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Stories about notable, 20th-century politicians were investigated as a means by which reading stories of leadership influences subsequent ethical decision-making performance. Undergraduates read four short stories in which charismatic politicians exhibited a personalized, socialized, or neutral power orientation, followed by responding to four ethical dilemmas in the marketing domain—a distant transfer task. Results indicated that reading stories featuring personalized protagonists inhibited subsequent ethical decision-making processes. However, intensity of narrative processing, personal identification with the protagonist, and presence or absence of an ethical salience probe moderated these effects. Implications are discussed regarding the use of stories as a tool for ethical development and the importance of managing stories of leadership circulated throughout organizations and society.  相似文献   

Whereas the micro- and macro-oriented leadership literatures have often studied leader competencies necessary for effective performance, the role of leader character in relation to competencies and performance has been to a large extent neglected. Our work seeks to shift the scholarly dialogue by introducing the concept of character-competence entanglement, which reflects the binding between character and competence over time. The highest degree of entanglement represents the deep and more persistent interconnection and mutually-reinforcing effect between highly-developed leader character and highly-developed leader competence, whereas in cases of low entanglement, character can be activated temporarily in a particular context to help strengthen the relationship between competence and performance. Our core proposition is that high character-competence entanglement will lead to extraordinary performance over time. In addition, we emphasize that relying on naturally-occurring learning opportunities and the processes of “learning-by-living” both outside and inside the organization will positively impact the development of character-competence entanglement.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of employee attributions of leader effectiveness on relationships between perceptions of (a) ethical climate and (b) organizational justice and both positive and negative types of performance. We argue that these relatively under-investigated perceptions are critical antecedents to effective productivity in the workplace. Accordingly, this study is the first to examine the associations of both ethical climate and organizational justice on both positive and negative performance within the context of mediation via employee attributions of leader effectiveness. Based on online survey data from 2486 Romanian employees, our SEM-based findings reveal that the attribution of leader effectiveness functions as a mediator between the associations of ethical climate and justice perceptions on two distinct types of performance: (1) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and (2) Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB).Additionally, the results revealed that trait negative affect moderates the mediating role of leader effectiveness with OCB but not with CWB. This study contributes to the recent and growing interest in the mediating role of attributions regarding work performance. Several theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed concerning leader-specific attributions, employee empowerment, and employee performance. Most prominently, we discuss why individuals with strong trait negative affect may engage in CWB without the influence of ethical climate or organizational justice.  相似文献   

在群体决策领域,关注理性认知方面的研究多,对由情绪问题产生的非理性( irrational)行为的研究少.在借鉴国内外相关研究的基础上,将群体情绪智力界定为包含群体成员情绪智力的平均水平( GAEI)、群体领导的情绪智力水平(GLEI)和群体整体的情绪智力水平3个层面的特征,考察了群体情绪智力三个层面之间的关系以及它们...  相似文献   

A perennial question facing managers is how much decision latitude to give their employees at work. The current research investigates how decision latitude affects employees' perceptions of managers' personalities and, in turn, their leadership effectiveness. Results from three studies using different methods (two experiments and a survey) indicate an inverted-U shaped relationship between degree of decision latitude and leadership effectiveness perceptions. The increase in leadership effectiveness perception between low and moderate decision latitude was explained by an increase in perceived agreeableness; the decrease in leadership effectiveness perception between moderate and high decision latitude was explained by a decrease in perceived conscientiousness. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

复杂决策问题形式化方法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在对决策问题复杂性原因研究的基础上,为复杂决策问题形式化下了准确的定义,并提 出复杂决策问题形式化方法的逻辑框架. 该框架由3 部分组成,即复杂决策问题表示层、复杂 决策问题结构化层和定量分析模型综合层. 针对各层次所要解决的关键问题,进行了深入 探讨.  相似文献   

家族权威既有助于提高家族企业的效率,但另一方面又制约着家族企业的发展.本文基于一手数据,对家族权威与企业绩效之间的关系进行了检验,结果表明,强化家族权威的负面效应高于正面效应:(1)强化对家族股权的控制有碍于家族企业的成长;(2)提高家族成员在高管中的比重并未能显著地改进绩效;(3)通过控制关键岗位以强化家族权威这一策略对家族企业绩效也没有显著作用;(4)通过授权弱化家族权威在一定程度上有助于改进企业绩效,大型企业更是如此;(5)家族权威的制衡机制对业绩效具有一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

近年来,情绪对于人类认知过程的作用正逐步受到研究者的重视,尤其是情绪对决策的影响备受关注。本文旨在对现有的国内外情绪与决策的相关理论进行梳理,基于心理认知理论和高层团队理论,构建出情绪调节对于高管团队决策的影响模型,之后采用了模拟真实的准实验方法对理论模型进行了验证。本文为未来情绪与决策的研究提供了可借鉴的研究思路和实验方法。  相似文献   

供应商参与创新中信任关系影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选取我国一些制造业企业作为实证研究的对象,探讨企业间人际信任、企业间信任、参与质量、参与绩效之间的关系。本研究表明:(1)企业间人际信任对企业间信任有直接正向影响;(2)企业间人际信任对参与质量有直接正向影响;(3)企业间信任对参与质量有直接正向影响;(4)参与质量对参与绩效有直接正向的影响。该实证研究对于人们正确理解企业间人际信任、企业间信任、参与质量与参与绩效之间的关系有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于时变需求的一对一供应链库存决策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
柳键 《管理科学》2006,9(1):38-46
随着竞争日趋激烈,需求变化节奏加快,需求时变性越加明显.在需求时变的环境下探讨了等周期补货情形下缺货时点优化以及非等周期补货情形下缺货时点与补货时点优化问题,特别着重研究了补货时点局部优化与整体优化的决策模型,并对非等周期补货与等周期补货、补货时点整体优化与补货时点局部优化作对比分析,并发现,在时变需求环境下非等周期补货与补货时点整体优化在降低库存成本方面具有明显优势.同时,分析了补货时点优化的效果与供需双方补货次数、需求时变性的关系.  相似文献   

基于二层规划的供应链多阶响应周期决策模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
优化和缩短供应链多阶响应周期是供应链快速响应市场需求、缩短产品上市周期的有效途径,也是供应链管理总体目标之一.全文首先阐明了供应链多阶响应周期的概念,以核心企业作为协调中心,建立了供应链整体计划决策机制,并运用二层规划方法对供应链多阶响应周期进行了建模研究.最后用实际调研的数据作为一个算例对模型进行了数值演算和验证.结果表明,该模型能够协调管理供应链整体利益和节点企业局部利益、合理分配生产时间与物流时间,为供应链优化和缩短多阶响应周期提供了一个有效的决策工具.  相似文献   

家长式领导对创新的影响:一个整合模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于现有的双核模型和两栖模型,构建一个整合模型,分析了家长式领导对创新的影响。运用159家高科技企业的问卷调查数据进行假设检验,结果发现,威权领导对利用式创新有负向直接影响;威权领导能正向调节利用式创新与新产品绩效的关系;仁慈领导对探索式创新和利用式创新均有正向直接影响;仁慈领导能负向调节探索式创新与新产品绩效的关系,还能正向调节利用式创新与新产品绩效的关系。  相似文献   

Self-interested moves, such as manipulation and deception in interpersonal relationships with parties inside and outside the workplace, constitute a serious concern for management. Machiavellianism is often directly blamed for such ethical failures, but more generic individual differences, such as those linked to the use of chameleon-like approaches to match an immediate cultural or social environment (i.e., external locus of control, relativistic beliefs), may have indirect influences. Because these chameleon-inducing personalities may foster self-interested decisions, by prompting the abandonment of strict moral codes, this study investigates Machiavellianism as a potential mechanism by which these personalities relate negatively to ethical work intentions. The results, obtained with a sample of 436 banking employees from Spain, reveal that external locus of control and relativistic beliefs relate positively to Machiavellianism, and that Machiavellianism mediates the negative influence of chameleon-inducing personalities on ethical work intentions. The study thus provides novel information for managers interested in reducing employees’ Machiavellian tendencies and offers appropriate strategies for deterring their unethical work behaviors.  相似文献   

变革型领导对R&D团队创新绩效的影响机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R&D团队是企业技术创新的重要组织形式.本研究从变革型领导这一视角探讨了其对R&D团队创新绩效的影响及中介机制.本文运用结构方程模型方法,通过对316个R&D团队样本的实证研究发现,R&D团队领导者的变革型领导风格对团队创新绩效有积极影响,而知识分享与知识整合正是这种影响的中介机制.  相似文献   

加强企业部门之间的协调是克服部门信息自主性所带来的问题、提高企业决策有效性的 有效方法. 由此提出了一种基于动态信息交互的部门间协调决策方法. 在这一方法中,将企业 职能部门区分为主导部门和非主导部门,每个部门都有机会成为主导部门或非主导部门,分别 给出其一般性决策模型,并明确定义了协调决策过程的信息交换内容,对协调决策过程也进行 了详细描述,为构建基于部门协调的企业决策支持系统打下了理论基础.  相似文献   

一种基于证据距离的客观权重确定方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
证据理论能较好地处理具有模糊和不确定信息的合成问题,广泛应用于群决策中。但在高度冲突的证据下,合成结果会失真,为解决该问题,提出一种基于证据距离的客观权重确定方法。该方法根据各专家提供的证据间的距离来确定其客观权重,从而重新调整各专家证据的基本概率分配,可以降低与群体意见分歧较大的专家的权重。最后用一项目投资选择案例来验证该方法有效性。  相似文献   

针对Dempster-shafer证据合成结果与直觉决策认识之间的不一致性,提出一种新的证据合成规则。从决策的具体背景入手,描述Dempster-shafer证据合成公式产生悖论的两种情况,利用证据冲突的定义分析产生悖论的原因,提出基于一致性证据冲突的证据合成公式。该公式能减低决策中"一票否决制"和"众口烁金"等模式中决策信息放大或缩小而造成的误差。实例分析和实验结果表明,新的合成公式比较符合直观和常理,并较好地解决了上述冲突证据的合成问题。  相似文献   

This study analyzes executives' perceptions of free trade negotiations and the potential effects of these perceptions on strategy. Top executives in 300 major Canadian industrial firms were surveyed to test two propositions. They are: (1) Executives tend to perceive that free trade would lead to market expansion which, in turn, would increase trade, production, and investment efficiencies and (2) Decisions in business strategy formulation and implementation may be influenced by the perceptions of the trade policy.The propositions were tested with the following results. Support for proposition one is mixed. Support for proposition two, however, is for the most part predominant.  相似文献   

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