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Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily lives are just like works of art,implying complicated cultural imagination through different kinds of forms.In the last two decades,there has been a large scale of urban renewal in Shanghai.Nowadays,Shanghai,a modern and fashionable metropolis is standing in front of the public.However,from my point of view,the urban renewal of Shanghai is not very successful for it is cutting apart its real history little by little in its dreamlike modern imagination,which does not actually meet the real needs of humanity.  相似文献   

Started from the argument of Culture is the carrier of the reproduction of ideology, the model of reproduction and dissemination of different ideologies. this paper divides the Chinese culture into three kinds from a macro view. These three kinds of culture are national culture, elite culture and popular culture.  相似文献   

Shanghaiology,originated in the 1980s,has attracted the public' s eyes by "Imaginary Shanghai" instead of "Realistic Shanghai".Translate this into terms of literature and you get this:"Shanghai Literature" has been replaced by "Literary Shanghai".Therefore," Literary Shanghai" has been put forward in this article in order to further the relationship between Shanghai and literature and offer an effective model.  相似文献   

Yang Hui 《学术界》2015,(2):276-280
There are two situations when the right to life is encroached: instant death and death after an interval, the compensations for which are quite different from each other, so we shall research upon them respectively. In the situation of instant death, the people who claims for compensation is neither the dead nor the one who bears the compensation,and it is the near relative of the dead, the foundation of which is not inheritance,but natural damage, and the compensation covers only funeral expense,moral damage and compensation for death.  相似文献   

Wang Cuixia 《学术界》2015,(2):271-275
The basic standpoint of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law is to explore the ontological basis of the theories of the criminal law interpretation and the basic routes of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law from the perspective of practice. As far as the practicality of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law is concerned, it emphasizes the connection of the theories and the basic routes,and the practicality comes from the philosophical dimension of the criminal law,which interprets problems from a higher level.  相似文献   

Hu Shi is regarded as one of the most important intellectuals after the Revolution of 1911,and he has a far- reaching influence in 20th century.In the perspective of Hu Shi,the contribution and continuation of the Revolution of 1911 has some inspiration for us to analyze the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and social revolution.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

In 2005,India’s challenge to the European C ommunity’s(EC) Generalized System of Preferences(GSP) scheme resulted in a landmark ruling by the W T O ’s Appellate Body.T he Appellate Body had a landmark finding that the Enabling C lause imposes legal obligation on the preference-granting countries,w hich for a long time considered GSP treatment a conditional gift and designed their ow n GSP scheme as they saw fit.How ever,the guidance given by the EC-Preference case is far from clear: the legal uncertainties ...  相似文献   

Zhu Weifang 《学术界》2012,(6):256-262
Confucianism plays an important role in the w orld’s diverse culture.Since C onfucianism w as spread from Asia to Europe,it has communicated,integrated and innovated w ith W estern culture,and even had a major impact on the European Enlightenment M ovement of ideas.T here is no doubt that it is important to interpret the cross-cultural values of C onfucianism and to explore its influence on the development of contemporary society.C onfucianism is an open ideological system,w hich needs us to treat it w ith an open mind.O nly by constantly absorbing the essence of the cultures from all over the w orld,enhancing civilization and exchanges betw een countries,seeking common ground w hile reserving differences,can w e uphold C hinese culture and make great contribution to the progress and development of the w hole human civilization.  相似文献   

Lin Haitao  Ma Ling 《学术界》2015,(2):257-261
Through analysis of the relationship between heaven and man and the development of the ideology in the developing process from the pre- Qin Confucianism, the cosmology Confucianism of the Han Dynasty to the formation of the Confucian School of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties, this paper attempts to explore the Confucianism ideology from social structure, cultural integration and environmental change and so on, so as to points out that Confucianism does not collapse with the disintegration of the social structure; instead,it realizes self- reconstruction and renovation.  相似文献   

Alice Walker sThe Color Purple,published in 1982,tells the story of Celie,ablack woman in the South.Celie was a blackwoman growing up in the South.She mustovercome masogeny,racism and poverty toestablish herself as an independent person.Thenovel also follows the maturation of her sisterNettie and the lives of Shug,Albert,and muchof his extended family.Celie writes letters toGodin which she tells about her life-her roles asdaughter,wife,sister,and mother.In thecourse of her story,Celie me…  相似文献   

Yuan Tingting 《学术界》2012,(2):257-275
International aid,always concerned as the Western aid,has been in decades’ development after the Second World War.From the Post-colonial time to the era of globalisation,from Washington Consensus to the Post-Washington Consensus,there are various aid discourses,motives and the intervention logics.This paper explores the Western aid through a critical review to the history and the contemporary development of "aid".It argues,despite these changes,the fundamental logic of aid,the logic of "catching up",has not been changed.The related economic and political interventions,such as the aid conditionalities,are all working for this logic,and have caused a lot of criticisms.Aid has not been very successful within the changing agendas.While the foreign aid is moving from intervention to cooperation,to make a more effective "aid",the traditional donors may learn lessons from the South-South relations.  相似文献   

CET Band 4 has been carried out for more than a decade. It becomes so large - scaled, so popular and so influential that many testing experts and foreign language teachers are willing to do research on it. In this paper, I will mainly analyse its reliability from the perspective of writing test and speaking test.  相似文献   

The higher education administration system in China has been a central theme in the reform and development of our country’s higher education. In the past two decades,deviation from reform goals, absence of reform participants, vagueness of reform approaches and other problems have occurred despite the significant effects gained through constant innovations in the reform under the guidance of government policies. For the purpose of better reforming the higher education administration system, the concept of ruling by law, or that of managing the university by law, should be applied. The key is to rationalize the relationship between government and higher institutions as well as to fully exercise the autonomous management of universities and colleges in order to achieve an overall reform of higher education administration system that is conducted from within and without.  相似文献   

In 1957, Grice suggested the theory of meaning-nn as a theory of communication. Later, he developed Cooperative Principle (CP) as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. Some philosophers and linguists try to develop and modify the Grice's Cooperative Principle or attempt to challenge the validity of this and suggest some other principles. However, very few try to explore the driving force behind conversation. What is the mechanism underlying the use of a sentence to convey extra meaning? After a more detailed examination of Grice's work on philosophy and language, we discover that the importance of rationality is shown throughout his work. Therefore we can conclude that rationality, not the cooperation, is the real motivation, though Grice invents the Cooperative Principle. Cooperation is the realization of rationality applied at the level of discourse.  相似文献   

Wang Zhanhua 《学术界》2015,(1):293-299
With the primary development of tourism industry during the Republic of China,tourism education had drawn the attention of the relevant people and a number of practical activities were carried out one after another.This article mainly analyzed the general situations of tourism education of the Republic of China from the object,the form and the content of tourism education and thought that tourism education of that period had extensive objects,various forms,rich and practical contents.Also the characteristics of tourism education during the Republic of China had a positive role in the future development of tourism education in China.  相似文献   

Compromise and toleration as the positive results of human political knowledge and practice,are gradually confirmed and integrated into the realities of the social-political life,becoming the inherent requirements,measuring standards and explicit charaterizations of modern political civilization.Compromise and toleration commonly confirm and promote the progress and upgrade of human political civilization from different angles and levels.  相似文献   

On the Islamization of Central Asia Lan Qi (1) Abstract: The ages from llth century to the early 13th century is the period of Islamization of Cen- tral Asia. From 7th century to 8th century, Islami...  相似文献   

2009 is a fruitful year for the research on internet communication in China.This article will review and comment on papers from 20 different CSSCI journals which specialize in the field of internet communication. 1.Basic theory of internet communication Some researchers believe that the new media is a chaotic system.The spread of information based on new media is kind of circulation from order to disorder,then back to a new order.The results are unpredictable.Some researchers turn their attention to new...  相似文献   

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