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作为重要的战略资源,大数据中包含诸多关键的管理问题.文章首先评述了基于不同视角对大数据的认识.然后,从管理的视角看大数据,指出大数据是一类重要的战略性信息资源,并从复杂性、决策有用性、高速增长性、价值稀疏性、可重复开采性和功能多样性等6个方面探究了大数据资源的管理特征.最后,提炼并探讨了大数据资源的获取问题、加工问题、应用问题、产权问题、产业问题和法规问题等6个方面的关键管理问题.  相似文献   

随着企业数字化转型的推进,各行各业纷纷开展数据资源目录建设,将构建数据资源目录作为企业开展数据资源管理的重要举措。本文研究了企业数据资源目录的建设路径,提出了当前企业在数据资源目录建设中的问题及对策,从变革数据资源管理模式、建立企业数据标准体系和搭建数据资源共享环境基础设施方面为企业开展数据资源目录建设提供参考建议。  相似文献   

本文以大数据与档案资源开发利用为主要对象,结合实际中档案资源开发所带来的优势和特点,分析大数据档案资源开发利用的意义,同时详细分析利用大数据进行档案资源开发的策略,如以信息化手段开发档案资源、以私有云保障,推进数字档案建设、利用大数据进行档案资源的深度挖掘等,以更好地推动大数据技术和档案资源优化和升级。  相似文献   

本文利用大数据思路设计了换流站工程施工过程中安全问题数据的管理和应用平台,实现利用工程现场多源安全问题数据进行安全施工的综合化统计、自动化计算分析、智能化应用管理。通过该平台的建设,实时动态整合了施工过程中的各类安全问题数据,快速完成复杂数据的统计计算和可视化呈现,满足对安全施工及时、精准管理的需求,辅助管理者高效开展安全施工管理。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展与进步,信息技术水平的不断提高,准确收集、分析、统计数据对企业发展有着非常重要的作用。在企业管理中,数据贯穿于每个环节,管理决策的科学性主要取决于数据分析,为此,在信息时代快速发展的背景下,一定要重视数据分析,并且充分发挥大数据在企业管理中的作用,实现企业资源的优化配置,促进企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

吕子品 《经营管理者》2014,(35):170-171
大数据在蓬勃发展的同时也带来了一系列的信息问题。本文首先介绍了大数据时代的信息问题及其表现,分析了知识管理与大数据之间的内在联系,进而尝试着运用知识管理的思想方法以提高企业组织应对大数据时代信息问题的能力。  相似文献   

本文论述了大数据的发展概况及其特征;医院档案信息资源具有"大数据"特征;大数据时代医院档案信息资源利用的机遇与挑战。以及相关政策建议。  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来,将会推动人力资管理从单凭经验的模式向依靠事实数据的模式转型。本文从对"大数据"的认识出发,对大数据为人力资源管理带来的影响进行了研究,并从大数据的视角,对人力资源管理的创新进行了探索。  相似文献   

大数据是当前信息化时代下的一类新型信息资源,其可应用的领域较为多样,人力资源管理也是大数据应用的一个有效方向。本文重点分析大数据对企业人力资源管理的基本影响和价值,从企业人力资源管理效能的提升出发,对企业利用大数据资源、使用大数据思想进行人力资源管理创新的思路进行分析,为企业管理工作提供一定参考。  相似文献   


This study develops and empirically tests, from the resource-based perspective, a conceptual framework linking green supply management and performance. The proposed model is tested using data from a sample of 126 automotive manufactures in China. The results suggest that both green purchasing personnel and green supplier selection have a significant positive effect on green supplier collaboration, and that building green collaboration with suppliers is significantly and positively related to both environmental and operational performance. Accordingly, knowledge and skill development of the purchasing function can be recognised as an important resource in building green supply capabilities and performance.  相似文献   

大组织理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出“大组织”这一个使得组织具有智慧的宏观动态管理理论,给出了大组织智慧的含义,以及使得组织成为智慧型组织的大组织五边形智能结构,包括:视角(宽阔的视野看待组织行为)、观念(全新的观念认识组织)、运作模式(把优秀资源吸引到组织中来,能够产生群聚效应的引力型运作模式)、平台(将自身的核心竞争力与其他的组织优势互补,共创价值的平台生态系统)、理念(从人性出发,通过关爱强大组织自身).  相似文献   

After more than 20 years of empirical research, the resource-based view of the multibusiness firm has emerged as a promising paradigm for explaining diversification success—one of the most investigated research questions within the field of strategic management. However, because various dimensions of resource-relatedness, synergistic effects, and moderating influences are investigated at diverse levels of analysis, the findings are very fragmented. Our review and critical assessment of the research reveals a number of conceptual issues and methodological flaws that had already constrained heavily traditional diversification research. Consequently, we suggest promising directions for future research efforts that can put this important empirical application of the resource-based view of the firm on safer ground.  相似文献   

This study employs a modified resource-based approach to examine the competitive advantage enjoyed by knowledge-intensive, small- and medium-sized multinationals (KI-SMMs). While the resource-based view addresses superior capabilities only, this paper examines both superior and inferior capabilities and their resulting sustainable competitive advantage.Compared to larger knowledge-intensive multinationals, KI-SMMs possess more inferior than superior core capabilities. Despite this handicap, the paper demonstrates how KI-SMMs compete globally by leveraging their relatively superior R&D capabilities and by choosing a strategic configuration that allows them to compete internationally despite their relatively inferior capabilities in marketing and production activities.Our results show that KI-SMMs internalize R&D activities, which are their core capabilities, externalize production activities, in this case noncore capabilities, and internalize marketing activities, for which they have an inferior capacity, but which are, arguably, core capabilities. KI-SMMs compensate for their inferior capabilities in marketing activities through the use of a unique business model which focuses repeat sales to customers with whom a low number of high-value transactions can be maintained.  相似文献   


When supply chain management (SCM) intersects with Big Data Analytics (BDA), uncountable opportunities for research emerge. Unfortunately, how analytics can be applied to supply chain processes is still unclear for both academics and industries. To better connect SC processes needs and what BDA offer, we present a structured review of academic literature that addresses BDA methods in SCM using the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model. The literature since 2001 is reviewed to provide a taxonomy framework resulting in a nomenclature grids and a SCOR-BDA matrix. The most important result of this paper indicates a clear disparity and points to an urgent need to bring the efforts closer in a collaborative way for more intelligent use of BDA in SCM. Furthermore, this paper highlights a misalignment between data scientists and SC managers in BDA applicability. It also highpoints upcoming research tracks and the main gaps that need to be stunned.  相似文献   

Business Performance Analytics (BPA) entails the systematic use of data and analytical methods (mathematical, econometric and statistical) for performance measurement and management. Although potentially overcoming some traditional diagnostic issues related to Performance Management Systems (PMS), such as information overload, absence of cause-effect relationships, lack of a holistic view of the organisation, research in the field is still in its infancy. A comprehensive model for operationalising analytics for diagnostic and interactive PMS is still lacking. Adopting an action research approach, this paper addresses this gap and develops a five-step framework applied to a company operating in the construction industry. The results show that in addition to encouraging dialogue, BPA can contribute to identifying critical performance variables, potential sources of risk and related interdependencies. A number of critical issues in implementing data-based approaches are also highlighted, including data quality, organisational competences and cultural shifts.  相似文献   

第三届中国人力资源管理论坛于2014年6月10日在南京大学管理学院召开。200多位参会人员就高绩效工作系统、劳动关系、员工离职、新生代员工管理、团队与领导行为、创新创业、员工积极消极行为、社会网络与关系、组织氛围等领域的研究展开了讨论和交流。在介绍本次论坛学术观点的基础上,对有关问题进行简要的总结和评述。  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce the use of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) as a technique for uncovering the intellectual structure of a discipline. LSA is an emerging quantitative method for content analysis that combines rigorous statistical techniques and scholarly judgment as it proceeds to extract and decipher key latent factors. We provide a stepwise explanation and illustration for implementing LSA. To demonstrate LSA's ability to uncover the intellectual structure of a discipline, we present a study of the field of Operations Management. We also discuss a number of potential applications of LSA to show how it can be used in empirical Operations Management research, specifically in areas that can benefit from analyzing large volumes of unstructured textual data.  相似文献   

周建波 《管理学报》2012,(6):785-791,817
基于中国文化复杂含义的"关系"本位伦理的"意言行"错位结构,所形成的思维模式和行为方式具有典型的"暧昧"特征,暧昧文化与暧昧法则控制了组织所谓"知行一致"和"表里如一"的表达方式,支配了非正式组织的利益取向和私下行为。基于中国管理情境的实践所提炼的暧昧管理理论十分有价值和必要。这种理论基于跨文化、跨情境"关系"的差别与联系,建立信任关系与暧昧关系交叉相容的均衡结构;在主体集聚因素和环境集聚因素的耦合过程中,实现普适性管理理论架构的优先嵌入和差同性知识系统的能动根植。  相似文献   

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