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This qualitative study examines formative spiritual experiences of thirteen Orthodox Jewish women. The author discusses differences between Orthodox-born women and women returnees to Orthodoxy. From an attachment perspective, the data suggests that secure as well as insecure attachment bonds are the primary factors in religious development for these respondents. The author also argues that spiritual development from a Kabbalistic perspective offers a complementary paradigm from which to evaluate the respondents’ religious development. Finally, recommendations for clinical practice with Orthodox women are discussed.
Shoshana RingelEmail:

Following an acrimonious divorce or separation, arguments are frequently presented as to why a child should not be with a nonresident parent. The custodial parent, whether a father or a mother, uses the concept of a child being attached to himself or herself and therefore this should prevent the child from having actual or reasonable contact with the absent parent. This view is based on antagonism between the former partners rather than the importance of the attachment theory being relevant. The attachment theory is also used to discredit the intentions of the noncustodial parent. This is especially the case for the younger child. With older children this is not likely to be as relevant. The history of the development of the attachment theory commencing with Bowlby and Ainsworth is presented, and the counterarguments are also presented. Attachment to the mother is obviously important initially but attachment to the father is equally important to the child and such bonding is likely to lead to positive emotional and behavioral development. It is therefore argued that both fathers and mothers have an important role to play and are, or should be, responsible for the rearing of children. The acrimony between the couple should not be considered as relevant as it is, in fact, the real reason why attachment theory is used against a nonresident parent.  相似文献   


Incarcerated fathers or men in the role of father or surrogate father in the US are approaching rates that could be considered epidemic in proportion. Children are adversely affected by the absense of fathers. Some authors, researchers, and government view fatherhood as an incarcerated fathers have not been considered a viable intervention. This study explores the efficacy of programmed parenting interventions for incarcerated men.  相似文献   


Few ideas have captured the attention and charged the emotions of the public, of mental health and legal professionals as thoroughly as the concept of parental alienation and Gardner's (1987) Parental Alienation Syndrome. For all of this controversy, the alienation concept stands outside developmental theory and without firm empirical support. The present paper explores alienation and its conceptual counterpart, alignment, as the necessary and natural tools of child-caregiver attachment (Ainsworth & Wittig, 1969; Bowlby, 1969) and of family system cohesion. This conceptual foundation offers developmentalists, clinicians, and family law professionals alike a common language and valuable instruments with which to understand those relatively infrequent but highly charged circumstances in which these tools are used as weapons, particularly in the context of contested custody litigation. The need to establish baseline measures, child-centered interventions, and legal remedies anchored in the attachment model is discussed.  相似文献   

Research shows how an understanding of adult attachment applies to clinical treatment, such as outpatient therapy, but no literature explores the application of adult attachment to wilderness therapy, a distinct type of residential treatment. This paper explores how an understanding of adult attachment applies to wilderness therapy clients, as the nature of wilderness therapy involves losses, separations, and reunions, all of which evoke attachment needs. Adult wilderness treatment exemplifies an effective method of treatment that provides a secure base and supports healthy attachment relationships.  相似文献   

The Adult Exploration of Attachment Interview (AEAI) is a therapeutic interview developed by the author to assist adults to understand themselves and their relationships with others, especially with a partner, co‐parent and/or children. It is suitable for individuals and couples struggling to overcome repeated patterns of relating, helping to improve their intimate or parenting relationships through greater self and other understanding. The AEAI explores an adult's early relational learning, especially in regard to attachment needs, in order to allow change. The interview uses specific externalising language to help persons tolerate difficult memories, reduce guilt and shame and integrate their thoughts and feelings. It applies key implications of attachment theory and the approach is illustrated by examples from therapy.  相似文献   

This literature review draws from a wide array of interdisciplinary research to argue that fathers need to be included in child welfare practice and research to the same extent as mothers. Social work and child maltreatment literature highlight that fathers are often overlooked and viewed more negatively than mothers in child welfare practice. There are noteworthy theoretical and practical reasons for this poor engagement of fathers in practice. However, advances in attachment theory and recent research findings from developmental and fathering literature indicate that fathers influence their children independently from mothers and equally strongly. Further research demonstrates that fathers and father figures can be both potential risk factors and protective factors in the lives of vulnerable children. Therefore, children are placed at increased risk if dangerous fathers are not engaged, and are also significantly disadvantaged if supportive fathers are not engaged. The review concludes with practical implications for child welfare practice and research.  相似文献   

Despite long‐standing hypotheses that intimate partner violence (IPV) may undermine children's ability to form secure attachment representations, few studies have empirically investigated this association. Particularly lacking is research that examines IPV and attachment during middle childhood, a time when the way that children understand, represent, and process the behavior of others becomes particularly important. Using data from a sample of African American children living in rural, low‐income communities (N = 98), the current study sought to address this gap by examining the association between physical IPV occurring early in children's lives and their attachment security during the first grade. Results indicate that, even after controlling for child‐ and family‐level covariates, physical IPV was associated with a greater likelihood of being rated insecurely attached. This effect was above and beyond the influence of maternal parenting behaviors, demonstrating a unique effect of physical IPV on children's attachment representations during middle childhood.  相似文献   

In the current study 45 university students with either divorced or continuously married parents were surveyed about their romantic attachment, positive emotionality, depressive symptomology, self-esteem, and, when applicable, their retrospective beliefs about their parents’ marital dissolution. Findings revealed that parental divorce did not predict attachment insecurity, depression, or low self-esteem. In fact, adult children of divorced parents (ACDP) reported increased compassion, awe, enthusiasm, and perspective taking. Among ACDP, a composite factor representing increased fear of abandonment, peer rejection, and maternal blame was positively associated with adult attachment anxiety, even while controlling for parental conflict and divorce-related socioenvironmental disruption. Results are discussed in terms of their support of a complex understanding of the long-term effects of parental divorce, and in their inconsistency with a purely pathogenic model of parental divorce.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate and compare the attachment styles of maltreated and non‐maltreated children through the use of the family drawing technique. The sample consisted of ten maltreated and ten non‐maltreated children between the ages of five and 11. The findings revealed that the maltreated children depicted significantly more items in their drawings linked to an insecure attachment pattern than non‐maltreated children, while the non‐maltreated children made use of significantly more drawing features linked to a secure attachment pattern. These results corresponded to scores on the Child Behaviour Checklist (Achenbach, 1991). All maltreated children scored in the clinical range. The family drawings of maltreated children significantly evidenced a greater distress ? represented by an insecure attachment pattern – than the drawings of non‐maltreated children represented by a secure attachment style. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
‘The family drawings of maltreated children significantly evidenced a greater distress’

Citing Literature

Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 16

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  • Peter D. Rehder, W. Roger Mills-Koonce, Nicholas J. Wagner, Bharathi J. Zvara, Michael T. Willoughby, Attachment quality assessed from children’s family drawings links to child conduct problems and callous-unemotional behaviors, Attachment & Human Development, 10.1080/14616734.2020.1714676, (1-18), (2020). Crossref
  • Esther Burkitt, Dawn Watling, Hannah Message, Expressivity in children's drawings of themselves for adult audiences with varied authority and familiarity, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10.1111/bjdp.12278, 37 , 3, (354-368), (2019). Wiley Online Library
  • Cecilia Serena Pace, Viviana Guerriero, Giulio Cesare Zavattini, Children’s attachment representations: A pilot study comparing family drawing with narrative and behavioral assessments in adopted and community children, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 10.1016/j.aip.2019.101612, (101612), (2019). Crossref
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  • Rajan S. Hayre, Natalie Goulter, Marlene M. Moretti, Maltreatment, attachment, and substance use in adolescence: Direct and indirect pathways, Addictive Behaviors, 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.10.049, (2018). Crossref
  • Rebecca Carr-Hopkins, Calem De Burca, Felicity A Aldridge, Assessing attachment in school-aged children: Do the School-Age Assessment of Attachment and Family Drawings work together as complementary tools?, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10.1177/1359104517714589, 22 , 3, (402-420), (2017). Crossref
  • Emiko Katsurada, Mitsue Tanimukai, Junko Akazawa, A study of associations among attachment patterns, maltreatment, and behavior problem in institutionalized children in Japan, Child Abuse & Neglect, 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.06.018, 70 , (274-282), (2017). Crossref
  • Sherwood Burns-Nader, Examining children’s healthcare experiences through drawings, Early Child Development and Care, 10.1080/03004430.2016.1192616, 187 , 11, (1809-1818), (2016). Crossref
  • Eleonora Cannoni, Anna Silvia Bombi, Friendship and Romantic Relationships During Early and Middle Childhood, SAGE Open, 10.1177/2158244016659904, 6 , 3, (215824401665990), (2016). Crossref
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  • B.J. Zvara, W.R. Mills-Koonce, P. Garrett-Peters, N.J. Wagner, L. Vernon-Feagans, M. Cox, The mediating role of parenting in the associations between household chaos and children’s representations of family dysfunction, Attachment & Human Development, 10.1080/14616734.2014.966124, 16 , 6, (633-655), (2014). Crossref
  • Jane V. Appleton, Peter Sidebotham, Child Protection and Mental Health, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2220, 21 , 3, (153-156), (2012). Wiley Online Library

Volume 21 , Issue 3 May/June 2012

Pages 203-218  相似文献   

Using an attachment theory perspective, variation in adult romantic attachment style outcomes were examined according to childhood experiences of parental divorce and residential instability. The sample was made up of 172 young adults who were recruited using snowball sampling via online social networking. A statistical difference on adult romantic attachment style was not found between individuals who experience parental divorce and those who did not, and parental conflict and stability of residence patterns did not have a statistical impact on attachment avoidance or anxiety. However, conflict, residential stability, and time with nonresidential parent statistically improved the predictive ability of attachment anxiety among those whose parents had divorced. Specifically, time with nonresidential parent moderated adult romantic attachment anxiety.  相似文献   

The extent to which students feel accepted, valued, respected and included in the school has recently surfaced as one of the most important predictors of adolescent mental health (particularly depressive symptoms). The school environment is an established predictor of school connectedness, but we set out to examine whether parental attachment predicts both adolescents' perception of the school environment and school connectedness. A study of 171 high school students from years 8 to 12 showed that parent attachment strongly predicted both. We also confirmed that the relationship between parent attachment and school connectedness is not a direct one but that parent attachment influences individual differences in the way adolescents perceive the school environment, which in turn influences school connectedness. This finding shows how multiple systems might be interlinked in influencing wellbeing in adolescents, and confirms the importance of intervening at the double level of both the family and the school system.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty eight young fathers participated in an assessment of risk behaviors and service needs prior to entering a program for young fathers. Of this group, 73% were unemployed, 69% were school drop-outs, almost 40% had substance abuse problems, close to 30% had committed a felony, and less than half had declared paternity for their children. The majority of these young fathers desired employment services and educational/vocational training. Despite their risk behaviors, young fathers did not want substance abuse counseling, child support services, or help in obtaining a GED. There appears to be a discrepancy between the problems and needs, and the services which these young fathers requested. Many young fathers believed employment would be a panacea to all their problems. These findings suggest that more attention should be given to examining these issues in programs targeting young fathers. Services such as preventive health and mental health should be considered prior to the final goals of employment and establishment of paternity.  相似文献   

Absent fathers are often excluded from the treatment of their children for various reasons. They are often marginalized by mothers, and unintentionally excluded by clinicians. Absent fathers are also excluded from treatment in fear that their presence might undermine the competencies of single mothers, which social service agencies serve to empower. This article will discuss the potential benefits of including absent fathers in family therapy, and how to work with them once engaged in treatment.
Daniel SieberEmail:

This study tested the developmental trajectories of career maturity (CM) and parental attachment (PA), the longitudinal influence of both, and gender as a moderator. Findings showed developmental progressions in adolescents’ PA and CM over 4 years. The change in PA was positively related to the developmental change in CM. For gender, there was a statistically significant difference in the initial status of CM and PA but no significant difference in developmental change. This study verified the longitudinal influence of PA on CM and showed that the cross‐sectional effect of predictors on CM needs to be distinguished from the longitudinal effect in future studies.  相似文献   


Place attachment is a multidimensional concept about bonds people have for the places with which they interact. We are intrigued by its implications and potential influences on community development, particularly when explored from a community-oriented view. We use the case of Sunnyslope (a place within the Phoenix, Arizona municipal boundary) and a community development assessment conducted with stakeholders there. This community has survived through the decades, despite being subsumed into one of the largest cities in the United States. From 27 stakeholder interviews, we uncovered deep attachments to Sunnyslope that appear to have an interaction effect with social community capacity.  相似文献   

Despite social work's expressed interest in families and belief in the importance of parents to children, social work researchers have done little to explore the importance of fathers in children's everyday lives. This is especially true for infants. Moreover, as more and more infants and children grow up in single-mother homes, step-families, and other family configurations, knowledge is needed about how these demographic trends affect parents' interactions with their young children.

This article examines men's caregiving of infants and their displays of affection in a longitudinal study of a diverse sample of infants and their mothers, using both person-centered and variable-centered statistical methods. Comparisons are made among various “types” of fathers, including those who live with and separately from their children and men who are not biological fathers but live with and care for infants.

Results indicate that caregiving and expressions of affection appear to represent two distinct domains of fathering behaviors for residential fathers. We found two classes of residential fathers: one with low levels of both types of fathering behavior and one with higher levels, particularly higher expressions of affection. Similarly we found two classes of non-residential fathers with dramatically different levels of fathering behavior. Though surrogate fathers did provide affection to their infants, their levels of caregiving were low.  相似文献   

Health and human service workers are at risk for developing burnout or compassion fatigue due to the demanding nature of their work. Attachment theory makes specific predictions that may help explain why some workers experience burnout or compassion fatigue and others do not. The purpose of this systematic review is to identify and attempt to explain patterns and inconsistencies in results across studies that have examined the association between adult attachment style and burnout or compassion fatigue. Ten studies representing a diverse range of disciplines within the health and human service sectors were included in the research synthesis. The findings demonstrated consistent results for secure and anxious attachment, suggesting that attachment security is associated with lower levels of burnout, whereas attachment anxiety is associated with higher levels of burnout. Some studies found an association between avoidant attachment and burnout, whereas others did not. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the selection, training, and supervision of health and human service workers.  相似文献   

The increasing number of children with incarcerated parents constitutes perhaps one of the largest at-risk populations in the United States. Short- and long-term effects of parental incarceration are difficult to quantify; however, the current literature indicates that this population is negatively responding to major shifts in family structure, and is vulnerable to economic stress and adverse interpersonal issues. Service providers are seeking appropriate intervention strategies to address the resultant issues of parental incarceration. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of research on effective practice methods. This paper reviews the literature on the potential implications parental incarceration has on children, and discusses service providers’ concerted efforts to allay the consequences. Recommendations for appropriate data collection and identification of relevant gender, developmental, and cultural interventions are provided.  相似文献   

The emergence of parental leave schemes has been the most important area of expansion for the Norwegian welfare state in the 1990s. Schemes have been extended, and special rights have been granted to fathers. The main underpinning of this strategy is the intention to bolster the fathers’ contact with and care for their children. Another objective is to share the benefits and burdens of working life and family life between men and women. In this article we analyse how fathers construct different fatherhood practices through negotiations in relation to the leave schemes and different working conditions.  相似文献   

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