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区域技术创新绩效是区域科技和经济发展水平的集中体现。本文以2008年安徽省17个地市的科技投入与产出的面板数据为基础,运用数据包络分析方法对区域技术创新绩效进行相对有效性评价研究。研究结果显示,安徽省铜陵、安庆、巢湖、六安、池州五个地区的技术创新是有效率的,安徽省其他各地区均存在不同的资源利用效能不足的问题,建议政府可采取一定措施保持和提高科技投入绩效。  相似文献   

跨国技术联盟创新网络与合作创新绩效的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢艳秋  张公一 《管理学报》2010,7(7):1021-1026
在已有研究成果的基础上,从网络中心度、网络量度、关系属性3个维度描述了跨国技术联盟创新网络,以政府作用为调节因素,构建了跨国技术联盟创新网络对合作创新绩效影响的概念模型,并以通信行业和汽车行业为研究对象进行了实证分析.研究结果显示,跨国技术联盟通过创新网络推动合作创新的绩效,政府对网络量度、关系属性与合作创新绩效之间关系具有正向调节作用,而对网络中心度与合作创新绩效之间关系的调节作用不明显.  相似文献   

我国区域创新效率评价指标体系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜莉 《管理世界》2012,(5):174-175
本文在创新投入中引入创新环境变量,构建一套相对完善的创新效率评价指标体系模型,并首次提出综合运用主成分分析和DEA的组合方法测量我国区域创新效率,最后用我国30个省市的创新数据进行测量实证分析,结合国内外实证研究进行比较分析,该评价体系和效率测量值得到检验和验证。  相似文献   

张晗 《管理学报》2012,9(10):1510-1514
基于创新理论及知识管理理论,建立了企业绩效与知识转化创新的结构方程模型.据此对国有企业和非国有企业中知识转化创新与绩效的关系进行了比较研究,发现2种所有权性质企业中知识转化和创新与企业绩效之间的关系差异显著.由此,对于中国企业知识创新战略决策的制定过程,所有者性质的影响不容忽视.  相似文献   

从企业边界理论和知识基础观出发,研究搜寻宽度和搜寻深度对组织探索式创新绩效和应用式创新绩效的影响;引入联结强度和吸收能力作为情景变量,探讨二者对主效应的调节作用;利用三项交互方法,探讨外部搜寻战略、联结强度和吸收能力三者的交互作用对创新绩效的影响;以281家本土制造业企业为样本,利用分层回归分析和三项交互分析方法进行实证研究。 研究结果表明,搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效正相关,与应用式创新绩效呈倒U形关系,搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效正相关;联结强度负向调节搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效之间的关系,正向调节搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效之间的关系;实际吸收能力正向调节搜寻宽度与探索式创新绩效之间的关系,潜在吸收能力正向调节搜寻深度与应用式创新绩效之间的关系;搜寻宽度、联结强度和实际吸收能力三者交互项与探索式创新绩效负相关,搜寻深度、联结强度和潜在吸收能力三者交互项与应用式创新绩效正相关。 通过探讨外部搜寻、联结强度和吸收能力的三项交互作用对创新绩效的影响,发现搜寻宽度和搜寻深度对创新绩效的显著差异化影响,有助于从一个新的视角解释外部搜寻与创新绩效之间的“关系争论”;已有外部搜寻研究往往忽略组织间的联结机制,通过引入联结强度,弥补了联结机制的缺失;区别于已有吸收能力的直接效应研究,将吸收能力作为调节变量分情景讨论,丰富了吸收能力的权变视角研究。研究结果有助于加强外部搜寻理论研究,并一定程度上有利于指导中国企业具体创新实践。  相似文献   

李卫宁  邹俐爱 《管理学报》2010,7(6):819-824
天生国际企业是企业国际化过程中的特殊现象.学者们运用不同的理论和方法解释天生国际企业的问题,并提出了相关的研究模型.在已有文献的基础上,基于广东、浙江2省281家天生国际企业的数据,从战略能力的视角将产品策略作为中介变量探讨国际创业导向与绩效之间的关系,采用结构方程的方法验证所提出的理论假设,对验证结果进行讨论.  相似文献   

增值税在普遍征税及稳定财政收入方面起着不可替代的调节作用,通过与国外增值税制度的比较,我国现行增值税在征税范围、对小企业主税务处理规范、税率结构等方面存在诸多缺陷,影响了增值税功能的发挥,亟需在借鉴国际经验的基础上采取必要措施加以完善,以适应经济社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

中小企业协同创新网络与创新绩效的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于188家中小型制造业企业的问卷调查数据,运用结构方程模型探讨不同的协同创新网络和企业创新绩效的关系.研究结果表明:"企业-企业"、"企业-中介"和"企业-研究组织"等协同创新网络对企业创新绩效有着显着的正向效应,而"企业-政府"协同创新网络对企业创新绩效没有直接效应,但却存在显着的间接效应.研究证实,不同的协同创新网络对企业创新绩效的影响程度存在显着差异,其中 "企业-企业"协同创新网络对提升企业创新绩效的效应最为显著.研究还表明,垂直和水平的协同创新网络对企业创新绩效的作用程度不同,同顾客、供应企业的垂直协同相比水平协同对企业创新绩效的推动作用更为显著.  相似文献   

产品创新与绩效:基于元分析的直接效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄永春  姚山季 《管理学报》2010,7(7):1027-1031
对收集到的主要学术数据库中有关产品创新与企业绩效之间关系的36个研究样本进行了元分析.研究表明,产品创新与企业绩效之间存在着显著的正相关关系.这不仅从一般意义上证实了产品创新是企业绩效的关键驱动因素,而且还为企业管理人员有效处理二者之间的关系提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

集群企业创新来源、技术能力及创新绩效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业集群为中小企业创新提供了良好的环境,促进了中小企业的技术学习.本文以浙江省产业集群中的中小企业为研究对象,通过问卷调查,对创新来源、技术能力及创新绩效的关系进行了分析.分别从产品创新来源和工艺创新来源两个方面进行了实证研究,检验并支持了技术能力的中介作用,以及创新来源对创新绩效的正向影响.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examined aspects of contextual leadership [Osborn, R. N., Hunt, J. G., & Jauch, L. R. (2002). Toward a contextual theory of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 13, 797–837] and transformational leadership [Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press] by alliance heads and by executives in the sponsoring firms for a sample of innovation seeking U.S./Japanese alliances in research-intensive sectors. We identified three aspects of performance (a) alliance innovation, (b) the strategic contributions to the U.S. sponsor and (c) the strategic contributions to the Japanese sponsor. We found that (a) knowledge/ information based (contextual dimensions) leadership by the alliance head was associated with higher innovation and strategic contributions to the sponsors and (b) transformational leadership by sponsoring executives was dysfunctional for alliance innovation but contributed positively to the strategic contribution the alliance provided a sponsor and, (c) the linkage between leadership by the alliance head and performance was much more important for some types of alliance governance (administrative) structures than others. That is, we argue that appropriate leadership is embedded in its context.  相似文献   

Why might nations vary in whether and how fast to adopt potentially disruptive innovations? Our study investigates this issue, specifically how a nation's adoption of creatively destroying innovations is related to two previously unexplored variables: cultural looseness, which is a norm-based measure of informal institutions, and global connectedness. To highlight potential contributions from these new variables, we control for within-nation contextual variables examined in prior research, including formal institutions, Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, socioeconomic attributes, and between-nation economic grouping. Our empirical analysis of a specific disruptive innovation, agricultural biotechnology adoption, covers 47 nations over a 14-year period and provides broad support for the usefulness of cultural looseness and global connectedness for understanding innovation adoption. Cultural looseness is significantly related to adoption of agricultural biotech. Global connectedness dimensions of depth and breadth are not directly related to adoption, only interactively with cultural looseness. These findings highlight the role of informal institutions and global connectedness in shaping complex interactions between disruptive innovation and industrial evolution within and across nations. The findings also have implications for what public policy makers might do to influence the extent of adoption of such innovations.  相似文献   

Umberto Colombo 《Omega》1977,5(5):511-527
Europe's performance with respect to industrial innovation is compared to those of USA and Japan. The reasons for Europe's relatively poor performance are examined and related to institutional, cultural and social factors. An appropriate strategy for innovation in European industry is then defined.  相似文献   

This paper explores the process through which institutional support initiatives contribute to the international performance of firms from the small open economy of Malaysia. We examine both direct and indirect causal effects of institutional support (informational, training, trade mobility and financial aid-related support) on internationalization. We develop a model to address how institutional support initiatives affect the performance of export-oriented or so-called born global firms. From a survey of 250 firms from Malaysia, an emerging Southeast Asian market, we find that government support initiatives do not have significant impacts on firm performance unless examined based on processes of government support initiatives, international knowledge, commitment, competitive capabilities, and international performance. Government support initiatives play a critical role in export-oriented firms from small open economies (SMOPECs) in emerging markets by contributing to a number of contextual deficits that determine the international performance of a firm. This study provides guidelines for policy makers and business owners on how institutional support can facilitate the accumulation of knowledge about international markets, enhance commitment to exports and help firms gain competitive capabilities in the export market for greater success in international markets.  相似文献   

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are essential in driving firm innovation. However, despite existing research on CEO personality characteristics and firm innovation and performance, we know relatively little about how personality characteristics reflecting anticipatory action and strong outcome-oriented components, such as proactiveness, shape firm innovation and performance. We explore the relationship between CEO proactiveness and three facets of organizational innovation, as well as its impact on firm performance. We suggest that CEO proactiveness is manifested in different network-building, problem-solving, and feedback-seeking behaviors with different implications for exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and organizational ambidexterity, and that its effect on firm performance is partially mediated by organizational ambidexterity. By examining the influence of this important CEO personality characteristic on key firm strategic choices and performance, we extend research on strategic leadership and firm innovation and performance.  相似文献   

Innovation and its impacts on business performance are strategically vital deliberations for modern business organizations. In this study, we examine how innovation performance affects two different facets of firm performance: market performance and financial performance. Many studies address the relationship between innovation and business performance, but few empirical studies analyze the interplay between those variables. Research results reveal a suppression effect of market performance on the innovation–financial performance relationship. We find a negative direct relationship between innovation and financial performance; however, market performance reverses this negative effect to a positive total influence through its suppression effect. This result indicates the vital role of market performance in converting innovation to positive financial outcomes. The proposed mediation model is relevant regardless of the set of firm-level and environmental contingency variables.  相似文献   

Technological advances have come to be recognized as probably the most important sources of economic progress, including the productivity and competitive strength of industries, growth in national income and gains both in standards of living and in military security. It has become increasingly urgent, therefore, to advance our still rudimentary understanding of the processes of interaction between such innovations and economic adjustments. This requires replacing continuing vague concepts of the sources and nature of technological advances, superficial notions of how they alter actual production operations, and dubious generalizations about resulting economic effects.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study which examines the co-alignment between Total Quality Management (TQM) and technology/research and development (R&D) management in predicting organizational performance in terms of quality and innovation. This study improves our understanding of the relationship between TQM and innovation based on the following two major issues. First, this study contributes to the understanding of the co-alignment between TQM and technology management along with R&D management by bridging the gap between the two areas which are often addressed in a separate fashion. Second, this study also examines the impact of the integration between TQM and technology/R&D on quality and innovation performance which have been considered as the primary sources of a competitive advantage. The empirical data was drawn from 194 Australian organizations and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The findings indicate that TQM shows a strong predictive power against quality performance but no significant relationship against innovation performance. On the other hand, technology and R&D management shows a significant relationship with quality performance but at a lower level than that of TQM, and shows much stronger relationship with innovation performance. In addition, there is strong and positive correlation between TQM and technology/R&D management. The major implication of this study is that technology/R&D management is an appropriate resource to be used in harmony with TQM to enhance organizational performance, particularly innovation.  相似文献   

E Sciberras 《Omega》1982,10(6):585-596
The television industry has undergone significant changes in competitive structure internationally. In the past the industry was characterised by rapid growth as first black and white and then colour television diffused throughout developed countries. More recently, recessions and market saturation have constrained growth and competition has grown more intense. Competition has intensified further with the introduction of new television-based products, such as video recorders, dises and home information systems. All the major Japanese consumer electronics firms have invested in the US and Europe in both component manufacture and set assembly. This has threatened the established US and European manufacturers. Innovation has played a major role in international competitiveness. Innovation in products and manufacturing processes has changed the nature of competition in the industry. Japanese firms have been the most successful innovators. By applying advanced automation in assembly, testing and handling to large production volumes, the Japanese have achieved dramatically superior performance in terms both of productivity and of quality. European and US firms have only responded to the challenge belatedly.  相似文献   

Lance Collinet  Colin Firer   《Omega》2003,31(6):523-538
This study analyses the relative performance of general equity unit trusts from 1980 to 1999 using a database that has been verified for accuracy and is free of survivorship bias. It characterises the behaviour of performance persistence in order to explain the conflicting results of previous persistence studies.A positive but weak relationship was found between past and future performance rankings. As the holding period lengthens, the persistence results became more sensitive to the beginning date and ending date of the period under examination.Regardless of the ending date chosen, persistence of winning funds and losing funds was evident when holding periods of 6 months were used. Persistence was particularly evident during the 1995–1999 period. However, even in this period, there were situations where rankings from one holding period to the next appeared random and situations where rankings reversed.Although individual unit trusts did not perform consistently over multiple holding periods, when using a trading strategy of buying the top performing fund over the last 6 months and holding it for 6 months, it was shown that, in most cases, an investor would have earned a return over 5 years that beat the average return of all general equity unit trusts after taking switching costs into account.  相似文献   

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