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This study examined the relationships between three dimensions of patients' perceptions of their spouses' empathic understanding, warmth, and genuineness, and marital co-therapy outcome. The relationships between selected therapist and treatment factors and couples' communication skill was also investigated. Results indicated (a) a positive relationship between patient-rated outcome and final levels of rated Total Facilitative Conditions (TFC), but not initial levels; (b) a near-zero relationship between pre- and post-therapy TFC similarity and outcome; (c) positive relationships between changes in perceived TFC and outcome, but no relationship between outcome and symmetry of TFC change; (d) no relationship between treatment length and either outcome or TFC change; and (e) a significant negative relationship between co-therapists' experience level differences and two dimensions of rated TFC change. Discussion of these findings focused on implications for the clinical practice of conjoint couples' therapy.  相似文献   

This paper offers a comparative analysis of the process of conjoint marital therapy within the three major contemporary models of treatment: psychoanalytic, behavioral, and systems theory. The specific dimensions of the treatment process that are examined are: (1) the role of the past and of the unconscious; (2) the nature and meaning of presenting problems and the role of assessment; (3) the relative importance of mediating vs. ultimate treatment goals; and (4) the nature of the therapists roles and functions. On the basis of this comparative analysis, some thoughts toward the future of the marital therapies are offered.  相似文献   

A behavioral approach to marital therapy in groups includes training in communication skills; increasing the recognition, initiation, and acknowledgement of pleasing interactions; redistributing time spent in recreational and social activities; and contingency contracting. These treatment modules are offered during eight to 10 sessions spaced over a three month period. The specific techniques are imbedded in a matrix consisting of an alliance between the spouses and the co-therapists, and group cohesiveness. Evaluations of the approach with 40 couples indicate that the group methods produce statistically significant improvements in marital satisfaction. An experimental comparison revealed that the behavioral methods led to significantly greater improvements in the observed interactions between spouses than in a group which used a discussion-interaction format.  相似文献   

Implementing behavioral marital therapy is discussed with emphasis on the techniques of problem-solving, communications training, behavioral contracting, and homework assignments. The therapist's intervention style and the aspects of treatment which aid in generalization and maintenance of therapeutic gains are also described, and a typical treatment session is outlined.  相似文献   

This paper offers a conceptual approach as well as examples of resistance to marital therapy. It is aimed at beginning marital clinicians to provide an understanding of the natural existence of resistance to therapeutic change. A model which conceptualizes resistance based on two divergent emotions is presented. This model can aid the clinician in assessing each individual's willingness to improve throughout the process of therapy. The examples of marital resistance may aid clinicians to be more aware of the forms which resistance can take.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the empirical research in behavioral approaches to marital therapy. The level of product of current research designs has not yet advanced significantly beyond the non-factorial single-group design, and the breadth of treatment populations employed thus far has been restricted. The power of the behavioral method is found in its theoretical base, observational and treatment-relevant assessment, procedural specificity, and quantification of outcome. The outcomes of treatment, though relatively small in number, thus far, have been almost universally positive and encouraging.  相似文献   

An Integrative Model of marital therapy, based on behavioral-learning approaches and other current conceptions and marital therapy practices, was tested in' a four-stage therapy program. Treatment couples, as opposed to normal controls and clinical couples in a waiting-list condition, showed significant increase in caring (as measured by Shostrom's Caring Relationship Inventory) and satisfaction with the relationship (as measured by the Kelly-Tharp Marriage Role Questionnaire). Furthermore, the observed changes were attributable to the incremental treatment procedures, and positively correlated with gain scores on a learning-in-therapy measure. The clinical utility of the model, and the theoretical and methodological implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The pilot study presented in this paper focuses on the relationship of life event stress (as measured by the Holmes Social Readjustment Rating Scale) and the incidence of marital dysfunction. It was found that those couples in which one or both partners were receiving marital counseling had experienced a significantly greater amount of life stress events during the previous 12-month period than had couples who were not experiencing marital dysfunction. The discussion includes a theoretical examination of the life stress event/marital dysfunction relationship, as well as implications regarding the use of this scale by the counselor for preventative and intervention purposes.  相似文献   

This exploration of the relationship between marital satisfaction and marital stability utilizes the social-psychological schema of Thibaut and Kelley (1959). Marital satisfaction is viewed as a function of the comparison between one's marital expectations and one's marital outcome. Marital stability is viewed as a function of the comparison between one's best available marital alternative and one's marital outcome. Hence, marital satisfaction and marital stability can differ. Implications of this view for both researcher and clinician are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a process based method for using dreams as an adjunct to marital and family therapy. Based on the functional orientation in psychology, this approach identifies and emphasizes personality and life area strengths rather than weaknesses. Dreams are viewed as pictures of feelings and as guides to the emotional dynamics operating for each individual in a family system. The process variables of expression, feeling, clarity, activity, and contact levels are emphasized. A case study illustrates the application of this approach in the treatment of a disturbed family system.  相似文献   

The authors examine first the meaning ascribed to gender behaviour and the impact this has on couples' struggle to evolve a marital structure that can equitably meet their needs. The roles played by counsellors who inadvertently reinforce sex-role stereotyping in their counselling is also described and case-discussion in literature where sexism prevails will be presented. Alternative ways of helping couples discover their own fit without appealing to gender behaviour as a structural social tool will be developed. Attention is drawn to the necessity for counsellors to first question their own values about gender behaviour, without succumbing to social definitions.  相似文献   

This paper details a practical guide to the therapy of certain longstanding marital problems. Bateson's (1972) notions of schismogenesis and restraint provide the basis for an understanding of these problems and their presentation for therapy in terms of a classification of processes. A series of hypotheses, derived from this classification of processes, is developed for highly competitive marriages, dominant/submissive marriages and for marriages with closeness/distance problems. These hypotheses enable the therapist to avoid inadvertently participating with couples in ways that perpetuate these problems. Intervention procedures that enable the therapist to participate with couples in ways that favour a more mutually satisfying resolution of such problems are discussed.  相似文献   

The family therapy field is more sophisticated developmentally in its therapeutic methodologies than in the areas of training and supervision. Publications and research efforts on these latter topics have not kept pace with the progress of the clinical aspects of the field. Family therapy training and supervision literature were reviewed and found to be fragmented and disorganized. There is a need for a comprehensive source which would synthesize this literature and compare the existing viewpoints. This paper works toward this end by reviewing, contrasting, and categorizing the available publications according to a series of content areas frequently appearing in the literature. These topic areas are: (1) Goals of Training and Supervision and Skills of the Supervisor; (2) Training and Supervision Techniques; (3) Supervisor-Supervisee Relationship; (4) Personal Therapy for Trainees; (5) Politics of Family Therapy Training; and (6) Evaluation of Training. A comprehensive table is provided to quickly access references in the content area. Recommendations are offered for future efforts in this area.  相似文献   

The current study was designed as quasi-experimental with a pretest and post-test evaluating the efficacy of narrative therapy on communication patterns for women experiencing low marital satisfaction. Thirty women experiencing low marital satisfaction were chosen using convenience sampling and were randomly assigned to an intervention and waiting list group. The intervention group was treated individually by narrative therapy in eight 45-minute sessions. Results from repeated measurement ANOVA revealed significant differences between and within the groups and interaction between and within groups. Independent and paired t-test results showed significant improvement in the intervention group in their marital satisfaction, male-demand/female-withdraw, and total demand/withdraw with maintenance at eight weeks follow-up. Results included increased marital satisfaction, reduced male-demand/female-withdraw, and reduced total demand/withdraw. Thus, results show that narrative therapy is effective in increasing the marital satisfaction indicators of male-demand/female-withdraw, total demand/withdraw, and marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study experimentally examined the Speaker‐Listener technique when couples (N= 30) were instructed to either discuss an issue within or outside their marriage, on marital satisfaction, and communication behaviors. This study examined the J. M. Gottman, J. Coan, S. Carrere, and C. Swanson (1998) hypothesis that the Speaker‐Listener technique may lead to improved marital satisfaction when the couple is discussing a third party issue, but discussing an issue about each other may weaken the marital relationship. Behavioral and physiological data during marital interactions were sequentially analyzed. Results suggested that the Speaker‐Listener technique reduced negativity but did not increase positivity in marital interactions. There were significant differences in positive reciprocity across the 2 experimental groups, but no differences in negativity. Additionally, adherence to the Speaker‐Listener technique was poor, which has implications for both research and theory. Possible interpretations and areas for further investigation are suggested.  相似文献   

This study involved an attempt to explore the relationship between irrational ideas and marital discord, as posited in Rational-Emotive-Therapy. The results supported the hypothesis that individuals who experience marital difficulties demonstrate higher degrees of irrational thinking than individuals who do not experience such difficulties. Additional findings were interpreted on the basis of differences between males and females with respect to cognitive and perceptual orientation.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates relevant knowledge about adult development into an understanding of marital conflict, suggests hypotheses to be explored in the marital evaluation and subsequent therapy, and illustrates the concepts presented with case material.  相似文献   

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