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This paper furnishes evidence of innovative modes of organisationof inter-firm relationships and knowledge management within industrialdistricts. With the aid of a district firm, we first highlight the marked tendency among the largest companies to eschew an exclusively endogenous innovative process. Next, we analyse how the leading firm can play an active role within a network by assigning outside its boundaries tasks that were once undertaken in-house. This happens gradually with the moderate hierarchisation of originally destructured network relationships. In its attempt to organise innovative modes of design and manufacturing, without losing control and strategic legitimisation, the leading firm elects a coordinating agent withdirect responsibility over a selected team of specialist suppliers.  相似文献   

We extend the knowledge‐based view by providing an explanation of how firms develop the capability to create knowledge. We take the view that firms are distributed knowledge systems composed of individuals who embody knowledge, and theoretically identify and empirically test the existence and effectiveness of two strategies – organization and project team – that promote their interactions to develop this capability. On the one hand, building on what we call the organization‐level innovation literature, we identify the organization strategy, which suggests investment in organization‐level integrative management practices to facilitate interactions to create knowledge among individuals situated in different parts of the system, independently of when a knowledge‐creation task is established and individuals are organized to create knowledge. On the other hand, building on what we call the team‐level innovation literature, we identify the project team strategy, which suggests investment in project team‐level integrative management practices to facilitate interactions to create knowledge among individuals once a knowledge‐creation task is defined and individuals are placed into teams to create knowledge. The two strategies are substitute approaches for the development of the capability, although the organization strategy appears to better predict outcomes of the capability. However, this approach might be more costly, so not all managers will choose to follow it.  相似文献   

Drawing on the strategy tripod perspective, in this study we examine how the performance effect of knowledge creation capability is contingent on key industrial and institutional variables. We find that technological turbulence, competitive intensity and government support all positively moderate the relationship between knowledge creation capability and firm performance, while dysfunctional competition has a negative moderating impact. This study provides a more fine‐grained analysis on the performance implications of knowledge creation capability. Moreover, it represents one of the first attempts to empirically test the interactive effects of the three legs of the strategy tripod (the industry‐based, resource‐based and institution‐based views) in one study and supports the importance of integrating the three legs to better understand the complex phenomenon.  相似文献   

基于知识创造和知识溢出的R&D联盟的动态模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对R&D联盟中企业间知识创造和知识溢出的分析,给出了知识存量的一般表示方法,并将参与企业的知识投入和开放水平视为内生变量,构造了知识联盟R&D两阶段的非合作动态博弈模型,提出了在对称的情况下纳什均衡存在并有唯一解的条件,分析了知识投入和知识开放水平在联盟不同时期对企业均衡利润的影响,并通过案例对部分命题提供佐证。最后,在模型假设和模型思想方面进行了一些简单探讨。  相似文献   

While adopting a knowledge‐based perspective on organizations has been valuable, since, among other things, it enables us to see links between organizational learning and a firm's competitive advantage through the development of idiosyncratic capabilities, it has nonetheless tended to treat organizational knowledge as ‘given’, exploring how it is related to other ‘given’ variables. The focus of this special issue is to unpack the notion of organizational knowledge by exploring the processes and practices through which knowledge is constructed and created in organizations. A constructivist perspective assumes that ‘knowledge’ presupposes work and seeks to explore how what comes to be considered as organizational knowledge is established and validated (or fails to do so). By seeing organizational knowledge as work we can further probe into how knowledge is shaped by organizational strategies and incentives and, more radically, how power and politics influence the struggle between competing bodies of knowledge in organizations.  相似文献   

我国知识工作者组织内知识共享问题的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
知识共享问题正日益受到管理界的重视,但对于组织内知识共享的实证性研究仍然较少。本文通过对我国知识工作者的实际调查与分析发现,个人传播知识的动机主要是成就感,吸收知识的动机主要是对工作的挑战性的追求。在组织文化方面,知识传播主要依赖组织的归属感,知识吸收依赖组织的宽容度、归属感和信任度。具有较高知识传播程度的知识工作者,通常有较高的工作效率;具有较高知识吸收程度的知识工作者,通常有较高的工作效率和较高的工作质量。  相似文献   

一种基于Web的组织知识创新的模型框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据知识创新的螺旋上升过程和Web技术的特点,提出了一种基于Web的组织知识创新的模型框架,并且还给出了该模型中实现知识推理的算法以及模型实现的Web技术.依据提出的模型框架,可使组织中的成员迅速掌握组织所拥有的知识,易于实现知识创新.最后给出了一个实例分析.  相似文献   

During the last 25 years, the ecosystem of knowledge creation and dissemination in operations and supply chain management has improved remarkably. We now see OM as a vibrant community and an ecosystem in steady state. Yet, there are many opportunities ahead to revitalize our field and to expand our influence. In the spirit of continuous improvement, we propose that we focus our major efforts on accelerating the following four developments: First, having greatly expanded the domain of operations management, we should continue to expand its boundaries. Second, after a visible increase in exploratory studies, our community should accelerate our pursuit of such research. Third, we encourage OM faculty to develop programs that enable Ph.D. students to carry out part of their work in actual organizational settings. Fourth, we should further strengthen our interactions with the business community and create mechanisms to systematically disseminate our research to its members.  相似文献   

针对企业价值链上协同知识创新的决策问题,以制造企业为价值链上主导企业,考虑由价值链上主导企业(大方型、小气型)与价值链上合作企业(目光长远型、目光短浅型)所交叉形成的四种不同情况,运用微分博弈分析了它们进行价值链协同知识创新的动态决策过程.通过对比四种不同情况下价值链上协同知识创新的决策结果,得出了一种帕累托最优的价值链上协同知识创新的情况,并分析了其成立的相应条件,同时提出了促成这种帕累托最优价值链协同知识创新情况实现的建议.最后,通过算例分析验证了理论推导的结果.  相似文献   

产业集群网络演化中知识转移研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王文平  张苏荣 《管理学报》2011,(9):1372-1377
基于信任与合作博弈构建了产业集群网络演化模型,并建立了知识转移模型,在此基础上,研究了交易关系型产业集群、混合型产业集群以及过度嵌入型产业集群网络演化过程中知识转移特征。模拟分析表明:在此3种产业集群网络演化过程中,交易关系型集群中知识增长速度最高,过度嵌入型集群中知识增长速度最低,而且随着时间的推进产业集群增长速度在降低;通过扩大产业集群网络规模、提高产业集群中行为主体吸收能力以及提高知识转移率,均可提高产业集群知识增长速度;在知识转移率较小时,只有大幅度提高知识转移率,其对产业集群知识增长速度提升效果才明显。  相似文献   

Rich Ties and Innovative Knowledge Transfer within a Firm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show that contacts in formal, informal and especially multiplex networks explain transfer of innovative knowledge in an organization. The contribution of informal contacts has been much acknowledged, while that of formal contacts did not receive much attention in the literature in recent decades. No study thus far has included both these different kinds of contacts in a firm, let alone considered their combined effect. The exact overlap between formal as well as informal contacts between individuals, forming multiplex or what we call rich ties because of their contribution, especially drives the transfer of new, innovative knowledge in a firm. Studying two cases in very different settings suggests these rich ties have a particularly strong effect on knowledge transfer in an organization, even when controlling for the strength of ties. Some of the effects on knowledge transfer in an organization previously ascribed to either the formal network or the informal network may actually be due to their combined effect in a rich tie.  相似文献   

基于协同效应的知识创新团队伙伴选择方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯博  樊治平 《管理学报》2012,(2):258-261
在知识创新团队的伙伴选择问题中着重考虑了伙伴间的协同效应信息。首先,分析了伙伴之间的协同关系与协同效应,描述了考虑多个协同效应评价指标的知识创新团队伙伴选择问题;然后,建立了团队伙伴选择的数学模型,该模型是一个0-1二次整数规划问题,为了求解该问题,开发了一种GRASP启发式算法;最后,通过一个实例分析说明了所提出方法的可行性和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

系统集成创新与知识的集成和生成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王众托 《管理学报》2007,4(5):542-548
自主创新中的集成创新与引进吸收消化再创新都可以看作是系统集成创新。系统集成创新是把已有的知识、技术创造性地以系统集成的方式创造出前所未有的新产品、新工艺、新的服务方式或新的经营管理模式,其新颖性表现在系统的集成思想和方式上。系统集成创新具有成本低、时间短、风险小、灵活性大的特点,特别适用于我国当前的发展水平。从系统思想出发,探讨了系统集成创新的特点,并研究了创新过程中的知识集成与生成问题。指出基于二分法的知识转化与生成之思路的局限性,提出基于多阶段知识集成的知识转化与生成的思路与步骤。  相似文献   

疏礼兵 《管理学报》2012,(2):219-224
在有关知识转移过程机制的国内外研究基础上,着重从团队层面揭示了企业研发团队内部技术知识转移的一般过程和内在机理,进而借用NONAKA等的模型思想,设计了研发团队内部技术知识转移的途径框架,解析知识转移的具体途径和方式,从研发团队内部技术知识转移视角为我国企业自主性技术创新绩效提升提供了几点思路。  相似文献   

产业集群环境下的企业品牌纵向合作关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
揭示集群企业品牌纵向合作关系作用于企业品牌提升的内在机理,对指导集群内企业品牌提升实践具有重要意义。集群企业品牌纵向合作关系表现为基于产品供应、技术创新和营销协同三类合作关系。本文以需求供给模型为基础,构建了集群企业品牌纵向合作关系的数理模型,对集群企业品牌合作关系的形成及对品牌提升的作用机理进行了分析。模型分析表明:在产业集群环境下,上游品牌的行业地位越稳定,集群信任程度越高,纵向合作关系形成的可能性越大;在合作关系发生的情形下,集群信任程度越高,下游品牌产品价格竞争力越强,品牌合作绩效越高。  相似文献   

An Approach to Vulnerability Analysis of Complex Industrial Systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Einarsson  Stefán  Rausand  Marvin 《Risk analysis》1998,18(5):535-546
The concept of vulnerability of complex industrial systems is defined and discussed in relation to risk and system survivability. The discussion is illustrated by referring to a number of previous industrial accidents. The various risk factors, or threats, influencing an industrial system's vulnerability are classified and discussed. Both internal and external threats are covered. The general scope of vulnerability analysis is compared to traditional risk analysis approaches and main differences are illustrated. A general procedure for vulnerability analysis in two steps, including building of scenarios and preparation of relevant worksheets, is described and discussed.  相似文献   

现代信息技术的发展快速地改变着组织的结构和边界,中间组织因具有旺盛的生命力和竞争力而成为知识经济时代创造价值的典型组织体类型.基于中间组织理论和知识链理论,研究成员企业知识资源对中间组织知识链生成的影响,以认知→直觉→行动→生成的系统逻辑框架构建中间组织知识链的系统结构.采用问卷调查法,利用SPSS 17.0软件对回收的有效问卷进行探索性分析,研究成员企业知识、中间组织知识链与价值创造之间的系统关系.研究结果表明,在中间组织知识链形成与运行的系统中选择36个具有解释力的影响因子,进一步对影响因子进行合理化剔除和选择,最终得到8个影响因素并由此构建基于价值创造的中间组织知识链影响因素模型.对研究结果和研究局限进行说明和讨论,为单个企业加入中间组织进行价值创造活动的知识资源利用和实践提供对策和建议.  相似文献   

集群的发展离不开新企业个体的加入,同时企业也需要加入各类集群,以从集群中汲取各类知识,新企业所处知识基础状态不同,集群知识协同水平不同,使新企业知识增长效应也不同.从企业微观视角出发,在抽象简化集群知识流动机制基础上,构建集群知识流动模型和新进企业策略模型,利用仿真分析研究不同环境条件下不同知识管理策略对新进企业知识增长水平的影响效应.研究结果表明,现实世界中大多数集群网络结构对新进企业知识水平增长影响有限;知识优先策略具有最优的知识管理绩效,具有较高吸收能力的企业应优先采用知识优先策略;集群吸收能力和扩散能力显著影响新进企业的知识水平,新进企业应优先选择加入具有较高吸收能力和扩散能力的集群;当新进企业知识水平低于集群平均知识水平时,新进企业应采取跟从策略,当新进企业知识水平高于集群平均知识水平时则应采取自主创新策略.  相似文献   

游静  刘伟 《中国管理科学》2008,16(1):142-146
针对信息系统集成项目中知识域动态变动性对知识扩散有效性的影响,构建知识域变动形态模型,对模型进行演算得到知识域变动影响下,扩散路径中相关知识域的实际变化形态,从而提出信息系统集成项目环境下适应知识域动态变动特征的知识扩散路径的时间序列优化策略,以帮助企业在信息系统集成项目中识别知识域变动形态、合理配置项目资源。最后介绍优化策略的应用案例。  相似文献   

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