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鞍山高新区有个辽宁激光科技产业园,虽然只有不足两年的建设过程,但如今已通过国家火炬计划特色产业基地认证,成为国家级特色产业基地。他们靠什么有如此快的发展?带着诸多疑问和猜想,记者在园区一探究竟。时间回溯到2011年的11月,辽宁省委、省政府提出在鞍山发展激光产业,鞍山市委、市政府经细致的调查和科学论证,确定在鞍山高新区建设辽宁激光科技产业园。2012年5月,编制完成了激光园产业发展规划和总体建设规划。一年半的时间,从设计、规划、到实施建 相似文献
人物简介院焦韵光,鞍山移动公司总经理。1984年参加工作,从阜新邮电局到后来的中国移动通信集团辽宁有限公司阜新分公司、盘锦分公司再到今天的鞍山分公司,他经历并见证了移动通信事业的发展,并一直为此拼搏、奉献,倾注着自己的青春和心血。 相似文献
美好就是老老实实地待人,规规矩矩地做事。7月的一个早晨,阳光明媚,我和同事因公干前往挪威首都奥斯陆。在奥斯陆机场接机室里,我们见到了克林尔姆先生。他个头高大、络腮胡子、笑容满面,帮我们把大件行李放在他的小车上。汽车沿着整洁干净的公路前行,路旁不 相似文献
《江西省殡葬管理办法》规定:外地人员在火葬区死亡的应当就地火化。因特殊原因,需要将遗体运往生前居住地火葬的,应持死者生前居住地县级以上民政部门出具的证明,经死亡地县级以上民政部门批准,用殡葬专用车运送。《国务院殡葬管理条例》规定:将应当火化的遗体土葬,或者在公墓和农村的公益性墓地以外的其他地方埋葬遗体、建造坟墓的,由民政部门责令限期改正;拒不改正的,可以强制执行。 相似文献
随着我国公益事业的发展,各类公益组织如雨后春笋般出现。其中一类即是从娱乐团体发展而成的草根公益组织。这类组织虽然数量不多,却为公益组织的形成与发展提供了一种新模式。辽宁鞍山阳光公益行动协会即是其中的一个典型案例。它的出现既是我国经济社会发展的需要,也是公民慈善意识增强的体现。重要的是,它在从娱乐团体向公益组织转变的过程中,在人员构成、团队协作、活动经验等方面突显了一定的优势,这是值得其它公益组织学习和借鉴的。 相似文献
随着我国公益事业的发展,各类公益组织如雨后春笋般出现。其中一类即是从娱乐团体发展而成的草根公益组织。这类组织虽然数量不多,却为公益组织的形成与发展提供了一种新模式。辽宁鞍山“阳光公益行动协会”即是其中的一个典型案例。它的出现既是我国经济社会发展的需要,也是公民慈善意识增强的体现。重要的是,它在从娱乐团体向公益组织转变的过程中,在人员构成、团队协作、活动经验等方面突显了一定的优势,这是值得其它公益组织学习和借鉴的。 相似文献
这是2005年的第一个工作日。 伴着晨雾,两辆车奔驰在成雅高速公路上。跑在后面的是成都市第三人民医院的救护车,蓝色的顶灯在川西平原的清晨里格外耀眼,如果顺利的话,两点钟前我们应该能到达情歌之乡康定。 相似文献
鞍山市博物馆是地方综合性历史博物馆,成立于1983年,现有馆藏文物和考古资料1万余件,以明清宫廷家具、瓷器、漆器为特色。2010年7月29日,鞍山市博物馆喜迁新址,新址占地约10000平方米,建筑面积7400平方米,设鞍山地方史、冶铁、玉文化、馆藏精品及多功能厅五个展厅。2010年9月20日,鞍山市博物馆免费向社会开放。地方史陈列厅:鞍山历史悠久,古迹众多。早在5万年前的旧石器时代,海城 相似文献
This study explores how Malay older husbands giving care to their wives in Singapore respond to these roles through coping strategies and social support. This study uses in-depth interviews with five Malay older husbands whose wives are homebound because of dementia and kidney problems. Key findings suggest that husbands report low caregiver burden or strain. However, all the participants report that they do not take time off from their caregiving roles because they have no other immediate sources of support. Services relieving their caregiving responsibilities would be helpful to reduce stress and prevent future burnout. 相似文献
宪法学的基本理论问题是中国宪法学研究的薄弱环节,在这方面我们目前的努力主要是吸收国外先进的成果,一时还难有创新。中国宪法学者首先应当关心的是中国的宪政问题,尤其是当前的宪政问题。中国宪法学者应逐步树立一种独立思考的学术品格,以探询宪政发展之客观规律。 相似文献
我国三次产业地理集聚的区位分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文首先从理论上对产业地理集聚进行了分析,继而运用区位基尼系数对我国三次产业的地理集聚进行实证研究。主要结论为:我国三次产业的地理集聚程度很低;市场化程度较高的东部三次产业集聚度要高于中、西部,而西部市场化程度低,产业地理集聚度也最低;我国各产业的地理集聚受自上而下的政策影响较大,而受自下而上的市场主体选择的影响较小。 相似文献
人类对自身及自己生存其中的社会的科学认识还有待继续深入,自然科学在20世纪的突飞猛进为科学认识人和社会奠定了基础.本文从人及社会已经显现的规律性,当今社会亟待社会科学导航的紧迫性,以及人和社会各方面条件的成熟三方面揭示出社会科学发展已处于从量变到质变的前夜,21世纪将是社会科学取得重大突破并长驱直进的伟大世纪. 相似文献
Despite growing concern in the United States about the number of children who are entering child welfare care as infants, little empirical attention has been given to the sizable group of these children who are not reunified with their biological families and who then remain in care for long periods. This study examined length of stay and permanency outcomes for 458 legally free children who initially entered out-of-home care as infants. Using a Cox proportional-hazards event history model, the study also explored the effects of race/ethnicity and gender on the likelihood of these children achieving a permanent placement (legalized adoption or guardianship) within a reasonable period of time. African–American children and boys were found to be significantly less likely to achieve permanence than Caucasian children or girls. Across all groups of children in the sample, however, long stays in care were the norm. These findings suggest the need for flexible approaches to permanency, for efforts to better differentiate among infants in care, and for attention to children's long-term developmental needs as well as to strategies that better assure placement stability. 相似文献
Amanda Holt 《Child & Family Social Work》2011,16(4):454-463
Teenagers' violence towards parents is a hidden and underexplored problem, particularly within the UK, and the stigma attached to such experiences makes research access difficult. In this study, two online message boards which featured parents' posted accounts of their teenagers' violence towards them were analysed. Using discourse analysis, three consistent discursive themes were identified: the emotional terrain of such experiences, the psychologisation of the child‐as‐‘perpetrator’ and parental responses to these complex experiences. Overall, these three themes were weaved together to produce overarching narratives of powerlessness and loss of hope. The theoretical and practical implications of this analysis are discussed, including a consideration of how such online message boards enable and delimit parental agency. 相似文献
Reingold DA 《Journal of gerontological social work》2006,46(3-4):123-135
This article describes how The Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale (the Hebrew Home), a non-profit geriatric care center, has established one of the nation's first long term care based elder abuse prevention and intervention programs for elderly living in the community. This program, known as the Weinberg Center for Prevention, Intervention and Research in Elder Abuse (the "Weinberg Center"), received start-up funding in the form of a matching grant challenge from the Weinberg Foundation of Baltimore, which has a history of funding innovative geriatric programs throughout the United States. Utilizing the Hebrew Home's extensive integrated service model, a multidisciplinary team works with a network of private and governmental agencies. This model was designed based upon the needs of this population as described in the nascent research, evaluation of the few programs in existence, and the emerging state of elder abuse as a matter of public policy. The goals are to increase public awareness, intervene to make the home safe, and provide a secure and fulfilling short or long term shelter. Research in prevalence and efficacious use of the shelter is being conducted. 相似文献