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K. Govindaraju 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):617-627
This paper compares the sample size efficiency of the lot sensitive plan over the equivalent double and multiple sampling plans. It is shown that a fully curtailed lot sensitive plan will involve smaller average sample number than the equivalent double and multiple plans. 相似文献
In this paper, a new tightening concept has been incorporated into the single-level continuous sampling plan CSP-1, such that quality degradation will warrant sampling inspection to cease beyond a certain number of sampled items, until new evidence of good quality is established. The expressions of the performance measures for this new plan, such as the operating characteristic, average outgoing quality and average fraction inspected, are derived using a Markov chain model. The advantage of the tightened CSP-1 plan is that it is possible to lower the average outgoing quality limit. 相似文献
Ji Hwan Cha 《Statistics》2015,49(5):1141-1156
Traditionally, acceptance reliability sampling plans have been developed for non-repairable items. However, the functions required for items become more and more complex and, accordingly, the items are composed of several components and tend to be repairable. In this paper, we consider variables acceptance reliability sampling plan for repairable items. We develop a variables acceptance sampling plan based on the failure and repair data observed during the testing period. It is shown that the developed sampling plan improves the reliability characteristic of the population and that the lifetimes of items before and after the reliability sampling test are stochastically ordered. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(6):1102-1116
In this paper, a variable repetitive group sampling plans based on one-sided process capability indices is proposed to deal with lot sentencing for one-sided specifications. The parameters of the proposed plans are tabulated for some combinations of acceptance quality levels with commonly used producer's risk and consumer's risk. The efficiency of the proposed plan is compared with the Pearn and Wu [Critical acceptance values and sample sizes of a variables sampling plan for very low fraction of defectives. Omega – Int J Manag Sci. 2006;34(1):90–101] plan in terms of sample size and the power curve. One example is given to illustrate the proposed methodology. 相似文献
Patrick D. Bourke 《Journal of applied statistics》2002,29(8):1121-1133
A Continuous Sampling Plan, CSP-CUSUM, is proposed based on the use of Cumulative Sums (CUSUMs) for deciding when to switch between the phases of sampling inspection and 100% inspection. The Geometric CUSUM, also termed the Run-length CUSUM, is chosen for this purpose, and two separate CUSUMs are to be operated, one for each inspection phase. The conventional measures of performance for CSPs such as average outgoing quality, average fraction inspected, and average proportion passed under sampling inspection are evaluated for CSP-CUSUM, and comparisons with some standard CSPs are presented. An additional performance-measure, Average Cycle Length, is proposed. A table is provided to aid the choice of parameters for the operation of CSP-CUSUM. It is recommended that a Geometric CUSUM control chart be maintained in parallel with CSP-CUSUM to detect significant upward shifts in the incoming fraction defective. 相似文献
Darning Lin 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(4):1113-1133
This paper presents an economic life test acceptance sampling plan using item-censored data in a Bayesian situation. It is assumed that failures in a life test are replaced immediately by new ones. A prior distribution is assigned to the mean lifetime θ for the calculation of the expected total cost. Then the optimum plan is chosen to be the one which minimizes the expected total cost. A direct search method and a dual programming method are introduced, with emphasis on the latter. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the procedure. A sensitivity study is included on the effect of a wrong choice of the prior distribution. 相似文献
In this paper, the concept acceptance number has been incorporated to the single level continuous sampling plan CSP-1. The advantage of the proposed plan, designated as the CSP-C plan, is to achieve a reduction in the average fraction inspected at good quality levels. Nomographs for the design of the proposed plan are presented. The expressions of the performance measures for this new plan such as OC, AOQ and AFI are also provided. 相似文献
In this paper, a modified exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic is proposed. The approximate distribution of the proposed modified EWMA statistic is derived. A variable acceptance sampling plan is designed using the proposed EWMA statistic. The plan parameters of the proposed sampling plan are determined such that the given producer's risk and consumer's risk are satisfied. The efficiency of the proposed plan based on the new EWMA statistic is compared with the existing EWMA plan in terms of the sample size required. The application of the proposed plan is given with the help of an example. 相似文献
Muhammad Aslam Saminathan Balamurali Chi-Hyuck Jun Mujahid Rasool 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2013,83(1):37-51
In this paper, skip-lot sampling plan of type SkSP-2 with group acceptance sampling plans is proposed when the lifetime of the product follows the Burr-type XII distributions. The optimal parameters of the proposed plan are determined when two points on operating characteristics curve namely acceptable quality level and limiting quality level and the number of testers are specified. We also considered the Burr-type XII distribution to find the plan parameters. Several tables are given for practical use. We compare the results of proposed plan with the existing plans. Results are explained using real-world examples. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(8):1115-1133
In this paper, the design of reliability sampling plans for the Pareto lifetime model under progressive Type-II right censoring is considered. Sampling plans are derived using the decision theoretic approach with a suitable loss or cost function that consists of sampling cost, rejection cost, and acceptance cost. The decision rule is based on the estimated reliability function. Plans are constructed within the Bayesian context using the natural conjugate prior. Simulations for evaluating the Bayes risk are carried out and the optimal sampling plans are reported for various sample sizes, observed number of failures and removal probabilities. 相似文献
An empirical Bayes approach to a variables acceptance sampling plan problem is presented and an empirical Bayes rule is developed which is shown to be asymptotically optimal under general conditions. The problem considered is one in which the ratio of the costs of accepting defective items and rejecting non-defective items is specified. Sampling costs are not considered and the size of the sample taken from each lot is fixed and constant. The empirical Bayes estimation of the Bayes rule is shown to require the estimation of a conditional probability. An estimator for conditional probabilities of the form needed is derived and shown to have good asymptotic properties. 相似文献
In this paper, a group acceptance sampling plan for a truncated life test is proposed when a multiple number of items as a group can be tested simultaneously in a tester, assuming that the lifetime of a product follows the Weibull distribution with a known shape parameter. The design parameters such as the number of groups and the acceptance number will be determined by satisfying the producer's and the consumer's risks at the specified quality levels, while the termination time and the number of testers are specified. The results are explained with tables and examples. 相似文献
M. S. Aminzadeh 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(5):923-935
Variable sampling plans to control fraction defective are obtained using the Inverse-Gaussian (IG) distribution. OC curves are obtained and impact of sample size and specification limits on these curves are discussed. Simulation studies are used to investigate sensitivity of the sampling plans under the more commonly used normal distribution. 相似文献
The article explores the problem of an economically based type I continuous sampling plan (CSP-1 plan) under linear inspection cost. By assuming that the per unit inspection cost is linearly proportional to the average number of inspections per inspection cycle, and by solving the modified Cassady et al.'s model, we not only have the required level of product quality but also obtain the minimum total expected cost per unit produced. 相似文献
A double acceptance sampling plan for the truncated life test is developed assuming that the lifetime of a product follows a generalized log-logistic distribution with known shape parameters. The zero and one failure scheme is mainly considered, where the lot is accepted if no failures are observed from the first sample and it is rejected if two or more failures occur. When there is one failure from the first sample, the second sample is drawn and tested for the same duration as the first sample. The minimum sample sizes of the first and second samples are determined to ensure that the true median life is longer than the given life at the specified consumer’s confidence level. The operating characteristics are analyzed according to various ratios of the true median life to the specified life. The minimum such ratios are also obtained so as to lower the producer’s risk at the specified level. The results are explained with examples. 相似文献
Until now, in the literature, a variety of acceptance reliability sampling plans have been developed based on different life test plans. In most of the reliability sampling plans, the decision procedures to accept or reject the corresponding lot are developed based on the lifetimes of the items observed on tests, or the number of failures observed during a pre-specified testing time. However, frequently, the items are subject to degradation phenomena and, in these cases, the observed degradation level of the item can be used as a decision statistic. In this paper, we develop a variables acceptance sampling plan based on the information on the degradation process of the items, assuming that the degradation process follows the inverse Gaussian process. It is shown that the developed sampling plan improves the reliability performance of the items conditional on the acceptance in the test and that the lifetimes of items after the reliability sampling test are stochastically larger than those before the test. A study comparing the proposed degradation-based sampling plan with the conventional sampling plan which is based on a life test is also performed.KEYWORDS: Variables sampling plan, degradation test, inverse Gaussian process, mixture distribution, stochastic ordering 相似文献
In this paper, we develop a double acceptance sampling plan for half exponential power distribution when the lifetime experiment is truncated at a prefixed time. The zero and one failure schemes are considered. We obtain the minimum sample sizes of the first and second samples necessary to ensure the specified mean life at the given consumer’s confidence level. The operating characteristic values and the minimum ratios of the mean life to the specified life are also analyzed. Numerical example is provided to illustrate the double acceptance sampling plan. 相似文献
This paper introduces a double and group acceptance sampling plans based on time truncated lifetimes when the lifetime of an item follows the inverse log-logistic (ILL) distribution with known shape parameter. The operating characteristic function and average sample number (ASN) values of the double acceptance sampling inspection plan are provided. The values of the minimum number of groups and operating characteristic function for various quality levels are obtained for a group acceptance sampling inspection plan. A comparative study between single acceptance sampling inspection plan and double acceptance sampling inspection plan is carried out in terms of sample size. One simulated example and four real-life examples are discussed to show the applicability of the proposed double and group acceptance sampling inspection plans for ILL distributed quality parameters. 相似文献
The effect of serial correlation on acceptance sampling plans by variables has been examined in this paper assuming the quality measurements follow an AR(p) process. The effect of serial correlation can be examined by comparing OC curves, sample size and producer's risks, ∝, with that of the independent case when the process standard deviation, σ, is known. When σ is unknown and for large n, sampling plans can be constructed using the central limit theorem. However, for σ unknown and for small n, there is no satisfactory method of obtaining sampling plans. 相似文献
We consider variable acceptance sampling plans that control the lot or process fraction defective, where a specification limit defines acceptable quality. The problem is to find a sampling plan that fulfils some conditions, usually on the operation characteristic. Its calculation heavily depends on distributional properties that, in practice, might be doubtful. If prior data are already available, we propose to estimate the sampling plan by means of bootstrap methods. The bias and standard error of the estimated plan can be assessed easily by Monte Carlo approximation to the respective bootstrap moments. This resampling approach does not require strong assumptions and, furthermore, is a flexible method that can be extended to any statistic that might be informative for the fraction defective in a lot. 相似文献