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本文描述了退役军人安置的现状,分析了影响退役军人安置状况的因素,提出了改善退役军人安置状况的对策建议。  相似文献   

当前,如何妥善解决退役军人安置问题是摆在我国政府和社会面前的一个难题。负责退役军人安置工作的政府机构目前也面临着很多的困难。随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善和人事制度改革的推进,现行的退役军人安置制度已经越来越不适应社会的发展,亟待进行改革和完善。文章简要的分析了现存的退役军人安置制度存在的矛盾,并根据对现有材料的解读提出了缓解我国退役军人安置问题的对策和建议。  相似文献   

为适应完善社会主义市场经济体制的新形势,加快退役士兵安置改革进程,从根本上解决退役士兵安置难的问题,在认真总结近年来各地安置改革经验、以及借鉴国外安置退役军人有益做法的基础上,现就退役士兵安置办法提出如下改革设想。  相似文献   

高招之一:适应形势,加强教育,引导退役士兵转变择业观念江泽民总书记指出:“复员退役军人的安置工作,是党和政府的一项长期、重要的政治2务,关系到国家的经济建设、国防建设和社会的稳定与发展c”国家的安全取决于军。心的稳定,而军。心稳定的重要因素之一,是军人退出现役后的妥善安置。把退役士兵安置好,不仅会成为一支促进改革、发展、稳定的重要力量,而且将成为一支地方经济建设的生力军。为适应形势发展需要,我们在向各级领导、社会、团体坚持广泛宣传退役士兵安置的重要意义的同时,对退役士兵返乡后或在待分配期间,利用各…  相似文献   

丧葬既是国家对退役军人爱国奉献的一种尊重,也是社会福利水平的重要体现.美国政府对退役军人的丧葬非常重视,长期以来形成了一套规范化的管理机制,其服务特点十分突出,对于健全我国退伍军人殡葬服务机构,完善烈士陵园管理,改革退役军人殡葬货币补偿制度,提供免费退役军人殡葬服务等具有重要启示  相似文献   

该文结合退役军人职业教育的目标与特点,分析专创融合教育模式对退役军人在高等职业院校学习的必要性.以电子商务专业《网店美工》课程为例,具体分析针对退役军人职业教育专创融合教育的教学设计方案,理论联系实践、线上结合线下教学、课堂结合工作与生产环境需求,不断完善、创新教学方式与方法,融入创新理念,从而实现利用课程实践提升退役军人创新创业能力的目标.  相似文献   

根据新的思路,我们对新的安置办法进行了认真的研讨,出台了一系列新的安置政策和措施,开辟了安置工作新途径。   一是安置办法以安置对象自谋职业、政府发安置金为主渠道。凡自谋职业的,均由政府一次性发给有偿转移安置金。发放标准是:每人基数 1万元,每服满一年加 1千元,其从事个体经营或兴办企业的,工商部门优先核发营业执照,减收有关费用,并在经营范围、信贷税收等方面给予优惠。   二是妥善安置回原籍的农村转业志愿兵和伤残军人。农村籍安置对象回原籍安置的,除发给安置补偿金以外,由所在村落实土地;回乡的农村籍伤残…  相似文献   

周文  袁仿来 《社会福利》2008,(11):24-25
成年孤儿安置问题一直是困扰各儿童福利机构发展的瓶颈,本文对10年来上海成年孤儿安置模式进行了回顾、总结,提出一些在安置成年孤儿回归社会过程中需考虑和探讨的问题。文章分别对儿童福利机构在成年孤儿安置过程中所承担的责任、上海市成年孤儿安置的具体做法以及存在的不足和解决思路进行了有益探讨,为国内儿童福利机构的孤儿安置提供参考。  相似文献   

近几年,为解决社会主义市场经济条件下出现的“安置难”问题,河北省委。省政府从讲政治的高度出发,从支持国防建设和部队建设的大局着眼,从解决思想、更新观念入手,按照市场经济的要求,努力探索新形势下安置工作的新路子,实行了均衡负担。按比例合理分配退役士兵安置任务的均衡安置办法,有效地化解了安置与接收的矛盾,较好地解决了‘安置难”问题。一、适应新形势,研究新问题,积极探索“均衡安置”新路子九十年代以来,随着计划经济向社会主义市场经济的转变,过去行之有效的“按系统分配任务”的城镇退役士兵安置办法在新形势下…  相似文献   

风笑天 《社会》2008,28(2):152-152
本文依据对江苏、浙江两省6个县343户三峡外迁农村移民的调查数据,分析了相对集中与完全分散这两种不同的安置方式,以及由此所形成的两种不同的人际交往状况对外迁移民社会适应的影响。研究发现,从总体上看,移民在安置地的人际交往状况对移民的社会适应的影响十分显著。无论是移民之间的交往、还是移民与当地居民之间的交往,都会大大增强移民融入当地社会的程度。  相似文献   

Mike Mantin 《Social history》2016,41(2):155-170
After the First World War, disabled British veterans returned home to an uncertain future of work. In addition to voluntary efforts, the government’s response to the national employment crisis – the National Scheme for Disabled Ex-Servicemen (commonly known as the King’s Roll) – was established in 1919 to encourage employers to hire a five per cent quota of disabled ex-servicemen. Historians have recently revisited the scheme, noting that in many cases the process was slow and fraught, with many disabled veterans facing the prospect of unemployment, yet few have paid attention to soldiers’ pre-war working backgrounds and the specific requests of British industries. This article focuses on British coalminers returning from war. What role was there in this national situation for an industry known for its own high rate of accident and injury? Although the King’s Roll made some attempt to find veterans specifically targeted jobs above and below ground according to their impairments, it proved unable to incorporate coalmining. Instead, many disabled ex-servicemen returned to the workplace and utilized their existing identities as miners to navigate the process. With the industry beginning to decline, many faced potential regression in job status, exploitation or unemployment. By shifting to an industry-specific focus, this case study explores the contested nature of work for disabled people after the First World War, and highlights the interrelation and importance of workplace identity for the returning disabled veteran.  相似文献   

Refugee resettlement policy in the United States prioritizes family reunification, meaning, resettling families that may have been separated for years are reuniting and reestablishing connections while integrating into a new culture. Scholarship on the impact of resettlement and integration has focused primarily on the individual level, despite evidence that strong family relationships are a documented protective factor for refugee families. This paper aims to explore the impact of resettlement on Karen refugee families' relationships. Data from 6 focus groups with 36 Karen refugee community members and interviews with 8 key stakeholders suggests that refugee families are at risk of a constellation of relational issues that are exacerbated by the stress of resettlement. Data also indicates that families have indigenous strategies for solving problems that could be harnessed to develop culturally relevant family support services.  相似文献   


Individuals who come to the United States as refugees and work as resettlement caseworkers offer peer support, modeling, and assistance with integration to newly arriving refugees, despite often having limited training or experience in social service provision. A phenomenological approach was utilized to gain understanding about the experiences of refugee caseworkers. Nine caseworkers who came to the United States as refugees completed in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify primary themes, including: a) the caseworker's bridge-building role with clients; b) their role in building bridges with others in the community, including the resettlement agency; and c) the caseworkers’ experience as bridge builders, including motivations, perspectives toward their role, and needed supports. Refugee service providers face unique challenges in negotiating boundaries with clients and meeting the expectations of their ethnolinguistic community members. Their strengths in understanding household experiences and in building agency and community understanding highlight their ability to contribute to positive resettlement outcomes. The findings from this study have implications for agencies serving refugees and for other social services that utilize peer-support strategies, particularly in regards to staff training and support. Findings highlight the need for research examining effective resettlement strategies and the perspectives of refugees toward resettlement approaches.  相似文献   

文章基于对交通建设征地拆迁的实地调查,分析了各方利益主体参与利益博弈的基础,政府是基于其行政权,企业是基于其财权,村集体组织是基于其土地所有权,被征地拆迁农民是基于其土地使用权,探讨了征地拆迁各方利益主体形成利益关联体的过程,在这一关联体中充满了利益的统一和分歧,以期建立一整套长效机制解决因交通建设征地拆迁而引发的社会不稳定问题。  相似文献   

More than half of the refugees who have resettled to the United States in recent years have been youth. Refugee youth have often witnessed or experienced violence and family separation prior to resettlement and face barriers to successful resettlement such as language and educational challenges. These factors elevate risk for mental and emotional distress, and protective factors like strong familial relationships are important to promoting mental well‐being. This study utilized focus groups with 36 refugees ages 18 to 25 from four ethnic groups to explore conceptualizations of and communication about mental and emotional distress within and outside of family systems. Youth reported a nuanced conceptualization of their premigration and postmigration stressors and their patterns of communication about distress in three domains: (a) exposure to traumatic stress prior to resettlement, (b) stressful experiences in resettlement, and (c) communication about mental health inside and outside of family groups.  相似文献   

More than 200,000 displaced Karen from Burma have been “warehoused” in displaced persons' camps on the Thai-Burma border for more than 20 years. Recently, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) has embarked on the durable solution of resettlement to third countries for these people. In this paper, the experiences and perceptions of resettlement of Christian Karen are explored through the findings from two focus groups with recently arrived refugees, augmented by contextual discussions with Christian Karen community leaders in Australia. Focus group participants displayed a strong and overt sense of identity, both as individual Karen and as part of the Christian Karen community, locally and trans-nationally, indicating that Christian Karen identity remains intact during displacement and strongly influences the resettlement experience for this group.  相似文献   

The resettlement of people with learning disabilities (mental handicap) from long-stay hospitals has been under way for a number of years in England. This process has generally been dominated by the exigencies of the available services. A needs-led approach, emphasized in recent community care legislation, in which new services are sought on the basis of the specific requirements of service users, has been used infrequently for this purpose. This paper compares the process of implementing a needs-led care management approach to resettlement with the implementation of a more traditional service-led approach. It also suggests some important lessons for the application of a needs-led approach to hospital resettlement.  相似文献   

杜云素 《社会工作》2011,(22):91-93
在现代化建设中,随着各项水利工程的建设,产生了大量的水库移民,水库移民问题处理是否妥当将直接关系到移民的生活安康水平及地区乃至国家的稳定。本文从水库移民性质、安置与补偿、社会冲突与整合、适应,以及社会保障五个方面对水库移民的已有研究进行了全面综述,并做了简要评述。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that explored the experiences, perceptions and motivations of a new type of autonomous volunteer emerging in modern society, in particular, those working to assist in the rural resettlement of refugees in Australia. The volunteers filled a gap left by under resourced government and community services. In‐depth semi structured interviews revealed that their motivation was due in part, to the lack of bureaucratic' red tape'. Their drive to address social issues was based also in part on values to see social justice expressed in their community. Some challenges and tensions due to cultural differences were identified. Questions for community development and social capital are raised. Implications are raised for volunteer groups' and resettlement organisations' policy and practice to enhance the resettlement process for both the host community and those with a refugee background.  相似文献   

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