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中国的生育率下降:世纪末回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近半个世纪以来中国生育率的下降进行了简要总结和分析。通过与发展中地区,尤其是亚洲国家的对比,说明了中国生育率下降的特点;通过不同的生育率指标来刻画中国生育率下降过程的独特性;最后简要阐述了中国生育率下降的因素。  相似文献   

石景山区生育率迅速下降的动因是多元的 ,有政策力 ,经济力和文化力等方面的协同作用 ,政策力的作用是明显和强有力的 ,经济力的作用是基础性的 ,文化力的作用是直接的普遍的和持久的  相似文献   

美国国家卫生统计中心公布的统计报告显示,美国生育率经过6年的急剧下降,2012年的降幅首次趋于平缓。2012年,有近400万美国妇女生育,生育数量与上年基本持平,生育率下降不到1%。相比之下,2007~2010年,生育率大幅下降,每年的降幅都接近3%,2011年降幅为1%。  相似文献   

通过内生化劳动力和人力资本,以Q-Q理论为基础,根据生育率在劳动力供给和人力资本积累中的联动关系以及劳动力供给转型规律,利用动态最优控制原理,解释了殖民解放以来发展中国家先上升后下降的人口再生产过程及经济效应。结果表明:生育率的最优路径呈倒U型;整个路径存在两个鞍点均衡,只有当人力资本积累跨越某个门槛值时,第一个鞍点均衡才能过渡到另一个鞍点均衡;均衡的产出水平与劳动力折旧率成正比,与人力资本折旧率成反比。  相似文献   

一.引言中国自1949年以来,社会、经济、文化生活等各领域均发生了巨大变化,国民经济持续增长,生育水平出现了由高至低的转变。50年代中期至60年代末,全国总和生育率稳定在5.8左右,自70年代全面推行计划生育以来,生育率迅速下降,由1970年的5.81降到1988年的2.31,成为世界上公认的控制人口增长最成功的国家之一。中国的计划生育实践表明,中国是在经济发展状况相对落后的条件下出现生育率转变的,这与其说是对  相似文献   

德国国家统计局的数据显示,2011年德国出生的婴儿数创历史新低。初生婴儿总数为66.3万人,比2010年减少1.5万人,与1964年顶峰时期的将近140万(包含东西两德)形成了鲜明对比。德国妇女总和生育率仅有1.36,年轻女性生育率在2011年下降尤其明显。劳动力减少,经济发展迟缓,以及快速增长的老龄人口带来了开支困难。据预测,  相似文献   

文化力对中国生育率下降的重要影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国在经济不发达的情况下 ,仅用 30年的时间实现了人口再生产类型从高出生、低死亡、高增长到低出生、低死亡、低增长的历史性转变。中国生育率迅速下降是政策力、经济力、文化力综合作用的结果。其中文化力对生育率的下降起着推动力、导向力、凝聚力和鼓舞力的作用。在文化力日积月累、潜移默化的影响下 ,中国城乡育龄夫妇生育观念正在发生巨大变化 ,且这种变化还远没有完成。  相似文献   

人口老龄化机制研究:基于生育率持续下降视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人口老龄化现象主要通过人口转变理论解释,由于生育率下降不满足经典的人口转变理论设想,人口转变理论对人口老龄化的解释力受到挑战。从制度的角度研究社会养老制度建立以后形成的"社会养老、家庭养子"对生育率的影响,以期解释人口转变结束后生育率持续下降的原因,从生育率下降视角研究人口老龄化机制。研究发现,在"社会养老、家庭养子"制度下,养子收益减少、养子成本提高、家庭养子资源比例减少,使家庭生育率下降,生育率下降导致人口老龄化程度加深;人口老龄化程度加深提高养子成本、降低家庭养子资源比例,由于家庭缺乏养子激励,生育率进一步下降,进而导致更严重的老龄化。老龄化一旦形成,具有不断强化的机制。  相似文献   

人口低生育率阶段的劳动力供求变化与中国经济增长   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着中国人口进入低生育阶段,人口低增长最终会带来劳动力供给的低速增长,以及人口老龄化速度加快。在持续快速的经济增长情况下,劳动年龄人口从相对比重下降到绝对数量下降,将会诱发工资率的不断上升。在劳动成本上升和养老负担加重的情况下,保持中国经济未来持续增长将在很大程度上取决于加速物质资本和人力资本的积累、劳动生产率的显著提高及转变经济增长方式。  相似文献   

韦艳  张力 《人口研究》2012,(6):13-26
中国生育率在过去30年持续下降至较低水平,围绕下降的主要动因及其政策涵义的争论热烈。文章以"农村二孩"试点之一的翼城为案例,重新梳理和检视了在已有研究中较为忽视的翼城试点出台的背景和政策实施细则,并从多个方面考察了翼城生育政策对生育行为和生育意愿的影响。与已有研究对翼城试点的认识不同,政策文献回顾表明:"农村二孩"生育政策只是在初婚时间、生育子女数和生育间隔方面做出一些技术性"调整"以缓解国情与民情的矛盾,并没有实质性地改变实施计划生育这一基本国策的初衷。多维度数据分析交叉印证了在实施限制性的生育政策以后,社会经济发展变量不能解释生育率的下降,翼城现有生育行为和生育意愿更多是政策干预的结果,是政策促成的外生性转变,而非由于社会经济发展导致低生育意愿的内生性转变。  相似文献   

The Origins of the Chinese Fertility Decline   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Education and urbanization are shown to have been negatively correlated to marital fertility in both urban and rural China prior to the initiation of the substantial family planning programs. We maintain that early use of contraception by better educated and urban strata is a plausible cause of the observed fertility differentials because other proximate variables are unlikely. Coale's m, a presumed indicator of controlled fertility, suggests early fertility control in urban and better educated strata. The apparent preprogram beginnings of fertility control among educational and urban elites does not, however, minimize the awesome effects on fertility of the powerful Chinese family planning programs, once begun.  相似文献   

Existing long-range population projections imply that the timing of the fertility transition has a relatively unimportant effect on long-term population size when compared with the impact of the level at which fertility is assumed eventually to stabilize. However, this note shows that the effect of the timing of fertility decline is a function of the eventual fertility rate: the lower the eventual fertility rate, the greater the effect of the timing of the transition becomes. This finding has important implications for projection methodology, as well as for policies related to the consequences of long-term levels of population size.  相似文献   

This article offers a radical reinterpretation of the chronology of control over reproduction in England's history. It argues that, as a result of post–World War II policy preoccupations, there has been too narrow a focus in the literature on the significance of reductions in marital fertility. In England's case this is conventionally dated to have occurred from 1876, long after the industrial revolution. With a wider angle focus on “reproduction,” the historical evidence for England indicates that family planning began much earlier in the process of economic growth. Using a “compositional demography” approach, a novel social pattern of highly prudential, late marriage can be seen emerging among the bourgeoisie in the course of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. There is also evidence for a more widespread resort to such prudential marriage throughout the population after 1816. When placed in this context, the reduction in national fertility indexes visible from 1876 can be seen as only a further phase, not a revolution, in the population's management of its reproduction.  相似文献   

The decline of fertility in Czechoslovakia on the territory of the Czech Socialist Republic began with a rise in the age at marriage; the decline of marital fertility began only after 1860. On the territory of the Slovak Socialist Republic marital fertility began to decline after 1900 without previous significant changes in the age at marriage. The differences between the demographic behaviour in the two parts of Czechoslovakia have persisted, although they are now gradually disappearing. There are other significant regional differences in the fertility decline caused by the overall process of economic and social development. The end of the demographic transition in the Czech Socialist Republic came during the 1930's and in the Slovak Socialist Republic during the 1960's.  相似文献   

The analysis of annual age-specific fertility rates in Finland over more than 200 years reveals the existence of a significant early fertility decline at the end of the eighteenth century preceding the secular decline that started around 1910. A reconstruction of age-specific proportions married by a simulation model based on Coale's marriage model indicates that the mean age at marriage increased and the proportion ever-marrying decreased substantially during the period of the early fertility decline. A modification of the index of family limitation applied under certain assumptions to overall fertility rates also indicates that fertility was essentially natural until 1910. Cross-lagged correlation analysis shows that infant mortality does not influence subsequent fertility in the pre-modern period. Finally, a number of socio-economic indicators are related to fertility, and conclusions are drawn from the Finnish case about several hypotheses in the field of demographic transition.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the geographic analysis of fertility decline in the demographic transition in Europe. We reanalyze Galloway, Hammel, and Lee's (1994) Prussian data with spatial analysis methods. Our multivariate analysis provides evidence of the predictive effect of both economic and cultural variables. Furthermore, even after all of the observable economic, social, and cultural variables have been controlled for, our findings show that a significant unexplained geographic clustering of fertility decline remains. We then specify spatial econometric models, which show that in addition to economic and cultural factors, socio‐geographic factors such as being adjacent to areas of sharp fertility decline are also needed to understand the pattern of fertility decline. These results provide new support for the role of social diffusion in the process, while allowing for the direct structural effects of economic change.  相似文献   

低生育率水平下人口发展的经济后果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了低生育率水平下人口发展对未来我国经济发展的积极影响 ,同时指出它是一把双刃剑 ,同样也有不利于经济发展的后果。为了既充分发挥低生育水平的积极作用 ,又逐步消除或缓解其不良后果 ,一方面要适时地调整现行生育政策 ,选择适当的总和生育率水平 ,另一方面要构建相应的政策支持体系予以支撑。  相似文献   

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