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The word "Shanghai" is not just a call of a city.For China,Shanghai is a special place in every respect.It is not only a symbol of Chinese cultural space,a proving ground of world cultures,but also the past and future of China' s modernization.We can find almost all of representation of modern things:art gallery,theatre,bar cabaret,skyscraper,glass curtain wall,underground tunnel,maglev train,etc.Mixed with noisy sound,these things fill every corner of Shanghai.  相似文献   

In the discourse of modern moral philosophy, "morality" does not mean not to "gain", butinstructs people how to "gain". But there is a dilemma comes with the finiteness of subject in modem mo-rality. Different from the concept of "pre - established harmony'in Western culture, traditional Chinese culture is an ecological culture composed of various value concepts and this ecological culture has an important significance as the resources for resolving the dilemma of modernity morality.  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

In 1957, Grice suggested the theory of meaning-nn as a theory of communication. Later, he developed Cooperative Principle (CP) as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. Some philosophers and linguists try to develop and modify the Grice's Cooperative Principle or attempt to challenge the validity of this and suggest some other principles. However, very few try to explore the driving force behind conversation. What is the mechanism underlying the use of a sentence to convey extra meaning? After a more detailed examination of Grice's work on philosophy and language, we discover that the importance of rationality is shown throughout his work. Therefore we can conclude that rationality, not the cooperation, is the real motivation, though Grice invents the Cooperative Principle. Cooperation is the realization of rationality applied at the level of discourse.  相似文献   

The Letters and Visits system is a kind of system with unique Chinese characteristics,whose function mainly includes democratic supervision,communication between governments and the public,and civil rights relief etc.The system itself does not conflict with the rule of law while the reason for the flooding of letters -or -visits' matters lies in the understanding of its misplaced function,particularly for the unlimited expansion of relief function and neglect of supervision and communication functions.Through the practice of democracy,the administrative self - restraint idea and protection of the independent status of the department for letters and visits,its function can return to the right position.  相似文献   

We offer a new understanding of the scientific world and the contents of the basic question of philosophy,which is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of the specific information in the various components of the structure of reality.It is shown that,in addition to material objects,processes,and events,in the real world are also intangible objects,processes and conditions that are in its information content.So the basic question of philosophy is proposed to treat the relationship as a tangible and intangible component of reality.More succinctly it can be formulated as the ratio of matter and information.This allows you to point to some new challenges studying the phenomenon of information in various components of the structure of reality.  相似文献   

Started from the argument of Culture is the carrier of the reproduction of ideology, the model of reproduction and dissemination of different ideologies. this paper divides the Chinese culture into three kinds from a macro view. These three kinds of culture are national culture, elite culture and popular culture.  相似文献   

Triple Explores on the Value Pursuits of National Governance of China Yang Xinglin(6) Abstract. The national governance of China not only has general value pursuits but its own special value pursuits. Perfecting and developing socialism system with Chinese characteristics is the direct value pursuit of the national governance in China; promoting social harmony and mak- ing people happiness is its basic value pursuit; returning state power to society and people con- sciously and gradually is its fundamental value pursuit. The three pursuits mentioned above are relying on each other, promoting each other, and reflect the essence of national governance and distinctive characteristics of China profoundly.  相似文献   

Shanghaiology undergoes the process from the repeated disputes resulting from the advocate of Shanghaiology to multidisciplines development in the name of Shanghai Studies.However,Shanghaiology and its...  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

The advent of the theory of communicative competence raised new issues for language teaching and testing. The importance of communicative ability is emphasized in language teaching. Therefore test that could reflect a student's communicative competence need to be constructed. Communicative testing is such a potentially effective approach. This paper is concerned with the theoretical basis of communicative testing, its distinguishing features and the construction of oral proficiency tests, so as to demonstrate how the theory of communicative testing is built into practical tests.  相似文献   

Recently,I saw a doctoral dissertation online.It is Liu Fang' s Song Dynasty Double Capital of Urban Culture and Literary Production which passed Ph.D.thesis defense in a university in 2008.At the first glance at the subject,it is very attractive.While I read the afterword and knew the topic had won three funds given by his university,his province and the Ministry of Education respectively,it seemed even better.But after carefully reading the text,I was disappointed.We can say that it is not only filled with faults everywhere,but also by undesirable learning style.  相似文献   

There have always been two opposite opinions on the relationship between pragmatics and language norm.Some scholars hold the opinions that language norm is not the shackles of language use,so language users can break the norm occasionally in order to achieve the purpose of communication.Other scholars believe that sticking to the norm is the presupposition of successful communication.According to them,the violation of norm is the negation of the function as well as the necessity of language norm.  相似文献   

From its political relations Regardle origins in the Weberian tradition of sociology, work on state-society has inherited several propensities. ss of its specific focus, it shares a predilection for large-scale generalizations about the state and its relation to society. Conceptions of the state itself, bearing the imprint of traditional European state forms, continue to portray it as a hierarchical, Weberian bureaucratic apparatus. Consistent with this view of the state, analysts in the field have characteristically presumed that a sharp analytical distinction, if not always an actual separation, between the state and society. This essay demonstrates how these traditional approaches have proven increasingly inadequate to capture the realities of state-society relations. Not only in developed countries but increasingly beyond them, a variety of trends have progressively altered the Weberian state and the overall patterns of state-society relations that accompanied it. Societal influences on the state have also grown, diversified and assumed new forms. Thesocial imaginaries that have linked states with national societies may gradually be changing as well. Work in numerous fields, from public policy and public administration to local governance, political culture and economic sociology, reveals important dimensions of state-society relations that can rarely be fully grasped by means of the traditional state-society dichotomy.  相似文献   

Thomas Pikettys Methodology and Theory on Capital in the Twenty--First Century
Abstract: Thomas Piketty's research on capital in the 21st century mainly has made some a- nalysis on the accumulation and distribution of wealth in Europe and America in the past 250 years. His conclusion is that social inequality will intensify when the income value by capital grows faster than the value of economic growth and human capital was defeated by financial cap- ital and real estate capital. Inequality is not coincidental but an internal logic of capitalism. If the capitalism system is not changed, the meritocratic value which is capitalism faith will be under punch, and the capitalism democratic order and so--called "justice" will be threatened.  相似文献   

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Hawthorne is deeply influenced by Puritanism. His representative work, The Scarlet Letter, reflects the Calvinistic thought of "Original Sin". His novel also expresses his pious attitude with skepticism for ethics and morality of Puritanism. On one hand, Hawthorne strongly criticizes Calvinism for constraining human nature, and on the other hand, regards some social problems as the sake of evil human nature. He advocates the believers to clear themselves of guilt and to purify their hearts by penitence and kindness.  相似文献   

Han Caiying  Xing Juanjuan 《学术界》2013,(1):174-185,277,281
I.Puritan tradition:severe order of religious life and undefiled political and ethical appeal 1.Severe order of religious life:the origin of puritanism It is well known that Christian came into being as a breakaway from Judaism in a time of religious confrontation,national conflict,social instability and great suffering of the ordinary people.At the time of its foundation,the Christianity already established its most fundamental doctrine,i.e.to link the Gospel of Christ closely with the Passion of Jesus Christ,thereby establishing their basic ethical creed:to keep to poverty and abstinence.This is the most basic,characteristic and centripetal conception of Christianity which bearsmost the sense of affiliation.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.E-mail and its application in SLAComputer technology is probably the fastest growingeducation phenomenon in the world history.Many educa-tors are endeavored to make computer networks a part oftheir teaching and their students’learning experi-ence.[1](P335)Among a number of the uses of computertechnology that are at disposal of foreign language teach-ers,electronic mail,especially its use in writing,israpidly gaining popularity.Email is a way of sending a message from one com-puter to one…  相似文献   

Uniqueness of our political systems and tremendous changes brought about by reform and opening up are reflected in language use,so contem porary Chinese political discourse has its own distinctiveness,and is especially featured by increasing political neologisms,posing difficulties for interpreters and for China’s international publicity.Quality of political neologisms interpreting has a direct bearing on whether or not success of interpreting the whole discourse can be achieved.The authors believe that interpreting of contemporary Chinese political discourse,also for the purpose of com m unication can gain guidance from Bachman’s CLA Model.So the paper elaborates through exem plification on strategies for interpreting political neologisms in light of Bachm an’s Model,with a view to realizing discourse power of Chinese.  相似文献   

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