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In some situations, for example in agriculture, biology, hydrology, and psychology, researchers wish to determine whether the relationship between response variable and predictor variables differs in two populations. In other words, we are interested in comparing two regression models for two independent datasets. In this work, we will use the parametric and nonparametric methods to establish hypothesis testing for the equality of two independent regression models. Then the simulation study is provided to investigate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the robustness (stability of Type I error to deviations from normality) and power properties of various tests for testing equality of population variances. It is shown that the tests based on Tiku’ s (1967, 1980, 1982) MML estimators have good robustness properties and are the most powerful overall.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a test based on computational approach for the equality of variances of several normal populations. The proposed method is numerically compared with the existing methods. The numeric results demonstrate that the proposed method performs very well in terms of type I error rate and power of test. Furthermore we study the robustness of the tests by using simulation study when the underlying data are from t, exponential and uniform distributions. Finally we analyze a real dataset that motivated our study using the proposed test.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the estimation of regression coefficients in two partitioned linear models, shortly denoted as , and , which differ only in their covariance matrices. We call and full models, and correspondingly, and small models. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the equality between the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) of X1β1 under and . In particular, we consider the equality of the BLUEs under the full models assuming that they are equal under the small models.  相似文献   

Consider the general linear model Y = Xβ + ? , where E[??'] = σ2I and rank of X is less than or equal to the number of columns of X. It is well known that the linear parametric function λ'β is estimable if and only if λ' is in the row space of X. This paper characterizes all orthogonal matrices P such that the row space of XP is equal to the row space of X, i.e. the estimability of λ'β is invariant under P. An additional property of these matrices is the invariance of the spectrum of the information matrix X'X. An application of the results is also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a nonparametric method based on jackknife empirical likelihood ratio to test the equality of two variances. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic has been shown to follow χ2 distribution with the degree of freedom 1. Simulations have been conducted to show the type I error and the power compared to Levene's test and F test under different distribution settings. The proposed method has been applied to a real data set to illustrate the testing procedure.  相似文献   

The F-test, F max-test and Bartlett's test are compared on the basis of power for the purpose of testing the equality of variances in two normal populations. The power of each test is expressed as a linear combination of F-probabilities. Bartlett's test is noted to be unbiased, UMPU, consistent against all alterna¬tives and the test which yields minimum length confidence intervals on the ratio of the variancesλ=σ1 22 2 The two samples Bartlett critical values, although not recognized as such, are found in the works of other authors. Tables of the powers of each test are given for various values of λ, levels of significance a and the respective sample sizes, n1 and n2.  相似文献   

We present results that extend an existing test of equality of correlation matrices. A new test statistic is proposed and is shown to be asymptotically distributed as a linear combination of independent x 2 random variables. This new formulation allows us to find the power of the existing test and our extensions by deriving the distribution under the alternative using a linear combination of independent non-central x 2 random variables. We also investigate the null and the alternative distribution of two related statistics. The first one is a quadratic form in deviations from a control group with which the remaining k-1 groups are to be compared. The second test is designed for comparing adjacent groups. Several approximations for the null and the alternative distribution are considered and two illustrative examples are provided.  相似文献   

Summary: Wald statistics in generalized linear models are asymptotically 2 distributed. The asymptotic chi–squared law of the corresponding quadratic form shows disadvantages with respect to the approximation of the finite–sample distribution. It is shown by means of a comprehensive simulation study that improvements can be achieved by applying simple finite–sample size approximations to the distribution of the quadratic form in generalized linear models. These approximations are based on a 2 distribution with an estimated degree of freedom that generalizes an approach by Patnaik and Pearson. Simulation studies confirm that nominal level is maintained with higher accuracy compared to the Wald statistics.  相似文献   

We describe a method of determining upper bounds on the variances of linear combinations of the kth records values from i.i.d. sequences, expressed in terms of variances of parent distributions. We also present conditions for which the bounds are sharp, and those for which the respective lower ones are equal to zero. A special attention is paid to the case of the kth record spacings, i.e. the differences of consecutive kth record values.  相似文献   

A comparative study is made of three tests, developed by James (1951), Welch (1951) and Brown & Forsythe (1974). James presented two methods of which only one is considered in this paper. It is shown that this method gives better control over the size than the other two tests. None of these methods is uniformly more powerful than the other two. In some cases the tests of James and Welch reject a false null hypothesis more often than the test of Brown & Forsythe, but there are also situations in which it is the other way around.

We conclude that for implementation in a statistical software package the very complicated test of James is the most attractive. A practical disadvantage of this method can be overcome by a minor modification.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of error variance often causes a huge interpretive problem in linear regression analysis. Before taking any remedial measures we first need to detect this problem. A large number of diagnostic plots are now available in the literature for detecting heteroscedasticity of error variances. Among them the ‘residuals’ and ‘fits’ (R–F) plot is very popular and commonly used. In the R–F plot residuals are plotted against the fitted responses, where both these components are obtained using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. It is now evident that the OLS fits and residuals suffer a huge setback in the presence of unusual observations and hence the R–F plot may not exhibit the real scenario. The deletion residuals based on a data set free from all unusual cases should estimate the true errors in a better way than the OLS residuals. In this paper we propose ‘deletion residuals’ and the ‘deletion fits’ (DR–DF) plot for the detection of the heterogeneity of error variances in a linear regression model to get a more convincing and reliable graphical display. Examples show that this plot locates unusual observations more clearly than the R–F plot. The advantage of using deletion residuals in the detection of heteroscedasticity of error variance is investigated through Monte Carlo simulations under a variety of situations.  相似文献   

Two statistics are suggested for testing the equality of two normal percentiles where population means and variances are unknown. The first is based on the generalized likelihood ratio test (LRT), the second on Cochran's statistic used in the Behrens-Fisher problem. Size and power comparisons are made by using simulation and asympototic theory.  相似文献   

A new necessary and sufficient condition is derived for the equality between the ordinary least-squares estimator and the best linear unbiased estimator of the expectation vector in linear models with certain specific design matrices. This condition is then applied to special cases involving one-way and two-way classification models.  相似文献   


We consider the problem of testing the equality of several inverse Gaussian means when the scale parameters and sample sizes are possibly unequal. We propose four parametric bootstrap (PB) tests based on the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators of parameters. We also compare our proposed tests with the existing ones via an extensive simulation study in terms of controlling the Type I error rate and power performance. Simulation results show the merits of the PB tests.  相似文献   

Tests for the equality of variances are often needed in applications. In genetic studies the assumption of equal variances of continuous traits, measured in identical and fraternal twins, is crucial for heritability analysis. To test the equality of variances of traits, which are non-normally distributed, Levene [H. Levene, Robust tests for equality of variances, in Contributions to Probability and Statistics, I. Olkin, ed. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California, 1960, pp. 278–292] suggested a method that was surprisingly robust under non-normality, and the procedure was further improved by Brown and Forsythe [M.B. Brown and A.B. Forsythe, Robust tests for the equality of variances, J. Amer. Statis. Assoc. 69 (1974), pp. 364–367]. These tests assumed independence of observations. However, twin data are clustered – observations within a twin pair may be dependent due to shared genes and environmental factors. Uncritical application of the tests of Brown and Forsythe to clustered data may result in much higher than nominal Type I error probabilities. To deal with clustering we developed an extended version of Levene's test, where the ANOVA step is replaced with a regression analysis followed by a Wald-type test based on a clustered version of the robust Huber–White sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix. We studied the properties of our procedure using simulated non-normal clustered data and obtained Type I error rates close to nominal as well as reasonable powers. We also applied our method to oral glucose tolerance test data obtained from a twin study of the metabolic syndrome and related components and compared the results with those produced by the traditional approaches.  相似文献   

This paper proposes tests for equality of intercepts of two simple regression models when non sample prior information is available on the equality of two slopes. For three different scenarios on the values of the slope, namely (i) unknown (unspecified), (ii) known (specified), and (iii) suspected, we derive the unrestricted test (UT), restricted test (RT), and pre-test test (PTT) for testing the equality of intercepts. The test statistics, their sampling distributions, and power functions of the tests are obtained. Comparison of power function and size of the tests reveals that the PTT has a reasonable dominance over the UT and RT.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis test of the parametric component in partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model with random censorship. We construct two test statistics based on the difference of the corrected residual sum of squares and empirical likelihood ratio under the null and alternative hypotheses. It is shown that the limiting distributions of the proposed test statistics are both weighted sum of independent standard chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom under the null hypothesis. Based on the adjusted test statistics, we further develop two new types of test procedures. Finite sample performance of the proposed test procedures is evaluated by extensive simulation studies.  相似文献   

In this note we use the class of exponential power distributions to assess the robustness to non-normality of the test for outliers based on the maximum absolute studentized residual. We find that the significance levels can be quite markedly affected by even moderate departures from normality of the error distribution in a regression model when the sample size is moderately large.  相似文献   

In this article the existing methods for determining the approximate onesided confidence intervals on the positive linear combinations of two variances are examined. In addition, an iterative algorithm which can be used to obtain an 'exact' one-sided confidence intervals is presented.  相似文献   

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