9)2, and his book, Family Therapy: Interactional Family Therapy, (1979), New York: Plenum, and Behind the Family Mask, (1983), New York: Brunner/Mazel, this interview reflects some of these changes and should provide interesting reading.  相似文献   

The family therapy field is more sophisticated developmentally in its therapeutic methodologies than in the areas of training and supervision. Publications and research efforts on these latter topics have not kept pace with the progress of the clinical aspects of the field. Family therapy training and supervision literature were reviewed and found to be fragmented and disorganized. There is a need for a comprehensive source which would synthesize this literature and compare the existing viewpoints. This paper works toward this end by reviewing, contrasting, and categorizing the available publications according to a series of content areas frequently appearing in the literature. These topic areas are: (1) Goals of Training and Supervision and Skills of the Supervisor; (2) Training and Supervision Techniques; (3) Supervisor-Supervisee Relationship; (4) Personal Therapy for Trainees; (5) Politics of Family Therapy Training; and (6) Evaluation of Training. A comprehensive table is provided to quickly access references in the content area. Recommendations are offered for future efforts in this area.  相似文献   

This paper reviews controversies about domestic violence occurring in heterosexual relationships discussed in the Australian context by practitioners and academics and published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy over the past three decades. Controversies arose in relation to the provision of therapeutic interventions for domestic violence, primarily in individual and couple counselling and group programs. After a literature review, the following controversial issues are identified: (1) the role of patriarchy: Is a patriarchal culture the main cause of domestic violence? (2) Systemic family therapy and gendered violence: Does systemic family therapy hide men's responsibility for domestic violence? (3) Therapeutic and educational interventions for domestic violence: Does therapy turn a ‘crime’ into a ‘psychological problem’? (4) Men as victims: Do both men and women perpetrate domestic violence in equal measure? (5) It takes two to tango: What part do women play in eliciting men's violence?  相似文献   

Helen Pavlin is an accredited mental health social worker and family therapist and accredited family dispute resolution practitioner in private practice in Darwin. She has been involved in social work and family therapy since the early 1970s in Australia and internationally. In 1996 she received the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Medal from the Australian Association of Social Workers. She is one of the assessors and associate editors for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. In 2007 Helen received the Journal Award for her outstanding contribution to the family therapy field in Australia. She is an accomplished writer and a member of the Australian Society of Authors. Her poems and book reviews have been published frequently in ANZJFT.  相似文献   

Family therapists have been naive about families, the pressures on them and the contexts of therapy. Therapists should be clear about their roles, sensitive to families' experience of therapy, and resist the temptation to mystify therapy. John Carpenter is Senior Lecturer in Mental Health, University of Kent, Canterbury, England and Co-Editor of Journal of Family Therapy. He was a guest keynote speaker at the 1991 Australian Family Therapy Conference in Brisbane, and this interview took place shortly afterwards in Melbourne.  相似文献   

Max Cornwell is a psychologist and social worker in Sydney. He edited ANZJFT from 1985 until 1996 and is a former editor of Australian Social Work. He has taught in hundreds of venues in Australia and abroad. In 1980 he co‐founded the Family Therapy Institute, a major influence on the training of family therapists in New South Wales until the mid‐90s. He is an Honorary Life Member of VAFT and has received the Journal Award for services to family therapy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experience of learning family therapy in a group training model from the trainees perspective. Five significant aspects of this learning experience are discussed. Supervision of family therapy and training within a group setting, multiple supervision, training with a peer co-therapist, using audio-visual feedback in group supervision of family therapy, and the impact on the trainee of doing family therapy for the first time. The trainees found that their learning experience was enhanced by this training approach. (Editors Note: The program referred to in this paper was described in Stier, Serena & Goldenberg, Irene, Training Issues in Family Therapy, Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, 1975, 1, 63–68.  相似文献   

Editor's Note. Occasionally, the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy will publish papers of major historical significance to the field of family therapy which, though written long before their appearance in the Journal, have remained unpublished and received little public circulation or attention. Such papers are those which, in the view of the Editor, would have been certain “classics” in the literature of family therapy had they been published when they were written, and which, despite their overdue appearance, are of significant enduring value. The first of these papers, by Dr. C. F Midelfort, appears here. Though essentially isolated from the family therapy movement that was soon to follow, Dr. Midelfort, in fact, published the first book on family therapy. The present article grows out of what was probably the first paper on family therapy ever presented at a psychiatric convention in the United States. In this paper, originally written almost exactly thirty years ago, Dr. Midelfort articulately presents a creative interweaving of an appreciation of the psychodynamics of family relationships with an ego-oriented family approach to severe psychiatric disturbance in one family member. It is an innovative presage of the flexible use of the principles of family dynamics, social psychiatry and biological psychiatry that has been “discovered” only very recently in family therapy with schizophrenics. The paper is introduced by Dr. John E. Bell, to whom the Journal is grateful for bringing it to light.  相似文献   

The 2nd Australian and New Zealand Family Therapy Conference, held in Melbourne in July 1992, invited those making presentations to address the Conference theme Family Therapy … what's in a name? In a closing address to a plenary session of the Conference, I used the metaphor of first names (family) and surnames (therapy) to suggest that names are central to issues of identity. Our first name of “family” differentiates us within the larger group who share the surname “therapy”; but what does it mean to belong to the larger group sharing the name “therapy”? Historically, much of family therapy's energy has gone into issues concerned with establishing difference — difference within family therapy in terms of models and approaches, and difference from other approaches to therapy. Yet now perhaps family therapy would benefit from exploring what it shares in common with others who hold the same surname of “therapy”, with the possibility such dialogue could lead to mutual enrichment.  相似文献   


In a recent article published in the Journal of Family Social Work McNeece (1995) argued that family therapy has no interest in or relevance for social policy interventions. Through the presentation of several arguments he constructs an irreconcilable dichotomy between policy and practice, suggesting that therapeutic interventions are responsible for pulling resources away from the development of effective social policy interventions. This paper challenges the dichotomy between policy and practice and presents an alternative view concerning the relationship between social policy and family therapy. The increasing importance of family policy in family therapy is summarized and a new trend within marriage and family practice, policy as practice, is discussed. Current family practice literature and personal case examples are used to provide alternative viewpoints to three main points that were presented by McNeece concerning family therapy practice, and the therapy/policy interface. Finally, the current practice context of managed care is used to illustrate the interdependence of practice and policy, and the need for a new understanding concerning family practice.  相似文献   

Gerson, M. J. & Barsky, M. For the new family therapist: A glossary of terms. American Journal of Family Therapy .
Gunderson, J. G., Kerr, J. & Englund, D. W. The families of borderlines. Archives of General Psychiatry .
Mandelbaum, A. Family characteristics of patients with borderline and narcissistic disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic .
Liddle, H. H. On teaching a contextual or systemic therapy: Training content, goals and methods. American Journal of Family Therapy .
Pope, K. S., Schover, L. R. & Levenson, H. Sexual behavior between clinical supervisors and trainees: Implications for professional standards. Professional Psychology .
Robinson, B. & Thurnher, M. Taking care of aged parents: A family cycle transition. The Gerontologist .
Watzlawick, P. & Coyne, J. C. Depression following stroke: Brief, problem-focused family treatment. Family Process .  相似文献   

Doug Breunlin is Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Family Institute, Chicago and an Associate Professor at Northwestern University. He was formerly the Director of the Family Systems Program at the Institute for Juvenile Research in Chicago, and he is Associate Editor of the Journal of Family Therapy (UK), and an editorial member of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. I first met him in 1975 when he joined the staff of The Family Institute, Cardiff, Wales for a period of three years. I remember those years as the most creative during my time at the Institute (and we also had a lot of fun). At one point, we were joined by a certain social work lecturer on sabbatical from the University of NSW by the name of Max Cornwell, who also contributed much to the creativity and the fun. Doug has published widely and, in 1992, was the joint author of a seminal work entitled Metaframeworks: Transcending the Models of Family Therapy. Doug recently visited New Zealand and also made his second trip to Australia to present workshops on dealing with complex cases using the metaframeworks. While in Melbourne, he gave the second biennial memorial lecture in honour of Geoff Goding. I interviewed Doug while he was in Sydney.  相似文献   

There continues to be a worrying lack of material about family therapy with Aborigines, despite the massive difficulties experienced by Aboriginal people. A notable exception has been from Geraldine Slattery, whose original paper Transcultural Therapy with Aboriginal Families: Working with the Belief System was published by the Journal in 1987. Here Geraldine reviews two recent publications by University of Queensland Press, which has a long record of publishing about our Aboriginal citizens. While these books are not specifically focused on family therapy, their central relevance will be obvious. — Editor.  相似文献   

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