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随着中国进入经济、社会的转型期,各种环境问题也日益凸显出来,而且呈现愈加严重的趋势,环境问题已成为影响我国经济、社会发展的重要问题。在环境保护中,环境保护意识是核心的部分。社会工作中的增权理论对于提高环境保护意识有很多值得借鉴和思考的地方。笔者从增权理论的视角出发,分析了我国民众淡薄的环保意识现状成因,并提出了通过为民众增权进而提高环保意识的策略。  相似文献   

甘肃省独特的地理位置,致使自然生态环境极其脆弱。政府、专家学者和环保人士已高度重视这一问题。然而,广大民众是否具有环保意识,他们的环保意识能否体现在环保行为上。本文通过调查得出,在正常情况下,广大民众在生态环境保护方面具有理性,但是如果在收入下降、就业不充分、资源严重短缺、物价上涨、竞争无序等问题出现后,迫于生活压力,会忽视应有的环保行为。在这种情况下,我们要充分理解,并通过引导改变他们传统的生活习惯,帮助他们提高收入,约束过度使用环境资源等途径来达到保护生态环境的目的。  相似文献   

统筹城乡环境建设问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国城市环境有所改善,但农村环境持续恶化。造成这种差异的原因主要是环境政策有失偏颇,环境权益不公,环境保护投入不均,城乡环境保护意识差距等,归根结底是我国长期以来的城乡二元经济结构产生的城乡二元环境。城乡环境作为一个整体,不可分割,相互影响,城乡二元环境不利于统筹城乡经济社会发展,因此,应当统筹城乡环境建设,促进城乡环境保护的一致性。具体做法是:调整环境政策,实行城乡环境保护并重政策方针;调整城乡环境资源配置,建立生态补偿制度;转移环境保护支付,加大农村环境保护投入,加大农村环境教育,提高农民环境保护意识。  相似文献   

我国海洋自然保护区现存问题解决办法探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国海洋自然保护区在规划、建设、保护工作开展等诸多方面存在问题,要解决这些问题,需要采取健全海洋自然保护区管理体制、完善海洋自然保护区法律法规、提高民众的海洋环保意识、筹集海洋自然保护区建设资金等多种措施。  相似文献   

正环境保护现已成为全球关注的热点话题,高速发展的社会让生存家园满目疮痍。随着环保意识的提高,环境保护问题已被越来越多的国家视为首要问题,人们希望将越来越多的资金注入环境保护行业,大力发展环境保护事业,寻求最有效、最快捷、最根本的方案缓解日趋恶化的环境问题。前不久,青岛银行面向公众召开80亿绿色债券发行计划新闻发布会,此举成为国内首批通过人民银行审批的三家绿债试点行之  相似文献   

试论农村环境保护中公众参与现状与提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宁 《社会工作》2012,(12):92-94
农民在农村环境保护中公众参与不足,总体体现为被动参与状态。这归因于农民在观念上欠缺整体性的认识,环境权利意识薄弱,农村环保公众参与的法律规定不明晰等。将农民的公众参与由被动化为主动有三大策略,包括健全农村公众参与环境保护的法律法规,提高农民的环境权利意识;加强环境信息公开,激发农民参与环境保护的主观能动性;发展农村环境保护的社会组织,丰富公众参与渠道等。  相似文献   

  思想政治课的一大特点是理论必须联系实际。在课堂上学到的纯粹理论若不转化成实际,那么就达不到教育教学的目标要求。社会调查往往能弥补这一不足。例如,在讲完初二“环境”问题后,我让学生到校外调查一下公民的环境意识以及公民知道多少有关环境保护方面的法律法规,并组织学生到附近工厂调查一下环境问题,了解依法管理环境的情况,组织学生开展环保宣传活动,如宣传环保法规,开展清洁环境的活动,植物绿化活动,爱护鸟类等野生动物活动。通过此项调查活动,使学生真正体会到了“保护环境人人有责”的道理,增强了学生环保意识。再如,讲授初二“依法服兵役”内容时,让学生调查他们周围有哪些烈士军属,他们有哪些困难,开展一些拥军优属活动,并使学生体会到依法服兵役是公民的义务,是光荣的。  相似文献   

本文根据2005年对东京市民、2009年对北京市民关于环境意识的抽样调查数据,对中日两国公众的环境意识进行比较分析,结果发现两国公众的环保行动更多集中于日常环保行为,公益环保活动参与积极性不高。相比之下,日本公众对环境问题的认识更加全面深刻,中国公众保护环境、改善环境的意愿更为强烈。在此基础上,本文提出加强环保宣传教育、完善环保法制建设、全社会共同参与、加强国际交流与合作等进一步提升我国公众环境意识水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

建立我国绿色证券法律制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用经济政策推进环境保护已经成为世界各国的共识。在资本市场上,绿色证券制度的推行有助于规范和促进上市公司的环境保护行为。当前,我国有关绿色证券的规定尚停留在试验和政策的层面,难以发挥调控市场和保护环境的作用。我国应当从以下四个方面建立完善绿色证券法律制度:对绩优环保企业的上市采取减免手续费,建立环保企业股票风险担保机制等激励制度;上市公司的环保核查制度应当进一步明确核查主体、核查后的救济制度;上市公司的环境信息披露应当结合环境会计报告进行;逐步建立上市公司的环境绩效评估体系,发展环境绩效评估中介机构。  相似文献   

随着人类社会的发展,人类在向大自然无节制索取的同时,也严重地污染了环境、破坏了生态、导致了资源的枯竭,这些已严重影响着人类的生存和发展。“重视自然,保护环境,实现可持续性发展”已成为世人迫切关注的主题。目前,环境保护已成为我国的一项基本国策,而在国民中普及环保知识、培养环保意识就成为一项重要任务。中学历史学科蕴含着大量有关生态环境教育方面的教学内容,历史学科利用学科的优势,研究过去、指导今天、反思历史、展望未来,培养中学生环境意识应成为中学历史教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

智障人士是需要特别关注和帮助弱势群体。本文基于社会工作增权理论,在提出研究假设和诠释核心概念的基础上,通过6例个案分析了智障人士社会生活各方面的无权状况,提出了对智障人士的个体性增权和社会性增权两个层次,经过实践环节努力使智障人士提高生活能力、增加人际交往和促进社会融合,从而达到个人权力的提升。  相似文献   

Migrant workers in the Chinese construction industry have been described as ‘indenture labourers of the twenty-first Century’. Under the guise of flexible work and high salary, there exist serious problems such as lack of an employment contract, poor working conditions, and the delay of payment. The origin of these problems lies in the subcontracting production regime of the construction industry that masks its labour relationships. The system also makes the intervention of industrial social work, labour rights protection and advocacy of corporate social responsibility ineffective. Based on a case of a migrant construction worker service organization, this study provides preliminary explorations on an indigenous model called ‘transformative social work’ in China. This model includes long-term education to raise civil and class consciousness, encouraging workers to fight for their own rights, facilitating the development of workers' union, connecting the support from university student volunteers and university teachers, striving for the empowerment of migrant construction workers, and the transformation of the production regime.  相似文献   

Rethinking Empowerment: A Postmodern Reappraisal for Emancipatory Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This article is concerned with the implications of the postmodernchallenge to critical theory for the practice of empowerment.How do we conceptualize empowerment from a postmodern perspective?It is argued that the modernist concept of power upon whichempowerment rests, can have unintended disempowering effects.By conceptualizing power as a commodity, identities are forcedinto a powerful–powerless dualism which does not alwaysdo justice to diverse experiences. Thus we can sometimes contributeto dominance in spite of our liberatory intentions. It is arguedthat social workers need to become more aware of the self-discipliningand self-regulatory processes involved in professional workto address the social relations of power embedded in professionalpractices. Foucault's analysis of how marginalized knowledgesare affected by dominant cultural practices suggests a redefiningof empowerment as the insurrection of subjugated knowledge.The implications of this redefinition for practice is illustratedby reference to work with indigenous people in Australia.  相似文献   

Empowerment of those clients disempowered by society is explored as both a philosophy to inform social work practice and as a continuing method of practice in itself. A three‐part model of empowerment at individual, interpersonal, and group levels is presented and is then illustrated by application to a case study of psychiatric disability. The generalist model of practice is seen as particularly suited to empowerment. New directions in serving mental health consumers are discussed, including participatory action research, the disability paradigm, and consciousness‐raising in relation to economic oppression. Egalitarian partnership between worker and client is seen as the future of social work practice.  相似文献   

One of the limitations of anti-oppressive perspectives (AOPs)in social work is its lack of focus at a micro and individuallevel. AOPs should entail the social worker’s addressingthe needs and assets of service users, challenging the oppressivesocial structure and, most importantly, critically challengingthe power dynamics in the service-provider/service-user relationship.Critical consciousness challenges social workers to be cognizantof power differentials and how these differentials may inadvertentlymake social-work practice an oppressive experience. The authorscontend that critical consciousness fills in some of the gapsof AOPs, and argue for a fuller integration of critical consciousnessinto teaching and practice of AOPs. The methods to work towardcritical consciousness, such as inter-group dialogues, agent–targetdistinctions and empowerment, are detailed.  相似文献   

China is the country with the most number of disabled people. There is a tradition of helping the disabled and those with difficulties in the Chinese culture. At present, the social protection and public service system has been basically established, and the survival development conditions of the disabled people have greatly improved. China will further improve the public service system for the healthy disabled people and the rights protection system for the disabled people, promoting their social participation and all-rounded development.  相似文献   

在我国目前的社会经济形势下,城市“三无人员”的医疗救助状况表现出救助机构隐性排斥、救助水平偏低,保障力度偏弱、救助渠道单一和被救助人员的非正常心态等问题,社会工作者以对城市三无人员医疗救助的需求掌控、整合医疗救助资源和协调建立社会支持网等方面为突破口,积极介入这一特殊群体的医疗救助,更好地缓解这些社会问题。  相似文献   

With a rapidly growing aging society, many elderly people in Japan have been facing difficulties of shopping in their daily life. Recently, this phenomenon has been found in urban areas, especially local cities. This growth of the aging society, combined with alterations to the food supply system, has caused food insecurity over a large area.The food insecurity may induce poor nutrition and disease in elderly people. The Ministries and local governments have taken measures for improving food access. Although NGOs, social organizations and the private sector manage social‐related businesses in many areas, they also rely on government funding. This paper proposes solutions for stakeholders to alleviate this considerable issue: (i) share research outcome, (ii) organize platforms for discussion, and (iii) strengthen community empowerment.  相似文献   

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